The Truth and a little bit of Pun(Fun)!
-At the Mcfits's Hovercraft-
Viceroy got out of the desk and saw Mcfist still shaking after he saw (Y/n)...
"Oh Hannibal, You got scared of a little girl?" Viceroy said while laughing... Mcfist was really scared and thought that if the Ninja didn't convince (Y/n) to let go of him...he'd be dead right now...
"Like you aren't scared of little boy?" He said smirking at him... Mcfist took a deep breathe and let it out.. Meanwhile Viceroy rolled his eyes and looked around the rebel and broken robots...
"What the juice are you looking for?" Mcfist curiously asked him...
"I'm.. looking.. for... AHA!.. This!" Viceroy said as he raised the sword that was still dripping with (Y/n)'s blood.. Mcfist was confused and asked "What the juice are we gonna do with that honkin sword!?" He said as he raised a brow and came to Viceroy..
"Since were no match for (Y/n) and She can't kill the Ninja now, I could make a robot that looks and acts like her so we could kill the Ninja!..." Viceroy said smirking now...
"But how are you gonna do that-... Oh.. with her blood!" He said being sarcastic at first but now realizing what Viceroy said...
"Great job sir..." Viceroy said sarcastically and clapping slowly..
Actually this was a great plan of his though but then...
The sorcerer came back to check if (Y/n) is out of sight.. Luckily she is..
"Is she gone?" The sorcerer said hiding in the screen.. The two almost laughed but they kept in it to theirs selves instead...
"Y-yeah.." Viceroy said trying not to laugh...
"Do you have a plan!?" The sorcerer asked them... Viceroy was gonna say that he has a plan but Mcfist stepped forward and claimed the plan of his... After he had explained...
"THAT PLAN IS BRILLIANT!!.. I LIKE IT!.. DO NOT FAIL ME MCFIST!" He shouted... And disappeared... Leaving Mcfist happy and Viceroy really annoyed...
---Randy's POV---
Why doesn't she remember!?..
"You seriously didn't know?" I asked again.. She nodded and said "Yes!.. Everything is foggy!!.." She said now being annoyed... Can't she remember anything!?... Is it the effect on her? Or is it just like the stanknesia?...
"Well, What was the last thing you remember?" I simply asked.. She told me everything from the start from the time when Mcfist aimed the gun at me... I was kinds relieved to know that she didn't hear me confess but I was still guilty...
"What the juice happened after i blacked out Randy?" She asked me with those puppy eyes... I can't resist that anyway...
"Ok..." I said and as i continued to tell her everything from the start from when she blacked out and how we got here including the part were I told her Its all the opposite but when i told her the last part where she strangled me.. I noticed that she was worried.. At first she was interested but it all faded away... She was blushing now when i told her that last part...
"Its all the opposite huh?" She said smirking at me and I blushed...
"S-stop talking!" I said as i blushed and i slightly punched her shoulders. She chuckled.. But after a minute she went silent and lowered her head...
"Are you alright?" I asked a bit concerned...
"I almost killed you!" She said not facing me... I hate to admit it but she did almost killed me...
"Yes but, Everything is fine-..." I said as I touched her shoulders... But..
"No! Stop telling me that!.. I ALMOST killed you like.. I-I mean it!" She said as she take off my hand from my shoulders.. and now said turning around while there were tears in her eyes... WTJ?.. I was shocked..
"Wait, Why are you crying and.. What did you mean by that!?" I said as I raised my brow... She was shocked too.. like she suddenly knew what she just said.. Then again, WTJ!?
"Uh.. Its... Nothing.." She said like she didn't say anything important...
"Tell me the truth (Y/n)..." I said as i grabbed her shoulders...
"Fine, But you're not gonna like it..." She said finally telling me.. What did she mean by that?..
"Try me.." I said as I accepted like it was a challenge... She sighed and I kept a focused face but...
"Ok, So I'm an Assassin and its my first time to be given a mission, They said that my target was here, In Norrisville.. And my Mission is to kill the Ninja.. And I never knew it was gonna be you until I saw the real Ninja that day.. Form that day on I just couldn't bring myself to kill you..." She said that while she lowered her head not wanting to see my reaction...
My heart cracked a bit and I had to admit that it hurts..
"You... were here... TO KILL ME!?" I shouted at her but she continued to lower her head...
"Y-yeah... I guess..." She said a bit sad...
