Chapter Three: What does it mean?
Truth be told, Loki didn't know much about Christmas either. Why did it give people so much joy and happiness? Why does the Grandmaster deliver presents to children every year? Why has he never heard about it until now? And why can't he have it too? He's read every book on the subject of Christmas and he still doesn't understand. He needs a logical way to explain this Christmas thing. He took out a science book hoping he can find a method to explain it scientifically. So, the next morning, he went to Bruce for equipment. But Bruce was busy with (Y/N).
He had locked her in her room for poisoning him for the fourth time. Loki rang the doorbell and waited to be let in. Bruce just told him the door was open so he just let himself in. Loki told Bruce what he was doing so he needed to borrow some equipment. (Y/N) overheard Loki's request and wondered why he needed to do experiments. She couldn't even leave to find out. Loki returned home with the equipment for his experiments. Loki laid out everything he had gotten from Bruce and got to work with his research. But even with everything he was doing, he still didn't understand Christmas.
Not one thing he did explain what he wanted answered. If anything, it just raised even more questions. (Y/N) could see the light of Loki's experiments from her window. But (Y/N) decided to make him a little treat while he was working. Just some food and a drink. Once she finished the little gift, she opened her window to lower it down safely. She knew that if she left the laboratory again, Bruce would be angry at her again for leaving. But for Loki, it would be worth it. So she jumped out the window and landed on the floor in pieces. But she wasn't dead.
All she had to do is sew herself back together which is exactly what she did. She always has a spare needle and thread on hand for these things. Once she had put herself back together, she made her way to Loki's house. Bruce came to check on (Y/N) saying she could come out of she promised to behave. But she had already left. Meanwhile, Loki was trying some scientific equations to explain Christmas but with no results like everything else. Now he's becoming even more confused.
What is Christmas? He was knocked out of his thoughts when he heard a bang at the window. (Y/N) had used a rope to bring Loki her present. He opened the window for the gift and looked to see who had given it to him. (Y/N) was below him holding the rope. Loki waved at her with a smile, taking the basket off the hook. He looked at the meal (Y/N) had prepared for him. It was all his favorites. He opened the bottle that had the drink she prepared for him to see a butterfly came out.
He smiled and looked back to (Y/N) to ask her to join him. But she was gone. He almost wondered if she was even there to begin with because he couldn't see her anywhere. He just closed the window and got back to work. (Y/N) left the house and just stayed outside the gate. She sat down and picked one of the flowers next to her. She started to pick off the dead leaves until they all went into the flower and it turned into a Christmas tree that Loki had during the Town Meeting.
It was so beautiful until it caught on fire, destroying it. (Y/N) just witnessed what will happen with Loki's plan the next morning. Morning came but the people of Halloween town were worried for Loki yet again. He hasn't left his house for an entire day now because he's been trying to find answers to his questions about Christmas.
'Something's up with Loki. Something's up with Loki,' the vampires said as the sun rose, 'Don't know if we're ever going to get him back.'
'He's all alone up there Locked away inside,' the werewolf said
'Never says a word,' the corpse mum said walking by
'Hope he hasn't died,' the corpse child said following his mother
'Something's up with Loki. Something's up with Loki,' the town said
Loki was pacing in his room trying to figure out what Christmas was about. It was annoying him now.
'Christmas time is buzzing in my skull. Will it let me be? I cannot tell. There are so many things I cannot grasp. When I think I've got it, and then at last,' he put the last two cards onto a house of cards he was making, 'Through my icy fingers, it does slip,' it fell apart, 'Like a snowflake in a fiery grip!'
'Something's here I'm not quite getting. Though I try, I keep forgetting like a memory long since past. Here in an instant, gone in a flash. What does it mean? What does it mean? In these little bric-a-brac, a secret's waiting to be cracked. These dolls and toys confuse me so, confound it all, I love it though.'
'Simple objects, nothing more But something's hidden through a door though I do not have the key,' Loki picked up a rag doll, 'Something's there I cannot see. What does it mean? What does it mean? What does mean?' he threw it away in Fenrir's bed
Fenrir woke up and looked at Loki who was looking at a Christmas book.
'I've read these Christmas books so many times. I know the stories and I know the rhymes,' he put the book away and walked down some stairs, 'I know the Christmas carols all by heart. My skull's so full, it's tearing me apart. As often as I've read them, something's wrong so hard to put my icy finger on.'
Fenrir came over with a picture. It was a picture of Loki that was painted when he became king and when Laufey stepped down so Loki could take the crown.
'Or perhaps it's really not as deep as I've been led to think. Am I trying much too hard? Of course! I've been too close to see the answer's right in front of me! Right in front of me! It's simple really, very clear like music drifting in the air. Invisible, but everywhere. Just because I cannot see it, doesn't mean I can't believe it!'
'You know, I think this Christmas thing is not as tricky as it seems. And why should they have all the fun? It should belong to anyone. Not anyone, in fact, but me. Why, I could make a Christmas tree and there's no reason I can find I couldn't handle Christmas time. I bet I could improve it too! And that's exactly what I'll do!'
Loki laughed having a plan. He opened the window for everyone to hear what he had to say.
"Eureka! This year, Christmas will be OURS!"
The town cheered. But (Y/N) had a bad feeling about this. Especially after last night's vision.
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