Pastel and Cheshire's Predicament
Ink's POV:
When I was back at Underswap, I didn't see Sans or Pastel. I asked Papyrus, who was back at his house, if they saw them, but all he said was that Sans left a text saying that he was shopping with Pastel for the ball that Napstabot is hosting. I said a quick thanks, and then flew on over to NTB's resort on my paintbrush. I saw a quick blur of blue, gray, white, brown, and more muddled colors, and that's when I realized that the blur was Napstabot, Sans, and Pastel. I dashed towards them, but right as I got to them, they whisked back towards where I came from, and I went back to NTB's resort, then the lab that Undyne had. I jumped off my paintbrush and entered the lab.
There I heard crying.
I went over to the crying, and I saw Pastel hooked up to a heart monitor, with IVs and then I saw Sans sitting up against the wall, who was crying his heart out, and nearly past out from exhaustion. I would have been doing the same thing as Blueberry, if it had not been for Undyne.
"U-Uh... I-Ink?" Undyne tapped my shoulder shyly. I looked towards her. "O-O-Oh! You s-see, t-this human g-got too d-dizzy, and she p-passed out. But... she looks s-similar... to... Y-Y/N." This made me nod and she looked at me with a look that only spells shipping.
"Yep! That's cause she's our daughter!" I smiled brightly, but then felt a wave of sadness when I saw Pastel in the bed.
"Your DAUGHTER?!" Undyne was right up in my face.
"Uh.. Yep!" Undyne then squealed.
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I have put a camera and microphone on your paintbrush! I just wanted to make sure that the human here was Pastel! OH AND HOW'S THE DEAL GOING?!" I found it a tad creepy that Undyne has been reading our lives like a book on that website called Wattpad, but I also found it comforting to know that I could vent to someone.
"It's doing... okay..?" I scratched the back of my spinal cord. "I mean Pastel did just lose consciousness, but Cheshire just got a LOAD of letters-"
"I know, b-but tell me a-about your t-thoughts on everything!" She then noticed that she interrupted me. She then sheepishly laughed and motioned for me to continue on.
"As I was saying,-" I then saw Blueberry shift.
I moved over to where he was sitting, and I crouched to his level. I made a tissue and wiped his cheek bones. This made him wake up, and he looked at me, teary eyed, but still grateful that I cared. Then his expression quickly changed to one of fear, and then he suddenly tried to get up, but I held him down.
"Blueberry, Pastel is the same as before. I don't want you to worry any more. Just..." I looked over to Undyne. "Trust your royal scientist," I looked back to Blueberry. "Alright?"
Blueberry's eyes were full of obedience, but also want. He then nodded sadly, and he hugged me unexpectedly.
"Yeah. But I trust you Blueberry." I broke the hug. "Remember that."
Blueberry's eyes turned to stars, and I knew that Blueberry gained hope once more.
"THANK YOU FUTURE-FATHER-IN-LAW! THE MAGNIFICENT SANS FEELS OBLIGATED TO KEEP FUTURE-FATHER-IN-LAW'S TRUST FOR HIM!" Blueberry got up just to do his signature pose, and I laughed that his persona is back to his normal bubbly self.
"H-Hey Sans?" Undyne shyly butted in on our little conversation.
"YES?" He smiled wide at Undyne.
"U-Uhm... D-Do... YoulikePastel??!" Undyne squeaked.
"W-What?!" Blueberry turned blue. I lightly chuckled at that.
"Blueberry, if you already sent that letter to Pastel, and if I allowed her to come over here, then I can safely assume that you like Pastel." I shrugged. Blueberry hid his blush in his bandana. Undyne just looked at him, and snickered.
"You love her!" Undyne fangirled.
"HMPH! YOU LOVE ALPHYS MORE THAN I LOVE PASTEL!" This caused Undyne to blush.
"N-N-No I don't!!" Undyne squealed.
"NO DON'T DO THAT!!" Undyne shook her hands at us. "Please! I..." Undyne got teary eyed. Obviously, she doesn't want Blueberry to tell Alphys to end the date, but then Undyne looked to the floor, and she jerked her head up.
