The Bus Numbers
HEY GUYZ!... I know you're excited about read the field trip for 3 days...but...
Let meh warn yah...
In the beginning of this chapter is gonna be cheesy...
So on with the story!... XD
~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
You were waiting for Randy to pick you up at your house...You went to the kitchen and filled your pockets with tomatoes... You turned to your Aunt who has a confused look on her face... "If someone looks for me.. I' room..." You said trying not to show the tomatoes...
"Ok sweetie, Whatever you say..."She said while raising a brow..
You went up to your room and locked the door and opened your laptop... Then you heard Randy say "Hey, (Y/n)'s Aunt! Where's (Y/n)?"
"You must be Randy.."
"She's in her room.."
You heard Randy's footsteps and you played a gun shot on your laptop...
And suddenly felt dizzy and fell face down... The tomatoes went splat and red covered the floor...
---Randy's POV---
I was going upstairs and suddenly heard a gun shot... Wait, did came from (Y/n)'s room?... My face was still shocked...
I froze... and went quickly to her room.. I tripped but got up quickly... I banged on her door while saying her name...
"(Y/N)!?" I shouted...
There was no answer...
I panicked and tried to turn the knob but it was locked... I know she'll be angry if I knock down her door... But it doesn't matter if she's dying now!.. I kicked her door open and found her lying on the ground...
She was covered that BLOOD!?...
I rushed to her side and held her head and placed it at my knee and noticed there was a bite mark..A snake bite mark?... I looked at her and saw her stomach was red...blood dripped down...And her eyes closed...
I brushed her hair with my hands... I should really ninja heal her...
I closed my eyes and have my hands faced her and when I was going to Ninja Heal her... she grabbed my hand... I stopped and opened my eyes...Only to see her smiling...It looked like she was really gonna die...
"R-Randy...don't heal me..." She said while tears were coming down her checks...
"B-but.. You'll-..."
"D-don't worry... I'll be fine..." She said while smiling... I grabbed her shoulders and shook her and said...
She widened her eyes and grabbed my hand she was holding it tight...
and her other hand was on my check...I started to sob and tears were falling down...
Then she said with a deep breathe and breathe out...
"R-Randy...B-before I die...I just wanted to say..." She whispered...
I stopped sobbing and nodded...
Then she slapped me... OUCH!...WHY!?
The slap echoed in her room...
"WHY DID YOU KICKED MY DOOR DOWN!?" she said as the sad looked on her face turned into rage...
"WHAT THE JUICE!!?" I said shouting...
"WHY!?" she said while crossing her arms...
"YOU WERE DYING!...WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!?" I said hysterically...
"I'M NOT DYING! CHILL ALRIGHT!?...ITS JUST TOMATOES!!" She said as she gets up and took some out of her pockets...wait...
"CAN WE STOP SHOUTING NOW!?" She said shouting at me..
"YEAH!"I said shouting at her too...
"Chill Randy!.. Wow...I've never seen you cried like that before..." She said while laughing at me...
"S-shut up!...It really looked like you were gonna DIE you know!?" I said as I looked away and trying not to see me blush...
"Well, I took acting classes...It looked like it worked though!..." She said with a playful smile...
"C'mon.. Lets just go already! Or we'll be late!" I said as I went down stairs...
"Fine.. Just let me change my clothes..." She said while getting clothes...
I went outside and sat at their front porch and turned on my phone and found that Howard texted me three times...
"Hey bro! where you at?"
"Are ya coming to school?"
"Reply Already Will ya!"
I sighed and turned it off...
~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
You took some clothes and went to the bathroom and put it on... You looked in the mirror and saw your (F/c) t-shirt and black jeans and decided to let your hair down to cover the bite mark that the snake gave you the other day... You grabbed your bag and went downstairs...You waved good bye to your Aunt and went outside and saw Randy waiting.. You nudge him and said "C'mon slowpoke!"...
"I'm Angry at you... (y/n)..." He said as he glared at me...
"Seriously?..." You smiled and laughed a bit...
"Yeah..." He said as he pouted and crossed his arms...
"Aww...C'mon...Lighten up!... A gun couldn't kill me that easily!..." You said with a playful smile across your face...
"Fine...I couldn't stay angry at you anyway..." He said as he nudge me back...
Couldn't stay angry?... You blushed with that thought...
After that you two went to school...
-Lunch Break-
You three went to your table and ate your lunch...Surprisingly there was no robots today...Just a normal day... It was boring though...
"Hey (Y/n), What happened to your neck?...I saw a snake bite earlier..."
Oh no...He saw that?... You looked down and munched on your sandwich...
"Uh...W-what?...There's nothing there..." You said covering it with your hair...
-After Lunch-
"All students please fall in line for the singing up for the Fieldtrip... The fieldtrip will be a camping trip where we'll stay in a cabin for three days at Mcfist's Camping trip.. Where we'll learn about Rocks and Sands!.. Isn't that amazing?! " P-slim said excitedly but... Almost whole of the school moaned and didn't fall in line...
"If you didn't sign up, You'll get detention for the whole year..." P-slim said getting ready to hand out detention slips...
At an instant they fall in line super fast... Including you, Randy,and Howard...And with that we both signed up and got our bus numbers...
"You could pick who ever you want to seat with on the bus.." P-slim said..
"What you guys get?" You said not showing the number..
"You go first.." Randy said insisting on you...
"Nope, You go!"
"Let's show it together!"
"1..2...3!.." Howard said...
And with that all of us showed the bus number...Surprisingly all of us got the same number... Just then all of a sudden a girl who I don't like came to Randy...
ugh...what was her name again?.. Ah yeah...Theresa... You scrunched your eyes and glared at her..
