"Okay kids, you're in a for real treat, today." The officer, who you've learned is named Franklin, says he walks to the other side of the classroom, the six of us standing in front of the desk filled with the same kids that were on the earlier.
"These fellow have kindly volunteered to demonstrate how a stun and use self-defense when in used to a subdue a suspect," Franklin says, my eyes slightly widening as the kids all 'ooh'.
"That's right," Klaus agrees.
"Wait a sec, what?" Five asks.
"Now, there's two ways to us a stun gun. Up close and personal," he says, quickly holding it to Viktor's neck and teasing him as he screams, falling to the floor.
"Jesus Christ," I mumble, running my hands through my hair.
"What the fuck?" Ben says.
"And there's one way there is only way to use self defense when it comes to subdue a suspect." Franklin says. "With this cool gadget we called a Baton." He says pulling it off his belt. "In a dangerous situation, you must always aim for there weakest point." Without a warning, he swung his baton, striking Five in the stomach. Five gasped in shock, his breathe knocked out of him as he drop to his knees. The officer's next blow landed on Five's back, sending him sprawling on the ground next to Viktor.
"Pretty cool right?" Franklin says happily to the kids, who were cheering.
"Or, you can taze shoot them and harm them from a distance. Do I have any volunteers? You wanna come up and do some shooting? Huh? Alright, how about you, young lady, come on up here, alright," Franklin says, calling a little girl to walk up to the front.
"Let's go handsome," he says, referring to Ben, Klaus slowly walking forwards.
"Not you, skinny jeans, slide on the back. You, pretty boy," he says, waving Ben over as the class starts giggling.
"All right, now it's real simple. All you gotta do is point aim and shoot, alright?" Franklin explains to the girl and Ben reluctantly steps in front of her, Franklin hanging her the gun stepping back.
"Okay, look. You don't really wanna do this," Ben says, shaking his head as he holds up his hands up.
"You can do this. Just focus," Franklin edges her on.
"Dont listen to this maniac. Let's think this though," Ben says.
"Finish him!" Franklin yells, the girl shooting Ben in the groin, Ben groaning as he slowly falls on his knees, then on the ground. My eyes widen as push pain, grilling onto his crotch as he moans.
"Haha, right in the nuts, beautiful! Well done, give her a hand, everybody," Franklin says, the whole class clapping for her.
"Good. Looks like the girl is up next, why don't you step up here?" He asks me as I slowly step toward him.
"Hey, looks like this little eager boy wants to get some action up here, c'mon buddy," he calls to the boy sitting in front role. The boy smiled, stepping up and taking the gun from Franklin.
"Same as before, just aim the gun and shoot," Franklin says. The boy smiled, nodding before shooting the gun, a large electric wave buzzing through your throat. You slightly stumble backwards, gripping onto your throat tightly as you can't see seem to let out a sound of a groan, the whole class laughing and cheering as you slowly side down the back wall.
"Good, that'll be sure to keep her from drinking any more alcohol for at least an hour. Get we've two more change left. Anybody else wanna use the Baton?" He ask the kids which they all rose their hands. You finally let out a quiet moan, rubbing your throat to try and ease some of the pain.
"Step up, Jesus." Franklin says referring to Klaus. He slowly walks up and stand there.
"Come up, sweetie. Franklin grabs another girl and stood her in front of Klaus, the girl giving a him mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Hit him anywhere you like, sweetie," Franklin says, almost his tone being encouraging.
The girl hesitated for a moment, considering her options as she took the Baton from Franklin's hand slowly. Klaus stood there uncertain of what to expect. Instead of striking him, the girl suddenly hurled the Baton straight into Klaus's left eye. He yelled in pain, collapsed onto the floor. The whole class cheers.
"Alright! That's what I like!" Frankin says he holds his hand out for the girl to give him a high five. "Good, we've got one more change left. Any volunteer for a shooting?
"How about you, big man?" Come on up here," he says, calling up the same kid who Diego had kicked the phone out of his hand earlier, although you can't really seem to focus on what they're doing as your eyes wander to Five still desperately clinging onto his stomach. You look look back when you see Diego getting shot in the face, but still up and stumbling towards the kid. Some of them scream, scared by Diego walking like a fucking zombie.
