"Hey, Five, what about Ben's car?" Klaus asks as you all walk out the building, Viktor and Klaus holding the white boxes filled with the weird merchandise.
"I'm sure Luther has it. We'll get it back," he says.
"Then you vote you torch the cop and all this shit with it," Ben says as Five opens the trunk.
"Torch it? Who are you?" Viktor asks after he placed the box in the truck.
"I don't know, Viktor. Apparently I'm a guy who marries completes strangers. This whole situation is completely fucked. There mugs," Ben yells, grabbing one of the mugs from the box Klaus was holding and shattering it on the ground.
"Hey, Ben, settle down," Diego says. I sighed to myself.
"This hat!" he yells, ripping the hat off of Klaus's head and tossing it on the ground.
"Hey!" Klaus whines.
"This car too! It's all evidence of a night that never happened. That is why we're torching all of it!" Ben says.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm still a person, I've got a life m. I'm all for secrecy but I'm not gonna torch a fucking cop car," Viktor says.
"No, I agree with Viktor. You thought what you were going before this was illegal? This will for sure get us caught. Torching it will really gain us attention," I say.
"Fine, I'll do it." Ben eases up, placing his hands on his hips.
"Can I help?" Klaus asks. I sighed, rolling my eyes.
"I don't care." Ben says as someone's phone starts ringing.
"Shoot, is it Luther's?" Five says, pointing to Diego as he pulls Luther's phone out of his pocket.
"Uh, it's Lila," he sighs.
"Don't answer it," Five sighs, shutting the trunk after Klaus had finally stuck the box in.
"I have to, she's called twice already!" He says.
"I mean, you ignore her calls so now she had call your brother. She must be worried," I say.
"Can I ride shotgun?" Klaus asks, touching Five's arm.
"Don't touch me," Five says, quickly pulling his arm away as he pushes past Klaus.
"No." I say, walking to the front passenger seat and getting in as you hear Diego answering the phone from after. Five hangs his head, fed up with Diego.
"Learning all kinds of vino factoids," Diego says as he gets in the seat next to Klaus, and Ben, with Viktor sitting in the last seat roll by himself rubbing his head.
"It would be so cool if you could breastfeed, y'know?" Klaus asks Ben next to him as he sits between Ben and Diego. Ben furrowing his eyebrows and shaking his head at the weird comment, even though it shouldn't be a surprise coming from his mouth.
"Well, we're about to go for a tractor ride, you should probably get going." Diego says as an orange car speeds into the parking lot, quickly parking behind you.
"The hell?" Five mumbles, glancing in the rearview mirror. I look behind me, seeing tow men get out the car, both of them holding a wooden baseball bat.
"Get out of the car!" One of them yelled, coming over to my side and hitting my side of the door at the same time the other guy walks over to Five's side.
"They just started up the tractor. You think it backfired," Diego chuckles nervously still on the phone with Lila.
"Where the hell is he?" The man on Five's side yells, looking closely at Five by hanging over the windshield.
"Hey, easy, easy. You think we're looking for the same guy, okay?" Five ask, holding his hands up in surrender. The guy on my side doesn't hesitate to life the bat, banging it off the middle of the windshield and breaking the glass.
"Hey! What the hell, man!" Ben ask as the baby starts to cry from the backseat in Klaus lap.
"Why would there be a baby? We're at a winery, that's a... goat," Diego says on the phone.
"Where is he?" The man on your side yells again.
"I don't know! What are you talking about?" Viktor yells.
"Sir, can you please start the tractor so you get out of here?" Diego ask Five, leaning closer
towards him.
"I'm trying to but we're fucking blocked!" Five yells, turning to face Diego. The man on Five's side continues to hit the window, shattering a part of his side of the glass too.
"Hey! There's a baby on board!" Klaus yells.
"We don't have who you're looking for!" I yell.
"Get out of the fucking car!" The man on Five's side yells, Five starting the car quickly.
"It's a baby goat!" Diego yells.
"Why are you making trouble outside of my business, man?" Eddie yells, stepping outside of the building.
"Out the fucking car, bitch," the man on my side says, pulling out a gun and aiming at you.
"Fuck," I mumble.
"Five, he's got a gun!" Klaus says worriedly.
"No shit he's got a gun!" Five yells back.
"I gotta call you back," Diego says, finally hanging up in the mess of it all.
"C'mon," Five days, quickly driving forward until he hits the white van in front of us. You all over to see Eddie groaning and holding his bloody shot shoulder.
"He shot me!" Eddie yells.
