Later that Night...
Hey guys!... So, yah exited especially on this chapter?!... Hehe....
Trust me... This chapter is gonnna be intense... Just read on to find out...
~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
Ugh.. What to do?... Why does it have to be Randy!?..Of all the people why does it have to be him!?
Why can't it be someone else?!... Like Theresa!... Now that I want to kill her... Uh... Never mind that..
I sighed and thought I need to come clean... I've decided to tell him why I'm here...
It may affect my future but... I can't kill him.. I just can't... And if I told him why I'm here.. There could be a possibility that Randy might hate me and never talk to me again... But its worth it to not see him be killed by my bare hands...
I wanted to punch something... I don't know why but.. I want to... Cause I'm still frustrated... So, I ate my dinner and came down the rooftop quietly and went into the woods...
-Meanwhile at the Mcfist HQ-
"Viceroy!.. Have you finished it already!?" Mcfist said impatiently..
"I have sir but someone managed to damaged one of the metal hands..." Viceroy said while looking at the damage...
"But there's nothing Viceroy couldn't fix!" He said while getting into work...
Just then someone suddenly appeared on a screen.. It was the sorcerer..
"MCFIST!?... Have you destroyed the Ninja yet!?" He said in anger..Mcfist suddenly hid behind Viceroy who was also shaking and said "N-not yet, but we'll destroy someone he does likes..." Mcfist said shaking...
The sorcerer nodded and disappeared leaving Mcfist and Viceroy behind quivering in fear..
---Randy's POV---
I didn't ate much cause I kept on thinking about (Y/n) and also most of the students ate all the food... I think it was because the food here was sooo Bruce.... I was playing around with my leftover food when suddenly...
The floor shook for a bit.. It looked like a tree has fallen down...I stopped and went outside.. Leaving my food untended.. I have a feeling that Howard might be eating it right now though... I dashed down and heard another tree falling... I tried to look where it was but...
I know... In horror films... You should never go where there's a creepy sound but... I'm the Ninja..What could possibly go wrong!?... And a Ninja should always run to the danger...
But it was all dark since it was night time.. I went after the sound and...
I just saw a girl...
Punching a tree... With all her strength...
I didn't want to interfear cause the scene was soooo Bruce!!!.. I really thought she wasn't gonna knocked that big tree down but then suddenly...
she knocked down that big tree... I crept on towards her but when I was a couple of feet from her...
I think she heard me...
And in blink of an eye...
She was gone...
I was suddenly scared..
I didn't want to stick around cause my heartbeat got louder and louder... And my eyes widened...
I suddenly regret about coming here... But when I looked above a shadowy black figure kept chasing me from the trees... I felt goosebumps on my arms and i ran as fast as I can... I looked on forward and saw darkness and some trees and I kept on tripping on some twigs and rocks... My breathe got heavier and heavier...
I finally saw a light from the cafeteria... I've never felt so relived from escaping that... I looked back and saw noting but trees swaying and that girl suddenly appeared again... Nothing strange about that..
A girl appeared!?... I blinked twice but after that she disappeared...
I went back to the cafeteria and saw (Y/n) sitting down with Heidi.. I felt kinda relieved to see her but then.. I suddenly remembered I was gonna ask her out...
In the woods..
Ugh... Why!?... I catch my breathe and sat down with Howard... I saw my plate empty...
"Howard did you ate all of it!?" I angrily at him..
"Well, yeah.. I figured that you didn't want them cause you suddenly dashed out the cafeteria..."
I suddenly smirked and he saw me... "Uhh, why are ya smirking at me Cunningham!?" He said quite uneasy...
"I'm smirking cause, Some of the foods there fell off the table..."
His eyes suddenly widened and said "WHAT THE JUICE!?"
I laughed and saw him looking at his tongue...
I really am feeling nervous about me asking her out...
~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
I hoped Randy didn't saw me punching that tree though.. Since it was all dark there I bet he didn't saw me..
"Students!... Please go to you respective cabbins because its curfew,.." P-slim suddenly announced that at the Microphone... The whole students from the cafeteria moaned and did that eventually though... I went with Heidi and then others to our Cabbin.. It was just 6:30 pm... I climed up to my bed and sat there... But then.,.
