The Kiss?
Hey guys! Sorry for the cliff hanger...but if I continued it, it wouldn't be exciting to read the next chapter will it? goes...
Will Randy kiss you?
Will Theresa come back?
Will Howard eat the gravy fries?
....Let's continue the story!...
~~~(Y/n) POV~~~
You three went to the Park and get the picnic mat on the ground.
"This is the perfect place!" Howard said happily.
"Yeah..." Randy said smiling.
"Ok! here's the sandwiches!"
You said while getting out all the sandwiches out of your bag.
"YAY!" Howard said excitedly.
"And the most awaited...drum roll please!" You said while trying to get the Gravy fries out.
Howard and Randy imitated the sound of a drum.
"Ta-da!.. GRAVY FRIES!!!" You said Holding up the Gravy fries like in the movie, Lion King.
"graavyy frieess." They both said while drooling.
We ate all the fries and sandwiches...and was looking for desert. You looked up the tree you were leaning on and found out that it was a Apple tree.
"I got an idea!" You said excitedly.
"What?...Is it desert!?" Howard said while he stood up.
"well?...What is it?" Randy said.
"Well, This is an Apple why not Apples?"
"Are you gonna cook Apple pie?!" Howard said with high hopes.
"Uh...No.." You said while raising your brow.
"Oh..." Howard said disappointingly.
"How are we gonna get the apples?...I mean this is a long tree.."
"Only one way to find out... Clime it!" You said and smirked.
"Wow...Great idea!" Randy said like he was up for it.
"Well, Have fun.." Howard said while laying down the mat and rested.
Randy and You talked about who's gonna clime up the tree.
"I'm gonna clime it, cause I've climbed many trees before." You said confidently.
"No, I am... I've climbed trees too you know." Randy said like he was trying to impress you.
Randy climbed the tree without a doubt I mind.
"Wait! Randy I-..." You said but Randy interrupted you and said "Don't worry I'll be alright!"
---Randy's POV---
I climbed and sat on a branch and tried and get three apples. I got so focused that I got two apples already so far and I tried to reach the last apple.
But then (y/n) shouted "Randy get out of there! There's many Branches to pick apples from!"
"I". I replied while trying to reach it but...
The branched cracked...
and I started falling... I closed my eyes..
I was waiting to fall to the ground but...someone caught me.
When I opened my eyes...I saw (y/n) who obviously caught me in her arms. I blushed while looking at her. Wait...Shouldn't it be the other way around?... She should have climbed the tree so i could catch her instead of her catching me...ughh...
"This is why I should be the one who climbed this tree." She said with a worried face.
She got me down from her arms and that's when I thought to myself...
"She's no ordinary girl..."
I blushed with that thought in mind...
"Did you get the apples?" she questioned me.
"Yep.. Three Apples freshly picked!" I smiled.
~~~(Y/n) POV~~~
You ate the apple and so did Randy. Howard woke up saying "Did I miss something?". You looked at Randy and blushed so did he.
"N-nope..." Randy said while blushing.
"Here!" You handed Howard an apple and He started eating eat.
You leaned to the tree and closed your eyes...and without fell asleep...
(Mean while at the Mcfist tower...)
"Viceroy! Do you have a plan to capture the girl?" Mcfist said screaming at him.
"I believe the girl's name is (Y/n)...and Yes, since we know what she looks like we can go look for her at where all the teenagers hangout...Just some Robot Apes will be ok..and something big..." He Viceroy said smiling.
"Activate it! NOW!!". And with that Mcfist pushed the button while saying "FIND THE GIRL!!!".
---Randy's POV---
I looked at (y/n) and saw her sleeping soundly while leaning at the tree. I gotta say she looks do cute like that... I got up and sat beside her. I just stared at her for a whole minute...
"I-is this it? ....Am i gonna kiss her?"....
My face was hot red and i kept coming near her lips... I could feel her breathe...
I closed my eyes and leaned even more hoping to touch her lips...until...
Someone screamed not far away from here...I stopped and look what caused it, It's one of Mcfist's robots.."Great!..Just when i was about to finally kiss her and this happens..." I sighed at that thought...
"Hey Howard..Watch her in case a robot showed up.."
"Finnee..." He sighed...
I went behind the tree and pulled put my Ninja mask and said "It's Ninja o'clock time!"... I ran to the danger and yelled "SmokeBomb!". It was at the Arcade..But why?..
"Ok Robo Apes prepare to be sliced!" and by that I sliced all the robots that was around me..But the others was just scanning everyone there...wait..Scanning everyone?!..As i was about to slice one more robot i asked "What the juice is happening? Why are you scanning everyone?!" I said forcefully...
But all it did was scanned me and said "Not (y/n)...".
"Mcfist wants to capture her."
"C-capture Her!?..In the Arcade!?"
"Yes..And to all where the teenagers hangout. The mall, The Arcade, The Park-..."
"The Park!?" I blurted out.
(y/n) is there...She'll be in trouble! I sliced the robots that was still there so that they can't reach the park.Once every robot was sliced i said "Game over! and smokebomb!".
I ran as fast as i can out of the Arcade while still on my Ninja suit and hoped no robot has capture her yet...
-Mcfist tower-
"Great! The Ninja appeared and sliced all the robots!" Mcfist said angrily.
"Don't worry...Here comes my back up plan.." Viceroy puts a smug look.
"You mean MY BACK UP PLAN!!".
Viceroy just rolled his eyes... and activated the other big robot..
--Howard's POV--
I looked at the pictures that i caught while (y/n) is still sleeping soundly...
"Hehe..." I laughed happily...
Just then the Ninja came and was really tired and panting...
"D-did...a..robot...a-appear..??" He said while he was still panting..
"No..why?" I said while raising my brow.
Just then a Giant Robot Spider appeared out of know where and started to webbed (y/n) like a bug and took her on its back. The Ninja yelled "Oh no you don't!" as he NinjaKicked the spider. Just then my stomach started to rumble..not in a good way..."Ninja you have this covered right? Cause i got to go the Restroom like really bad...". Even though the Ninja said something i just got out of there and started to look for restroom.
---Randy's POV---
As Howard run out safely, I tried to get (y/n) off its back. That's when i bring out my Ninja ice balls throw it at the Robot and it started slipping, eventually it slipped and fell... I approached the robot and tried to get (y/n) off its back but she's stuck to it...
I grabbed my Ninja Sword and started slicing the web to get her out and eventually it did...i took her away and left her at the tree where we have the picnic..but she was still asleep... But then the Spider woke up and started looking for her. That's when stabbed the Spider once and for all...and it exploded. I went behind another tree and take off the mask...and i went back to only to see her still sleeping...I sighed and sat beside her.
I brushed her hair thinking what happened before the attack. She still looked cute while she sleeps.. that's when i lost it..
I leaned even closer to kiss her and... i could feel her breathe again... I closed my eyes and hoped to still touch her lips...
someone whispered softly "R-Randy?!"...
I opened my eyes finding that....
Hehe...Thank you for all the readers who read my story so far XD...and Wow! 200+ readers and Thanks to all who voted! Yes YOU! :D..
//Hands a cookie to all readers and who voted//...
Now you have something to look forward to my next Chapter...winks!
Did Randy kissed you?
Who was that someone who whispered?
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