"S-Sans..." Undyne pleaded. "Do, tell her that..." She sniffed and looked away.
"Tell her what?" I asked.
"Tell her that, I don't, want to go on that date tonight..." We looked at her confused.
"WHY NOT?" Blueberry questioned. Undyne mumbled something, but Blueberry and I didn't hear.
"What was that Undyne?" I stepped a bit closer, in hopes to hear what she is murmuring.
"I LOVE PAPYRUS!" She burst with her eyes still squeezed shut. "I LOVE HIM MORE THAN I DID ALPHYS!" Undyne's exclamation made us surprised, and we all gawked at her outburst.
"You... like... my brother?..." Blueberry's eye sockets were black, and he had an unbelieving tone.
"Y-Yeah..." Undyne opened her eyes and rubbed her arm nervously. "I-It's just t-that..." She sighs, and she explains why she finds Papyrus amazing.
"When I am with Alphys, I feel... queer. I tell myself it is normal to feel this way, and it is love, but I had kept on being with Alphys, and felt more and more queer as our relationship grew. I didn't see that being lesbian meant that I would be more depressed, more anxious, and more... Everything! And not in a good way either! I then started to hang out with Papyrus, and then I felt something more soothing, but still similar to what I felt with Alphys. I got scared at first, because I thought that if I love Papyrus, then Alphys would not love me, which then resulted in more depression. Soon enough... I realized that, being with Alphys, has caused more harm than good, and then I started to invite Papyrus over more and more often and meeting up with each other... But.. Papyrus caught on, noticing that I was not okay when I as near him, and he asked what was wrong, and I said nothing! But he knew that was false, so he interrogated me, and soon enough, I spilled the beans! Heheh! Eh... But then... He started to come back, when I thought he wouldn't. He was very kind and considerate and empathetic, and then I just became the damsel in distress, and he was... my knight in shining armor."
We all listened to Undyne's lament. I thought that this would make a great story, if she were not Undyne, she would have done that, but I just couldn't believe before, that she would go out with Papyrus. Yet after her explanation... It makes much more sense.
"Wow..." Blueberry uttered. "How did Alphys not know of this?" Blueberry whispered to not only himself, but also Undyne.
"O-Oh! P-Papyrus is a v-very good liar. And s-secrete. S-Should I... Tell... Alphys?" Undyne twiddled her thumbs.
"If you want her to be more dramatic, then no. But, if you want it to be reasonable, then I suggest you tell her on your date." Undyne looked at me and sadly nodded.
"I-I was g-going to tell her anyways... It's bound to happen sooner or later." Undyne rubbed one of her arms.
"..." Awkward silence filled the air and it was so thick I could probably suffocate in it if we're not a monster. Then I realized something.
"Pastel!" I exclaimed. Everyone's facial expressions lit up in surprise and glee. Blueberry and I ran towards Pastel's door, and then we saw her looking awake and confused, but when she saw us... Her eyes brightened so much, I winced at the light.
"DADDY?! BLUEBERRY?!" She squealed and we both ran to hug her. "Oh my gosh I'm so glad you're alright!"
"I-I was?" She looked shocked. "How?!" We broke the hug.
"WHEN WE WERE RIDING WITH NAPSTABOT, HE WENT TOO FAST. AAAANNND THEN YOU PASSED OUT..." Blueberry took a step forward. "I KNOW THIS MAY SEEM... FAST... BUT AFTER THIS..." He looked to me for comfort or approval, or both. "YOU SHOULD REALLY GO BACK HOME! YEAH! YOU MUST BE SO SCARED, SO THAT YOUR HOME WILL MAKE YOU SAFE!" Blueberry then hesitated to hug Pastel. I met eye contact with the little guy and I nodded. Then he wrapped both his arms around my daughter.
"Well, you too Blueberry! I don't want you fainting or anything! Hehehe...heh..." Pastel broke the hug after a while. "Shall we go Daddy?"
Pastel's eyes lightly shimmered at me, and I nodded and held out my hand. She immediately took it, and we said our goodbyes. I painted a portal, and in we went.
