Klaus pulls the lid off the platter on room service table, a raw steak sitting on the plate. Viktor sits on the edge of the dining table, Five leans against the wall and hugs the back of you. Diego and Ben standing between Klaus and Viktor watching them.
"This doesn't seem fair," Viktor mumbles as Klaus starts to poke the roofie pills into the steak.
"It's rock, paper, scissors. Nothing more fair," Five says.
"You'll be fine. Just don't get too close," I say.
"Klaus should do it," Viktor says.
"Klaus took a punch from Mike Tyson, after Y/n beat the shit out of him. Come on, for Luther," Five says.
"Yeah, but he kind of deserved that. And Viktor's right, the tiger is technically Klaus's fault," I say.
"Why are you peppering the steak? You don't know if tigers like pepper," Ben says, all of us blooming over to again to see Klaus adding pepper to the steak.
"Tigers like pepper. They hate cinnamon," Klaus says.
"I- never mind," Diego sighs.
"Diego, just do it. You should do it." Viktor says as Diego walks away.
"I would, but you lost. It wouldn't be right," Diego says, leaning back against the chair as I chuckled softly.
"All right, I jammed five roofies in there. Just go in there and throw it in to him," Klaus says, picking up the steak and handing it to Viktor.
"Fine," Viktor says, grabbing it and walking over to the bathroom.
"Make sure he eats the whole thing," Five says as Viktor walks into the bathroom, shutting the door. I sighed, leaving Fives's arms walking over to the curtains and glancing out the window before heading Viktor scream from inside the bathroom. I quickly walk over, Five and Diego also standing up and aware as Viktor quickly walks out and slams the door behind him, leaning back against it.
"What do we do now?" He asks, almost out of breathe.
"We wait," Klaus says.
Diego plays a tune on the piano as you all wait for the tiger to fall asleep, sitting together on the armchairs and couch's in the lounge around it. You sit in-between Five's legs as you sit in the couch. Five leaning into the back sofa as you lean against his chest. One of his hands softly plays with your hair, pulling it away from your face as his other hand hold yours. The moment definitely makes your heart beat very fast, butterflies fluttering in your stomach, but you also can't help but feel relaxed from the close pressure of Five. It's times like this when you wonder if his intention was to comfort you like a friend who has feelings. Klaus sits in the other armchair next to you both as he glances around the room, looking at the weird disaster.
"We still don't know how we got the chickens," I whisper to Five, noticing the chicken on top of the piano.
"I don't know I want to know," he chuckles.
"What do tigers dream if, when they take a little tiger snooze?" Diego sings, a small laugh from my lips.
"Do you dream of mauling zebras, or Halle Berry in her Catwoman suit? Well, don't worry your pretty stripped head, we're gonna get you back in to Tyson and your cozy tiger back," Diego sings.
"What goes through his head?" Ben says referring to Diego singing.
"And then we're gonna find out brother, Luther, and then we're gonna give a best friend hug. Luther, Luther," he harmonizes, still perfectly hitting the right notes on the piano.
"Luther, Luther, Luther, Luther. But if he been murdered by crystal-meth stealers.." he trains off.
Five sighs, pulling his hand away from my head to check his watch.
"Well then we're shut out of luck," he finished is song quickly. I look over when I heard the tiger groaning and a loud thud, looking back over at Diego.
"Stu, if you're done with your concert, I think the tiger just passed out."
"By the way, we're all gonna die," Ben says as he backs out the room with the luggage, you holding the other side of the cart as Five, Diego, Klaus and Viktor follow behind you.
"Wait, wait," Klaus says, pushing in front of you to fix the blanket over the tigers face, hitting your shoulder on the way and causing the cart to jerk to the side and the tiger's face to hit off the wall.
"Oh, God," Five mutters, walking next to you.
"Klaus, fuck off!" I whisper yelled to him trying not to wake up the drug tiger.