"Alright, everybody relax, take it easy. We've seen it before, he just needs a little extra charge." Frankin says, hitting Diego in his head with his Baton as he falls on top of some desks. Damn. That kid really did get his revenge.
"Fuck those guys! You hear me? That was bullshit, I'm telling everybody we stole a cop car," Ben yells, standing in front of us, Klaus holding a bag on ice on his eye, with Viktor, Diego, Five and me, all sitting on the bench outside of the pound office.
"It's not the end of the world, Ben," I sigh, my voice still slightly raspy.
"They let us go, who cares?" Five asks, obviously fed up with Ben getting all worked up.
"I care! You can't just taze someone in there fucking balls cause it think it's funny. That's police brutality!" He yells, stopping for a second to take a deep breath.
"I'm getting a soda. Do you guys want anything?" He ask.
"No," Five shakes his head. Ben turns, disappearing around the corner.
"Doesn't shut up, Jesus Christ," Five says once Ben is far enough away.
"Y/n, you alright?" Five asks, pulling me out of my daydreaming state. I look up at him, nodding before looking back down at the ground in front of you.
"I'm just worried. What if something serious happened to Luther? Like, something really bad." I mumble. "I can't even think about what Sloane will think about this."
"Come on, you can't think like that," Five says.
"I dunno, I just can't shake this thought from my head. What if he's dead?" I ask, looking back up at Five with teary eyes.
"Y/n, Luther is fine," he says, putting him arm around my shoulders and pulling me close to his chest.
"We're gonna figure it out, you hear? We're gonna my brother, and your best friends husband, and he's gonna be perfectly alive and healthy." He says, soothingly rubbing your back up and down as you brush your tears away.
"Thanks, Five. I know this is hard for you too. You've don't a lot of the work here to find him, Luther will appreciate that," I mumble into his chest, the cologne from the last night still radiating off his suit.
"Hey, don't even worry about it. Luther's my brother. I'm determined to find him, just like you," he says, kissing the top of my head.
"I'll tell you another thing. 6-1 odds we're still far from finding where Luther is," I hear Diego says, applauding as Ben walks appearing as well with a drink is his hand.
"Diego, not now," Five says.
"Have much you wanne bet bet we're not even close yet?" Klaus chuckles.
"That's enough, okay? Look, we're all worried, so is Y/n. Let's not try to freak her out anymore." Five says quietly, a short silence following after.
"Sorry, Y/n. I wasn't thinking. You know what? We'll search the car for clues, and everything's going to be okay," Klaus says stepping closer to me still holding his ice pack to his eye. I smiled softly, nodding as we hear the car driving up from the distance.
"Oh, shut, I can't watch, just tell me what it looks like." Ben says, hanging his head low. Viktor steps aside, turning his back to the street as the car pulls up. I lift my head, smiling when you see the somehow perfect-condition BMW pull up, even though you were fucking driving it drunk.
"Guys, it's fine." I chuckle, standing up from Five's arms and stepping towards the vehicle.
"Oh, thank fucking god." Ben says as he prayed to the sky.
"See? Things are working out for us, already," Klaus smiled at me, standing up as well.
"Anything?" Five asks, opening and closeting the sunshade on the car roof.
"Nothing," Viktor mumbles from the backseat.
"Hmm, I got a cigar," I say, shutting the glovebox.
"I found, uh- these are some black shoes." Diego says
"They woman shoes?" Five asks.
"I don't know," he says, passing the boot up to me.
"Whose are those?" Five asks.
"I don't know. It's a men's size six," I say, checking the tag.
"That's weird," Five days.
"What is this? A snakeskin you hear Klaus ask, turning to see him holding up a used condom.
"Oh my god-ew!" I yell when he tosses it on your shoulder before it falls onto your lap.
"That's a used condom, Klaus!" Five days. You quickly pick it up, tossing it back at Klaus as he giggles like a child.
"Gross it's wet," I gag.
"Get it out the fucking car," Five says.
"Fuck off!" Ben yells, tossing it to Diego this time.
