So this is what you guys saw in the Monitor... XD
~~~(Y/n) POV~~~
My Family picture?!... How can that get here!?... I know that this was my home but... I never knew why we move to Norrisville though...
I look around again... and saw a big monitor screen.. Is it still on?...
I rushed to the desk and saw the glowing (f/c) light and it was just a box... I flipped it down and saw something scribbled on it..
It said...
"Happy Birthday to my only star! ~Love, Dad"
Why is this here?.. I thought I had all my things at my house?... I was still curios about the monitor screen so I moved the mouse...
It opened and the screen picture was blank (f/c)... Good thing this hasn't any password... But then something popped.. It was the last footage of the CCTV camera here... I checked the date first but as I soon as I looked at the date.. I was so shocked...
It was the date of my Birthday.. But.. That can't be...
I tried to remember what happened on my birthday but.. It was being blocked by something... I gave up and played the video...
My dad injected something on me on the video... I looked at my arm and saw that there was a mark.. How come I never noticed this before?...
I continued to watch it but... It only made confused and sad... Is this for real!?... I need answers!... But as I saw 'myself' hold the sword and killed my mom and dad... I was heartbroken and tears started to fall...
Is this why they died!?..
And is that... Nightmare!?... So this is where it started.. I was so shocked as I watched 'myself' kill the other citizens of my hometown get killed... I have to admit it was kinda bruce but I felt real guilty after that... My Aunt told me an Experiment killed my Parents but at the second time I asked she said it was Killed by The Mad Killer.. She was lying all along!!... I got angry at the Mad Killer but I never would expect that I'm The Mad Killer everyone was talking about.. But one thing was for sure...
I killed my Mom and Dad...
I can't take this anymore!!...
I slammed my hands at the desk and I was surprised that it didn't break.. But then I continued to watch it till the end... And I saw my Aunt shoot something at me at the car.. Wait... Is that a amnesia ray!?.. So she made forget this day!?.. I NEED ANSWERS!!...
I got all the answer I need over here... I mean this is.. Wait.. Is this Dad's laboratory?.. So this means the monitor screen here.. Is Dad's Computer!...
I exit the video and browse the folders...
Mcfist phone..
(Y/n)'s 13th birthday gift...
Motorcylce bike...
Wait.. 13th Birthday!?... Now this I gotta watch..Even though he's given me that Bruce jacket I still want to know how he did it... I double clicked it.. and it opened the video..
"Heyo!.." My dad said with a smile on his face... Man, Its sure is good to hear his voice again...
"I've made this really cool jacket and I haven't really tested it out yet if its still worked or not" He said while he showed it at the camera... So he wasn't sure if it was good or not?.. Man.. I could have died that day..
"But there's a big surprise! My wife requested it anyway.. And it was a cool idea too.. I didn't want to spoil it but..." He said as he leaned in closer to monitor like he didn't want anyone to know... Too bad.. Cause I'm listening...
"If she puts the hood on and tugs in the string inside the pocket it turns into a..." He pulled the string and it transformed into a...
Well, It looked like an Assassin suit... WHICH WAS SO HONKIN BRUCE!!!... I'm gonna try it later... But I suddenly remembered that I killed my Mom and Dad... If I hadn't killed them.. They would be still alive
I was so lost at thought that I wanted to be alone for a moment... I quickly head down and ignored whatever is going on...
Somebody suddenly said...
The noise came closer to me.. But I really want to be alone right now.. I've got to say.. It sounded familiar...
I sensed it was Randy...
--End of what-you've-watched-scene--
((Still (Y/n)'s POV))
-The Next Day-
I came back to the abandoned house.. Or 'My Old House' that is.. and downloaded all the files in the big monitor to my cellphone and after that I smashed the big monitor screen so that no one else could Find it... I hurried back since were leaving this camp for good.. It was great until it lasted though... I ran as fast as I can to the bus I was on earlier... And I was there on time too...
But as I came close to my seat I noticed someone sitting there.. beside Randy...who was sleeping, I think he's in the Nomicon... And he was sitting beside...
Oh no you didn't!...
"Uh.. that's my seat..." I said with a fake smile..