Cheshire's POV:
Gee... barely ANY SANS doesn't seem sound too good to be permanently engaged with. Except for a couple like Mafia and... maybe Fresh. *Yawn* All this boring reading of letters is so boring... Maybe I'll take a nap.
Woah... Where... Where am I? I look around to see black.
Cheshire!~ Came a voice from above and nowhere and everywhere.
Mon Amour, why have you not liked my proposal? Oh wait.... PAINT PALETTES... Is it who I think it is?!
Wait... Nightmare?! How are you-Oh right... You're Nightmare. Right... The realization hit me.
Ahh, I see you're catching on quick little Cat. Nightmare's voice starts to move. I still can't see him, but I can hear him... softly.
Aww C'mon... Where's that wicked smile of yours? Nightmare's really close. I can hear it. I can feel it. His bone-cold breath hit my teeth.
Nowhere. You don't deserve it. I snapped.
What?! Oh my! I am so offended. Nightmare mocked sarcastically.
Amour, You need to understand, that I, can do anything, in this dream! Nightmare claimed as he probably spiraled around me again. His soft footsteps... The little drips of his goop can be heard. This makes me shiver.
Nightmare. I corrected when he was right in front of me.
Whatever. I, can touch you, hug you, feel you, kiss you- Nightmare was touching me and getting noticeably closer. His breath... now near my nose.
NO WAY! I pushed him off.
My my, aren't we feisty? Nightmare spoke, and I knew he was circling me again.
Aren't you the one to talk? I took note of all the Sanses being the same height, and me being the slightest bit taller.
Hey! I am a potential future husband, and you treat me with little respect?! That's no way to treat me- Nightmare was about to scold me, but I wouldn't hear it.
I don't freaking care Nightmare... You, are the one who treats me with little, respect. I turned on my heel and pivoted towards the sound of Nightmare's voice, which was behind me.
Oh... You're going there now? Nightmare questioned, and leaned closer to me.
Yes. You. Are. Hypocritic- I was cut off.
Now now Cheshire~.... Males are dominant. Nightmare put his goopy hands on my shoulders.
You... Are not. Nightmare leaned in and tried to kiss me, but then a bright light shined behind me, and made Nightmare scream, and disappear.
I looked behind me to see Dream, my savior.
"Cheshire!!" Dream shouted, running and nearing me, but backing off due to remembering Ink's rules.
"It's fine Dream." I assure him. This makes him hug me, but very hesitantly at first. He then looked around my face to check if I had anything abnormal.
"Did Nightmare do anything to you?! Did he hurt you?! DID HE SCARE YOU?!" Dream's panicked face amused me, but I didn't let that show. Only a slight grin.
"No no... He only...." A burst of realization came to me.
"He only.... What?" Dream cocked his head and noticed my non-lit eyes.
"He... Tried to... Kiss... Me..." I absentmindedly rubbed my arm.
"He... Wait what?!" Dream blinked out of this thought. "HE TRIED TO KISS YOU?!" Dream's gloved hands were on my cheekbones.
"Yeah...?" I backed away from his hands, which caused them to limply fall.
"Oh... You... Liked, him kissing yo-" My eye-lights lit up in surprise.
"No!" I burst out. "No. Not at all. If anything, he made me unnerved." I blinked and made them the usual size instead of tiny.
"Oh good! Because I was worried that you may have fallen for him. Heheh!..." Dream nervously laughed and looked to the side. "My mistake..." His eye-lights then went out in realization. He then turned his skull slowly towards me.
"You know how your... parents... met?" Dream's words shocked me to my soul. My soul, literally, felt like it was shocked. My eye lights went out, and I felt scared.
"Cheshire?" Dream asked, with his eye lights dimly lit, his hand on my shoulder. "You okay?"
I shook my head. I blinked, but this only caused tears.
"Cheshire?!" Dream questioned, with loads of concern. I tried to wipe them, but they only kept coming back.
"Sorry." My voice was shaky as I rubbed my eyes. "I just thought about how similar my possible future and my parent's love life was..."
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