"I don't want that thing," Klaus chuckles, tossing it on Five's shoulder.
"Hey! Come on," Five days, swerving on the road as he struggles to get it off of him.
"Jesus Christ!" He yells, swerving down an empty road before shaking it off his shoulder, quickly rolling down the window and tossing it out, the car going off the road and out onto the desert sand before Five quickly hits the break.
"What the fuck? We gotta get this this together!" Five yells, turning to face Klaus, but you all freeze when you hear thumping from the back of the car.
"What is that?" Diego asks.
"It's in the trunk. Luther's in the trunk!" Viktor yells, realization hitting him.
"Oh fuck! Holy shit!" Five yells, taking out the keys as all of you scramble to get out of the car, running around to the trunk.
"Open it! Open it!" I yell.
"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Five yells, quickly sticking the key in the trunk and popping it open. But, you're all met by a naked man that is definitely not Luther, jumping into Five's shoulders as he bits his back with a crowbar.
"Who the hell is that?!" Diego shouts.
"Holy shit!" Klaus screams out.
You back away as Five tosses the man off of him, the man moving to Diego as he hits him in the nuts, before turning to Viktor hitting him on his side causing him to fall back. He jumps on Ben and hits him repeatedly before jumping off and side kicking his face. He turns to you and looks at you, hitting the side of you stomach before hitting you again over the top of your head as you feel dizzy and fall down onto the sand as well.
"Is she dead?" I hear Viktor says, slowly stirring out of the trance of sleep that you hadn't even realized you fell into.
"Y/n," you hear from above you. You open your eyes, seeing Five leaning over you.
"Your heads bleeding," he says, holding one hand on your cheek as he looks at it.
" I'm fine," I say, slowly up with him, leaning back against the tire as Ben moans on the ground, Diego,m and Klaus sitting up as well.
"That's was some fucked up shit. Who was that guy?" Five says, leaning up a little further against the car. I watch as he feels his bloody, split open lip, pulling his hand away to see the blood transferred to his fingers.
"Guys, there's something I need to tell you," Klaus pants, all of you sort of ignoring him as you assume he's gonna say something stupid, like usual.
"Last night on the roof, before we went out," he starts, Ben leaning over and spitting out a mouthful of blood. You reach your hand to your forehead, smearing the blood away that's beginning to trickle down your head.
"I slipped something in out Jågermeister," he says, all of you slowly looking over to him.
"What?" Five asks surprisingly.
"Klaus," I say slowly.
"I'm sorry, I fudged, guys." Klaus says shakily.
"You drugged us?" Diego says, trying to sit up from his previous position of laying on the ground.
"No, I didn't drug you. I was told it was ecstasy," he says.
"Well, who told you it was fucking ecstasy?" Ben asks, sitting up even further.
"The guy I bought it from at the liquor store!" He says.
"Why would you give us ecstasy?" Viktor asks.
"Because I wanted everyone to have a good time! Like we use to. And I knew you guys wouldn't take it. It was just one hit each. I used to do three hits a night," Klaus says.
"Yeah. We wouldn't take it because it's fucking ecstasy!" I yell.
"But it's wasn't ecstasy, Klaus! It was roofies!" Diego yells. Five sighs, leaning his head back against the car.
"You think I knew that, Diego? The guy I bought it from seemed like a real straight shooter." He says.
"I'm sorry, you mean the drug dealer at the liquor store wasn't a good guy?" Viktor asks.
"Let's just calm down," Five says, grilling on the edge of the car window above him.
"I can't calm down! He drugged us." Viktor says walking toward Five.
"I lost a fucking tooth!" Diego adds.
"I married a whore!" Ben says, slowly standing up.
"How dare you? She's a nice lady!" Klaus says.
"You're such a fucking moron," Ben says.
"Your language is offensive," Klaus says to Ben.
"Fuck you!" Ben yells.
"Alright, let's just take a deep breath, okay?" Five asks, standing up and lights pushing Ben away. But, you take a change when neither of them are looking to fling yourself at Klaus, jumping in his legs and punching him in the face.
