Useless Heroes
Izuku sighed when he saw the happy people walking, talking and laughing. Such a view for him to destroy. He joyfully went towards the tailor shop where he could buy some cloth for making his villain costume.
He smirked uncontrollably as he remembered how he killed the innocent person in a perfect manner: skinning alive. Ever since that day, his mother promised him a costume and a debut for his first kill. Such a very understanding mother, Inko was.
The villain fan boy reached the alley where the perfect tailor shop would be only to stop dead on his tracks. A green slime was stuck on his shoe. "Not my shoes" he whined and tried to remove the litter. But his foot was stuck and the slime slowly expanded. "You saved me kid" the evil smile bastard said with a messy laugh.
Then hell break loose...
In a matter of second, he was engulfed by the monster. His nose and mouth tightly blocked. He tried to claw the slime but his fingers only slipped. 'What a day' he thought. Using his hidden blade on his jacket, he sliced through the monster.
Blood started to smear his clothes and the slime monster backed away, releasing the boy. Clicking his tongue and waving his finger, "Suffocating a person? What a weak method to use..." he said. "Are you even a villain?"
Izuku made the blade dance through his fingers professionally. "Damn brat! Do you really think I'd give up easily?!" The monster exclaimed.
A pillar of green slime tried to swallow the boy once again. But Izuku already knew the monster's weakness. Such an easy prey trying to play predator.
He turned the sharp of the blade on the upcoming slime and dashed. Slicing through the pillar in a swift motion and in perfect half.
Swinging the blade, he aimed the weapon's edge right on the very tip of the monster's right eye. Blood soaked his clothes as soon as he hit the mark. The slime wailed in pain, struggling to get away.
"Don't move or I'll stir your useless brain" he warned. The green monster, who obviously want his brain to stay as is, obeyed. He stopped struggling and slowly became a slime in a kneeling human figure.
"You brat" the green man growled, a blade still stuck on his right eye shallowly. "I'm a villain like you slime dude, though I have the passion" Izuku said proudly, a small smile on his face. The man started to say something but the fanboy slowly twisted the blade, causing another scream.
"I have a bit of a plan in mind...and I want your help" he said, one hand planted on his hip and the other holding the blade tightly. "If you disagree, I'll kill you here. But if you agree, I'll take your eye and let you, you have a chance to struggle me" the slime laughed. "Risk are risk and I want to struggle you"
All Might lost the villain! How unbelievable! The number one hero letting a monster escape. He didn't notice it until the green haired boy had left.
Now he was concerned.
In his normal form, he started to look nook and crook of the town but he saw none.
Soon, an explosion was heard from a nearby alley. He dashed towards the scene of screaming people and running reporters.
There's still no heroes around, except himself.
A green slime monster, the same as the one who tried to attack the blonde boy was now trying to suffocate the odd green haired boy that stalked him. He was struggling to get free and the monster is laughing. Oddly, the monster has only one eye.
"What will you do now heroes?!" The slime asked.
One by one, heroes started to gather round and one by one, reporters had set up their camera nearby. People muttered and took video by the scene like idiots.
Kamui woods tried to block the civilians using tree branches and another hero tried his best to put out the fire that was trying to engulf the whole alley. "Please stay back!" Kamui exclaimed as he parried the slime attacks.
"Useless heroes! Can't even save a child!" The fanboy started to cry, his only free hand trying his best to claw out of the monster's grasp.
All Might couldn't do anything. His limit is up and he knew that there are other heroes who are capable of the slime. Though he pity the boy.
When he was about to transform... something unbelievable happened. The boy escaped in just a matter of minute. He held a blade dripping with blood and an impaled eye. Dropping the weapon, he collapsed on the scene.
His tears running from his cheeks and clothes covered in blood. The burning buildings were standing behind him and the monster is trying to escape.
"Help the boy!" The number one hero pointed.
The fireman helped the green haired boy and Kamui locked the slime on a small gapped branch cage.
Reporters came running towards the boy, who slapped the heroes help and stood up by himself. As soon as he is crowded and cameras are set to him...
"Useless heroes!" He exclaimed. "How can you tolerate people like them!? They are just leeches in the community! Gobbling up our money yet they do nothing back!" The words had froze anyone in the scene. Even All Might looked fazed.
The fanboy wiped his tears, "we can defend ourselves! I can defend myself, I don't need useless heroes who didn't even try" he growled then collapsed in the spot. Blood dripped from his mouth and nose.
"Don't just stand there and gawk! Help the boy!" Someone on the crowd exclaimed, many people joined him.
The number one hero shook his shock and looked at the boy who was now carried in a stretcher. 'this boy created a huge media breakdown for the heroes' he thought. 'we need to keep an eye at him'
He noticed the evil aura the boy had been emitting back when they first met, then the way he talked about heroes then finally, the blade.
'The kid is dangerous' he added while the stretcher had been moved on towards the ambulance.
'I need to visit him in the hospital'
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