"Hey!... Let's play truth or dare!" Heidi said looking all excited and all...
"Sure!" Debbie said while sitting down at the floor...
"I'm in!" There said scootching to Heidi...
"I'm.... Gonna pass..." I said still laying down at my bed..
"Awww, C-mon (Y/n)!!... Pleaaaseeee!!!" Heidi said and with puppy dog eyes... I hate it when she does that... Its meh weakness from her...
"Ughhhh, Fiiinneee..." I said giving up and taking a sit beside Heidi and Debbie...
"Ok, Truth or-..." Heidi said but..
"Wait, Debbie, Heidi and Theresa,... Do you swear that everything you hear here.. You guys will keep it a secret!?" I said to them..
"I-I.. Swear..." Heidi said forcingly..
"Me too..." Debbie said crossing her heart...
"Me three..." Theresa said crossing her heart too...
"OK, we can begin now..." I said like I was a teacher handing out exams...
"So, as I was saying... (Y/n)!.. Truth or dare!?" She said pointing at me... Seriously?!... Why me?.. I bet she has something fishy going on here...
"Truth... Oh wait!... I-..."
"Ah, No take backs..." She said smirking at me... Oh man, I feel something is not right..
"So... For the past days... Who do you have a crush on!?" She said still smirking at me... Debbie squiled like she saw another Mexican death bear...I looked at Theresa spand made a look like: "Aha!... Now I can really know who's your crush.. If its Randy, I'll kill you..."
I got the message but I didn't want to lie also.... So I have no choice but to say..
"I have a crush on...on... The Ninja!" I said while blushing hard... Well that is technically Randy right!?...
"You.Have.A.Crush.On.The.Ninja!?" Heidi said while eyes wide opened.. Hehe...
"No honkin way!!" Debbie said...
I just ignored them and said "Ok, Its my turn... hmmm... Theresa..." I said while smirking at her...She gulped and said "Y-yeah?"..
"Truth or Dare?" I said still smirking.. She paused for a while and said "Truth!".. I paused and thought of a question.. If I asked her who's her crush.. Well, its quiet obvious isn't It?... So, I asked her this instead.. "Do.You.Hate.Me?" I said... Lets you get out off that.. I know that you would lie infront of them and they will believe it, So.. The Answer would be no...
She gulped and said "W-what?!... Are you kidding me? Of course...............not" She said with a smile... Let me correct that.. FAKE smile.. I really though she'd say "Of course!".. But see?... I was right..
Heidi and Debbie had a puzzled face as I was doing this... Hehe...
After that the game played on... Until it was 7:05pm...
I have a feeling that I'm forgetting something..
He was gonna ask me something!... I can't believe I forgot about that...
"Hey guys, I suddenly remembered I left my....wallet!..yah my wallet at the cafeteria..." I said making up an excuse... That was a great excuse if I say so myself...
"Sure, just come here quickly OK?!" Heidi said like she was my mom... I giggled and nodded...
Where will we meet?... Oh yeah... The tree where Randy carved our first letter names... I blushed as I remembered that...
---Randy's POV---
I waited at the spot where the tree I carved craved our names... I still get the creeps while I'm waiting for (Y/n).. It was really cold out here though... I was starting to leave when suddenly...
Something rustled from the bushes...
But I didn't run... My legs froze and I couldn't move.. I don't know if it was because of the cold or I was afraid though..
My heartbeat got louder and louder like a drum...
"Hey Randy!"
Wait, That voice...It took me for about a minute know who it was... I was surprised to see..
"What the juice are you doing here!?.. You almost scar-.... Nope... Didn't scare anyone here.." I said as I was recovering from that...
"Oh, you know enjoying the night and I wanted to ask you something..." She said while blushing bright red.. I didn't know what she was gonna say but I bet its..
"Randy.. Go out with me please!"
"Sure..... Go out and eat Gravey fries? That sounds fun!"
At least its good enough as I imagined it in my mind... I wanted to say that if she does ask though...
"R-randy?..." She said with a gentle voice..
"Y-yes?" I said but my voice was now cracked...
