You Stanked My Heart...
~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
I was awaken from the noise my Aunt made by calling my name...
"Good morning (Y/n)! Get up right now or I'll have to drag you out of bed.. again.." My Aunt said as she leaves my room and closed the door... But as the door closed..
"Ugh.. What's so good about it!?" I grabbed a pillow and threw it at her but... the door closed. I groaned and looked at the ceiling...
Am I going to go to school today...?
I guess I should say sorry to Randy. I think I maybe be a little harsh on him.. So I set got myself ready and took a bath.. and wore my ordinary clothes...
---Randy's POV---
I groaned as I remembered what happened on that night... I need to do something.. BUT WHAT!?..
I know I'll ask Nomicon!!...
"So... There's this girl.. who is my girlfriend.. well, kinda... and I gotta do something.. But I'm not sure what I'll do..." I said as I grabbed the Nomicon and got shloomped in...
I landed gently in the house, and by gently I mean hard... Then the Ninja came and suddenly broke a vase while passing the table.. He was shocked and tried to put it all together again but then.. The owner suddenly came and was surprised to see its priceless vase shattered.. But As soon as the owner came the ninja hides away and didn't say anything. The owner was enraged and tried to find out who had did this...
I came close to the vase and some words formed out of that... It said..
"When a Ninja does wrong... He must own up to his mistakes.."
"ok, I didn't do anything wrong.. Theresa did that not me!" I said defending myself.. But the Nomicon didn't reply back. I got sucked out and found myself lying on the floor..
"That hurt.." I said as I rubbed my head.. So, I gotta think of a way to make (Y/n) think that it wasn't my fault.. IT WAS THERESA..
So.. I gathered up all my courage and got myself ready..
~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
I was waiting for Randy while I was leaning against my locker. But then suddenly, He came to me quite surprise.. Honestly, When I saw him..
I almost cried.. But I gotta be tough. And I can't cry here... I'M AT SCHOOL..
"Hey, (Y/n)..." Randy said rubbing his neck awkwardly.. I just nodded and said nothing back..
"I know what I've done that night was wrong and it was Theresa's fault not mine.." He said not looking at me.. Seriously..? Theresa's Fault..?
"So.. That's why-..." He continued but then someone cut him off.. I couldn't help it but when I saw that person coming close to us... My face enraged which turned into a death stare...
"Oh hey Bruce Fries!" Theresa suddenly said giving him a back hug... Randy flinched and at an instant he blushed bright red.. And his eyes widened as well. I looked at the right and was slightly annoyed...
"SAY WHAT!?" I blurted out.. Theresa lets go of Randy and faced me. I looked at Randy who was still red and kinda frozen.. How could Theresa know what our nick names for each other!?.. Unless...
"Oh.. Randy didn't tell you.? tsk...tsk..tsk.." Theresa said acting innocent and sweet... Which is the complete opposite of that wonked up girl..
"What do you mean by that?" I said as I raised my brow.. I looked at Randy and he was just confused as I am...
"I'm his Gravy Fries!" She said as she kissed his cheeks..
And with that something was filling up inside me.. My heart pounded and felt like it'll explode out of my chest... I walked out and saw that the hallway was empty.. Hmm... Did classes already start or something..? I didn't look back and just went straight..
Now I regret coming over here..
"Wait (Y/n)!" Randy said as he grabbed my hand and stopped me.. Its like that night all over again. I took my hand and faced him..
"You really did that... My Aunt was right.. I shouldn't have said yes that night.." I said as tears suddenly burst out.. I couldn't keep it anymore so...yeah... I covered my face with my hands and ran to the nearest girl's comfort room...
Why?.. Cause there's comfort there.. (Corny right...? XD)
Once I'm inside I locked the door and I sat down and curled up, My head was resting on my knees... I feel like my heart has been taken out, stomped around, threw it at a wall and finally threw it at a trash can.. I know it sounds wonk but... My heart is shattered and the pieces were blew up. I could hear voices and someone knocking at the door..
My cry echoed into the room and I felt like something inside me was escaping..
Wait a minute... I think I've felt this somewhere before..
I stood up and froze when I saw myself in the mirror..
"Oh no... NIGHTMARE!" I said as I realize it.. But it was too late...