"So you were the enemy that Nomicon kept warning me about..." I said just realizing that now...
"I am but-..." She tried to say but..
"So you were getting close to me just kill me!?" I said now bursting in tears.. My heart was now really shattered into a million pieces...
"What!?.. No!... I was so afraid that you were falling for me that it made me harder to kill you.. But the thing is... I WAS ACTUALLY FALLING FOR YOU!" (Y/n) said now screaming and facing me while tears were falling down her cheeks...
S-She was falling for me?... (O.O)
I was shocked and I blushed a bit but I quickly shook my head turning mad at her...
~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
I hate feelings... I hated that the fact was Randy was the Ninja.. Why couldn't it be someone else!?... My heart was filled with guilt...
I still lowered my head and noticed Randy suddenly started walking away..
I couldn't blame him...
That would be my reaction if someone did tried to kill me... I sat down and leaned against the tree.. I looked up and saw many stars.. Like there were fireflies...
Then a memory flashed on my mind...
My dad tied a blindfold on my eyes and I was getting excited what was the surprise was.. Since it was my 12th birthday...
"Ok, In three... two... one!... Take off the blindfold Hon!" My dad said getting excited... But as I took off the blindfold I was expecting something cool but...
All I saw was my room..
Nothing special about that.. I tried to look around carefully but... I saw nothing new... My expression went from excited to being sad...
"What!?... You don't see it?" My dad said getting a bit annoyed...
"Well, Could you tell me what is it first!?" I said searching for it..
"You're getting close Honey..." Dad said smiling... I look around and I saw weird metal box... It was glowing bright (f/c)... I was surprised and took it quickly...
"What does it do?.. Does it turn into a robot!?.." I said excitedly... But my dad was surprised and said "No.. But I will build a robot though..." I was kinda disappointed but...
"C'mon let's lay down on the floor..." He said as he gets on position and turned off the lights... My dad was weird in a good way but I like the way he is... So I lay down carefully not to hit anything hard...
"Ok dad.. What does this box do?.. I mean its a great for a night light but..." I said handing him the box.. He pressed a button and it suddenly shine.. And flashed above the stars.. I was like looking at the real sky but.. This one was different.. The stars shine so brightly...
"Look at the stars hon.." My dad said pointing above.. My eyes glowed and It was the prettiest thing I've ever seen...
"Waw!... This looks so bruce dad!" I said as I squealed in delight...
Then I went back to reality.. I sighed and missed him sooo much.. A tear dropped at my hand... I wiped my tears and got up and went to my cabin...
I tip-pie toed and tried not to make a sound... cause if anyone found me right now... P-slim would give me detention slip for like a whole month!... When I finally reached our cabin.. I slowly and carefully opened the door... I walked in and felt the cold and locked the door quietly.. And crept towards my bed.. I could hear Theresa's snores... Man, It sounded like a motor cycle and..
I climbed and crashed at my bed.. and at an instant I went to sleep...
I really want to forget this day...
-Morning time!-
I opened my eyes and sun shone brightly.. I tried to block it with my hand but it didn't work anyway...
What time is it already?... 12:00 am!?.. I must have slept in... its fine since today was do-everything-you-want-day..
I felt real good but... I felt like i was sweating like a runner or a pig... Did the aircon broke or something?...
I looked around and saw that I was all alone again.. Great.. Theresa must have 'forgotten' to wake me up... I still remembered what happened last night.. I sighed got up and wore my (f/c) tank top and shorts...
what could I say?... It was real hot...
Especially when I got outside.. It was extra hot... Like I was on a pizza oven... I wiped my sweat that was already dripping on my face... But while I was standing around there.. Randy and Howard suddenly walked passed by our cabin.. He looked like he was talking to Howard but when he saw me.. He stopped a bit and gazed at me.. I blushed a bit and looked away... I think he did the same though.. Cause I saw the two continued their talk while walking...
I was talking to Howard when suddenly (Y/n) walked out of her cabin..
I was stunned.. She was honkin hot and I started sweating.. I didn't know if its because of the temperature or its just her...
She blushed too but I didn't forget that she honkin tried to kill me.. I continued to glaze at her until she looked away.. I did the same and I turned my attention to Howard who was blabbing about something..
"You listening bud?" He said not facing but he continued to walk..
"Y-yeah.." I said as I pretended that I didn't saw her just now... We continued to walk but...