"His nose! That's his fucking nose," Ben say as you continue walking down the hall.
"It's not my fault, Klaus pushed me"
You sit on Diego's lap in the middle in the back seat as Ben and Viktor's sit next to him both. The tiger asleep in the backseat behind you, where Viktor usually sits by himself. All of you sitting in silence due to the fear of either walking the tiger, or just not knowing what to say. Five drives the car, Klaus sitting in the passenger seat.
"Hey, guys, when's the next Hailey's concert?" Klaus asks, breaking the silence as Viktor looks over at him and rolls his eyes.
"Who cares?" Five asks.
I sighed, shifting uncomfortably, Five glancing at me in the mirror.
"Do you know, Viktor?" He asks.
"I don't know it's for, like, another 60 years or something," Viktor says tiredly.
"But it's not tonight, right?" He asks.
"No, I don't know so," Viktor says.
"But you don't know for sure?"
"No," Viktor says quickly.
"I got this friend who saw one. He says it blew his mind. I want to make sure u never miss out on Hailey's Comet. So, if you guys know there's gonna be one-"
"Can you stop moving? Your butt is boney," Diego says, cutting off Klaus.
"Diego, you're gonna have to suck it up for the time being," Five mumbles.
"If you don't like it, sit with the tiger," I say.
"You sit with the tiger—" Diego is cut off by a loud roar, all of us looking back to the tiger now awake and sitting up behind us.
"Holy fuck!" Ben yells as you all immediately start yelling and screaming, everything you're all yelling and jumping as the car swerves in the tunnel, Ben very distracted from the Tiger by from trying to open the car door. The tiger lifts its paw, scarping its nails down the side of Ben's neck and leaving large, bloody scratch marks.
"Holy shit!" I yell, watching Five struggle to control the road, hitting off the side of a trunk before pulling over the the side, all of us quickly spilling out of the car. Five immediately shuts the door afterwards. You all panting and completely out of breathe as you watch the tiger in the back seat.
"Fuck!" Diego yells as the tiger starts chewing apart of Ben seats.
"It got me! It fucking got me!" Ben shouts, pulling down his collar of his shirt.
"You got clawed! You're bleeding," Klaus says.
"Fuck," Ben groans, touching his bloody neck and pulling away his now bloody fingers. The tiger breaks the back window, all of us jumping back as it looks out and roars at us.
"Guys, I can't do this!" Klaus says, jumping back from the car and nervously jumping up and down. I sighed, continuing to help the guys push the vehicle up the road.
"Get your fucking hand back in there and steer the car!" Five whispers.
"I'm too nervous!" He pants.
"Klaus, we need you right now! This is your time to shine, okay?" Viktor asks.
I continue to push forwards, the muscles in my legs burning with each step.
"Okay, yeah, whew." Klaus says, sticking his head back in through the window and continuing to steer.
"That's it," Viktor says.
"Keep it straight." Diego says, as the five of us are slightly out of breathe.
Klaus rings the door, Mike's assistant guy opening the door as a different man stands behind him.
"You're late," he says.
"Whatever, man. We had to push it the last mile," Diego sighs.
"Come on in, Mike's got something he wants to show you," he says, stepping aside for you all can walk in. Ben walks in last, stopping when he hears the tiger growling again
"That thing's out of control, man. Seriously, you gotta put it down," he says before the man closes the front door, leading you done the hall of the large house. You eventually reach a small living room with a large tub, which you assume it's it own room specifically for the damn security cameras.
"Take a seat," he says, all of you sitting on the black leather couch around Mike.
"When we got back, we took a look at the security cameras," Mike says.
"Great." Five says. The guy turns the tv on, a video of the seven of you all stumbling the yard, gripping onto each other for support.
"It's Luther," Viktor says.
"Oh my god," I say, letting out a breath of relief.
"Thank god he's alive," Five sighs.
"That's are brother. That's the one we've been missing," Viktor explains.
