Chapter 17 Confrontation
The room instantly burst into an uproar.
"What? Northerners at the Annual Hunt?"
"Your Imperial Majesty!"
"Your Imperial Majesty, please think twice."
The Annual Hunt was a yearly event where the emperor and members of the court hunt for game on horseback in the forest on the outskirts of the capital. The deep love that the court officials had for the event was common knowledge. Some ministers would even undergo special training during the months leading up to the hunt. To Ye An, it just seemed like the only reason the court officials enjoyed the event was because it was the only occasion in which it was acceptable for them to point their arrows at each other in the guise of hunting. She herself was never allowed to attend the event until this year and Ye An didn't mind one bit.
As regent, the Empress Mother attended the Annual Hunt in Ye An's place for the past twenty-two years with General Shao as her representative for the actual hunting event. This year would be the first time in decades that an actual emperor led the hunt. In the ministers' conservative eyes, having such an auspicious event marred by the presence of those barbaric Northerners was unfathomable.
"That is a decision that I have made and will not change. We will extend an invitation to them as a token of friendship to keep the peace between both countries and that is that." Ye An announced decisively.
"Are we clear?" Ye An pushed.
The murmurs of discontent in the crowd slowly dissipated before the ministers replied in unison. "Yes, Your Imperial Majesty."
At the Empress Mother's residence, the court maids who were carrying the Empress Mother's lunch were approached by a low-ranking eunuch. He passed a small piece of parchment that was tied using a thread to them.
"Make sure she reads this." The eunuch spoke quietly.
One of the court maids took the piece of parchment and clasped it in her hand, nodding wordlessly before continuing the journey to the Empress Mother's chambers.
As the rest of the court maids laid out the Empress Mother's meal, the court maid who had the piece of parchment went up to the Empress Mother and passed it to her. "Your Majesty."
"What is this?"
"I was told to pass this to you." The court maid said meekly.
There was only one person who would be sending her a message at this time of the day. "Alright. You may leave." The Empress Mother told the court maid as she took the parchment from her. "All of you too." She directed the last part to the rest of the court maids.
When she was finally alone, the Empress Mother untied the small piece of parchment. Her eyes bulged with every word that she read.
"Ask them to prepare my palanquin! I need to visit the emperor this instant!" The Empress Mother ordered her servants who were waiting outside.
At the East Palace, rain was falling heavily, as was predicted by the royal astronomer. Ye An was back at her chambers and was having a light snack before heading to the Mental Cultivation Hall later. She even invited the lieutenant to join her since she was in such a jovially good mood today.
"Lieutenant Yun, try this." Ye An said as she placed a small dish of almond cakes from her personal dining table to Xi Chen's dining table that was adjacent to hers.
Xi Chen wasn't a fan of sweets but took a bite anyway and was delighted by the soft, fluffy texture of the cake. Plus points because the cake wasn't as sweet as Xi Chen thought it'd be.
"Good, isn't it?" Ye An asked eagerly.
"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty." Xi Chen smiled at the emperor.
"I don't think I've ever had this before. This is probably one of the royal cooks' finest creations." Ye An nodded appreciatively as she took a bite of her own piece of almond cake.
"I can see why you think so, Your Imperial Majesty." Xi Chen smiled.
"Her Majesty the Empress Mother has arrived!" The grand eunuch stationed outside the room announced.
Right after the announcement of her arrival, the Empress Mother burst into the room with an unrestrained rage on her face. When she noticed that the lieutenant was also in the room, the Empress Mother was taken aback. She hurriedly turned her lips into a forced smile but it was too late for Xi Chen's quick eyes.
"Lieutenant Yun, could you please excuse us?" The Empress Mother asked Xi Chen with the forced smile that was etched on her face.
Xi Chen's eyes traveled between both royals, sensing the rising tension in the room that elicited his protective instinct over the emperor. He wanted to stay for the emperor's sake but realized that it was probably not his place to come between them.
"Of course, Your Majesty." Xi Chen replied and left, casting a worried glance at the emperor before closing the door behind him softly.
With the lieutenant gone, the Empress Mother's facial expression turned ugly once more. "You still have the mood to be eating desserts?"
"Your Majesty, you're aware that it is my mealtime, don't you?" Ye An asked tightly while primly dabbing her mouth with an embroidered silk napkin.
"I heard that you've decided to abolish the war!" The Empress Mother seethed.
"Well, word certainly travels fast. Could you tell me who your informant is?" Ye An asked calmly. "So that I can personally get rid of that wall fly myself."
The Empress Mother ignored Ye An's remark and continued with her rampage. "And you decide to invite the Northerners here? Not only into the country, but to the capital?? And have them join the Annual Hunt, an event that has been our tradition for hundreds of years? Are you out of your mind? Insane?"
When the Empress Mother was reading the note that was passed to her, she was aghast by the emperor's decision.
"Now. I don't think that's nice, Your Majesty."
"Insanity and compulsiveness don't deserve to be treated nicely, Your Imperial Majesty! You best remember that!" The Empress Mother spat venomously. "And we haven't even talked about how you made the decision to reveal your face to the court! Without consulting me! After all my hard work of concealing you for the past twenty-two years?!" The Empress Mother was nearly screaming by the end, a strand of hair loosened from her usually well-kept coiffure.
"Did I ask to be hidden away, Your Majesty?" Ye An asked quietly. The Empress Mother simmered in her anger, but Ye An answered for her before she could retort. "No. I did not. And I came to the realization that my concealment only served to make me look weak to the court officials. Maybe that was exactly what you had intended?"
