Jacks P.O.V
We had five minutes before science started, so I just say and waited for Elsa to come in. When she does, she's with some guy. I glare at him, but they don't notice.
As they sit down, I grab Elsa's wrist and pull her out the class room.
"What?!" She growls.
"Who's that boy?" I ask.
He's just a friend, Jack." She rolls her eyes. Rapunzel, Anna, and Merida walks up, and Elsa follows them into the classroom.
I grab Elsa's stuff and put them in the seat next to me, then made Rapunzel sit with her. I sat next to the boy who was looking at me nervously.
Elsa and Merida move to the table next to us, so Elsa and Hiccup are still next to each other.
"So, Elsa, will you introduce us to your friend?" Rapunzel asked.
"Rapunzel, Jack, this is Hiccup. We're friends." Elsa emphasized friends for me.
"Hi." He says.
The bell rings and the teacher walks in.
He had green hair. Everyone snickered.
"Hello class. I'm Mr. Mike." (Mike from Monsters Inc.)
Someone in the back raised their hand. "Why is your hair green?"
"Me and my friend Sully died our hair." He smiles. "Now, you will be given an assignment to get to know more about your desk partner."
Great, now I'm stuck with The NewBoy.
Meridas P.O.V
FINALLY! Mr. Mike was really boring. Now I'm very hungry. I meet Everyone, but Elsa, at our table.
"Where's Elsa?" Rap asks.
"No, I think the better question is, why isn't Jack watching her every move." I snort.
"She ran off with Hiccup, and I can't find them." Jack mumbles.
"Well, looks like we're going to spy!" Anna smirks.
We all look at Jack. He smirks and pulls out his phone. He go's on the tracking app he connected to Elsa's phone without her knowing.
He looks at the phone and says "they're outside by the field."
We all sneak and see them both on a branch. Elsa and him are both looking at a book, talking, laughing.
They are sooo gonna be a couple.
Jack sneaks up, and kicks the the tree. Causing Elsa to fall. He catches her, and puts her over his shoulder. She folds her arms and mumbles stuff under her breath.
Hiccup looks confused so he just follows. We all laugh as we go to a bench outside.
"Jack! We weren't doing anything! We were reading a book!" Elsa says as he puts her on a bench.
Anna suddenly gets a text, looks around, and then runs away. Ok then, she's hiding something. I follow her around the corner and see her... hugging a boy?!
I run up and give her a questioning look.
"I can explain!" She blurts. I nod for her to continue. "This is Kristoff. I kept it a secret I was dating him because Jack would have killed him, then he would have never let me look at another boy ever again!"
She keeps rambling, until Kristoff puts a finger over her mouth. She smiled and hugged him.
"Ok, you need to tell Jack!" I drag her to them and Kristoff follows.
"Jack!" I yell. He looks at me, then the guilty Anna, then glared at the confused blonde.
"Anna?" Rapunzel asked.
"Who is that?!" Jack growled.
Elsa's P.O.V
While Jack was questioning Anna, I gently pulled hiccup back to the tree. I laughed as he climbed up, then helped me up.
He suddenly got a call.
"Hello?" He said. "Hi dad.... That's great!.... Tonight?..... but-ok ok..... bye."
"What?" I ask. Then I realized I probably sounded nosey. "Sorry. Not trying to be nosey."
"No it's fine." He smiles. "My dad already found a job, and he's meeting his boss tonight to discuss."
"So, I have to bring a date." He frowns. "And I don't know where in going to find one at such short notice."
"I'll be your date." I blurt. Did I really say that?
"Really?" He perks up.
"Yeah, it could be fun. Where are we going?"
"I don't know, but he said to where something you can move around in."
"Alright, since you have to come over, just stop by your house, then come to mine. Ok?"
He nods and smiles.
The bell rings and we walk to class.
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