Together We...
Mimic, also one of the students in U.A. who copied quirks for a good five seconds but with Izuku's training for almost three years; he can now use one copied quirk for almost an hour. In a day, he can copy anyone's quirk but not without the time limit reaching zero. Which means; he can only copy another quirk after an hour.
The same mimic stood with the other five leaders, his blonde hair ruffling on the wind as he watched the heroes' lair below on top of a mountain. Neito Monoma, no one would ever believe that someone like him can become a villain. He himself couldn't believe it but the truth is just harsh. The incident that happened years ago still lingered in his mind, hiding in his deepest darkest memories. He didn't hate heroes but he certainly didn't love them at all too. But the fact that he is saved by a villain is just a painful memory.
Monoma glared at the heroes' lair hidden behind tall trees. Locked up inside is their real hero, namely; Izuku Midoriya. A genius that he looked up to no matter what. No matter how weak he is, he will always be the leader and the mastermind of the Banes. Nothing can change that fact. Every Bane in the whole world is loyal to the master. Because he gave them hope, he gave them power and he gave them a home. This upcoming chaos, the downfall of the hero era is just the wish of the Banes.
A wish that Izuku himself would do everything just for it to become true.
Not his will, but the will of everyone in the Banes.
"We are in debt for the master once again...are we not?" Monoma asked, using the binoculars to peek at the eastern part of the forest. "I think we will forever be in debt. Repaying him would only mean sacrifice" Hitoshi answered while drying up his soaked clothes. "I really wonder what happened ten years ago. Everyone in the lair are very loyal to the master" Ochako mumbled. "What happened ten years ago is something that we shouldn't dwell too much. Its easier to ask Izuku himself" Monoma answered.
"That being said, I myself is very curious" Perseus said.
"Speak for yourself mermaid" Kana growled, pointing at her clothes before looking back on her phone where she hacked the base. Perseus only smirked, even teasing the blue haired girl further more. "You think you can locate Izuku?" Hitoshi asked, "The radar is almost only a meter away from the base, thanks to Tooru's quirk" he added. "I bet she can enter without even setting off the alarm" Ochako mumbled, obviously proud of her friend. "That won't do. There are five shield sensors protecting the whole base. We only managed to hack two of them, as we enter deeper down the lair, the three remaining sensor will point out our location; invisible or not" Kana explained, typing faster than usual on her phone.
Perseus leaned closer on the phone. "How can something so small hack the whole hero's base? That's insane" he commented. Kana smirked, "This phone is made by Hatsume (A.N. I'm sorry for using Hatsune repeatedly) herself, our own mad mechanical pro engineer and programmer. This is one of her smallest babies out there" she explained.
"So we have someone like that: a mad genius, Izuku-" Perseus pointed out.
"A mad engineer, Hatsume"
"A mad human computer, Kana"
"A mad Hitler number two, Shinsou"
"A mad physics defier, Ochako"
"A mad xerox machine, Monoma"
"A mad erased girl, Tooru"
"A mad time machine, Eri"
"A mad human kitchen set, Kirita" Perseus held up ten fingers, "that's awesome" he commented.
"Is that how you see me? How rude" Shinsou said, smiling himself. "I'm not a xerox machine! I prefer to call myself mimic!" Monoma exclaimed. "Physics defier is a cool name though. I love it" Ochako pointed out. "Human computer my ass. And why would you use the word mad repeatedly, how annoying" Kana said.
"Then you should've been the mad fish!" Ochako exclaimed, "right?"
Everyone is silent for a while, "more like mud fish". Everyone laughed except for Ochako who looked more confused. "I'm surprised that you even know the word physics and Hitler. So you do know your basic science and history"
"What?! Of course! I'm not an idiot"
Monoma smiled, watching his team quarrel and laugh. He can't say that he will ever regret joining this second family of his. He owed the Banes too much.
He is always rough towards the hero course students. Teasing them and pointing out their weakness. But for him, its just the way of motivating them even more.
Because soon enough, those young heroes will be forced to fight. As Izuku said before: 'If there are villains, there are heroes. But sometimes, we don't even know who are the true villains and heroes'. Monoma understood it very well, someday...those heroes can be their allies.
Tooru leaned on the wall of the enemies base. She watched several heroes going in and out but no one seemed to notice her at all. 'Why do I even have to do this?' She thought. Thanks to Hatsume, she has a suit that is suitable for her quirk. Turning invisible as she did. The small radar that was wirelessly connected to the phone is safely stored in her pocket.
She hugged her knees as she stared up the sky.
"Are you lost kid?" The sudden voice made her jolt. Tooru stood up as fast as she can and looked around. There stood her principal...Nedzu.
His beady eyes staring back at her. There's no mistaking it, she was seen...or smelled. "Um...principal?" She swallowed.
"Looks like I found a lost child. Come, follow me" Nedzu said, turning around.
Fast and swift, Tooru pulled the radar from her pocket and threw it as far as she can. Luckily, the small metal radar made no sound. 'They can catch me but without the radar. They can't trace the others'
The cold handcuffs brushed on her wrists. Tooru sat inside the interrogation room. In front of her stood the famous detective Nakamura.
"Mind explaining Hagakure Tooru?"
OMG, sorry for forgetting this book!
I almost...almost forgot Wattpad!
I'm sorry, really! I was so busy making money by business. *got on all fours and set my head on the ground* I'm really sorry everyone!
Besides on making money, I got trapped in the anime world again! I've been watching anime three hours a day! Then read manga for two hours! I barely have enough sleep for a day!
I'm really sorry...
I deserve to die...
For forgetting my responsibility...
As an author....
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