In the Fair with Bruce Fries...
---Randy's POV---
"Oh yeah!..." I said as I remembered something.. (Y/n) looked up and arched a brow at me.. I know this place, You know its a place where everything is un-fair but its called a Fair..Or is it a carnival..? I don't really get that though. I saw it while I was fighting them robo apes..
"C'mon!.." I said as I grabbed her hand.. She flinched and went with me anyway but while we were going there she was... red. Once we got there,(Y/n) suddenly was surprised and her eyes were filled with excitement which made it sparkle as she saw the Fair with blinky lights and each booths with a game... I blushed light red but good thing it was a bit dark so she couldn't see me blushing..
Whoa.. I've never seen her like this.. She stopped at the game booths she just saw and to the next one Honestly, She look like a five-year old in a playground but It made me smile when she was happy.. Is it her fist time here..? Wouldn't hurt to ask..right..?
"Whoa.. When did you last visited the Fair?" I asked with a playful smile and lightly punched her at the shoulders..
"Well, uh... six years ago..?" She simply said, What the juice..? I widened my eyes as soon as she replied..
"SIX HONKIN YEARS!?" I shouted at her but not that loud...
"Yeah.. I once go there, But the following year there wasn't anymore and also the other following years.." She explained.. Wow.. Tough past much...?
"But enough of that.. C'mon! There's so much booths to play!"(Y/n) said as she continued and grabbed my hand and started dragging me to a booth she would like to play..
"Ooh! Ooh! I want to play this game Randy! Lets make a challenge! Whoever loses on most games gets to kiss the other on on the cheeks!"(Y/n) said with that sparkle in her eyes... The game she choose was.. Throw the balls and try to hit the bottles and if you ..
"Fine.. But I might warn you, I'm great at this!" I bragged at her..
"Enough chit chat! Lets get a move on!" She said again. The owner just charged us 5 dollars for 3 balls, Ain't that great!?.. I have 20 dollars in my pocket so.. May just well spend this on something worth it. After The owner gave each of us three balls and gave me my change..
"Ok.. We'll start on three.." I said,(Y/n) nodded and was ready to shoot anytime...
"THREE!" I said as I threw one ball..
~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~(Time check! 6:45 pm!)
As soon as I heard 'three', I threw the first two balls at the stack of the bottles.. But
I could see that its not even moving when I hit it..
..There must be cheat here.. Huh.. I didn't know that they cheat these days, I looked at Randy and he threw his last ball and.. it didn't go down.
"I thought you were good at this game..?" I said with a smug face on..
"Did I mention when I was a KID, I was good at this game...? Cause I'm pretty sure I did.." Randy said awkwardly rubbing his neck with a smile on.. I giggled a bit and focused on the game..
"So, IF I won this game, This means... I got one point right!?" I said with a smirk on my face.. I heard Randy gulped and nodded.. Hehe...
I grab hold of my last ball..
And threw it at the stack of bottles with all my strength..
And it totally worked! ^.^
Randy's and the owner's mouth dropped wide open as they saw the bottles on the ground.. all three of them.. I did a fist pumped and danced a little though. Hey, Even though I kinda cheated, The owner of this booth is even a bigger cheater than me..
"N-nice arm miss.. Wh-what would you like..?" I looked around and saw that there was no stuff toys.. Only key chains... So I picked the one with the (Favorite Animal) in it.. And it really looked cute though..
"Ok, What would be the next game Randy..?" I asked him with a game face on..
"Hmm.. Let me see, I can't choose a shooting darts cause you'll be able to beat me.. So, How about this..?" Randy said as he pointed at a booth that's called 'Ring Toss', I'm not actually good at this but... I'll try my best. Then again, It was still the same price, It was my turn to pay for our rings. Once we were set off..
"Throw the rings to make a three in a row!" The owner said giving us three rings each..
"Ok, I'll go first since I wo the last game!" I said as I move a little bit closer..
"Only because you cheated!" Randy said pouting his lips, I just stick out my tongue playfully.
"Whenever your ready missy!" The owner said while going to aside..
"You're gonna miss it! You're gonna flinch!" Randy said repeatedly behind me, I think he's making me loose focus... Tunning him out..