---Randy's POV---
I ran after (Y/n) and worried that... she'll get stanked, So I banged on the door and said to let me in... But All I could hear were crying sounds...
Theresa was behind me.. I couldn't help it.. I think I'm going to explode or something..
"Why the juice did you have to do that!? We were about to be US again!" I shouted at her..
"Don't you get it!? I want to be your girlfriend! But you just picked that shoobtastic girl instead of me! You know how hard it is to know that you guys are a thing and how much it hurts that I'm not that girl!" Theresa suddenly screamed back with tears swelling up..
I was shocked.. I didn't know how to response to that.
But she walked out... enraged with anger...
-~-Third Person's POV-~-
Under the school were the Sorcerer was resting... He suddenly smell the air with his tongue and felt really happy... For this was the perfect time to stank someone..
"Hmm, smell that..?" He smelled the air in delight.. The little mouse tried to smell the air and shake his head in disapproval...
"Aah.. Young love.. Ooh.. What's this..?! Its a LOVETRIANGLE!.. The smell of two innocent hearts are now completely shattered.. And.. Why.. The other heart is already a monster!.." The Sorcerer said happily... He then sends out green stank to the other and one... a black smoke..
"I've been saving this for a long time.. Now... GO AND FREE ME!" The Sorcerer said as he laughed evilly... The black cloud of smoke into a vent that lead to the... Girl's comfort room..
---Back to RANDY'S POV---
I banged a the girl's washroom and said (Y/n)'s name..
I waited and no one answered...
Suddenly a monster crashed a wall at the other end... The ground shook and dust was everywhere.. But as soon as the dust clears down...
Stank Theresa!..
The students there suddenly screamed and flee away.
The stank Theresa.. She suddenly said "Where Randy!?"..
"Oh boy..." I said as I dashed off into the boy's room. I locked the door behind me and hoped she didn't saw me.. I was breathing heavily but then suddenly, One of the stall door opened with creek.. I stepped in close to see who it was..
My heartbeat got louder and louder..
"Howard!?" I said as I saw him got out of the stall.. I sighed in relief..
"What? You look like you've seen a ghost or something.." He said as he arched a brow at me...
"Y-yeah.. What the juice are you doing here?" I asked him..
"Uh... Enjoying my Bathroom Burrito of course.." Howard said as he wiped his hands on his shirt.. I face palmed myself but the ground shook again.. We fell to the ground and Howard held up a confused face..
"What the juice was that?!" He said freaking out..
"Stank Theresa..?" I said as I shifted my eyes..
"Say what!" Howard said suddenly..
"No time! Just guard (Y/n) at the girl's CR door... And if se gets out, Tell her t get the cheese out of here!" I said as I wore my Ninja suit and as soon as it was done I dashed out of the Boy's cr.
"SMOKE-BOMB!" I said as red puff of smoke came out..
"WHERE RANDY!?" She said as she search for me... I would say I'm over here but... I'm not going to do that...
"Well, I'm sure he's not here anymore.." I said as I tackle her, one of her vine thingy arms stretched out and tried to slam me to the ground.. But I dodge that and ran at her arm..
"Ninja-Kick!" I said as I kicked her face and made her fall and unconscious...BOOM!
"What does she value the most..? Oh! I know, I took her twirling sticks!" I took it and cut it in haft...
But it didn't do the job...
"What the juice!? Why didn't it work!?" I said as I complained it didn't work...
Think Randy think!
But then someone suddenly touched my shoulders... I jumped a bit and turned around..
"Hey bud, So I was guarding (Y/n) at the door when suddenly..." Howard said as he faced me with a surprise faced..
"What happened!?" I said as I got worried all of a sudden...
"Then that happened..." He said as he pointed at the end of the hallway.
My eyes suddenly widened and My heartbeat got louder and louder as I saw..
A monster.. It looked like a wolf and it had very sharp claws and teeth as it grinned at us.. and it was color (F/c), also there was something different... It had red eyes.. and Black aura is coming out of that monster which was kinda familiar to me... I suddenly had chills down my spine. But it had (Y/n)'s clothes on... No... it couldn't be..