"My best friends husband who is also your brother might be dead right now because of you, you fucking idiot!" I yell, using all the strength and anger I can muster up and sending it to his face.
"Hey! Hey!" I hear Five yell before I was lifted from the around the waist, kicking him one last time as Five carries me away. Five places me down as few feet away from Klaus, holding your shoulders to keep me in my place.
"Y/n, clam down, breathe," Five says soothing as you gently rub your now bloody knuckles.
"I can't calm down! Don't you see that this is your brother's fault?! Every single bad thing that had happened to us, happened because he fucking drugged us last night! Luther is fucking missing and probably hurt because of this moron wanted us to have fun, when we would've been perfectly fine without those drug! And now, my best friend might not even have her groom at her own damn wedding! I yell, tears forming in your eyes again. But this time it's because of the large amount of anger coursing through your veins.
"Y/n, believe me, I know this is his fault. But, the more you fight about it, the longer it will take us to find Luther. And I think you and I both know Sloane wouldn't want you to solve it by killing her fiancée brother," Five says. I huff, pulling my hair tightly as I stare down Klaus.
"Seriously guys, this is a good thing. At least we now that it wasn't just some stranger that drugged us for god knows what reason," Five sighs.
I sigh, wiping more of the blood dripping down my head to my nose.
"Yeah, you're right, Five. This is too a good thing! We're so much better off, now." Viktor says, walking over and leaning down in-between Five and Klaus.
"Here's something I would like to remind you all of; our brother, Luther, is probably facedown in a ditch right now, with a meth-head butt-fucking his corpse!" Diego yells.
I scrunch my face up in disgust, wincing at the thought.
"Watch what you're saying, Diego," Five warns, placing his hand on the top of the car as he looks out at the vast desert.
"That's highly unlikely," Klaus says.
"It's true!" Diego yells.
"Does not help," Viktor says, gently leaning Diego away from Klaus.
"All right, let's get out shut together, guys," Five says.
"Let's go back to the hotel, and I'm gonna make a couple of call. Maybe Luther's back there. Maybe he's asleep. Come on! Let's go," he says, shutting the trunk and walking back over to get in the drivers seat.
"Ben? A little help?" Klaus asks, holding up his hand and snapping.
"Shut up!" Ben says completely ignoring him.
Viktor walks to the car and opening the door, accidentally hitting Klaus in the face as Klaus falls again.
"Oh god. Klaus, are you okay? I'm sorry," Viktor says, helping him get up and into the backseat as he follows.
I pushed the seat back, sighing as I sit down and shut the door.
You all silently walk down the hall and towards the villa, Klaus walking behind all five of us as Diego walks more in front of you and Five. You glance over, seeing the blood that had dropped all down all down the collar of Five's shirt, the cut on his lip looking painful but not bleeding nearly as much now. Your head had also slowed down, but now you have a dry streak of blood running down your head.
"Wait, guys. Guys," Klaus says, all of us slowly in front of are room and reluctantly turning to look at him annoyed faces. Klaus's face is pretty fucked up.
"What about the tiger? What if he got loose?" Klaus asks.
"Oh, fuck," Viktor says, hanging his head back.
"I keep forgetting about the goddamn tiger," Ben says, looking back at all of us.
"How did it get in there?" Five asks.
"I don't know, because I can't remember," Diego says angrily.
"Shh, Diego. Keep it down," Five says as he pulls out the room key, sticking it into the door.
"Because, uh, one of the side effects of roofies is, uh, memory loss." Klaus informs, the five of us looking at him.
"Saying shit like that is what makes me want to beat the shit out of you, again," I say.
"You are literally too stupid to insult," Ben says calmly.
"Thank you," Klaus says.
"Hey!" Five whispers as the room door opens, Five slowly stepping in first. I follow behind him, furrowing my eyebrows when I hear music playing.
"Come on!" Diego whisper-yells to Klaus who still hasn't walk in after Viktor.
"Did we leave music on?" Viktor asks, slowly stepping forwards.
"Hey! Shh." Diego says to Viktor.