"Fuck! Shit!" Five yells, quickly putting the car in reverse.
"They shot Eddie!" Klaus yells.
"Fuck this shit!" Five days, backing directly out of the parking lot and onto the road, hitting the orange car and shattering a glass bus stop shelter on the way.
"Fuck! Fuck!" Diego yells. Five quickly puts the car back in drive.
"Go! Go! Go!" Viktor yells, Five quickly driving down the road. I let out a relieved sigh, looking back to see no one behind us, thankfully.
"That really just happened. Holy shit," I say, rubbing my face.
"Okay, that was some sick shit, though!" Ben smirks, laughing a bit.
"Who the hell were those guys?" Viktor asks.
"We're going to be okay. Everything's gonna be okay, alright? Shh," Diego says calmly to the baby.
"What the fuck is going on?!" He screams afterwards.
"I have no idea," Five pants. Luther's phone starts to ringing again, Diego sliding it up and looking at it.
"How about you let that one go to voicemail?" Five asks.
"Ha-ha-ha-ha!" Diego fake-laughs. "Thats a fake laugh by the way!"
You all walk up the stairs of the outside of the very small apartment building, Diego and Ben leading as you, Five, Viktor, and Klaus follow behind them.
"It's got, uh, Danson and Magnum P.I. and that Jewish actor—"
"Shut up, Klaus!"
"Seriously, dude. No one cares," I say.
"She's right," Five says walking right by me.
"What room is it again?" Viktor asks, glancing at me and Five.
"It's 825," Five days as a woman on the phone walks out of her room ahead of you, gasping when she see you guys and hanging up the phone. The same lady from photos she and Ben took together, Jade.
"Thank God, he's with his father! I was freaking out, I missed you sweetie," she smiles, picking the baby from Klaus's pouch. I snort, trying to hide behind Ben as Five smirks down at me.
"And I miss you." She says, leaning forward to Ben and starts literally making out with him. Five looks down between you and them, obviously confused about the situation.
"This is weird." I whispered, Five nodding an agreement as he stares at them.
"What the hell happened to you guys?" She smiles, pulling away.
"Actually, we were hoping you could tell us." Viktor says.
"What do you mean? I got up this morning, I went to get you guys all coffee, and I came back and you were gone," she says, all of you silently staring at her as you still had no clue how you even know her.
"Why are you so quiet?" She smiles, looking at Ben.
"I'm not being quiet," he chuckles nervously, Jade laughing.
"Ha, ha, you're so cute!" She smiles.
"Here, I got a feed, Tyler. Come inside, you guys." She says, pushing open the hotel door and pulling behind her as she holds onto his hand.
"Did you hear that? The babies name is Tyler," Klaus says to you and Five, stopping before he enters the room.
"Yeah, I thought he look more like a Carlos, too, bud," Five says, rubbing Klaus's back as he pushes him inside.
You all awkwardly sit on the couches in the small apartment as Jade pours a glass of iced tea at the kitchen counter, Klaus sitting on the armchair as you sit in-between Five and Diego on the sofa. You lean back, watching her with your arms crossed over your chest.
"Okay, what's up? You guys are acting weird. What is it, do your nipples hurt?" She jokes. I glanced down at my shirt, but then look back up to see Five smiling at me.
"Look, it's Jade, right? Viktor asks, looking at Jade.
"Very funny Viktor." She smiles, walking over and handing him a glass of iced tea.
"Right. Jade, uh." he pauses, clearing his throat, "You remember our brother, Luther?"
"Are you kidding? He was the best man at our wedding. And his wife best friend was the bridesmaid, we were so cute." She smiles, standing in front of you as she bounces Tyler in her arms.
"Exactly. Well, we can't find him and we're gain a little worried," Viktor says as Diego slowly takes a sip out of his drink.
"Oh my god, that is so Luther!" She laughs. Diego spitting his drink all over the baby.
"Oh," she say, backing up as he starts sobbing, all of you confusedly looking at Diego.
"Oh, sweetie, I'm- I'm gonna go clean him off. It's alright, your uncle didn't mean it." Jade says, walking off with him to the bathroom.
"Oh my god," Diego says.
"What the hell?" You gotta hold it together." Viktor says.
"Holy shit," Diego continues.
"She is super hot, you should be proud of Ben." Klaus.
"Klaus's right. What is the next time we're ever ever going to see Ben with a girl like her?" I say.
"She is wearing Grace's ring!" Diego says.
"What?" Ben asks.
"The ring I'm going to give to Lila. You remember? My mothers! Grace! The one dad gave her." He yells out.
