Green or Red!?
~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
I was carried by the crowd of girls cheering my name at the center of the gym.. Honestly, I looked like a beach volley ball there.. I'm just glad that they were able to carry me up and threw me up...
"Way to go (Y/n)!" Flute girl said while she was spitting on my eye.. It hurt a bit but I just smiled anyway.. The other girls thanked me and kept on saying my name...
But then Heidi went live on her phone and made the other girls stop cheering and also putting me down...
"This is Heidi Live at gym class as the girls won!!" She said as she flipped her cellphone showing the crowd of girls... The girls cheered and whooped as she tells what happened about the girls getting an A+...
"Making this all happen... I give you my biffer... (Y/n)!" She said as she pizzazz her hands and waved at me... I walked to her side and waved a bit. I was a bit camera shy though.. I blushed a bit...
"So.. The girls won the A+!.. How does that make you feel (Y/n)?" She asked me with a smile as she faced her phone to me... Geez, does this friend of mine ever stop reporting something!?. Well... I looks like I have no choice here...
"I mean I feel bruce about hitting some dudes with a ball.. Good thing it wasn't against the rules cause its dodge ball!" I simply said.. But then she smirked and it looks like she figured out a cheesy question.. I gulped in response though...
"But those 'dudes' in their.. Is your partner... I mean.. Your Boyfriend.. Didn't you feel bad about hitting him in the face!?" She said still smirking at me.. Oh man.. Now that's a great question... I blushed a bit and went silent as the other students said "Ooooohh!"... I also noticed Theresa glaring at me... Hwuehwuehwue... I want to tease her a bit but she'll get stank.. If only there's no stank here..
"Uh... First.. He's not my BOYFRIEND.. yet-.." I said blushing but I kinda whispered out the 'yet' part...
"What?.." Heidi said while raising her brow... Good thing she didn't heard that..
"Its nothing.. anyway .. Second.. I did feel bad but... WERE TALKING ABOUT AN A+ HERE!!!!.. Plus... It the rules Heidi.." I said while blushing but trying to hide it.. After that I smiled and just waved at her phone.. She turned back at her phone..
"Well... You heard it from (Y/n)!.. This Heidi Weinerman Signing off! and P.S... GIRLS ROCK and also don't forget about the Royalty Ball!... I'm gonna tell you all the cheese later on!" And with that she ended her video.. I sighed with relief and thought that she'll keep on asking me about Randy.. Oh cheese... I totally forgot about the dance!... And its in 2 weeks from now!.. I tried to look for Randy but...
Where did Randy go?...
---Randy's POV---
I walked outside the gym and went to the boys locker room to change... After that, me and Howard dashed off.. I went out cause when Heidi asked that question at (Y/n).. I couldn't help but just blush..
I forgot about that dance though.. I think I'm not gonna go... well.. If Howard wants to go then... I'll go..
Anyways.. What's the next subject?... Poetry!?... Greeeaaaaat....
But the school bell rang and all of the students rushed to their classes.. We were one of then though..
"Were not gonna make it!" Howard said shouting out loud while he saw the door of our class closing...
"Were gonna make it!" I simply said and could you believe it that we actually made it!?.. In just a second we managed to slip through that door and went to our seats.. (Y/n) was sitting somewhere at the left part and their were two vacant seats to her right.. So we sat there... It was in a circle for some reason..
"Great timing you guys!" (Y/n) said with a smile.. Her smile is so cute... I starred at her while we took our seats...
"Cunningham!?... Great we lost him again!" Howard said while waving in front of him...
"Wha-what!?.. No I'm here!" I said snapping out of it.. Why do I always do that when I stare at her!?... (Y/n) chuckled and we turned to our attention to Ms. Zingwald as she was getting ready to teach us...
"You all know what a poem is right?.. Well your activity is kinda a like a poem.. Its called a Haiku ((Look it up on google! XD)).. and I know I've discussed this so... Make one!" She said as she handed us one piece of paper while the students here groaned.. Well, This is gonna be hard... I've never written a haiku before... Does it have any rhymes?.. Now I wish I payed attention to her discussing this.. But all I know is this haiku thing has 17 syllables and 3 lines.. 1st line has 5 syllables, 2nd 7 syllables and 5 syllable again...
