Swimming Anyone?
Hey guys!... Sorry for such a long cliffhanger...
But good news!... NO MORE EXAMS!! :D... which means more updates! :D
So as you can see or read... Theresa seems to be your rival... You know not your best friend...more like a Frenemie...or your enemy...
Well, let's begin!...
---Randy's POV---
I waited for (Y/n) to come...I looked around and saw that I was in a garden... That's when I heard someone coming...
I turned around to see (Y/n)... She's getting prettier and prettier everyday... The sky was blue and perfect weather if I do say so myself...
I blushed bright red as she came towards me...
"Hi Randy.." She said softly...
"H-hey (Y-y/n)..." I said as I starred and drooled at her...
She giggled and said "Isn't there something you want to ask me?" She said with a smile...
Maaann...she has the most amazing smile...
"I-I...w-wanted...t-to.. a-ask...yo-you to b-be My G-girlfriend..." I managed to said that while blushing...
She stood there and was surprised...she blushed bright red too...
"I-I..." she said as she tries to say the right words...
"I-I.. C-Can't..." She said as she looked to the ground...
W-what!?... Maybe I wasn't hearing right...
"W-what did you say (Y/n)?" I said hoping it was a yes..
"I said.. I-I...C-can't.." The sky turned black as she said that...
But then I heard a cracking sound.. Yup... My heart was shattered...
T-this c-can't be!!.. She kissed me already but..why did she say no?...
I taught that if I asked her out she'll be happy with me... But I guess not....
"W-why!?" I said as grabbed her shoulder and started shaking her...
She didn't answer
"Don't you get it?!... I CAN'T LOVE YOU!" She said with anger...and some tears were falling from her cheeks...
What the....
But then suddenly a BIG CHICKEN came stomping at us... I started freaking out cause this was my greatest fear!...
"Randy..." She said with her voice but this time it was getting lower and lower..
She repeated My name with her voice getting lower and lower...
It was pretty scary to be exact...until...
"RANDY!" Howard screamed at my ear...
I suddenly opened my eyes and sat up...
Wow.. that was a dream?... Well, I'm glad that it was all just a dream though... I didn't realize that I took a nap...
"You were screaming (Y/n)'s name...Was it a nightmare?" Howard said a bit confused...
"Y-yeah...a Terrible one..." I said as shake my head...
"Well, HURRY UP! Were gonna miss lunch!" He said as he grabbed my hand..
Geez, does this guy ever stop eating?... Apparently not.. Besides he's my best friend...
We ran to the cafeteria and saw (Y/n) and Heidi talking...
I stopped and just stood there and starred at (Y/n)... Thinking about the dream I just had...
Should I even try to ask her?...
And even if I did...
What would she say?...
~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
I was talking to Heidi and saw Randy starring at me... But as soon as I looked at him I blushed bright red... Heidi noticed me right away...
"(Y/n)! Are you listening!?" Heidi said as she waved a her hand in front of me..
"Huh?...Oh.. y-yeah..." I said snapping out of it..
"Were you starring at your 'Boyfriend'?" She said teasing me...
"W-what?...N-no!... S-shut up.." I said trying to defend myself...
She laughed and we fall in line..
We picked out the foods we'll eat and ended up picking chicken instead but Heidi picked a salad instead.. I guess she's on a diet... I sat at their table and felt awkward cause this is my first time in a girls table cause back on my school the other girls were really girly and mean...
"So are you going swimming (Y/n)?" Heidi said as we took our seats..
"Hmm... It depends..." I said as I placed my plate on the table...
"Why?..." Debbie asked..
"Well, I don't...usually... swim..." I said awkwardly rubbing my neck...
"WHAT!?" Heidi and Debbie said at the same time..
"What?" I said as I copied them...
"Really?" Heidi said surprised.
"Well.. yeah... But I do know how to swim.. But not in public..." Why did I said that to them!?... They're reporters!... I face palmed myself and looked down...
"What's the matter now?..." Heidi said concerned...
