Chapter Five: Making Christmas
Loki was still giving everyone their assignments. He had just given the local band their assignment and they left to practice a song Loki had given them. It was (Y/N)'s turn now. But she wasn't here for the assignment. She wanted to tell Loki about what the flower showed her. But when she tried to explain what she saw, Loki didn't want to listen and just asked her to make an outfit that looked similar to the Grandmaster.
Loki would use his magic to turn into the Grandmaster but he felt that was too easy and, besides, why can't he have his own take on the leader of the Christmas holiday? (Y/N) just tried to explain but Loki wouldn't listen. He was too focused on his dream of making his own Christmas. (Y/N) reluctantly took the assignment and left. Loki was giving his next assignment to someone when Peter, Gamora, and Nebula arrived saying they captured the Grandmaster. Loki told them to open the bag so he can see him but out popped a bunny. It's the Easter Bunny.
"That's not the Grandmaster," Loki said
"It isn't?" Gamora asked
"Who is it?" Nebula asked
The bunny hopped over to the one Loki was with a moment ago. He accidentally scared it back into the bag.
"Not the Grandmaster. Take him back!" Loki said annoyed
"We followed your instructions," Peter said
"We went through the door," Nebula said
"Which door?! There's more than one! The Grandmaster is behind the door shaped like this!" Loki said showing a cookie shaped like a Christmas tree.
The tree started to argue and fight about it. Gamora had told Peter that they were going through the wrong door but he was certain the Easter door was the right one. Loki had to scare them to stop fighting!
"I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, sir," Loki said to the Easter Bunny, "Take him home first! And apologize again! Be careful with the Grandmaster when you fetch him. Treat him nicely!"
The three promised that they would get it right next time. At Burce's lab, he was trying to make a replacement for (Y/N) and hoped that the replacement wouldn't run off and poison him all the time. He was interrupted by Igor who had the plans for the reindeer. Bruce gave him a treat for his good work. Time to get to work on making their own Christmas. They had thirty-five days to prepare. They could do it. All the townsfolk were working on something.
Jack-in-the-boxes, hats, toys, haunted dolls, and much, much more. (Y/N) was making the outfit from the example picture that Loki had given her. She still had a bad feeling about this whole idea but there was nothing she could say that would change Loki's mind. Loki was so proud of what the people were doing to make his dream a reality. As the days got closer to Christmas Eve, everyone was still at work in both Christmas and Halloween town. There were no breaks in the final days.
By the time it was Christmas Eve, everything was ready. The presents, the sleigh, the reindeer's, and the costume. In Christmas Town, The Grandmaster was checking off everything on his list. All the children who had been naughty and nice. There were hardly any children who had been naughty the whole year. As he was finishing the list, the doorbell went off.
He went to see who it could be. It was Gamora, Peter and Nebula. They shoved him in their bag and brought him back to Halloween Town. There, (Y/N) was making some final touches on Loki's costume. She had purposely forgotten something on the outfit to try and stop him with this plan.
"You don't look like yourself Loki, not at all," (Y/N) said
"Isn't that wonderful? It couldn't be more wonderful!" Loki said smiling
"But you're the Joutin King," (Y/N) showed Loki his original photo under the Christmas photo
"Not anymore," Loki broke it in half, "and I feel so much better now."
"Loki, I know you think something's missing, but-"
"OW!" (Y/N) had accidentally poked Loki's finger with the needle
"You're right. Something is missing, but what?"
Loki looked in the mirror to see what he could possibly have been missing. He was sure he had everything. Gamora, Peter, and Nebula then arrived with the Grandmaster in the bag. They let everyone see the Grandmaster and were shocked. They didn't expect the man that had been described as a peacock to look like this. He didn't look like they thought he is. Loki was honored to meet the Grandmaster in real life.
Loki assured him that he didn't have to worry about Christmas this year as they had it all planned for him so he can take a vacation. Loki told the three to make sure that the Grandmaster was comfortable. But he stopped them quickly. He now saw what he was missing. He was missing the robes! So, he borrowed the robe the Grandmaster was wearing and the trio took him away. (Y/N) knew Loki couldn't be stopped now. That was until she had one last idea. But where was the trio taking the Grandmaster?
They were taking him to Thanos. There wasn't anywhere else in the world more comfortable than that and Loki said to make him comfortable. (Y/N) went home to get some fog juice to pour into the fountain and stop Loki from leaving. She also saw Bruce's work on his new creation. But she just left. Meanwhile, the trio were pushing the Grandmaster down the chute to Thanos. He landed on a turn-table and waited for something to happen. The lights turned purple where all the gloomy surroundings turned into bright colors. Like a casino. Through some doors were some dice that hit the Grandmaster. Then a shadow appeared over him. It was Thanos!
"Well, well, well, what have we here? Grandmaster, huh? Ooh, I'm really scared! So you're the one everybody's talkin' about?" Thanos asked laughing, 'You're jokin', you're jokin'! I can't believe my eyes! You're jokin' me, you gotta be, this can't be the right guy! He's ancient, he's ugly; I don't know which is worse! I might just split a seam now if I don't die laughing first.'
'When Mr. Oogie Boogie says there's trouble close at hand, you'd better pay attention now 'cause I'm the Boogie Man! And if you aren't shakin', there's something very wrong! 'Cause, this may be the last time you hear the Boogie Song! Woah!'
'Woah,' some skeletons said
'Woah!' some bats said
'I'm the Oogie Boogie Man!'
"Release me now or you must face the dire consequences! The children are expecting me so please, come to your senses!" the Grandmaster said
Thanos saved him from some casino sheriff who almost shot at him
'You're jokin', you're jokin'! I can't believe my ears!' Thanos spun him, 'Would someone shut this fella up? I'm drownin' in my tears!' and kicked him to the ground, 'It's funny, I'm laughing; You really are too much. And now, with your permission, I'm going to do my stuff..."
"What are you going to do?" Grandmaster asked
"I'm going to do the best I can. Oh, the sound of rollin' dice to me is music in the air 'cause I'm a gamblin' Boogie Man although I don't play fair. It's much more fun, I must confess when lives are on the line,' he attached the Grandmaster's tied hands to a hook, 'Not mine, of course, but yours, old boy, now that'd be just fine.'
"Release me fast or you'll have to answer for this heinous act!" the Grandmaster was lifted up by the hook
'Oh brother, you're somethin'! You put me in a spin! You aren't comprehending the position that you're in. It's hopeless, you're finished fou haven't got a prayer 'cause I'm Mr. Oogie Boogie, and you ain't goin' nowhere!'
Thanos laughed.
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