The Snakes and Roses
(If you read this earlier..You better read it again! XD... I'm so sorry... :( ...)
Remember when Theresa got stanked?... It was only the start of school so...
Be ready for a Cheesy Chapter!...SO YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! XD
-At the Mcfist tower-
"Viceroy do have a plan to capture the girl already?!" Mcfist said a little bit sad.
"I do sir. Why do you need to capture her so badly again?" Mcfist smirked as Viceroy said that.
"The Ninja to be destroyed and She looks familiar..." Mcfist said trying to remember something...
"Hmm...ok...My plan-.."
"Sure, Your to let these snake eels bite her and have their liquid inside them go into her..."
"What's inside these?" Mcfist said as he picks up one.
"A very strong Weakening liquid that i developed... So we could capture her easily." Viceroy said hile smirking.
"I LIKE MY PLAN!" Mcfist said happily.
---Randy's POV---
I ran out the school and saw her leaning to the tree... I walked closer and she noticed me...She came running to me and said...
"So...Did it work?!" She said with full of hope...
"Yup! The Plan worked!" I said with a thumbs up...
She sighed with relieve...
"So... where's the real necklace?" I said a bit worried.
"Oops...Its here!" She said as she pulled it out of her pocket.
"You should wear that..."
"What?!.. And Theresa will get stanked again?!"
"She probably forgot about it...Trust me." I insisted.
"Fine." She said as she puts on her necklace and hit in her t-shirt.
She looks even more prettier with the necklace on... I starred at her and blushed....
"Hey...School is starting." She said as she grabbed my hand.
We went to her locker and she screamed as she opened her locker. I rushed to her and looked in her locker only to find...
~~~(Y/n) POV~~~
You looked at Randy saw he has his jaws dropped to the ground... He's pretty surprised as you are...
"R-roses!?" You blurted out. The bundle of roses was red but at the middle there was a white rose and on that white rose was a note attached. You took the note and read it aloud...
"In the middle of the crowd...There is always someone who stands out...And That's you!"
-Secret Someone
You blushed as you read it.
"What the juice has that!?" He said while pouting his mouth and crossed his arms.
"Aww... C'mon Randy...Its sweet!" You teased.
"I'm gonna find out who send ya this Roses."
"Don't be such a fun-sucker!... What?... Are you jealous Randy?!" You smirking.
"What!.. I'm not jealous!" He said as he blushed and looked away.
"Hey... Don't be jealous!.. Besides.. Your gift was better than Roses!" You said smiling and nudging him.
"Heh... You're right..." Randy said.
"See?!.. C'mon were gonna be late for class!"
You two ran and stooped at the door to see that Theresa was handing out chocolates to everyone...
"Oh!.. Randy!" She said while blushing.
"H-hey... T-Theresa!" Randy blurted out. You just stood there waiting for her to give you some chocolates...
"H-here..." Theresa said as she hands out a big heart full of chocolates... Just For Randy...
You felt something inside...What was that word?...oh yeah...Jealousy... You felt it for the first time... but you quickly snapped out of it...and then you coughed making Theresa snapped out of it...
"Oh yeah...Hi (Y/n)!.. I have some chocolates for you too..." She said while getting it out of her bag...
You sighed with relieve and waited for the chocolates..
"Oh...sorry (y/n)! I didn't count them all.. so it looks like I have no more left!.. I hope you understand!" She said with an annoying tone...
You could tell that she meant it on purpose.. Really!?...
"You think that not handing me chocolates could make me angry?!" you thought to yourself...
After she said that she left and you two just stood there... Randy could tell something was wrong with you...
"Hey (Y/n)... We could share mine if you want..." Randy said with a smiling face...
"Nah... Its ok..."You sighed...
You two went to your seats and saw Howard waiting for you two...
"Where have you guys been?!"
"Uh..." Randy said and looked at you.
"Uhm..." You said while you looked back at him.
But then P-Slim announced something through the screen and said...
"Good morning students! As you all know today is Valentines Day... And I am approving that whoever is your partner at the first class will be your partner for the whole day!..."
The Class all cheered and whooped for joy!... Howard looked at Randy but it looks like he was surprised... He waved a hand in front of him.. And said "Earth to Randy!?"... Randy then snapped out of it and continued to listen...
"Ah...But that's not all... I am approving one more special event..." Just then the whole class became quiet and the atmosphere was heavy.
"For the special event we are gonna vote for...
The Cutest Couple!".. You looked around and found that almost the whole classroom was blushing...
Even Howard!... You didn't even know you were blushing yourself...
You thought of what's gonna be your first class...Its gonna be Home Ec.. Since you have then same classes with Randy you thought of asking him to be your partner... But when you turned around Randy and Howard weren't there...
---Randy's POV---
I pulled Howard outside.. and decided to talk to him in the boys bathroom...
"Hey Howard..." I said sadly...
"Hi Cunningham... Woah, What's wrong bro?" He said while raising his brow...
"Its just that someone gave (y/n) roses...and it looked like it was the cheesiest thing I have seen..."
"Roses!?...Why didn't you give her some!?"
"Oh yeah!.. I totally forgot about that!" I face palmed myself and moaned...
"Don't worry...You're gonna have the brucest day with this guy!" He said while pointing at himself...
"Ah...about that... I think I'm gonna pair with (Y/n)..." I said while scratching my head..
"What the juice!?" He screamed.
"C'mon Howard...Pleeeassseeee!!!!" I begged him.
"Ughh.. Fine... Only cause I owe her..." He said while he crossed his arms...
"Thanks Bud!" I said as I ran out the boy's bathroom...
I looked for (Y/n) as fast as I can and finally spotted her at her locker...