"I just said...that...to you.. guys.."
"What's wrong with that?" Debbie asked.
"Yeah!..." Heidi said..
"Well, its just that you guys are reporters...YOU REPORT EVERYTHING YOU HEAR!" I said as I looked up to them...
"Some...of it..." Debbie said as she slides down her seat..
"Really?" I said sarcastically...
"Fine... We promise not to report that..." Debbie said as she faced Heidi...
"Right Heidi?" She said again..
"I promise.." We pinky swore each other and ate our lunch...
Hmm...Where's Theresa anyway?...
Meh.. who cares... Well, I don't...
Wait... What activity was next?...Oh yeah... swimming...
-After Lunch-
After that we went to our cabin and found Theresa sleeping...
Pffft... I glared at her and figured something evily...
But I don't want to do it in front of Heidi and Debbie though...So I waited for them leave...While I was waiting I dug into my bag and searched for my phone and earphones...But only to find my Favorite t-shirt filled with holes and cut out sleeves... Ugh...
I knew there was something fishy.. WHY THAT NO GOOD THERESA!!!!!
OH...IT IS ON GIRL!... I glared at her and put my earphones on...
-After a hour-
"Bye (Y/n)!... Were gonna hit the pool now!" Heidi said as she walks outside.
"Yeah...Bye (Y/n)!" Debbie said while waving her hand at me...
FINALLY!....they're gone!...
I grabbed something from my bag and got down from my bed and started doing my evil plan... Hehe...
This why you shouldn't mess with this girl...
-After a few minutes-..
Let's see her face when she wakes up... Hehe...
I'm getting bored... I think I'm gonna go swimming now...
You grabbed your swimming clothes and went to a changing room..
---Randy's POV---
I went to the lake which was a nice view.. I was wearing just some red shorts that I've used on Bash's party which was wonk...
It has trees surrounding it and some brucely high slides I wanna try... And at the sides were some chairs with umbrellas at the side...
But I really kept thinking about (Y/n) wearing a...
Maaan... I sound like a creep when I say that....
I sighed and sat on one of the chairs...
That's when I heard a familiar voice calling my name... Could it be (Y/n)?...
I turned around only to see Theresa... My smile turned into a frown...
But someing was different.... She had scribbles on all over her face... It looked like someone took a marker and drew it on her face... And on her forehead said "I'm a shoob!" ....I couldn't help but bursting out laughing as she came near me...
"Whats so funny?" She asked with her brow raised...
"H-have....you...seen...your...face?" I said in between laughs...Whoever did this was soooo Bruce!!! XD
She felt her face and saw black ink..she gasped and said "(Y/n)!"...
Wait... (Y/n) did this?... Haha... Awesome job girl!....
Theresa quickly ran to the nearest bathroom and slammed the door behind her...
That's when (Y/n) ran to me... I was kinda sad though...
She wasn't wearing one...
She just whore a plain (f/c) shirt and black swimming shorts... But I saw Heidi(which who was wearing a bikini too...) stopping her... They argued a bit and went back to their cabbin...
~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
I saw Randy wearing only shorts which made kinda blush...
Wait...why am I blushing?...
"(Y/n)?!...WHAT THE JUICE ARE YOU WEARING?!" Heidi said as he stopped me...
"What?...this?... Its my.. Swimming clothes..." I said as I raised a brow...
"Tsk..tsk... Now that's wonk girl.." She said as she face palmed herself...
What's wrong with this?...
"Let's go back to the cabin shall we?" Heidi as she gabbed my arm forcefully...
"Ouch!...What the-..." I didn't get to finish my sentence cause Heidi already dragged me across the camp and went inside our cabin... Where Theresa wasn't there...
Hmm... Did she wake up already?... I wonder if loved my revenge...
Good luck washing that off Theresa...CAUSE ITS PERMANENT MARKER!!!...MWUAHAHAHA!!!
Man...Revenge feels good...