"Hey Randy! What's your bus number?" She said while twirling her hair...
Seriously?.. Twirling her hair?!?... I mean who does that!?.. Do you want Randy to compliment how beautiful your hair is?...
You face palmed to hide that you were laughing about what you said in your head... Howard looked at you and have a confused looked...
"Uh...Bus number 5.." Randy said while showing the Bus Number...
"Really?...Me too!" She said as she jumped for joy and squealing like a fan girl...
"That's greaaat..." He said while rubbing his neck... I could tell that this is sooo awkward...
"So do you have a someone to seat with?" She said... AGAIN twirling her hair...
UGHHH...Again with the twirling?...
"Yes! uh...He does.. Cause he's gonna seat with his Best bud!" Howard said suddenly...
"Uh..Yeah!..Yeah!..Sorry Theresa!" He said and go with it... and do their long handshakes...
"Oh..i see.. Then see ya later!" She said as she frowned and walked away..I kinda feel sorry for her..but is Howard really gonna seat with him?...You sighed and hoped not...
"That was a close one.." Howard said relieved...
"Yeah..Thanks bud..But can I seat with (Y/n)?" Randy suddenly said..
Randy?! seating with me?... You blushed with that though in mind...
"C'mon really?..." Howard said moaning...
"Pleeeaasseeee!!!" Randy begged...
"Pleeeaasseeee!!" You said as you joined Randy...
"Fine..but i'll seat behind you guys ok? and share your food with me..." Howard said...
"Deal!" You two both said...
-The Next Day-...
You checked everything if its there or not... You grabbed your two bags and went outside..
"Bye Aunt!" You said...
"Be safe Sweetie!" Your Aunt said waving..
You walked to the school when suddenly someone nudge you from behind..
"You ready?" Randy said..
"To be bored out of my mind?...Yep!" You said with a smile...
You two laughed and then someone just texted Randy..
"Howard just texted me to hurry up.. or we'll miss the bus..." He said while holding his phone...
"C'mon then!" You said starting to run...
"Hey! Wait up!" Randy said trying to catch up...
After just a few minutes later you were the first one..
"Yes! I win!" You said while doing a little victory dance...
"Of course you did..." Randy said while panting...
"Since I'm first...I'll get the window seat!"
"Noo!..Not fair! I wanted to be there!" Randy said pouting and crossing his arms..
"You lost..sorry!" You stuck your tongue out and quickly went inside the bus and went on the last two right back seat and sat on the window seat...
Randy went inside with Howard.. Helping him with his bags..
"Woah, Howad... Are those snack bags?...You do realize we'll only be in the Bus for 4 hours Not 4 days!?"...
"Shut up...I might get hungry..." Howard said as he sat at the back of you two..
"Geez..." Randy said..
After that Randy sat beside you and asked..
"What's the deal (y/n)?" Randy said..
"What?" You said while taking off your bag and placing It down..
"Are you lying?"
"A-about what?"
"The snake bite?"
I guess I couldn't help it...
"Yeah..About that...I've been bitten by those snake eels and it felt like something went through my veins... Ever since then I felt so weak..."
"Oh no...Mcfist!"
"Hannibal Mcfist?..The Gazillionare?..."
"Yeah...He's my enemy.."
"He's planning something I knew it..."
The seats in front of us was empty until...Theresa showed up and sat there...what the juice?..
I know she likes Randy but...Seriously?.. I just glared at her and surprisingly...she glared at me too...
"Oh hey Randy...I though you were gonna seat with Howard?..." She said while raising a brow..
Greaaaat.... Just greaaat...were busted...Why did she have to be in the same bus?...
"Uh..yeah...truns out Howard didn't want to seat with me I asked (Y/n)..." Randy said with a smile...
"Oh..." She looked at me and rolled her eyes...
Pfft... Someday I'm gonna hit you the head... You were filled with anger...
You quickly calmed down and put on your earphones...
Soon the bus started to move..
---Randy's POV---
I saw (Y/n) angry but then she calmed down and wear her earphones...
I was gonna do same when suddenly the Nomicon glowed bright red... I turned to (y/n) and made her take off her earphones and said
"I'm gonna shloomp ok?... Make sure nothing happens to me..."
She nodded and watched me as I opened the book and got shloomp in...
I fell face down and sat up and looked on the floor and it read...
"A friend is like an enemy who hasn't attacked yet"
"What the juice? (y/n) is friend..well, maybe more than a friend to me but...she's not an enemy either... C'mon Nomicon..." I said crossing my arms and a bit confused...The floor suddenly shakes and cracked open and I fell in...
I opened my eyes only to see (Y/n) looking at me too...I blushed bright red... She blushed bright red too... we both looked away from each other... But after 3 minutes... (y/n) asked me...
"Sooo...What did the Nomicon say?"
"It said A friend is like an enemy who hasn't attack yet.." I said while keeping the book..
She was shocked and she froze when I was saying that...
"But..C'mon...I'm not believing that...I mean you're not the enemy right?"
"I-I g-guess not..." She said bit sad...
I wonder why?...
Is she the Enemy?...
I was having doubts about what the Nomicon said...
-After 1 hour-
I saw (Y/n) sleeping and her head was resting against the window... I know watching her sleep is creepy but...she looks soo cute when she sleeps... But then there was bump and her head bounce off the window and rested on my shoulders...
I blushed bright red and I rested my head on her head...
Its gonna be looong trip...
Heys guys! What did ya think?...Leave a comment beloooow! XD
Does the Nomicon really know what you're up to?
Will Randy believe Nomicon?
Will Theresa be annoying on the next chapter?
More importantly...
Will Howard finish all the snacks he bought?
Toon in next time for my Chapter! XD
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