Chapter 39 Picnic
The ministers bowed their heads timidly. It still astounded Xi Chen how much the atmosphere in these court meetings had changed over the months since Ye An's ascension. The usually aggressive ministers were now passive under the emperor's steely gaze. Even when they met Ye An outside the court, the ministers would lower their gazes instinctively. His chest swelled with pride thinking about it.
Over the next few weeks when the cold slowly made its presence known in the crispness of the air and the bleakness of the trees, Prince Adlai shadowed Ye An as she lived her daily life with Xi Chen by her side.
"I hope you're not bored, Adlai. My every day is just the same routine from the previous day. It's pretty unexciting." Ye An remarked to Prince Adlai as she read through some documents in the Mental Cultivation Hall with both the foreign prince and lieutenant in the room. The grand eunuch was currently by her table, preparing more fresh ink for her.
"It's alright." Within the first few days after the rest of the Northerners left, Prince Adlai still continued to communicate with paper and the brush that he had gotten from the morning market. But it was one thing to communicate that way during short outings and another when you need to communicate your thoughts for the entire day. So despite his initial reservation, Prince Adlai was now speaking in the common tongue with his heavy Northern accent.
"Really? Well, don't worry. Since tomorrow is Mid-Autumn, it's finally going to be an exciting day. Do you celebrate Mid-Autumn in the North?"
"Not really, we only experience two seasons up in the North. Summer and winter." Prince Adlai smiled. "The temperature fluctuates between the two extremes, which is why we sometimes even have snowstorms in the summer. This is the first time I'm experiencing such mild weather."
Xi Chen nodded in agreement. "That's true, Your Imperial Majesty. Even in the northern region, we have similar weather at the northernmost part where the border and the military barracks are."
"Wow, that sounds.. Harsh." Ye An mused. "But well, since you've never experience Mid-Autumn celebrations, you're in for a treat, Adlai."
"I certainly look forward to it, Your Imperial Majesty." Prince Adlai smiled.
The next morning started as usual for Ye An. It had been a while since her wound had fully healed. So Governess Hsu hadn't been over in the mornings and Ye An's mornings returned to the usual silent routine with her servants. After her morning bath, Ye An was once again donned in the emperor's ceremonial robe, complete with her beaded crown. She was dressed to the nines in anticipation of the ceremony tonight.
The tradition of the imperial family spearheading the sacrificial ceremony during Mid-Autumn was to express gratitude to the gods for the year's good harvest and to pray for the continuation of the abundance into the following year. The ceremony was held at the Temple of the Full Moon in the southern plains and the imperial convoy would start their journey to the temple at around mid-morning.
When Ye An exited her residence, Xi Chen was already there to escort her to the royal chariot. The royal chariot was parked just outside the courtyard. The coachman and grand eunuch were already in the coachman's seat. There were three smaller and plainer chariots behind the large royal chariot. Surrounding all four chariots were armed royal guards on horseback and servants.
Ye An turned to Xi Chen. "I'm assuming that one of them is for Adlai and his party. And then the other is to carry all of the extra items for the sacrificial ceremony. So why is there an extra chariot?"
Xi Chen bowed to the emperor. "I believe it's for the Empress Mother."
"Ah." Ye An nodded. It's been a while since she last saw the Empress Mother that she had forgotten the elderly royal would also be attending the ceremony. Which also meant that General Shao would be there too. Ye An let out a barely audible sigh. "Let's go then."
Xi Chen helped Ye An into the coach, but before she entered, Ye An caught a glimpse of one of the royal guards who was winking at her and recognized Ah Lin. "Wait, is that Ah Lin?"
"Yes, he wanted to join us and I could use more guards so I allowed him to tag along. But I think he's just joining because he wants to attend the Mid-Autumn Festival that the commoners throw in the southern plains."
The Mid-Autumn Festival was an annual event that was held in the southern plains where most of the nation's agricultural crops came from. While the sacrificial ceremony was an integral part of Mid-Autumn, the festival was the highlight for the people where they celebrated in the streets that were lit up with lanterns and joy.
"Well, can't say I blame him. It's one of the most extravagant festivals in the country. Even I'm intrigued." Ye An replied as she entered the coach with Xi Chen following close behind. Once they were seated, Xi Chen knocked on the wall of the enclosed coach and they were soon on their way out of the capital.
The southern plains was actually much closer in terms of proximity to the capital than the northern border was. However, a treacherous mountain range separated the southern plains from the central region of the country where the capital was located which lengthened the travel time.
As they traveled south, the symphony of animals returned. The weather here hadn't quite caught onto the coolness of autumn. Birds were chirping at intervals as they perched on tree branches that still had some leaves of varying shades on them. The dried and crunchy-looking leaves gave out prominently soul-soothing rustles that would lull anyone to sleep. Not Ye An though.