"Hey (y/n)!" I shouted as I waved my hands.
"Oh.. Hi Randy!" She replied..
"Look I've wanted to ask you something!" We both said at the same time...
"Ok...You go first!" She said.
"Fine, I-I w-wanted t-to a-ask" I blushed and looked away.
"To be your partner!?" She finished.
"Y-yes..." I said softly.
"S-sure why not?" She said while she blushed and looked away.
No honkin' way!! SHE SAID YES!! We went to our first class...Which was Home Ec...
"Since today is Valentines day, Were gonna bake cupcakes for your partners!" Mrs. Driscroll said as she pointed to the board which the recipe was written.
"Ok!... I'm gonna bake you The Brucest cupcake you've ever tasted!" She said filled with energy.
"Me too! I'm not gonna lose!" I said like it was a competition.
After 30 minutes of baking..
Mrs. Driscroll instructed that we switched cupcakes with your partner.
"Here's my Cupcake!" I said as I handed her my cupcake.."And Here's mine!" She said.
When I looked at the cupcake it looked like it came from a bakery shop. My stomach grumbled and I think she heard it...
She laughed at me and said "Go ahead already! Eat it!" She said with a smile. I took a bite and...
....It tasted like I was in a rollercoaster in whoopee land. And the chocolate was so brucee...
I just stood there munching her cupcake...
"Yo Randy!?" She shouted."Huh..Wha-...Oh...Yeah?" I muttered.
"So how does it taste!?" She said excitedly.
"Its delicious!" I shouted excitedly.
"Really!?" She said surprised.
"Yeah!" I gave her a thumbs up.
"Now...Its your turn to taste mine!" I handed my cupcake to her...
She took the cupcake and took a bit on it...
"How does it taste!?" I asked...
~~~(Y/n) POV~~~
It tasted like it was a little burnt but it was tasty though...
"Its...delicious too!" You said.
"You sure?.. Its my first time you know..."
"Then, Great job!" You said giving him a thumbs up...
After we ate the cupcakes we went to our second classes...
-Lunch Break- ((still (y/n)'s POV))
You went to your locker to get your wallet...
"I can't believe I left it here..." You said to yourself...
Randy and Howard was already in the cafeteria waiting for you... You lifted a few books and finally found it... You closed your locker...But then
You could sense danger coming after you. You looked around you and saw...
Three Snakes!? Really!?...
But something was off...They were kinda like electric eels... And when they saw you they came quickly to your direction... They slithered fast and started biting you at light speed. You barely dodge all their bites...But you were getting tired...slower... Until one of them touched your arms and you were electrocuted...
"AAhh!" You screamed with pain......your vision started to blur......Then you fell to the ground... You tried getting up but your legs where still shaking...The snake eels saw you stood up and started attacking again...
"WHERE'S RANDY!?" You screamed in your mind...You tried to ran as fast as you can and looked back saw they were still chasing you... But then you saw Howard standing like he was looking for you...
"HOWARD!!" You screamed. He looked to your direction and his eyes widened...
"(Y/n)?! what happened!?" He said running to you... Your heart was beating faster and faster... Just when you were gonna say something the snake eels wrapped around your legs, arms and started electrocuting you...
"AAAhhh!" You screamed again with pain... you fell to the ground... But this time you can't get up..
You looked up to Howard and barely said "GET RANDY!". He nodded and ran as fast as he can to the cafeteria... The snake eels get off you and you were able to stand...
You stood up to the locker and that's when they pinned you to it... You tried to get them of but they started getting tighter and tighter but there was two snake eels...
Where's the other one?...
---Randy's POV---
I was waiting for (Y/n) and Howard to come but I only saw Howard running to me fast...I've never seen like him this before...
"What's wrong Howard?" I said with a worried face.
"(Y/n)!" He said while panting...
(Y/n) needs help?... Ninja?...Oh no...Mcfist!... I rushed to the boys bathroom and pulled out my ninja suit.
But then I heard a sounded like (Y/n)... I better hurry up!!I rushed outside and yelled "SmokeBomb!"...
I saw (Y/n) pinned to the lockers... oh man! I tried to get them off but they where too tight on (Y/n)... I stopped and wondered what to do.. I and if I do she'll get cut...
"Randy! Throw electric balls quick at me quick! The shock will overload them!" She said while struggling... IS SHE CRAZY!?...
"But you'll get-..." I started.
"TRUST ME!" She screamed forcing me to do that...Here goes nothing...
I threw the ball and said "Ninja eclectroball!"... Oh I hope this works...
"Aaahh!..." She screamed and I'm sure my face was really worried...
The three Snake eels dropped and leaved her... But I sliced them real quick before they fall to the ground... I turned to (Y/n) and my eyes widened to see her still standing...
Wow...She's tougher than I thought...
"Are you ok? I'm sorry I came late..." I said with a concerned face...
"Its ok...I'm fine.. I think..." She said with a thumbs up...
"You sure?..." I assured her."Yep...I-i just need to... n-need to-..." She suddenly fell down.
I caught her just in time. it looked like she fainted...What happened?...
This is all my fault.. I shouldn't have endangered her... I carried her (bridal style) to the nurses room while still on my ninja suit... I left her resting on a bed while the Nurse tuck her in...I went to the boys bathroom and took of my mask and went to the Nurse's room again...
....I waited for her to wake up...
Hey there! Thanks for the 1k reads!! IT TOTALLY MADE MY DAY!!! XD
Here take a cookie //Hands a cookie//...Take how many you want!
What happened?...
Did the snake bit you?...
Could it be that Mcfist know you?...
Toon in next time for my CHAPTER!! :D
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