Goodbye...? Or Hello...?
---Randy's POV---
(Y/n) has been avoiding me lately at school...
How could I know?.. Well, because the other day when I saw her walking alone in the streets with her hood on and when I was gonna walk over to her.. with a blink of an eye she disappeared.Literally disappeared. And I've been noticing that I'm not the only one that she's avoiding me... its the entire school she's been avoiding. Sure, she was in class but... she isn't talking to anyone. She's like a total snob now or a zombie to be exact.
(Y/n) doesn't eat at the cafeteria anymore...
She doesn't hang around after school anymore... its also because her Aunt is always picking her up...
And the worst thing is...
I haven't seen (Y/n) smile or laugh ever since that day when she got stank and almost killed us or nearly destroyed the school...
"Hey! Cheer up man! At least you don't have to spend your money on them dates! Instead you can bust them at the Game Hole!" Howard said as he kept a smile in his face...
"What the-.. I thought you want us to be together?!" I said with an arched brow..
"Yeah but... I'm missing out all the fun... and you guys won't even text me when you guys hangout..." Howard said as he pouted his lips and whined about it..
"Its a DATE Howard!.. A DATE!" I said as I threw my hands up in the air...
"Pfft... Whatever bud.." Howard said as he folded his arms and still kept on whining about it...
-Time skip to lunch break!-
~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~
I sat down to where I now eat lunch to... the rooftop. I had my home made sandwich and some sliced up (F/fruit)in a tapper wear... Being up here brings memories of my old school and also... no people...
I stood up and felt the wind blew past me.. I inhaled some of it and felt free... for a second though...
Why am I up here and ignoring anyone all of a sudden?.. Well.. its because....
I ran back to my house... being Nightmare. For some odd reason I can feel that I'm Nightmare but... I can control myself... I opened the door and closed it quickly not letting anyone see me. I catch my breathe and didn't even know my Aunt was there...
"What happened dear?" She said with worry in her voice.. I gulped and tried to hide my face cause I think my its all scratched up so I put y hood up..
"Uh.. Good.. Everything's Good.." I said as I ran up stairs..
"Hep... Wait a minute..." My Aunt said as she pulled my hood back and revealed my face scratched up face.. My Aunt gasped and sat down as she saw my face..
"Its not a big deal.. I-..." I was cut off by my Aunt shouting...
"NOT A BIG A DEAL!?... Then why is your eyes RED!?" She said as she shot up..
"What..? I'm sure its not-... oh my cheese... it is red..." I said as I turned to a mirror at the wall.. and I was shocked.. It was red..
"What happened (Y/n)?..." My Aunt said as she folded her arms.. I sighed and explained that I got stank over some boy that shattered my heart...
"You got stank?!" She said as she threw her arms in the air and raised her voice...
"Eeeh... Yeah..." I said as I looked to my right..
"Ok..Thats it.. I know I shouldn't have bought you here.. I was afraid this would happen.. This is why I kept you away from that boy!.. Were leaving this instant!" My Aunt said as she stormed out upstairs..
"Wait! No!" I said as I grabbed her arm which stopped her...
"No! You're not getting out of this! You could have killed him!" My Aunt worried about him.. I suddenly stopped and was shocked at she just have said..
"Wait... what do you mean by kill him...?" I said as I arched up my brow.. My Aunt sighed..
"I think you might want to seat down..." She said as if keeping a secret from me.. I did it anyway...
"Remember you last birthday...?"
I nodded... And remembered that day... where I killed my Mom and Dad... which made me frown... And with that My Aunt told me everything from then and now.. It didn't made me cry cause I already knew about it... Well, Of course I did hold them off...
"See?.. Whenever your eyes are red.. You have a urged to kill anyone you love..." My Aunt said as hugged me at the sofa... I trembled in fear and I cried a bit... I couldn't hold it in anymore.. so yeah..
"So that's why we have to leave... right now..." My Aunt continued as she got up..
"No... I don't want to leave! I want to stay here! Please! I'll do anything...!" I said as I stood up and fight for myself...
"Its not safe here(Y/n).." My Aunt said as she pleaded me to get the cheese out of here..
"I'll do anything Auntie just lets stay here! I won't talk to anyone or be friends with them anymore so I can't be stank.. Is that fair enough?!" I said as I begged like a dog... Sure, It had to be tough but I don't want to leave and not see him again. Its better to see them than not to see them forever.
"I guess... that could work.." She said as she thinks about it... I sighed in relief..
"But... Promise me(Y/n)... Don't you dare get stank.. This is your last warning..." She said as she scolded me like mom did when I got bad grades...