Ye An was green around the gills as they traveled on the windy path through the mountain range, the beads of her crown swaying with the movement of the chariot making her feel dizzier than she already was. Even though she had traveled out of the palace walls countless times, this was her first time traveling so far out of the capital. It was also the first time she had traveled at such a high altitude. The constant erratic movements of the chariot and the lack of air were making Ye An woozy. She pulled away the curtain that covering the window near her and put her face out for some air, accidentally making eye contact with one of the royal guards on horseback. Ye An immediately pulled herself back from the window. How embarrassing!
"Xi Chen, do you not feel dizzy at all?" Ye An asked as she placed a clammy hand on her forehead in lethargy.
Xi Chen who was engrossed in the document for the security protocols that would be implemented at the temple didn't notice Ye An's discomfort until now. "Your Imperial Majesty! Are you alright?"
"No, not really." Ye An replied tiredly, it was an effort to refrain from throwing up with each word.
Xi Chen looked out the window to check on the sun. "It's probably a little past noon now. Shall we stop at the plateau for lunch before we descend the mountain?"
"Yes, yes." Ye An answered hurriedly. If they didn't take any breaks, she might just soil the entire coach with vomit before they got off the mountain. It would be a disaster if they ended up having to travel another three hours in a vomit-covered coach after that.
Xi Chen pulled the curtain away from the window that was by his side and gestured for a nearby royal guard to come closer.
"We're nearing the plateau at the top, isn't it?" Xi Chen asked the guard in a way only commanding officers who were requesting information from their subordinates do.
"Yes, lieutenant."
"Then we'll stop for lunch there. Please inform the others."
When they arrived at the plateau, Ye An was still feeling unwell. "You go ahead, I'll stay in here for a little longer."
"It's alright. The servants are still setting up for lunch. I'll stay here to accompany you."
Ye An didn't have the energy to even think about a reply to that, she only closed her eyes and took shallow breaths as she patted her chest in hopes of patting down the vomit that was steadily surging upwards.
"Your Imperial Majesty, please allow me." Before Ye An could respond, Xi Chen scooted over to her side and patted her back in circles.
Catching the way Ye An was intuitively starting to jerk herself away, Xi Chen crossed his other arm over the small part above her chest and place his hand over the ball of her shoulder that was furthest from him to hold her firmly in place before calmly explaining. "Ah Lin always gets sick when he rides in palanquins and chariots. This is what I always do. And it always seems to make him feel better."
Xi Chen's calm demeanor and the matter-of-fact way that he was explaining what he was doing made Ye An feel like she would be the weird one if she made a big fuss out of being in such close proximity with the lieutenant. So she only stuttered. "A-alright.. Hic!" And ended up with a hiccup.
"Hic!" And another. It didn't seem as if the hiccups would stop anytime soon.
Xi Chen was still rubbing her back and could feel each and every one of Ye An's hiccups with the palm of his hand which only made him pat and rub her back more to try to stop it. "Your Imperial Majesty, are you alright?"
It was too close for Ye An that she didn't dare to look at Xi Chen in the eyes as she tried to gently remove herself from him. "I feel.. hic.. Better now.. hic.. But could you just get my food.. hic.. Into the chariot?"
Thinking that Ye An probably didn't want to be seen by the others while having uncontrollable hiccups, he agreed obediently and went out to grab some food for her.
"Lieutenant Yun! What took you so long?" Ah Lin came bounding to Xi Chen like a puppy when he saw him exit the royal chariot. Even though they were as close as brothers, they made the decision a long time ago to call each other by their official titles while on any official engagement or event to separate their personal and professional relationship. For Ah Lin, it was so that no one in the military would question Xi Chen's authority; while Xi Chen did it so that the others won't discredit Ah Lin's achievements as a soldier.
"His Imperial Majesty isn't feeling too well."
"Oh." Having had plenty of experience being sick from travels himself, Ah Lin could empathize with the emperor. "But shouldn't he just come out for air? The air here is exceptionally fresh since we're on top of the mountain."
Xi Chen looked towards the royal chariot and then back at Ah Lin before pulling him away. "Maybe later. When his stomach settles. For now, I just need to get some food for him."
Ah Lin nodded and directed him to where the servants were unpacking the food.
"Do you want to join me at the festival tonight?" Ah Lin whispered to Xi Chen excitedly as they waited for the grand eunuch to prepare the emperor's food.
"Are you sure you want me around? I feel like you're only going there to pick up some girls."
"Now, there's no need to use such harsh words. It's called enchanting girls. Not pick up." Ah Lin tutted. "And besides, I do actually want to look around and join in on the festivities to see if they actually live up to the stories I heard from the soldiers at the northern border who originated from around this area."
Xi Chen instinctively cast a glance at the royal chariot again before turning to answer Ah Lin. "Sure, I'll join you. His Imperial Majesty would probably like to visit the festival too."
Ah Lin rolled his eyes. "It's a wonder how no one else had caught up with how you're head over heels for His Imperial Majesty. You're making it so obvious."
"Is it?" If anyone else were close to them, they would have been able to immediately tell that Xi Chen was embarrassed based on his reddened ears.
Ah Lin could only sigh before noticing a familiar silhouette that was walking towards them. "Oh? Isn't that Chang?"
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