"Don't make any sudden movements," Diego says as you and Five continue to walk forwards. I look back over when Diego yells and jumps back, seeing that he had run into the back of a large man in a black suit. Klaus screams, all of you quickly backing up as the man turns around.
"Who the hell are you?" Diego yells.
"No, who are you?" The man asks.
"Quiet, quiet," someone says, all of you turning your heads to see another guy sitting at the piano in the lounge. He slowly turns around, standing up from the seat and stepping towards you.
"Mike Tyson?" Ben asks, and you immediately recognize the face.
"Shh. This is my favorite part, coming up right now." He says, all of you slowly stepping forward before he does the air drums to the chorus of the song.
"I can feel it coming in stage air tonight," he sings smiling as you now stand right in front of him.
"Need a chorus line, guys," he says, waving his fingers in the air as Klaus sings the background lyric, Five confusedly looking down at me as I just shrug my shoulders.
"But I've been waiting for this moment, for all my life," he sings badly.
"One more time guys," he says as the background vocal comes up again, punching Klaus in the face and knocking him to the ground.
"Oh, Jesus!" Diego, jumping forwards and kneeling at his side, Five kneeling at his other side as you, Ben, and Viktor awkwardly look between Mike and Klaus on the ground.
"Oh, fuck!" Five says, pushing Klaus's hair back to reveal his closed eyes.
"Why did you do that?" Five asks, the both of them both standing back up again as the other guy turns off the music, tossing the remote.
"Mr. Tyson would like to know why his tiger is in your bathroom," he says.
"He drugged us with roofies," I say quickly, pointing at Klaus.
"Hold on, hold on, waits that's was a completely unnecessary," Five days, holding his hands up.
"I-I'm a huge fan, when you knocked out Holmes, that was—" Ben says exactly before being cut off.
"Explain," the says, cutting Ben off.
"All right, look. We were drugged last night. We have no memory of what happened," Viktor says.
"It's true," Diego adds.
"It's was him," I say, referring to Klaus again.
"We got in all kinds of trouble last night and now we can't find our brother. And if you want to kill us, just go ahead because I don't even care anymore," Viktor says.
"Viktor, what are you talking about?" Five asks quietly.
"I don't care."
"Why the fuck would you want to steal his tiger?" The man says.
"We tend to do dumb shit when we're fucked up," Diego chuckles, trying to lighten the mood.
"I don't believe these guys, man." Mike says.
"Wait- how did you guys find us?" Five asks.
"One of you dropped your jackets. Found it in the tiger's cage this morning," the man says, holding up his arm with the jacket slung over it.
"That's Luther's!" I say excitedly.
"Yeah, uh, Luther. His wallet and room key are in there," he says, tossing the jacket to Ben.
"No, that's our missing brother," Viktor says.
"I don't give a fuck." The man says.
"Did you guys see him?" Ben says.
"I was fast asleep," Mike says.
"Maybe on the tiger date his ass like Omar," Mike chuckles.
"Respect," the guys nods, taking his hat off his head and holding it to his chest.
"Wha-what happened to Omar?" Diego asks.
"Oh, don't worry about Omar. He's not with us anymore," Mike says.
"Okay, I know this is asking a lot but do you think there is any way we could go to your house and just look around, see if there's any clues for our brother?" Five asks.
"Absolutely. How else did you think we're gonna get the tiger back, anyway?" The guys asks.
"Come on, champ." He says before him and Mike turn away, starting to walk out of the room.
"I'm sorry?" Viktor asks, stepping forwards.
"We're not gonna put it back in the Bentley. You brought it here, you bring it back. What do you think, about 40 minutes?" He asks, both of them stopped at the entrance of the room.
"Don't make me come back for him," Mike says after the other guy had already walked away before following him out the front door.
"That was Mike Tyson," Ben mutters, a small smile on his face.
"Yeah, no shit that was Mike Tyson," Five sighs, running a hand through his hair.
"I'm just saying, he's still got it," Ben whispers. You glance over when you see Klaus groaning quickly, flipping over to his back.
"Klaus, bud, are you okay?" Diego asks, walking over to him and kneeling at his side again.
"Oh my gosh," Viktor says when they both see him looking hurt and out of it.
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