"I...Promise..." I said as I crossed my heart...
It totally broke my heart to stay away from Randy and my other friends... And I even miss the way he laughs and makes jokes whenever I feel down though..
But then the building shook... I looked down and saw three robot apes crashing down the school and suddenly there was that red puff of smoke.. and out came the Ninja..
I sat down on the ledge while my legs were dangling below and ate my lunch and watched the fight. The Robo-apes circled the Ninja while they attacked them and did Ninja-jump as he dodge the three robo-apes' attacks and while on the air he slice the heads of all three of them... clean off... I smiled as they cheered the Ninja as if the crowd won a trophy or something..
---Randy's POV---
I cheered along with the crowd and held my hands up..
"Hey Ninja! Where's The Ninja's shadow?!" Debbie suddenly said as if interviewing me and held out a microphone..
"Uh..." I said as I looked down and saw my was there felt really empty though.
"So.. Where is she!?" The other students began to muttered all around.. I'm getting the cheese out of here..
"SMOKE-BOMB!" I said as I threw a smokebomb on the ground and I ran to the nearest boy's bathroom.. I took of my mask and kept it in my jacket and go to my next subject... which is... History. I think I'm getting a D on it.. I got to my usual seat and sat down, while Howard sat beside me. And(Y/n) sat behind us... no one by her side. She has this poker face on... while in History class. I should talk to her later after classes.. Its our last subject anyway..
-After classes-
I got up and saw(Y/n) walked passed me and got outside the classroom. I chased after her outside the school.. she didn't looked back even though I kept screaming her name. And finally I managed to grab her arm... She shrugged it off, and didn't even looked back again.
"I just want to talk to you.." I said as I pleaded her to stay..
"I have no time to spend talking to you..." She said in a shrugged voice..
"Look, If its the other-..." I tried to say something but a car cut me off as it parked in front of us..
"My ride is here... and Don't you dare talk to me again.. Good bye...." She said as she looked back a bit.. And with that she opened the car door and got inside. I stood there and watched the car drive off...
Is she still angry about me?...
Was this really Goodbye..?!
"Hey Bud!" Howard said as he patted me on the back.
"H-hey..." I replied with a sad tone..
"I know what'll cheer you up.. I just have the perfect thing... Grave Punchers! Tonight! My House!" Howard said as he started to drag me to his house.. I guess that will take my mind off it. Once we got to Howard's house, We ran to Howard's room and closed the door. Howard plugged in the controllers and we started to play Grave punchers... It was just 4:00 pm when we started playing it..
-After A few hours.. and by 'few'.. I mean 'many'...-
"You Have Punched All the Graves!" The voice in the game suddenly said we cleared the last level.
"Yus!" I said as I pumped my fist in the air. Howard did the same and we did our long handshakes.
"So.. did it work?" Howard suddenly asked me after our handshakes..
"What?" I said as I arched my brow..
"You know.. To cheer you up about(Y/n) ignoring you.." He said as he took a dive in his bed..
"Ooh... I did but... You just reminded me..." I said now feeling sad about it as I remembered it..
"Eeh... Sorry about that bud.. You could just forget about her you know?" Howard said as he didn't feel sorry at all.. I sighed a bit but then Heidi suddenly burst out from Howard's room..
"Look Andy, I know you aren't that bad, but you gotta honkin fix hat you've done" She said as she leaned at the door frame..
"Yeah but... How?" I said as I crashed down on the floor..
"This will." Heidi said as she held out a poster that said...
Battle of the Bands... 2MORROW at the Mall!..
6:00 pm ~ 9:00 pm - THERE.WILL.BE.A.PRIZE!
"I fail to see how that will help Cunningham..." Howard suddenly said with an arched brow...
"Yeah.. How will that help me?" I asked Heidi.. She face palmed and let out a sigh...
"You could write a song for her and how sorry for what you've done and I think that'll change her mind!" Heidi said as if it was the obvious answer..
"I don't think that'll work sis.." Howard said laughing..
"Whatever.. But let me know if you wanna join in or not..." Heidi said as she threw the poster at us and left...
"You know what...? I'm gonna do it..." I said as I grabbed a paper and a ball-pen... I know its out of my nature to write a honkin cheesy song but... I'll do my best to get (Y/n) back... I think...
"WHAT!?" Howard suddenly blurted out.
"C'mon Howard! Help me!" I said as I begged him. Howard whined at first but then he helped me after a minute or so... Now its 9:15 pm..
