The Mad Killer...
Hey guys!! =D ... I checked out how many reads this book has and when I saw it...
O.O ... +2K READS?!... What the juice?! XD ...
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Thanks for the readers and voters!!..//Throws cookies at you//...
Anyways, On with the story!!...
~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
There was still a banging sound on the door of the basement....
....You were getting chills down your spine...
That's when it stopped cause it broke the door open...
Dad gets up and took the gun from earlier and aimed... And it kinda looks like he's hand was shaking...
Then that person was...
My Aunt?!...
She smiled and said "I came here as fast as I can...good thing no one saw me..."
My dad was relived and went back to the screen and started typing again...
"I thought you would never come sister!" My mom said hugging her.
"I would never do that!" She said and hugged her tighter...
"Could I ask you something?" My mom said looking bit worried.
"S-sure..." My aunt said.
And with that they went far from me at the corner... Whatever it is my mom wouldn't want to let me know...
I stood up and sat on the chair and started pushing some buttons... I've never noticed that it has a BIG red button... I'm curious.. I wonder what it does?... Maybe I should ask dad... Or maybe not... Just when I was gonna push the button...
"Sweetie, don't push that button yet..." My dad said still turned to the screen and was typing... How the juice could he see that?!... I stopped and said "Why?"...
He turned to me and said..
"Its a very powerful button and don't worry you'll be the one who will push the button..." He said as he smiled.
"Yesh!" I screamed and pump my fist...
My dad chuckled and went to the computer and started typing again... I turned to mom and saw that she's crying... The worst thing is I totally hate to see is my Mom crying... I frowned and pushed some buttons again...
-~-Your Mom's POV-~- (I just wanted to add this! =) ...)
I walked with my sister and said to her whispering... I know this was the right thing to do but..
"Could you take my daughter with you right now?" I said all serious like...
"Why?.. Don't you love her anymore?" She said confused...
"I do love her but...It's getting more and more dangerous for her here..." I said while I was welling up with tears...
"D-dangerous?..." She said surprisingly...
"Yes...I thought that she'll get hunted by the others...She needs to lay low for a while... Please take care of her..." I said as I sobs...
"I'll take care of her...I promise..." She said crossing her heart.
"Thanks sis..." I said as I hugged her real tight..
"Anything for you sis..." She hugged me even tighter...
"Oh and please zap her with this..." I handed her ray gun.
She gasped and said "I-I understand..". She took the ray gun and hid it in her jacket...
Even though it broke my heart not to see her again... I would keep her safe from anyone...
~~~(Y/n) POV~~~
I was pushing some buttons when suddenly my Mom sat beside me... and she hugged me real tight this time... I couldn't breathe... Then she suddenly released me and said...
"Sweetie, I need you to pack your things..." She said still sobbing... My eyes widened as she said that...
"But Why?" I said as I backed up from her.
"Just do it please.. For me?" She said while a tear was running down her cheeks...
"Fine.. Just stop crying ok Mom?" I said looking like I was about to cry...
I went outside the basement and into the living room and went upstairs...
I packed all the things I needed... Photo album... Clothes... My sword... and all the other things that made me remember all those memories I made with them... As soon as I packed all my things I went down stairs... I still can't believe that all the things I needed fitted in just two bags, one of them was a duffle bag and the sword fitted perfectly...
I went downstairs and saw my dad and mum hugging each other a little bit crying though...But why?..
"Did I miss something?" You said confused.
There was a silence for about 3 minutes and then my mom said "Sweetie, Look I need you to stay with your Aunt for a little while..." She said while looking right into my eyes...
My dad just stood there and was silent..
I was shocked... What?!... Stay with my Aunt?!...
"B-but why?!" I said while taking off my bag...
"Just stay with her please!" My mom said.
"I DON'T WANT TO! I wanna stay with you and dad!" I said while there were tears dripping off my face...
"PLEASE (Y/N)!!" My mom shouted.
Just when my Mom was going to say something the alarm went on, flashing red lights filled the room... Dad quickly checked the screen and gasped..
"They've reached the house already!" Your Dad said while pushing a bunch of buttons ad suddenly turned to you..
"Its time..." Handing you the remote... Oh yeah!