"Oh sorry.. It didn't have your name on it and I hope you don't mind though..." Theresa said with a fake smile..but I could tell she's smirking... Randy just woke up and was surprise to see Theresa by his side...and then he had an annoyed look and when he saw me look worried now... And he mouthed... "I'm sorry!"... Although it made me angry at him.. I mouthed back as I sat at the back... "Its fine..." I held a thumbs up but i faked it... And through the whole trip Randy was faking to be asleep while Theresa kept on talking.. What was I doing?...
Just listening to my music and looking out the window...
-The Next Day-(Sorry Imma lazy...and also still your POV)
Randy is acting weird today... I don't know if its the nachos or if he's really weird and also his hood is up.. I actually thought that he looked Bruce while wearing his hood... Plus he has a boston or a new York accent and actually taught his voice has gotten more dreamy-er..
Snap out of it (Y/n)!!!!
Then I saw Randy walking, I ran to him and decided to ask what happened... But then Randy suddenly grabbed my waist and was about to kiss me.. I blushed a bit but I quickly snapped out of it...
"H-hey!" I said as I pushed him away and he fell but I'm still blushing.. Good thing no one's around though...
"What's wrong Babe?" He said as he gets up...
Wait.. Did he just call me BABE!?... I blushed without knowing...
"You wanted to k-kiss me!?.. H-here at school!?" I said as I shouted a little bit loud...
"Soo?... What's the problem with that?! I know you want me to..." He said as he approached me and tried to kiss me again... Seriously!?... I punched him making him unconscious... Sorry Randy... But then something hit me..,
Where's Howard?...
He might know what's happening with Randy... So I decided to text him...
"Where are you right now?"
"At the game hole..Randy's treat!"
"You know he's here right?"
"Uh... Yeah...You could say that.."
"Ugh...Wait there..."
"Sure... "
I wasted no time... I dashed out of the school and ran to the game hole... But I kinda felt guilty leaving him on the ground...
I finally reached the game hole and saw Howard playing a video game...
"Howard!..." I called put his name...
"Oh... Hey (Y/n)..." He said as he didn't looked at me and continued to play the game....
"What's wrong with Randy today?" I asked with a confused face...
"What?!.. Nothings wrong with him today..." He said as still continued to play the game.. I know he's faking it... So I grabbed the stick and make his game over...
"Tell me what's wrong..." I forced him... He exhaled and felt a little bit annoyed...
"Fine..." He said giving up...
---Randy's POV---
Nomi-Randy is back.... Ugh... Why didn't I learned my lesson from before!?...
This time he really locked me up... I'm still tied to a chair but Nomi-Randy hid the Nomicon so no one could get him back here.... And if he tries to hurt (Y/n)... Oh nevermind.., He's gonna kiss her...
DID HE JUST CALL (Y/N) BABE!?... I should be doing that... well.. its not like I wanted to.. But I sure hope it'll happen though... someday that is...
This is wonk.. I mean were not even Boyfriend and Girlfriend...
I never have the guts to kiss her... Well she always makes the first move but... I'm so afraid that I'll get rejected by her... Ugh... If she gets the wrong idea.. She'll get weirded out and stay away from me forever.. And there might be possible chance that I'm gonna be stuck here...well... Forever...
I was looking at the scroll again and it seemed like Nomi-Randy figured out that (Y/n) is so Bruce.. Oh wait.. Not Bruce... Hot...
"Aw yeah!..." Nomi-Randy said while pumping his fist... He opened my locker and looked through the mirror inside and said...
"Is it ok if I take her from you!?" He said with that Boston accent and had a smug face like he knew that I was watching... Oh no!.. (Y/n) doesn't know that I'm here in the nomicon!... This screwed up!!.. I need to get out of here!.. I struggled to be free but... It kept on getting tighter and tighter... But If I can't get out of here... Well... Let's say something wonk up is gonna happen...
"C'mon Nomicon!... Could you get me out of here please?..." I said but there was no response from the Nomicon... It feels like the Nomicon is getting annoyed of me not getting its riddles right... Well, its not my fault that these riddles are hard to figure out...
~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
Howard explained everything to me... He was at the game hole cause Nomi-Randy said he'd treat him...