"You-" The Empress Mother gritted her teeth in anger.
"It seems to me that those old men give me so much more respect now that I'm not hiding behind a screen or a sheet of cloth. Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I rather enjoy it and I think I'll continue doing things this way. My way."
"Lee Ye An.." The Empress Mother fumed.
Ye An's dark eyes hardened. "Your Majesty, please correct me if I'm wrong but I think it is illegal for anyone to call the emperor by name, isn't it?"
The Empress Mother's eyes flashed at that.
"Don't you worry though, I'll let it go this time. However, I'm not sure if I'll possess the same level of benevolence if there is a repeat in the future." The warning in Ye An's voice was not lost to the Empress Mother.
The Empress Mother took a deep breath, her rage a monster in her chest, and said through gritted teeth "Please forgive me, Your Imperial Majesty."
"It's no problem. As long as there is no repeat of this." Ye An reiterated her previous statement, the warning in her voice still seeping into her every word.
"Of course, Your Imperial Majesty." The Empress Mother replied with restrained anger that was evident on her clenched jaw. "I think it's time for me to head back to my residence."
"Yes, of course, Your Majesty. Have a safe trip back." Ye An replied smoothly.
The Empress Mother bowed out of the room. She barked at her servants when the door to Ye An's chambers closed shut. "Get my palanquin!"
In the room, Ye An let out a sigh as she looked at the desserts that were leftover from earlier. The interaction with her grandmother had successfully made her lose her appetite.
"Lieutenant Yun." Knowing that the lieutenant was probably still outside, Ye An called out to him.
The door opened immediately to reveal the lieutenant.
"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty."
"My apologies for interrupting your meal, Lieutenant Yun. You should continue with it."
Xi Chen returned to his seat beside the emperor and started picking on his food before realizing that the emperor was just sitting quietly and looking at the falling rain through the window on the other side of the room. "Your Imperial Majesty, you're not eating?"
"No, you go ahead. I've lost my appetite." Ye An replied quietly without looking at the lieutenant.
Xi Chen paused at that before continuing. "Forgive me for leaving earlier when the Empress Mother was here, Your Imperial Majesty."
That made Ye An tear her gaze from the downpour outside to look at the lieutenant and let out an incredulous laugh. "Why would that be your problem, Lieutenant Yun? And besides, if you didn't leave then, I'm not sure what the Empress Mother would have done to you."
"Or worse, your family." Ye An added darkly.
"I don't have a family, Your Imperial Majesty." Xi Chen said simply.
"Oh." Ye An was never in this position and was lost for words momentarily. She didn't know if she should console the lieutenant or brush it off before things get awkward but decided on an apology in the end. "My apologies, Lieutenant Yun."
"It's alright. It's not something that you knew of. And besides, it was a long time ago."
Ye An nodded. "In any case, don't worry about what happened just now. It wasn't your burden to bear."
Time passed as Ye An and Xi Chen talked about trivial matters, actively avoiding talks of the situation at the northern border and the Annual Hunt.
After their meal, Xi Chen followed the emperor and grand eunuch to the Mental Cultivation Hall as usual. He stationed himself at the entrance of the building. The rain was getting steadily heavier as the day went by. Xi Chen looked at the dark clouds, wondering if the weather would escalate into a thunderstorm tonight.
As he tore his eyes away from the overcast sky, he spotted a silhouette walking briskly towards the Mental Cultivation Hall. The silhouette was just turning around at the bend of the corridor some distance away and Xi Chen couldn't discern the person's identity due to the heavy downpour that was gushing down the arched roof of the corridor.
Xi Chen put a hand on the hilt of his sword, the red tassel tied to the hilt quivered with the sudden contact. He was preparing for the worst. Only when the man was a few meters away did Xi Chen recognize him and quickly bowed his head to greet the man. "General Shao!"
For all his years as the general, General Shao would only receive routine reports of the happenings in the northern region, the border included. If there was no immediate need for him to be physically present, he wouldn't bother to travel so far from the capital. As a result, the total number of times that General Shao had visited the northern border could be counted with only one hand.
The last time he had laid eyes on the young lieutenant was five, or six years ago when he was part of the Empress Mother's entourage to all four of the borders. At the time, even though Xi Chen was already an exemplary soldier, he was still required to go through strenuous military training due to his young age.
"Lieutenant Yun." General Shao nodded. "How are you? I haven't seen you in years. I see that you've grown well."
"I'm good, general. Thank you."
"Is the emperor inside?"
"Yes, general."
"Could you do me a favor and let His Imperial Majesty know that I would like to request for a private audience with him now?"
"Yes, of course, General Shao."
"Thank you, Lieutenant Yun."
Xi Chen opened the doors of the Mental Cultivation Hall and promptly closed them before facing the emperor.
"What is it, Lieutenant Yun?" Ye An looked up from her documents when she saw the lieutenant's entry.
"Your Imperial Majesty, General Shao is outside and he is requesting for a private audience with you."
"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty."
"Hmm.. Let him in then." Ye An replied after a moment's hesitation.
"Understood, Your Imperial Majesty." Xi Chen left the room to allow the general's entry.
"Your Imperial Majesty." General Shao bowed as Xi Chen opened the doors for him.
"General Shao." Ye An acknowledged the general's greeting before saying, "Leave us."
Xi Chen and the grand eunuch stepped out of the room at the emperor's order and closed the doors behind them.
"I wasn't expecting you, General Shao. Did you get lost? The Empress Mother's residence is in the opposite direction." Ye An said flatly once they were left alone.
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