"What's yours gonna be about Howard?" I asked not knowing what kind of topic should I do..
"Are you kidding me?.. I'm not gonna do this!...Well... maybe..." Howard said hesitantly... I turned to (Y/n) and noticed she had already wrote something... I tried to take a peek but she noticed and covered her paper..
"Oh! So close!" I whined.. She smile and said "Its not done yet!... Let me take a look at yours first.." She said as she managed to take my paper off my hands..
"H-hey!" I said trying to get it back but then...
"You haven't written anything yet!" She said handing me the paper...
"That's because I'm not done yet!" I said whisperingly shouting at her...
"Well sorry... Can't pick a topic huh?" (Y/n) said helping me... YUS!..
"Well yeah... obviously.." I said...
"Here's how you pick a topic... Close your eyes.." She started but then... How are we gonna write the Haiku if our eyes are close?...
"Mind if I join too?.." Howard said with puppy dog eyes..
"Sure.." (Y/n) said..
So we closed our eyes and followed (Y/n)'s tips...
"ok, Imagine the brucest thing or person you could think of..." She stated..
Ok.... brucest thing or person... hmmm...
I searched deep into my mind and Its real drag though... But then (Y/n) popped out...
"Uh.. Randy?... You're turning red... just so you know..." (Y/n) informed but that just made it worse...
"Once you've imagine it.. Open your eyes and Get your ballpeen and write something about it or them..." (Y/n) said.. Once I've opened my eyes I saw my topic sitting right beside me... Then again.. I've never actually write a haiku before but.. I'm gonna do my best...
This might be the cheesiest thing I've ever wrote in my entire life...
~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
(-After 20 minutes-)
The class was almost over and I could tell Randy has written something on that paper... I looked around and saw everyone finished.. But then..
"Ok!... Times up!.. Everybody stop!" Ms. Zingwald said but she didn't collect the papers... I thought e were only gonna pass it?..
"Since we have time left.. I'm going to call one lucky student to read his or her haiku here.. at the center.." She said happily as the students gulped and hoped not to call out their name.. I did the same too.. She scanned the whole room and looked at the students.. I avoided eye contact cause from past experiences I know... NEVER LOOK INTO THE TEACHER'S EYES!!..
Please don't call my name...
"Mr. Cunningham!" Ms. Zingwald said smiling.. I sighed in relief and so did the others but... Howard looked very relieved though.. But When I looked at Randy he was shocked... He slowly stood up and walked at the center..
"So..uh...this is my Haiku.." Randy said sheepishly.. He cleared his thoart and began to read his haiku... I began blushing as he reads it until the end.. And the other students had their jaws dropped.. Cause it was so bruce...
This is what he read out loud...
Lost in her (e/c) eyes...
And with that bruce smile of hers...
She's so beautiful..
But while Randy was reading this at the very end he said that last line while looking at me..
When he looked at me.. The other students looked at me too..
I shrugged and tried to hide my blush...
Now I was bushing more and more... Good thing Theresa ain't here.. Or else there'd be trouble...
"Great Haiku Mr. Cunningham!" Ms. Zingwald said while swelling up with tears.. what the juice?.. She began to clap and so did the other students, I did the same and clapped.. Some even gave him standing ovation.. Randy just bowed and bowed like he was suddenly a star..
"A-ced it!" Randy said while he pumped his fist.. Well.. He earned it though..
"Yes.. You certainly deserved it Mr. Cunningham... But may I ask.. Who inspired you do make this amazing Haiku!?" Ms. Zingwald asked Randy while the other students said 'Ooooh'.. I blushed even more... Why did she even asked that question!?..
"Well.. uh.. Ms. Zingwald... She's actually sitting... right beside me.." Randy said sheepishly smiling while looking at me.. Blushing like a tomato... The other students 'Aaaawed'...
The school bell rang... Yus!.. Save by the bell!.. Whoop whoop!...
"Ok...Ok.. Please pass your paper on the way out..." Ms. Zingwald said walking to the door.. The students quickly got out of class and still talking about the Haiku that Randy wrote... I got up and waited for the two dudes..
Butt one thing crossed my mind though...
As we were walking down the hallway..