"Yes. We're all brothers," Klaus adds, ruining the moment.
"Why don't you just pay attention? I don't have all night," Mike says, holding a small white dog in his arms.
"Yeah, of course. Of course," Viktor says, looking back at the tv.
"What are you doing?" Ben asks in the video as you all stumble into the backyard pool area.
"That's me, I'm on tv. I've need been on tv before," Klaus smiles.
"Hey guys, check this out! Klaus says in the video, balancing over the rocks and pulling out his dick, peeing into the pool.
"Really? Really, Klaus?" Five asks.
You watch as Diego bumps into you, your ankle rolling as you almost fall into the pool, Ben quickly grabbing your hand and pulling you back up before you both fall on the ground, laughing uncontrollably. You can't help but let a small smile form on your face, seeing you and Ben having a great time before you were drugged and forgot about it. Five laughs at you both, grabbing one of your hands and grabbing Ben's with the other.
"C'mon." Five jokes, helping you both stand up as you fall on his chest, laughing as you cling onto his blazer. You look over at Five, seeing him smile softly at the video as well.
You look back over to see Mike giving Klaus a death stare as he still pisses in the pool, Klaus stuttering as he watches.
"Yeah. I was, uh-" he says.
"You're gonna overflow the pool, man!" Viktor laughs in the video.
"Maybe I - should I wait outside?" Klaus asks.
"I think that's a good idea." Mike says.
"Yeah," Klaus mumbles, standing up and walking out of the room.
"Don't touch anything out there, either," the man warns as Klaus walks out.
"You know what?" He's not really a good friend of mine - I don't know him pretty well," Ben explains. You look back to the video to see Diego leading the tiger on a leash out the driveway and towards the front gate where the cop car is parked, all of you laughing and giggling at each other.
"By the way, where'd you get that cop car from?" Mike asks, your eyes wide from watching you guys tame it so easily as if the couldn't have just eaten you all if it wanted too.
"We, uh, stole it. From these dumbass cops," Ben smirks. You guess he wasn't lying when he said he was going to tell everyone g you guys stole a police car.
"Nice!" Mike says, all of you quickly laughing along with him to try and ease to moment while watching you steal this tiger.
"High five that one!" He says, high-fiving Ben and you move toward the car, opening the back door and the tiger jumping in.
"You know, I just have to say, I have never seen such a more elegant, beautiful, just regal creature," Diego says, obviously trying to suck up to get on Mike's good side.
"Check it out! Luther, Luther!" Diego says in the camera, moving to hump the back of the tiger after he had just complimented it to Mike.
"Fuck this tiger!" Diego laughs, pretending to literally fuck it.
"Oh, god. That's awful," Diego says as you all watch it lay out.
"Who does shit like that, man?" Mike asks, looking over to Diego.
"Apparently Diego does," I chuckle quietly, just loud enough for Diego to hear.
"Someone who had a lot of issues, obviously. I'm a sick man," Diego says as Luther rolls in the ground in laugher. Viktor projectile vomiting all over the car before falling on it. The man clicks off the tv, all of you now awkwardly looking at each other.
"That's all we got," he says.
"This was, very helpful, really. Because now we know that our brother was with us at 3:30, totally," Five says.
"Thanks again. And, again, we are so sorry we stole your tiger," Viktor says.
"Don't worry about it, man. Like you said, we all do dumb shit when we're fucked up," mikes says. I sighed, knowing that he thankfully doesn't blame us, completely. They both start laughing, again trying to suck up and ease the mood.
"I did say that," Viktor chuckled.
"Okay, I think we need to go. Thank you so much, this could've really us find Luther," I say, even though I know it didn't make too much of a difference other than the fact that you know he was alive past 3:30. I'm just trying
to sound as nice as I can do he doesn't knock me out like he did to Klaus.
"He will show you out," Mike says, referring to the bodyguard as we all stand up and begin to walk toward the front door.