"Got it!" I said and pushed the button...
There was a great explosion outside just on our front porch where the mob was. That was sooo Bruuucee!!! But I still feel sorry for them... even though something went boom there, the alarm was still red... They were still coming...
"I'm gonna hold them off!" My Mom said while she sprinted outside.. I quickly turned to the monitor and stood in amazed as my mom was punching all the people who was running to her... Wow...Also this is why I always do whatever she says.. well, until now that is... But I noticed that she was getting weaker and slower cause they were so many...
Just then Dad approached me and kneeled in front of me and said "Honey, Do you want to fight with Mom and stay with us?" He said smiling.
"Yes! Please!" I said while I nodded...
Dad left me and he opened a suitcase and took out a little bottle and mixed some chemicals at his table and poured it in a glass...It fizzed up and turned black...Honestly it looked like black shnasty water... He then got an injection and put it there... But what's the use of it?...
"Do you trust me Honey?" He said as if he was gonna do something.
"Y-yeah Dad!" I said trusting him with all my heart.
Wait, Is he gonna inject me with that!?...
"Ok!" As he said that he injected me... I knew it...
"Aaahhhh!!!..."I screamed in pain...
I can feel the liquid spreading through my veins...
I felt like I was strengthen...
...My heartbeat got louder and louder...
---Dad's POV---
This was the only way... I'm so sorry (y/n)... Of course if I injected myself, I didn't even know how to fight... sigh...
I looked at my daughter and saw her kneeled... She screamed again and she covered her face with her hands... I was doubting whether I did the right thing... I rushed to her and kneeled in front her...
"Are you ok Honey?" I said as I lifted her chin.
I gasped as she opened her eyes...
Her beautiful (f/c) eyes turned into black...
"H-honey?...Are you alright?" I said as I looked in her eyes.
"Never been better..." She said as she smirked and stood up... She took the sword and suddenly disappeared...
"(Y/n)!?" I shouted... But I suddenly heard screaming... I turned to monitor and saw that she was killing all the people who was still standing... One by one they started to fall...
"Is that (Y/n)?! killing people one by one!?" (Aunt's name) asked with her eyes wide open with fear...
"Apparently.. I think I have made a mistake while mixing the chemicals..." I said as I looked down in disappointment...
"What was in the injection anyway?"
"I've mixed the DNA of a bloodlust person, a skilled hunter and one other special liquid... " I said pointing at it...
"WHAT!? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" (A/n) said as she grabbed my shoulders.
"I just thought that it would be the quickest way..." I said nervously rubbing my neck... I'm a mad scientist... What would you expect?...
Just then (Mother's name) came in quickly...
"(Father's name)! What did you do? Our Daughter is KILLING PEOPLE!!... I know I've trained her to be an Assassin but I didn't trained her to kill people yet!" She said shouting angrily.
"Yes I know that and I did Nothing! I just injected her and she went-..."
"WHAT!? YOU INJECTED HER!?" She shouted.
"I know... I know! I was wrong!" I said regretting it now...
"I'm gonna talk to her alright!?" She said leaving us...
Ugh.. What have I done...?!...
I know! I'm gonna make a cure!... I quickly grabbed all the chemicals and mixed them... and then it fizzed up again and it turned white... I then grabbed 3 spare injection and poured it there...
I turned to My wife and said "(M/n)! Here! Inject her with this I'm 99.9% sure she'll turn back to normal!" I threw it at her and she luckily caught in time... I gave the other to (A/n), she nodded and ran outside... I took a gun and I put in the injection...
"What's the one percent?!" She said doubting a bit...
"There's a chance that it would stop her killing but... it will still remain there inside her..." I said while running outside...
We talked and settled out the plan about turning back (y/n) to normal...
~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
(I'm Sorry if you're talking like a derange killer! :3... )
((You were stabbed by the injection and made you forget anyone who you cared about... Its like a killer took over you...))
After I was stabbed by Dad...The liquid took over my body and it acted like a killer...
It totally looked like I was an Assassin... I've never felt so much power!!!... I was moving so fast and killing people... I like seeing them scream and their blood was on my hands... I've never seen so many people die... Even though it was a devastating scene, somehow I liked it... I was having so much fun until someone called me...