"So you mean Randy isn't Randy today?!" I asked him..
"Yeah.. We call him Nomi-Randy actually..." Howard said as he continued his game..,
"And you're not going to stop him?... Or get Randy back at least?" I asked him with a concerned face... He actually looked like he didn't care... AT ALL...
"Fine... Right after this game..." He said but I grabbed his back collar and dragged him outside...
"Noooo!!!.... Fine!...but I'm only coming to rub it on his face that I warned him!..." He said a bit angry at me.., We arrived at the school and it was almost lunch time...
"Could we at least get some lunch first?" He begged but I said yes anyways... But because only to stop him bugging me... I need to find where the Nomicon is before lunch time...
Ok, think (Y/n)!... If you were Nomi-Randy... Where would you hide the Nomicon?!...
In his bag?... Nah,.. That could be obvious...
At home?.. Nah... I saw Randy got shloomp in while we were in pur first class...
Aha!... I know where... So I kept my cool and walked in the hallway to Randy's locker... I mean that's the only place where he'll hide the Nomicon right!?... Once I reached his locker.. I quickly turned the lock.. I was like a their trying to get the money from the safe... Luckily, I see him everyday turning this lock.., so I kinda know what's the password....
And with that I opened his locker within minutes... And bam!... There's the nomicon!... And wait.. Is that a picture... OF US!?... When did this happen?!.. Oh wait.. I know this.., its from our picnic the other day... Oh man... But I saw some students coming out of their classrooms and to the cafeteria... But as a their always leave no evidence behind so I locked his locker and dash through the hallway while hiding the Nomicon in my jacket... I need to find a room where no one will see us.. Aha!.. The janitors closet!.. Then I texted him...
"Hey Randy!... So.. Could you come to the Janitors closet at lunch!?.."
"Sure thing babe..."
I still couldn't shake the fact that he keeps on calling me babe... I have to admit it but.., I kinda like it when he calls me babe.. I blushed and felt a chill on my spine...
Stop thinking about that!...
So I went in the janitors closet and waited for Nomi-Randy... But how am I gonna get him in the Nomicon?!... Then suddenly Nomi-Randy opened the door...
"So you wanted to see me?" He asked with that Boston accent or was it New York accent?...
"Y-yah.." I said while I figured out what I'm going to do... He locked the door as he turned around me.. This getting weird alright...
But then He stepped closer and I stepped back but he cornered me..
His face was getting closer and closer to me..
And I could feel myself blushing...
And when he was gonna kiss me... I grabbed the Nomicon and opened it and I smacked it on his face.. He fell down while I still have the book on his face...I hate to admit it but... I was breathing heavily though.. Even though he didn't kiss me...
The Nomicon glowed bright red and soon he said my name...
"ugh... (Y/n)?" Randy said.. Well.. That is if he is Randy.. I need to confirm it first...
"Hey.. uh... Do you want to kiss me?!" I asked while blushing.. He widened his eyes and started turning red like a tomato and said "WHAT!?.. N-no... I-I mean Y-yes.. Uh.. I m-mean if you wa-want to.." He started blurting out..
Yup.. that's Randy alright...
I hate to admit it but... I'm gonna miss Nomi-Randy... Wait.. what the juice am I saying!?... Maybe I'm just hungry....
"C'mon already... Or else we'll miss Lunch.. And I'm starving..." I said as I held my hand.. He took it and got up.. As we were going to the canteen... But I could see that Randy was still blushing... He looked cute though...
"Uh.. You didn't see anything weird in my locker did you?" Randy asked out of the blue.. I gulped and suddenly remembered the picture... I blushed a bit and quickly snapped out of it..
"Uh.. No.. Not really.." I lied..
Oh man.. I just lied to him...
But this is just lunch time.. I wonder what'll happen later..?
Hey dudes!.. So here you are... reading this... So... What'ca think of this chapter... Let me know by Leaving a comment beloooooowww!!!! XD (BTW, I luv reading your comments.. It makes me smile though... So don't be shy! XD :D )...
Toon in next time for my chapter!...
Trust me.. The next chapter is gonna be.... exciting... ;)
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