I threw in the first ring and it landed perfectly. I threw in the second one and it landed on the ring shooter making it two in a row! I smirked at Randy and saw him gulped... I threw in the final ring and....
It was still two in a row cause I missed it..
"YUS!" Randy said as he pumped his fists and whooped for joy. I was smiling at him while he made those things..
"Step aside Gravey fries and watch me win!" Randy said as he moved towards the booth..
"I highly doubt that.." I smirked at him.. Hehe.. Its my time to mess with him... I kept shouting at his back random things like "Look there's a Robo ape!" and "Look! Free Gravy Fries!". He did look but it didn't miss his shots. After a minute "YUS! AWESOME. AT. THIS. GAME. ME!" Randy suddenly rubbed at my face. Were already tied. So we went around and started looking for the next game. But I suddenly craved for some more dessert, Like I go for an ice cream right now. But Suddenly we walked by an ice cream stall there! YEY! I stopped.. But Randy didn't noticed it, so I had to pull his back collar to make him stop walking. He chocked a bit and turned around.
"What'yd do that for!?" Randy suddenly shouted back. Oops, I think I pulled a bit too hard though..
"Sorry but, I think we need a break.. Like an ice cream break." I said as I pointed at the ice cream stall.
"Oh uh.. S-sure... But.." Randy said nervously cause I think that he was short on cash.
"Meh, Don't sweat it! I have some left so pick your flavor!" I reassured him, He looked like he had no choice though..
"What flavor would you two like..?" The person said inside the ice cream stall with a smile.
"Hmm.. I think I'm going for... chocolate one.." Randy said with a smile..
"Me (Fav. Ice cream flavor) pls!" I said with a smile while I handed the money, And after that soon we were licking on ice creams. I enjoyed it but then Randy stopped and looked at me and started chuckling.
"What's so funny?" I asked him while arching a brow.
"You have..uh.. Wait, Let me get it for you.." Randy said as he wiped smudge of ice cream somewhere at the corner of my lips with his thumb. I blushed and my heartbeat got louder and louder...
"There.. Its all good!" Randy said with a smile..
"You know there's a tissue right..?" I asked with a playful smile...
"Well, That would ruin the moment though and NO, I do not know there was a tissue.." Randy said while awkwardly rubbing his back neck. I giggled a bit and he had a good point though.
But then someone suddenly shouted "Hey you! Yeah you with the (f/c) dress! You should ditch that shoobtastic dude and go out with someone with someone more bruce-r!" I'm sure that's not me.. I mean, There's allot of girls here in dresses that are (f/c)..
"I'm talking to you (h/c) haired shoob!" That dude shouted again... OK, I think he's really talking to me..
You turned towards the one who screamed it and let me tell you this, As soon as he heard it, Our faces change to happy from DEATH.
We turned with our faces like that and saw a clown sitting on a dunk booth, You know you hit the circle thingy and the dude sitting on the dunk will fall in to the water.
"Was that a joke...? Cause I know that clowns was supposed to make you laugh.." I said with a death stare.
"You think that was a joke!?" The clown said annoyingly laughing with a smug face on.
"GIVE ME A BALL!" I said as I thre my ice cream at the ground and walked towards and shouting at the owner of the booth. He nodded in fear and I payed a dollar. I was gonna throw it at the circle thingy when Randy holdded me back.
"(Y/n) don't fall for it, This dude is just after your money!" Randy said holding my arm back. He did have a point.. again..
"Said the shoob who didn't pay for that ice cream... I bet you throw like a little girl!" The clown moking Randy and smirking..
You're gonna die clown!
---Randy's POV---
I didn't know what happened.. But as soon as I heard him mocking me...
"Ooh.. You just didn't said that!" I said letting go of (Y/n)'s arm..
"What'ca gonna do about it? CRY!?" The Clown mocked me again...
"NO.. I'M GOING TO DO THIS!" I said as I payed the ball with a dollar and threw it at the circle thingy.
It did hit the circle thingy which made the clown FALL into the water with a splash.