"Damn." I mubbled.
"She's wearing it! Why did you give her that ring?" Diego turns to Ben angrily.
"I didn't even know I married her. How would I know I gave your goddamn ring!" Ben low shouts back to Diego.
"Guys, let's calm down." Viktor says. Trying to push away from each other.
"I didn't know Dad gave out rings," Klaus chuckles.
"You need to learn when to not open your mouth," I say.
"He was just hungry, he's fine." She laughs, sitting not in the other armchair across of you.
"Oh, good. Um, about last night, uh, do you remember the last time you saw, Luther?" Diego says.
"Uh, I haven't seen him since the wedding," she says.
"The wedding, okay, great," Five days, leaning to grab the napkin and pen from his pocket.
"And what time was that at?" He ask, putting the napkin on the coffee table in front of him.
"Well, it was, um," she says, taking her entire boob out and putting it in the baby's mouth. We all loudly clears are throat, uncomfortably shifting are spots.
"I guess it was around one, because I had to go back to work and finish my shift. And then when I got out you headed to your hotel with Tyler." She says.
"And, was Luther there then?" Viktor ask, while Five was ready to write it on the napkin.
"I didn't see Luther because you guys passed out. The room was a wreck, so I just curled up next to Ben." She smiles.
"Uh-huh," Five days.
"Rowr," she meows like a cat to Ben, you scrunching up your face in disgust.
"Oh," Klaus chuckles, glancing at Ben.
"I got a question," Diego says awkwardly, raising his hand.
"Um, you said when your shift ended. Does that mean you're a nurse? Or a blackjack dealer?" Diego asks hopefully.
"You know this, I'm a stripper," she laughs, Ben quickly humming in agreement as he squints his eyes shut. You and Five both glance at each other, chuckling quietly.
"Smart." Diego nods, smirking still as he glances over at Ben again.
"Savvy," Klaus agrees
"But that's all in the past now that I'm married to a man with superpowers," she smiles.
"I don't have them anymore," he smiles. You quickly tap Five's legs, both of you silently getting excited at the fact that he finally didn't refer to himself as Number Two for once. But, the back door of the apartment suddenly swings open, two cops bursting in and holding guns up at all of you.
"Las Vegas Police, freeze!" The guys yells, all of us quickly jumping back and holding up your hands.
"Shut that baby up!" He yells to Jade, trying to calm her screaming child.
"Oh God!" Klaus yells.
"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Five yells, trying to ease the cops down a bit. Great, just want we needed right now.
Ben puts quarters into the pay phone as he stands in front of it, my handcuffed hands hanging in the air as I sit on the chairs along with the other guys. My left hand is handcuffed to Klaus's left hands, and Klaus's right hand to Diego's right hand, also making it so much uncomfortable and awkward since his arms are crossed over, Five cuff into his left cross arm and Viktor lastly cuffed into Five's arm.
"And after we take mugshots, we bring them on down here where they wait to be interviewed by the arresting officers." A police officer says, bringing a large group of kids down and using us six as examples for the dumb little field trip.
"Trust me kids, you do not wanna be sitting on these benches. This is what we call; Loserville." The officer says, leading the laughing group of kids away from you. One kids says back, walking towards to Diego and opening his camera on his phone, snapping a picture of him. Diego quickly lifts up his foot up, kicking the phone out of the kids hand as Ben finishes dialing the number, holding the ringing phone to his ear.
"Hey! Sloane, it's Ben." Ben smiles. Oh great, here we go.
"We are at the spa, at the hotel," Ben says, shifting uncomfortably.
"Of course he's around. Why wouldn't he be around?" He asks.
"Um...we made a deal, no talking to girlfriends or sisters. So, we're all just calling each other's." He chuckled, glancing over to you, shaking his head at his own answer.
"Uhh, yeah, you can talk to Y/n," he says, holding the phone to my ear.
"Hey! Sloane." I chuckled nervously.
"Hey, is everything alright? Are you guys staying out of trouble?" Sloane asks.
"Yeah! You wanted me to keep them out of trouble, so, they're out of trouble." I laughed, all of them awkwardly staring at me.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah- I'm fine. Here's Ben." I say quickly, Ben putting the phone back to his ear.
"Uh, you are not gonna believe this. We got comped an extra night at the hotel," Ben says, faking excitement in his voice.
"Yeah. The suite is- it's ridiculous. It's out of control. There's, like, room service and a butler. I mean, just the works. So, we're thinking of spending the night and then we're just gonna come back totally relaxed in the morning." he says.