I smirked a bit and saw Heidi digging through her clothes... What?... Why?..,
"Uh....Heidi?.. Are you lending me your clothes?...don't bother cause I got a lot.." I said as I was walking out the cabin...
But then again she grabbed hold of me and pulled me down...
Maaan.. This girl is strong...
"Ha! Found it!" She said as she took out a strapless black bikini...
Wait... Why does she have two of them?...
Oh no...No Honkin Way am I wearing that!
"Nope...No thanks!" I said as I went for the door...
"C'mon (Y/n)!... Pleaseeeee do it for me... Or Randy seeing you like this!!" She said with her puppy eyes... And a smug face...
Ughh... I hate puppy eyes!... And Randy seeing me like this... I blushed bright red...
"Fine!..." I said as I gave up and took the bikini... And changed...
This is will be interesting..
After that... I faced Heidi and said "Does it look OK?"...
She lifted her head and as she saw me her jaw dropped and was surprised...
"Is that you? (Y/n)?..."
"Who else would it be?!"
"You look hot girl!" She said with a thumbs up...
Sheesh...do I really look hot?...
Sure this was a bit unraveling but I didn't felt comfortable... I went outside and blushed hard...
---Randy's POV---
I swam at the lake while waiting for (Y/n)...
I wanted to try the slides there but I wanted to wait for (Y/n) cause I remembered that she said she wanted to try the highest one... It looked like it we were in a water park though...
I tried to float and looked at the sky above me... The sky was a bit cloudy and looked like it was gonna rain...
I floated some more until...
Someone jumped into the pool and made a BIG splash!... Only someone could make that splash...
I almost drowned because of that!...
I resurfaced and saw...
...Who else?..
"What the juice Howard!?!" I said as I swam to the shore...
He followed me and said "Because I wanted to... Duh!"
I rolled my eyes and tilted my head a little so the water in my ear could fall out...
Howard laughed and when he looked behind me...
His jaw dropped to the ground... And his eyes widened as if he saw the newly released grave puncher game and suddenly blushed light pink...
I raised my brow and turned around and dropped my jaw but I smirked and blushed bright red... I looked around and saw all the other boys did the same and I heard some whistle noises...
"Hey isn't that (Y/n)!?" The other student said..
"No... I think... She looks way more hotter now..." The other student replied...
I almost growled but seeing her made myself calm... I'm weird... XD
I saw Theresa walked out and saw (Y/n) she widened her eyes and grumbled something and stormed off... That was weird...?
Heidi cleared her throat and said "Presenting (Y/n)!" And gestured (Y/n) who was wearing a strapless black bikini... Then again all the other boys made howling noises and whistling noises...
She looked hot and pretty... I smiled and drooled a bit as she came closer to me...
"W-wow...Y-you l-look-k... H-hot..." I said... Why did I say that!?...
I saw Howard face palmed himself...
She blushed bright red and said...
"T-thanks?... I guess... You looked great too!!" She said as she winked at me...
We went to the highest slide which nobody had tried before... I even saw Bash backed out... Guess he was too much of a scardey baby...
"Ready?..." She said with a smile...
"I was born ready!" I said as I pumped my fist...
We looked down and saw the other students cheering our names and Heidi held up her video can and filmed it...
(Y/n) suddenly grabbed my hand and saw her blushed...
We jumped together and landed on the long slide...
I heard (Y/n) screamed "Woooooohhhh!!!!"...
I yelled the same thing but I cound't see her cause water was spalshing on my face...
Hey guys!... How'd ya like this cahpter?... Leave a comment belooooooowww!!! XD
So sorry again leaving you there... I hope this chapter made ya smile... :) and sorry if I kept changing you from I though...
Anywayz... I'VE REACHED 5K!!!.... O.O
I want thank you guys!!... I know this may be nothing to you... But it REALLY means allot to me... Also it made my day!!!... :D
To thank you... I wanted to give this...
//Gives out brownies and cookies//...
Take how many you want!!!... Even a truckload!... :)
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