"Oh I gotta get our of here.. Thanks anyway bud.. Oh and come by my place tomomrrow.. Were gonna work on the tone and some of the lyrics too since it would be a Saturday.." I said as I kept the paper and got up..
"Fine... Only because I want to hangout with (Y/n) again..." Howard said as he pouted his lips and took a dive in his bed again... and after that he snoozed off...
"Good night bud..." I said as I closed the door and went straight home..
-Th Next Day.. =3 -(Still Randy's POV)
I jammed with Howard and tried to make a tone of the song in the garage of my house... The lyrics were bruce but the tune was honkin terrible ad sucked... It was 12:00 pm and the contest was just 6 hours away, I could feel I'm already nervous even though were not even there..
"Hey Cunningham, We've been practicing all morning can't we have a snack break...?! And Its not like (Y/n) will be there too.." Howard suddenly burst out begging me to bring out some snacks...
"Fine.." I said as I got some snacks and he does have a point though... I texted Heidi that We'd join up so we can be announced.. She replied with a thumbs up and said she'll come here...
Wait, Why the juice will does she want to come here...?..
~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~(Time skip a bit! .-.)
I heard this Battle of Bands.. and I think I'll be going there. Its my first time attending there though.. I asked my Aunt if I could go there and she said yes. She also said to be back by 9:00 pm though... I don't want to talk to anyone so that's why I going on a disguise!..
So I think I'm going on with my black skirt with my (f/c) tank top with a hoodie attached on it.. My tank top had a (another fav. color) stripe at the middle, it looked like a belt though.. and for my shoes, My (f/c) McKicks of course. If I came there with my black jacket, I'm sure someone will notice me. But why am I dressed like this?... Well, nobody had seen me in a skirt before... also, I think I look like a dancer like Morgan's dance troupe though.
I went to the mall a little bit early...well, more early. Its was just 4:45 pm. So I walked around the mall and checked out some of the stores there.. and I found some sweet sneaks there. I know I've just ate some snacks from home... But I'm still hungry now... Hmmm...
Where to eat...?
I think I'm going with the coffee pub while I put my hood on, It was like a coffee shop though... I stepped right in through the door and I heard a ringing sound... I walked to a table close to the window or a window seat. The Coffee Pub wasn't that crowded though. As soon as I sat down, one of the waiters came in and asked...
"Hi Ma'am! What'll be your order?" She said with a cheerful smile on and handed me a menu.. Then again, I don't want to buy anything expensive so..
"I think I'll take an Espresso... and... with..uh... (Fav. Flavor) Muffin..." I said as I gave back the menu with a smile. I slouched at my seat and took out my phone and tried to connect to the public WiFi at the Coffee pub while I waited for my order but, sadly... I failed to connect. Curse you all the people who are hogging all the WiFi.. Especially that dude at the back cause, he was using a laptop!.. I mean, You could have connect to another you know! Cause this is a Coffee Shop! Not a connect-to-the-WiFi-all-you-want shop!.. I looked outside the window and saw some familiar faces.. Including Randy carrying...
But as soon as I saw him outside I ducked a bit and didn't looked away and hoped he didn't notice me or something like that.. I was checking if my thought were right... and.. yup...
He'll be playing at the contest..
Well, Duh... LOL...
"(Y-Y/n)...?!?" An Unfamiliar voice suddenly said...
I slowly turned around not knowing what I'll see... But as soon as I turned, I was confused and didn't recognize him.. Yes, It was a boy. An attractive boy that is and it looked like he was just my age... His hair was shaggy and it was brown and his eyes... it was like looking at the ocean...
Wait, I've seen those eyes before...
He wore a blue t-shirt with a tiny pocket at the right side and he was wearing black jeans too and his hands inside of his pockets... And he looked shocked as I am...
But then it hit me.. like lightning or something that hits you hard on the head... I was shocked..
Oh My Cheese....
Is it...?
I wanted to say Hello but... I was so shock that I suddenly shot up and hugged him... I squeezed the life out of him and surprisingly... He hugged me back too... real tight like I did..
I have to admit... I cried a little as I thought....
He was still alive all this time...
Hey there! Sorry for not updating earlier.. =3
Reason..? You know it.. School..
Hehe.. I'm not sure if I will update next week.... But I'll try meh best though... X3
Who was this mystery dude?...
You excited to hear Randy's song just for you?... XD
Why did Heidi came to Randy's house?..
Why am I asking these questions...? XD
All of this questions will be answered in my Next Chapter!.. ;)
Anyways... The end of this book is soooo near... I could feel it.. X3
or not.. //does evil laugh//...
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