"Oh, by the way, here are your heels. Found them outside the fence," he says, holding the black laced heels in his hand.
"You know, everyone says Mike Tyson is sick a badass, but I think he's kinda of a sweetheart," Ben says as he drives, Five sitting in the passenger seat holding his head up with his fist while me, Diego and Viktor sit in back seat, and Klaus sitting alone is the backseat behind us.
"I think he's mean," Klaus mubbles.
"You deserved what you got," I say.
"All right. I think it's official time we call Sloane." Five says, looking over at the four of us in the back.
"Hallelujah. Finally, Five says something that makes sense," Ben says.
"No-no, we can't call Sloane. She will kill me if she finds out we fucked so much up. The exact reason she sent me was to make sure shit like this doesn't happen!" I say.
"I mean- we don't have much of a choice. And, who knows, maybe she's heard from Luther," Diee says.
"That's what I've been saying this whole time." Viktor says.
I sigh, hitting the back of my head off the seat. Ben pulls into an empty parking lot, stopping in the middle of it.
"We need to be completely honest, we need to tell her everything," Fige says. Everyone pauses for a moment, pointing at Five.
"We don't need to tell her everything. I mean, we can leave out the stuff about me, marrying a hooker," Ben says.
"And you piercing my nipples," I say.
"Just stay focused on Luther," Viktor says.
"How are we gonna even explain to her about this?" Klaus asks.
"Tell her you gave us and her husband roofies and made us do some fucked up shit," I say.
"Guys, relax, it's just a problem for now." Five says, looking back at me at I saw a large black car comes speeding towards Five's side.
"Five! Watch out!" I yell as the car slams into the car, sending the vehicle across the parking lot and into a large sign, the sign coming down and breaking through the roof of the car next to Klaus's seat.
"Shit!" I yell, Klaus quickly dodging the sign as I look around at everybody.
"You guys okay?" I ask.
"What's the fuck?" Five says, looking out the window to see the same little Asian guy that you had found in the truck and attacked you earlier in the day.
"Hey! That's the guy from the trunk!" Klaus says.
"Get out the car, please," he says, standing in front of the windshield as five guys came out there car with a car and guns. Two of them being the same guys who had came after you guys earlier too.
"Wait- those are the guys that shot Eddie" Diego says.
"Listen- oh, okay," Five stars as one of the guys grabs Five's arms, pulling him of his window as Five just complies.
"Easy, easy," Klaus says and one of men pulled Klaus out of the back window where he was from.
"Okay! All right!" Diego says, struggling to get from the guys grip.
"Hold on!" Ben yells, his voice strained as they grab him by his jacket.
"Okay, okay," Viktor chimes in, trying to placate them as he's pulled through the car window. He grimaces as they yank him by the collar, dragging him out.
"Hey!" I shout, feeling hands gripping my shirt, dragging me through the shattered window next. The rough edges of the glass scrape against my skin, and I feel the sting of tiny cuts forming on my arms.
"Hey, easy, relax! Easy, easy!" Viktor winces again as they toss him to the ground like a ragdoll. They barely give him a second to breathe before yanking him back up.
"I have whiplash!" Klaus complains, flailing as he tries to break free from the guy's hold. His eyes are wide, his voice a mix of panic and his usual dramatics, but there's a seriousness to it I don't often see.
"Hey, get small one," The men—a shorter, wiry guy—barks, nodding toward Five. The man's eyes are hard, sizing up each of us as his cronies manhandle us, dragging us all to a central in the street.
"I want my purse back, assholes," a small Asian guy snaps, standing in front of his men, his expression sour as he holds up the same bag Klaus had yesterday. It looks strangely out of place in his hands, a juxtaposition of his tough demeanor and the feminine accessory.
"What? What purse?" Viktor asks, confusion etched on his face.
"It's not a purse; it's a satchel," Klaus corrects, his voice rising indignantly. His correction draws the attention of the men surrounding us, their eyes narrowing as if daring him to say more.