"Stanked Nightmare (Y/n)!?" I said as I dropped my jaw.. Its gonna be hard to un-stank her now..
"So yeah... I'm going.." Howard said as he got out of the scene leaving me with two stanked students..
But then Theresa started waking up and once she saw the stanked nightmare (Y/n).. She started to ran and tackle her but (Y/n) ran up and tackle her to wall and made it break.. Now there was a Monster fight outside...
"Oh boy.. I need to destank these girls or else The sorcerer will get out! Think Randy Think! What do they hold most dear!? What made them be like this!?..." I said as I brain stormed and I got...nothing. But then Nomicon's words came out and suddenly arranged themselves..
"When a Ninja does wrong... He must own up to his mistakes.."
And it pointed out to the two monsters fighting outside. So.. This is my mistake..? Well, Duh.. I'm the Ninja..
Wait... The Ninja didn't do anything..
I did...
"Looks like the Ninja's not going to handle this... SMOKE-BOMB!" I said as I threw a smoke bomb at the ground and leave a red puff behind...
After I took off my Ninja mask, I got out and saw half of the school was destroyed.. (Y/n) suddenly attacked Theresa by biting her hand and she spun Theresa around like a merry-go-round and suddenly lets go off her and made her smashed into another wall which made the ground shook. Aah, I need to stop this quick. And the scene turned from a normal school to an apocalyptic time.. Like when Lucius O'Thunderpunch came here.. Green clouds from above..
"Hey!" I shouted and waved my arms into the air... But as soon as they heard my voice, they said my name In the same time aaand....
They are coming after me... I DID NOT THINK THIS THOURGH!
I just stood there hoping they'll stop but they just keep on going...
and going...
But then (Y/n) froze and just grew with anger and the black aura that was surrounding her got even more scarier.. and to my surprise Theresa stopped and looked terrified as I am. The other students froze in terror as the stanked Nightmare (Y/n) got even scarier... I stepped closer to the terrifying monster..
And before you know it, I'm facing the most terrifying monster I've ever seen.. Well, Aside from a chicken or a rooster though.. I mean someone got to do something right...?
"Look (Y/n)! I know I've done something wonk up and I'm sorry... I'm really sorry. Its not Theresa's fault... Its my fault. I know you're honkin mad right now but please... just turn back to normal and we'll talk..." I said as I held out my hand to pat (Y/n)'s head...
Please don't bite my hand.. Please don't bite my hand..
And with that (Y/n) just bite my hand... AAAAAaaahhhh! Blood everywhere!..
Well, That was my expectation though but...
Instead of biting my hand... She leaned in and it looked like I was petting (Y/n) with her soft fur...I was quite surprise though..
-~-Third Person's POV-~-
Then all of a sudden (Y/n)'s black aura exploded into the air.. It was like a gush of wind which made everyone fall behind including Randy fall to the ground. Randy covered his face with his arms up and the others were terrified of what they were seeing. But because of Nightmare and (Y/n)'s anger.. It was all too much, also her body couldn't handle that much and which made all the aura she was in... It went back to her which also turned her back to normal and the black cloud of stank leaving her. And the scene suddenly shifted, It wasn't apocalyptic anymore. Now you can see the sun shinning and white clouds drifting through the blue sky.
---Randy's POV---
I didn't know what happened.. So, I did what I could do..
I ran to her side while she was on her knees...
But as I was looking at her she was still in Nightmare form I guess.. Cause there was still a little bit blck aura coming from her...
"Are you alright?" I said as I touched her back.. But as soon as I touched her back, She looked up and glared at me with red eyes starring back. I stepped backward in fear and gulped a bit..
But with a blink of an eye she suddenly ran off and disappeared into the streets..
Theresa suddenly turned back to normal and the green cloud of smoke came out of her and into where ever it came from. I didn't know why either..
All I was thinking was..
What happened to (Y/n)?
What happened to Theresa?..
Well, She thought that (Y/n) didn't care about Randy anymore which made turn back to normal.. But because of the Stank-nesia... She soon forget what had happened...
Anyway leave a comment! X3
What the juice happened to you?! 0.0
Would it be possible that YOU could get the stank-nesia too?!
Be sure not to forget to subscri-.. I mean to Toon in for meh next Chapter! XD
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