(Y/n) looked at me shocked and suddenly held a smile.. But as soon as the clown got up the sit again.. still wet. We smirked at each other and knew what to do.
"On three.." (Y/n) said.. I nodded and we started to count to three...
"one.. two.. THREE!" We shouted and we held together the ball and threw it at the circle thingy again, which made the clown shocked and was dunked.. AGAIN...
"BOOM! That just happened! In your face you shoobtastic clown!" (Y/n) suddenly said while the clown was still in the water..
"Ha! You 'sea' this! 'Water' you gonna do a-'boat'(about) it now!?" I said with them puns.. Honestly, I think it was a great time to have pun..
"Oh! Randy.. You just 'krill-ed' the moment there!" (Y/n) said joining in the puns.. We laughed at each other and get the cheese out of there cause I think our puns is making the owner angry.. Well, I didn't 'sea' a no puns area! And I'm pretty 'shore' that dude is 'clamming up'!
Ok, I think I should stop now..
(Y/n) stopped again and drooled over a booth.. I checked it out and saw it was a ping pong booth.. You know where you have to bounce a ping pong and make it land on a glass of water to make a trhee in a row or in a straight line. But what was she drooling about..?
A cute (Fav. Animal) stuff toy..
"Well, let's get our game on shall we..?" I said as I paid with all the money I have. The owner gave us 4 ping pong balls each.. And then we strated... It was kinda hard at first but I think I'm getting the hang of it but (Y/n) seems to be frustrated cause... cause the first ball she missed.. Like totally missed.
After a few minutes, We were tied.. We made two in a row, Only one ball could determine the winner. But in the end...
"Oh yeah! I won! YUS!" I said doing a little happy dance!
"Sir, Since you won three in a row! You win a prize! Please pick from the stuff toys from the shelves.. Well, obviously I would pick what (Y/n) would like..
"Here you go!" I said as I handed the stuff toy to (Y/n)..
"Are you sure...? I mean you won in it.." (Y/n) said returning it to me..
"Yeah, Its ok.. All I want is to see you smile... And also I'm sorry for what happened at the restaurant earlier.." I said as I gave it to her.. She smiled and hugged it which made her squeal in delight.
She looks so cute...
And this is why...
I did this... Sure, My heart was beating louder like a drum. Sure, I'm red as a tomato just thinking about this...
~-~Theresa's POV~-~ (Oh sweet cheese! 0-0)
I was walking down and checking the Fair or Carnival or whatever this is... I was holding some popcorn that I bought at that food stall.
But Suddenly I froze...
And my mood turned from happy to... MAD.
I saw (Y/n) and Randy in formal wear, And I gotta say Randy looked so bruce in his suit, But (Y/n)...? She looked like she was in a birthday party... for 5 year-olds!..
And what hurts more that..
They look cute together...
Suddenly Randy gave a stuff toy to (Y/n) and made her squealed in delight.. Randy looked like he was gonna do something... Something I did not like... He was blushing real hard but nothing was even happening at that time!...
No.. don't tell me..
What was it...?
IN THE CHEEKS! (Hehe.. You thought it was lips huh?.. XD.. No..? Meh..)
My brain made it slow-mo and I couldn't help but just stand there and wished that it should be me..
(Y/n) just blushed there while Randy was red as a tomato..
I swear I'm going to do something horrific that the TWO will have to split up!...
I walked out of there and pretended I never saw them...
Which was very hard...
If this was a fair.. Its really UN-FAIR!..
~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
RANDY JUST KISSED ME! IN THE CHEEKS!.. No bigggy.. Oh who am I kidding... It was like a explosion of emotions... Something bubbling inside of me. I wanted to dance and leap for joy on the outside, But I just kept it inside.
"Why'd you do that?.. I lost the challenge, I should be doing that..." I said still blushing..
"I know.. I just want to do it.." Randy said with a smile...still blushing.
Talk about some chapter huh guys!.. BTW, Sorry for the late update though.. XD
Let me know what'dya think of this chapter... So, Leave a comment below! ;)
So what will Theresa do..?
The Royal ball is up next so be sure to wait for that though!..
Tune in for meh next chapter guys!..
//Starts plotting what will happen..// XD
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