"Klaus, just shut up," I mutter under my breath, shooting him a warning look. Now is definitely not the time for his antics.
"It's a purse! Okay? And you stole from the wrong guy," the man barks, his tone heated as he glares at each of us in turn.
"Wait a second, wait a second, we stole from you?" Diego asks, his brows furrowing as he tries to piece together what the guy's saying.
"Okay, look. Sir," I interject, trying to sound calm and reasonable. The man's eyes snap to me, and I feel a bead of sweat trickle down my spine. "We really don't remember anything that happened last night. Could you help us out a little bit here?"
"Well, apparently you guys met at a craps table last night," one of the guards chimes in. "Yeah, you were on a real heater, riding a hot streak." He points at Klaus, and we all turn to look at him, our confusion deepening. "He ended up winning just under eighty grand," the man continues.
"No shit?" Ben mutters, sounding almost impressed despite the situation.
"Eighty grand is nice," I say, nodding slowly, still trying to wrap my head around the absurdity of it all.
"Okay, that's good," Diego adds, though his tone suggests he's still as lost as the rest of us.
The guard holding the bag nods toward it. "He put the chips in his purse, and then you guys took off with it."
"Oh," Viktor mumbles quietly, the pieces finally clicking into place for all of us. So that's what this is about.
I take a deep breath, glancing around at the tense faces surrounding us. We've been in tough spots before, but this? This feels different. More chaotic. And all because of a damn satchel—or purse, or whatever Klaus wants to call it.
"That doesn't sound like us," Viktor adds, trying to downplay the situation.
"Eh, a little," Ben mumbles under his breath. I turn and smack him in the chest, annoyed. He just gives me a sheepish shrug.
"There was eighty thousand dollars inside! And this one? Nothin'," the little man snaps, holding up Klaus's bag before tossing it to the ground and stomping on it.
"Hey! There are Skittles in there!" Klaus shouts, taking a tentative step forward. One of the goons quickly steps in, driving a fist into Klaus's stomach. He doubles over, groaning as he stumbles back.
"Ow! Oh, not again," Klaus whines, clutching his stomach. The little man cackles, clearly enjoying Klaus's pain. Viktor and I rush to his side, helping him stay upright as he leans into the car for support.
"Don't let him fool you. He's a child," Five mutters, watching me help Klaus steady himself. I can see the gears turning in Five's mind, but he's not sharing whatever plan he's cooking up just yet.
"Now, look, this was obviously a very simple misunderstanding. My brother picked up the wrong bag. It's no big deal!" Diego tries to reason, stepping forward with his hands raised in a placating gesture.
"If it is 'no big deal,' then why, when I come after you guys, does he start screaming like a crazy and throw me in the trunk?" the little man asks, pointing a finger at Five. We all turn to face Five, who looks bewildered.
"What, I did that?" Five asks, pointing at himself, his face a mask of innocence.
"Five, what the hell, man," Diego groans, rubbing his forehead in frustration.
"If you want to see your brother again, you give me my eighty grand," the man threatens, his tone deadly serious. The words hang in the air like a punch to the gut, and my breath catches in my throat.
We all freeze, eyes widening in shock. Luther. They have Luther.
I feel a chill run down my spine as the reality sinks in. This just got a whole lot worse. I glance at Five, whose face has hardened, the wheels in his head turning even faster now.
"Where is he?" I demand, stepping forward, my voice steady despite the fear gnawing at my insides.
"What—our brother?" Five asks, his voice sharp with disbelief.
"You have Luther?" Viktor's voice trembles slightly, his eyes wide with shock.
"Where the hell is he?" I demand, my voice rising. The small man then snaps his fingers. A guard next to him slams his hand against the side of the car they arrived in. The window rolls down slowly, revealing a large figure in the backseat with a bag over his head, struggling against the restraints holding him in place.