"Yeah, that's why we're gonna get up early, and we'll be back in plenty of time," he says rather calmly.
"Hargreeves's, Y/L/N, Room 3." A cop calls out from behind us, reading off a piece of paper.
"Okay, Sloane, I gotta go. We'll talk to you later," Ben says, quietly hanging up the phone. We all stand up, sighing awkward at the way me, Klaus and Diego are all tangled up.
"Alright, alright, chop-chop," the cops says.
"Okay, spin around," Five and Klaus tell Diego. Diego spins, but then it leaves my hands all in the middle.
"Goddamn." I mumble.
"Wait a second," Viktor says.
"I'll go over. I'll go over," Klaus says.
"Stop pulling," I say to Diego, bending down on my knees so Klaus can step over the cuffs. Five stand over me, watching the situation since he's not actually connected to it, instead on the end of the chain and connected to your right hand.
"Can you just- hold on?" Diego whines, bending down as well.
"They got it, Diego. Just relax. And then just- there you go," Ben says as Klaus gets over, the five of us normal walk while Diego stand backwards behind Klaus.
"Good." Five says, all of us standing to walk as Diego awkwardly drags along behind Klaus.
"You only live once, is it?" Viktor asks me as I walk toward the room.
"Shut up." I say back to him.
I rub my wrists after being freed from the cuffs, the male officer finally walking into the room with a file in his hand.
"Lady and gentlemen," he says, slowly walking over towards the empty chair next to the female officer.
"We've good some good news and bad news," he says, stopping in front of the chair and reading from the paper inside the open file in his hand.
"The good news is, we found your BMW." He says.
"Thank god." Ben says. Klaus chuckling as I let out a breathe of relief smiling slightly. Now, Ben probably won't murder anyone for losing his car in Vegas.
"That's great, see?" Diego smiles, tapping Ben's shoulder.
"Yeah, it's over at the impound right now. We picked it up at five am this morning. Parked in the middle of Las Vegas Boulevard." He says.
"Huh. In the middle, that's weird." Klaus says, leaning his elbow on the arm rest as he anxiously rubs the bottom half of his face.
"Yeah, that's is weird. There was also a note. It's says, uh, 'couldn't find a meter but here's four bucks," he says, holding up the note on a napkin after pulling it from the file. I tightly press my lips together, trying hard not to smile as tosses it on the table for you and guys to see. Diego pulls it forwards, and I immediately notice Five's handwriting.
"The bad news is, we can't get you in front of a judge until Monday morning." He says. Five leans forwards, leaning his elbows on the table as he holds his head up while I let out a sigh, covering my face with my hands.
This is officially the shittiest day of your life.
"Oh, no, uh, officer, that's just impossible. No, we need to be in L.A tomorrow for a wedding." Viktor says.
"You stole a police car," the girl officer says loudly.
"We didn't steal anything. Um, we found it." Viktor says.
"That is true, we did find it." I agreed.
"Yeah, if anything. We deserve a reward or something, like a trophy." Klaus says.
"I see assholes like you everyday," the male officer says.
"Every fucking day," the female cop repeats.
"Let's go to Vegas! We'll get all drunk and laid!" The guy mocks, turning to the girl.
"Yeah! Whoo! Whoo-whoo!" They both start cheering, moving their hands robot-like.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" I mutter quietly.
"Let's steal a cop car because I think it'll be really fucking funny!" The guys yells.
"Yeah, think you're gonna get away with it? Not up in here!" She yells.
"Not up in here!" He repeats, even louder.
"Oh-uh—" Five trails off, glancing down at his hands.
"Sir, if I may, I'm assuming that squad car belongs to one of you," Five says.
"Yeah," the guys agrees.
"Look, I'm no cop. I'm no hero. I'm just older man. But if one of my family members went missing, that would really look back at me." Five says. I nod, knowing what he's hinting.
"What are you getting at?" The guys ask
"Yeah, Five, what are you getting at?" Diego repeats.
"No one wants to look bad. We gotta get to a wedding, and you guys don't need people talking about how some obnoxious tourists borrowed your squad car last night. But look, the point is, I think we can work out a deal - discreetly, of course, ma'am," Five say. Both of the cops sit there, glancing at each other.
"What do you say?" Five asks the woman closes the portfolio, sliding over the clipboard toward the guy. The guy laughs, looking back at it.
"Uh, let me ask you a question. Do, uh, any of you have a heart condition or anything like that?" He ask.
"Uh, no," Five days, the rest of us shaking are heads.
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