"Hey, So what happened last night?!" Howard said excitedly.. I really want to forget that night or day.. I sighed...
"Sooo something did happen..." He smirked at me.. Great.. now he's getting wrong idea about it...
"Yes, But... I can't tell you here..." I said...
"Can we talk at the cafeteria instead?" He said as I heard his stomach grumbled...
"S-sure..." I said while a smiled...
After that we went to cafeteria and pick our favorite foods.. And we sat at our table.. But as we tok our seats.. I tried to look for (Y/n)...
I thought I was angry at her?!... Maybe.. I think...
"I was falling for you!"...
Those words kept echoing in my head...
"Cunningham!?" Howard said as he waved a hand in front of me..
"Huh...oh...Y-yeah?" I said snapped out of it...
"Could you tell me right now?" Howard said begging me..
"Sure.. But promise me you won't tell anyone?" I said whispering to him..
"You know I can't do that..." He said honestly... Oh yeah... That totally slip out of my mind...
Is it ok if I tell Howard that (Y/n) is an Assassin?... I think its fine though... So I told him everything.. From the woods to (Y/n) was back to normal...
"WTJ!.. No honkin way!" Howard said as he dropped his mouth... I wish I could say the same but.. nah..
"Yeah... I never-..." I started but...
"No!.. How could ya say that to (Y/n)?" Howard said a bit angry... Since when did he started to care about (Y/n)?!..
But then Bucky tripped and fell while holding his tray and it splattered at the dude in front of him... which is..
Good thing there's no stank here... But then suddenly someone shouted...
And at an instant everyone started throwing their food in the air.. Howard and I flipped our table and used it as a shield.. Good thing the special food for today was pie...
But then I saw P-slim suddenly burst through the doors... The students at the cafeteria froze..
After a minute they started throwing pies at him... I brust out laughing as he retreated out the cafeteria...
I grabbed my pie and stood up but I saw (Y/n)...
She was doing while smiling but... When she saw me.. She froze... I did the same.. Which was a bad idea...
She mouthed "I'm sorry.." and with that she threw her pie at me... I heard Howard laughing as I wiped my face with...
What flavor is this?..
Blueberry?... Best face pie I've tasted.. As a matter of fact.. This was my first face pie..
"You got creamed Cunningham! By (Y/n)!!" He said still laughing... But when He threw another pie at me I dodge it cause it was so obvious...
"Try again bud..." I said as I threw a pie at him.. Perfect shot...
"Or you can PIE trying!" I continued... ((You get it guys? XD.. Sorry if you didn't laugh tho...))
"Great Pie pun.. ZING!" Bucky said at the background.. But he was suddenly hit by pie and fell down... Howard and I laughed at him and continued to throw pie everywhere... But Howard suddenly threw a pie at Heidi and said..
"I Hope You've calculated the area!"... I laughed a bit and we made our long handshakes..
After we laughed heard Ranginald said "What kind of Pie does a ghost like?!" He grabbed a pie and threw it at the air...
"BOOBERY PIE!" He shouted... Although it was kinda funny.. I didn't laugh.. Instead I threw a pie at him.. ((Just in case you didn't get it.. Its Blueberry pie!))
"Nice one!" Howard said patting my back...
-After 15 Minutes-
I was covered in all kinds of pie... Howard was covered mostly with apple pie though.. But he seems to like it...
I looked at the food stall and there was no more pies left.. I was holding the last pie... I looked around saw every student covered in pie and so did the cafeteria.. To my surprise (Y/n) was holding a piece of pie too.. We locked our eyes at each other.. It was like we were cowboys and we were a bout to draw our guns...
But we draw our pies together and threw it at the same time.. The students were watching us.. Like it was real fight though...
But in the end non of us won.. we got creamed... We bursts out laughing and wiped the pie out our faces like nothing happened between us.. I guess I got over it.. I was gonna say a great pie pun when.. She started walking away and said...
"Goodpie Randy.." She said smiling and waved back at me.. I laughed a bit and replied...
"I know..."
Hey guys!.. How'd ya like this Chapter?.. XD
Did ya get the puns?.. XD Hehe... Leave a comment beloooww ..if you didn't understand these puns!.. :)
Why did Randy say "I know..."? Cause you said it was Good pie! And Also Good bye..
I think I won't be able to update this week.. But lets just see what happens...
Toon in next time for meh Chapter!...
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