"Honey! Its Dad!... Just come here and I'll turn you back to normal..." The man said coming towards me...
"Dad?!" I said raising my brow.
"Yeah! I'm Dad!..." He said relieved..
"I don't know you..." I said trying to remember him...
"You have to! Remember the time we mix chemicals and build crazy things?" He said coming nearer...
"Sorry, I don't recall it..." I said looking down...
Suddenly, I sensed that someone was coming... from behind me... I quickly raised my sword and stabbed the person who was behind me without looking behind...
....I looked behind and I saw...
I just saw a woman...She was still breathing...well, not for long... I pulled away my sword and saw her fall and I heard her whispered "(Y/n)"...
The Man that claimed to be "Dad" froze and ran towards the woman I stabbed from earlier.
"What have you done!?...How dare you do that to your Mother!?" He said while tears were falling from his eyes...
"My Mom?!" I said while raising my brow again...
He didn't answer...
He was just there and they began to whisper to each other...
Then he faced me with a gun and triggered it... He was shaking it though...
I quickly stabbed him and saw him fall beside the woman...
Just then a tear dripped down and started to rain...
"Huh?" I said as I wiped the tear.
Why was I crying?...
"AAhh!" I screamed with pain... (Do you know the feeling of putting alcohol on your open wound? That's how it felt like...)
I looked at my arm... and saw an injection...
And it looked like the white liquid was being transferred to me...
...I felt a little bit dizzy and I blacked out...
---Your Aunt's POV~~~
I only saw my sister and (F/n) laying on the ground... And (Y/n) was falling...
I came quickly and saw them...I started to cry... and kneeled beside them...
I remembered the promise I made with my sister and carried her... and went in my car... I lay her down at the backseat with all her bags and covered her in a blanket .. And yes... I even brought her sword... Before I start to drive... I remembered to zap her...I took it out of my jacket and zapped her...I wonder if it would affect her..?
I got in the driver seat and I drove to the place where I live...
(-After 1 hour-)
I was listening to the radio and My eyes widened as I heard what the reporter had said...
"Here we are at (Your Home Town) and residents have said that a killer was here.. and it killed surprisingly almost all the people here...
They described that The Mad Killer(That's you!) was killing its victims very fast leaving no man standing... Luckily some of them have escaped... This Station 107.5 News!"
I quickly changed the station of the radio.. And hoped that (Y/n) didn't heard this...
~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~(-After 2 hours-)
I suddenly woke up... feeling a little bit woozy and I just realized that I was in a moving car... I freaked out and trying to remember what happened earlier... But...I can only see blurred visions... I remembered my dad injected something into me and after that everything went blank...
I saw that I was killing all the people including my friend.. well, were not that close but I still thought we were friends.. well, not anymore... My heart pounded as I remembered all of this...except for one thing...
Where are my Parents?...Were they left there?...
"Aunt!?" I said surprisingly...
"Yeah?" She said while driving...
"Where are mom and dad?..." I said feeling a little bit sad...
My Aunt sobbed a little and said "T-they were killed..."
"K-killed?!..." I widened my eyes as I heard this and tears were running down from my face...
"By who?" I said while sobbing...
"By your father's experiments..." My Aunt said still driving but I could hear her cry though...
I curled into a ball and covered myself with the blanket and just thought of what I've heard earlier on the news... Was I The killer?...I think I am... sigh...
"Here it is..." My Aunt said excitedly....
I uncovered myself and saw a sign which reads "Welcome to Norrisville"...Norrisville huh?... That's a funny name...Wait...Isn't this the town that has ninja?... Well, in while I'll go to school... which means new faces... new friends...or not...
I was still looking through the window and saw a Park, and a Gaming hole...And some people including a purple headed boy and a "healthy" kid with orange hair... I sighed and hoped that the first day of school will be less disappointing...
Hey guys! Sorry if I updated so long... XD
And I'm sorry if I'm going off little bit of the story..
What did your Mother mean about the others?...
Do you think that the others that escaped are hunting you?..
Are you excited for the Field trip?...if you have questions don't be afraid to ask comment them! XD
Toon in next time for my Chapter!
Remember to leave a comment!...
Teehee... XD
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