"Hey Howard... What's your Haiku about?.." I asked him but he got jumpy all of a sudden...
"Yeah Bud.. What's it about?" Randy said poking him..
"Fine.. Its.. uh.. about... gravey fries.." Howard sheepishly said.. a bit ashamed though.. Randy and I started laughing but we stopped anyway cause were late for math...
And we wouldn't want to be late on that class...
---Randy's POV---
(-After Classes-)
We went outside and gathered at the hallway for the special announcement for the 'Royalty Ball' on Heidi Live... Just to break the silence I asked her...
"Hey.. Uh... Were you really awake when I... you know..." I asked her while blushing...
"Well.. Yeah... From when you came into the room.. To the moment you ran out..." (Y/n) said while blushing.. Greaaaat...
Wait a minute... She heard me.. and The...
"Oh man..." I said as I buried my face into my hands... I could here (Y/n) chuckling though.. But then she patted my back.. I blushed even more now..
"Don't worry.. I'll keep it as a secret.. And if your still regretting about me getting stab.. You're still my Hero.. Even though you don't wear a mask or a cape!!" She said.. I looked up and saw her smiling at me...
"Thanks.." I said smiling back... Good to know that though...
But then.. Heidi went Live..
"Sup Norrisville High!.. As you know were having a 'Royalty Ball' and here's the cheese... Its a special event where the students 'have' to dress up Fancy.. Like the girls have to wear a dress-.. Oh I mean.. a GOWN.. And the boys have to wear TUXEDOES.. And We'll pick a King and a Queen.. P-slim granted straight A's.. well some subjects that is.. And here's the cheesy part!.. You'll have to wear a mask!... Which will be provided here.. and at exactly midnight.. You can take off your masks!" Heidi said as she talked about what its about.. But for some reason.. There wasn't a, you know.. dates.. You know.. Like prom dates..
Really?!.. A TUX!?...
Ok.. I'm not going..
"You gonna go (Y/n)!?" I asked her.. Hey.. If she goes.. I goes..
"Yup.. I mean its my first time anyway.. How about you?.."(Y/n) asked..
Great.. Should I go?... I could see (Y/n) in a dress though.. But it would be hard since she's wearing a mask though...
"S-sure.." I said as I daydreamed about her..
"You're going?!" Howard suddenly said while his jaw was drop..
"Good luck bud..." He continued and walking away... I went after him and grabbed his shoulder... He looked surprised though...
"C'mon Bud.. You have to go!.. Think about the free food!" I said trying him to come...
"Fineeee.. But only because of the food!" He whined out.. YUS!
After that school was out.. finally...
We waved good bye at each other... Howard too.. Leaving me alone..
But then...
I really wanted ask (Y/n) this question.. I'm sweating like crazy even imagining about it.. I took a deep breathe and commenced my plan...
(-Time skip!-.. Night time!-)
~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
I was getting ready for bed and opened my window to let the breeze in my room..
My eyes widened as something flew in..
It was one (f/c) balloon..
And it looked like something's attached to it.. Its a letter!...
But before I could read the letter.. A green and red balloon went inside too... What is up with this dude!?... I caught the three balloons in my hands not wanting them to fly off..
My eyes widened and I blushed like a tomato as I read it...
It said...
Will you be my Girlfriend?...
My heartbeat got louder and louder...
But it wasn't finished yet... at the bottom something was written too...
Send out green if you say yes... and red if no....
Great... I have to choose?... Well, I would normally pull out green but...
He's my target.. and if he becomes my 'boyfriend'.. I'll put his life in danger... And probably something tragic will happen..
What should I do?!...
Should I send out GREEN or RED!?....
What'ca think!?... LEAVE A COMMENT BELOOOOOOWW! :)
BAAM!.. What will you send out?... Green or red?...
What was that haiku that Howard wrote about them gravey fries?!
Ooooh... A Royalty Ball... What fun will happen...
Or is it?!...
Toon in next time for my Chapter!
Anyways, I checked my readers and my eyes totally widened!... +12K READS!?... WHAT THE JUICE!? XD... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS!... //THROWS COOKIES AND CAKE IN YOUR FACE//.. TAKE THIS!... XD
But let meh warn ya...
The END is almost soon...
//evil laugh//
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