"D-do...You LOVE (Y/n)!?" She said as if letting out a chained feeling... My eyes widened and my heartbeat got louder and louder all over again.. Did she just asked me about whether I love (Y/n) or not?... I hope (Y/n) doesn't hear this though...
I blushed bright red and said "Well, LOVE is a strong word you know...I-.."
"Do you love her?! YES or NO!?" She said forcing me to say it... But I didn't want to Theresa know that I'm in love with (Y/n), And also she might feel sad and get stanked everyday single day at school when she sees (Y/n) and also I'm not very good at telling girls I LOVE them.. It makes me sound like a creep when I say that to girls...
"RANDY!.. DO YOU LOVE HER!? YES OR NO!?" She said now angrily shouting at me... Sheesh, Why does she desperately want to know!?...
"Well,The answer is....No, I don't love her... I mean who would fall in love with that shoob?... Also she is soooo weird and creepy.. And I only hangout with her if only Howard wants too and I kept being around her cause I pity her for not having that many friends, I don't know why but she keeps on talking to me about being her friend and always keeps on clinging to me... I mean were not even that close friends, She is great to be with but I have a feeling she's faking it so she can backstab me any minute... And-.." I stopped and paused as I heard a twig snapped behind me.. I frist looked at Theresa and saw her with a scared face.. I also looked behind but as I saw who it was...
I almost wanted to die...
I saw (Y/n).. She was crying and starring at me with those sorrowful eyes... Oh Boy.. You got in some very bad cheese Randy...
"Th-thanks for being H-honest..." She said while tears where coming down her face... But before I could say anything she dashed off into the darkness...
~~~(Y/n) 's POV~~~
Is that what he wanted to tell me!?...
The nerve of that boy... I should have killed him from the moment I saw him... The anger raging inside me was burning.. I clenched my hands into fist and ran away from them..
Randy's words kept ringing into my head.. I wanted to stab him right now... But wait..
Why are you getting angry (Y/n)?... This was part of your training as an Assassin...
So this is why you shouldn't fall in love with someone... I stopped at a waterfall and curdled myself and my head rested against my knees there along the wide and deep river... I lifted my head and saw my reflection and saw myself crying... I Looked across the river and saw a small house on a hill and it looked so abandoned... and it also looked familiar though...
But I didn't want to go there since I was too much heartbroken... Why would I be heartbroken?.. He said himself... He didn't want me... Just like my other friend.. Rejected by the second time...
"(Y/n)!?" Randy said screaming franticly... I stood up not wanting to be seen by him like this.. I wanted to run farther but..
"(Y/n)!.. I could explain-.." He started but...
"No need to... I'm sorry if i'm that clinging... And I'm sorry if I'm soooo weird and creepy!" I said while copying the words that came out of his mouth..
"I didn't-.."
"I THOUGHT YOU WERE DIFFERENT!..." I screamed out.. while tears were still coming down my face... He froze and said nothing...
"ALL THIS TIME I THOUGHT YOU WERE DIFFERENT BUT... NOOO!.. YOU WERE JUST LIKE MY OTHER FRIENDS!!... You thought that I was gonna backstab you well, You backstabbed me you SHOOB! " After I said that I noticed that i was wearing the necklace he gave me... If he didn't love me than I guess this doesn't matter to him anymore!... I pulled the necklace making it break its chain...
"I guess we aren't meant for each other..." I said as I threw the necklace at the ground a few meters close to him... I didn't want to look him in the eye cause it'll only make me pity him too... So I jumped across the river and while I was haft way something grabbed my ankle and pulled me down...
I gasped for air and tried to swam upwards... I heard Randy screaming out my name...
I managed to grab hold of the land tried to pull myself upwards... I saw Randy coming to help me but then another thing grab hold of my other ankle so it was twice stronger now... I was suddenly dragged down to the bottom.. Man, how deep is this River?!...
I saw a Giant Octopus.. But then I couldn't held ny breathe anymore so I... Gave up.. I opened my mouth allowing bubbles to come out and I passed out...
Hey guys!... How'd ya like this chapter?... XD Leave a comment beloooowww!!
Sooo... Randy.. yeah... I don't have anything else to say but...
Toon in next time for meh Next Chapter! :)
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