"Luther!" Viktor calls out, his voice desperate, trying to get his brother's attention.
Diego makes a move to rush forward, but one of the guards shoves him back roughly.
"Luther!" I scream, running toward the car, but before I can get close, the tinted window rolls back up. I pound on the glass, frantic. "Luther, can you hear us?" I yell, but before I can get another word out, a guard grabs me by the arm, yanking me back and tossing me roughly toward the boys. I stumble, catching myself, feeling Five's hand grip my arm to steady me.
The boys press forward again, trying to get closer to the car, but the guards form a solid wall, pushing us all back. I'm boiling with frustration, my heart racing with fear for Luther.
"Let him go!" I shout at the little man, my voice raw with emotion. I glance at Five beside me, who holds my arm tightly, his face set in a hard frown. He's just as tense as the rest of us, his gaze darting between the guards and Luther in the car.
"Okay, okay, all right, fine, fine," Five says quickly, stepping forward, trying to calm everyone down. His hands are raised in a placating gesture, his voice steady but urgent. "Let's just ease up here, all right?"
"What do you want?" Viktor asks, his voice softer but no less desperate.
The little man tilts his head, a sly smile curling at the corners of his lips. "I want my eighty grand," he replies smoothly, as if it's the simplest thing in the world. "And I want it now."
Eighty grand. That's what it comes down to. I glance around at the boys, their expressions a mix of anger and fear. How the hell are we supposed to come up with that kind of money? And even if we could, there's no guarantee these guys would let Luther go.
"We don't have that kind of money on us," Diego says, his voice tight, eyes fixed on the small man. "But we can get it. Just give us some time."
The little man's eyes glittering with amusement. "Time, huh? Time is money, my friends. And I'm not a patient man."
I feel a knot tightening in my stomach. This guy means business, and we're running out of options. I look at Five again, hoping he has something up his sleeve because we need a miracle right now.
"Look, this is an easy fix. Klaus, where's his purse?" Diego demands, spinning around to face Klaus, who is still clutching his stomach, grimacing.
"I don't know," Klaus groans, clearly in pain. I slap my palm against my forehead. Great. Just great. We don't even have the damn purse.
"It's in the hotel room, ass," Ben snaps.
"Yeah, we can get it," Viktor adds quickly, his eyes darting nervously between the little man and the rest of us.
"Yeah, we can get you the purse. We can even write you a check right now," Diego suggests, trying to sound reasonable.
"No chance! Cash only," the man says, rubbing his fingers together like he's savoring the thought of counting the money.
"Give us a break! We've all had a shit day!" I snap, my voice rising in frustration. I'm beyond pissed at this point, and I don't care if he knows it.
"Boring," the man yawns, covering his mouth with his hand in an exaggerated gesture. "I take nap. Come on," he says, waving his hand. His guards start moving back toward the car.
"Hey! Wait... Luther!" Diego shouts, trying to get their attention as the men get into the car.
"Luther!" Five shouts, banging his fist against the car window. Klaus quickly steps in front of the car, blocking its path, while Diego and I scramble to open the doors, but they're locked tight.
"Open the car, asshole!" I yell, pounding on the window. The glass slowly rolls down, and the little man's face appears again, while the boys stand behind me.
"Bring the money to Bug Rock in the Mojave Desert at dawn," he says calmly, like he's telling us the weather.
"What?" Ben blurts out, bewildered.
"Bug Rock, Mojave Desert, at dawn," the man repeats slowly, as if talking to a group of children. "No money, no brother. It's very simple."
"Too-da-loo, motherfucker," the little man taunts in a sing-song voice, rolling up the window with a self-satisfied grin. The car speeds away, leaving us standing there, helpless and frustrated.
"At least take the bag off his head!" Viktor shouts desperately after them, but the car is already gone, kicking up dust and gravel in its wake. I can feel the tension crackling in the air around us, everyone simmering with a mix of stress and fury.
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