Chapter 1
Pure stepped out into the computer. Cautious, she glanced outside of the screen, sweat dripping down her face. To her relief, no one was there. The owner of this computer is gone for now. "The coast is clear. The owner isn't here." Pure called over her shoulder, relaxing her posture. Let's hope that they didn't just leave for a few minutes. Pure thought.
Pink stepped in first, followed by Brown, and finally Navy. "Are you completely sure that it's safe?" Navy asked, still cautious. Pink turned and grabbed Navy's hand and pulled her further into the computer so that the way that they got in could close off. "If the human on the other side of the screen isn't there then we are completely safe." Pink answered, smiling at Navy.
"There aren't any kinds of things setup in a computer to get rid of stick figures that enter a computer?" Navy asked, confused but starting to relax. Pure shook her head at that. "Anything that would have been meant to get rid of us would only be possible to use when the human on the other side is here. Even then I have yet to encounter anything that I haven't been able to handle in other computers."
This made Navy feel completely relaxed. It's a huge relief to hear that those stories were nothing but a bunch of rumors. I guess computers aren't so dangerous after all. Brown started walking ahead, no caution at all in his stride. "Brown, we should really stick together. It will be safer if we're together in case the human shows up." Pink called out. Brown spun on his heel and stopped where he was, looking back at them. "I wasn't going far, just a little bit ahead." He said, gesturing in the direction that he had been going in.
"Wait for us! We should try to find a place to hide whenever the human is around!" Navy called out, anxious about them returning. Pure went after Brown, Pink and Navy following close behind her. "You can relax, Navy. Judging by the time shown on this computer the human is most likely either at school or at work, depending on how old they are." Pure explained, calmly walking ahead of Brown, who turned to follow her.
"Humans have lives outside of using their computers. Some will sit there all day, but most of them don't do that. If they sit at the computer a lot more than usual, then it's because they are either addicted to the screen or have to use it for school or work." Pink explained, a bounce in her step. Navy nodded, understanding now why Pink and Pure were so relaxed.
"Hey, there's a tab open!" Pure pointed above them. "We should check it out while we still have the chance. We could end up finding out something about the human who owns this computer. It could help us figure out if we should hide from them when they come back." Pink and Navy nodded along before jumping up and grabbing the bottom of the tab, pulling themselves up, Brown following immediately after.
Pure looked back through the screen, cautious. Still no sign of the human coming back. A gasp from the tab made her quickly fly up into it, looking around and ready to defend her friends. What she found was all three of them staring at a table set with a table cloth that reached the ground and food that clearly belonged to some kind of game. All three of them grabbed something from the table before quickly sitting down and eating it.
"Mmmmmmm! I haven't had anything other than gross slop in over a year! It feels good to have normal food again!" Navy declared, reaching for more. Pink and Brown seemed equally content, but Pure was confused. There was pretty much never anything like this on any computer. A human would have no need to set up a table with food in the computer when they couldn't even eat it.
Pure decided to just shrug it off. They're probably just a weird human. I have seen weirder things strewn about in a computer after all. Pure thought. She glanced over at where the WiFi symbol would be, remembering that they could still have been followed into the computer. There was nothing there. If they could follow them then by now they would have already come into the computer. Smirking to herself at the realization that they were safe from those stick figures, Pure turned back to the others, walking towards the table.
That's when Pure realized just how hungry she was. She hadn't eaten since the night that they stayed at that hotel to hide, which meant this was also the first thing that Pink was eating since then. With a heavy sigh she walked up to the table and sat down to eat. They might as well eat something to keep their energy up. After all, they never knew what kind of things they could find on a computer.
"Thanks again for inviting me! I'm excited to try out the foods that you've told me about. Minecraft pancakes, pizza, donuts, they all sound delicious!" Purple said enthusiastically. Second smiled at his excitement. They had made a spur of the moment decision to see if Purple wanted to join them for lunch. Purple had been eager to join them, even before finding out that they had a new way to make food within Minecraft.
"Well the food hasn't been made yet. So when we get there we'll make the food and then we can teach you how to make your own food." Blue added, stepping aside from the nether portal to let everyone else through first. Wasting no time at all Purple charged straight in, everyone else following.
Once they were all through, Green turned to Purple. "All the ingredients are on a table and ready. So we can start cooking right away!" Purple's smile only grew. He was so incredibly happy that he could be spending time like this with his friends. My friends. Purple thought. I don't think I'll ever get tired of that.
They rushed straight to the stick fight tab, where they had put all of the ingredients. Dropping down into the tab they looked up at the table, ready to start cooking, only to find that almost all of the food was gone. The table cloth was missing too.
"What the-?! What happened! Where did it all go!" Blue cried out in dismay. He ran over to the table and frantically looked around it and under it while everyone else just stood there, staring at Blue's fruitless search. "Well, good thing that I brought a bunch of different ingredients with me just in case we needed them." Purple sighed, reaching into his pockets, taking out different Minecraft food items and ingredients.
"Ummm... guys?" Blue called, having stopped in his tracks on the other side of the table. Everyone turned back to Blue, Purple placing his items on the table before everyone went to Blue. That's when they saw it. On the back wall was the table cloth laying on top of something, and laying next to the table cloth, using a tiny bit of one of the corners as a blanket, was a brown stick figure.
For a moment they all just stared at this new stick figure, their thoughts all being a complete mess, before someone finally broke the silence. "How in the world did this stick figure get here?" Yellow asked. "Do you think that maybe Alan made another stick figure?" Red suggested. Second shook his head. "Alan said that he wasn't going to make any more stick figures. Whoever this is, they came to this computer, they weren't created here."
Blue huffed at that, kicking one of the bowls across the room. At that the brown stick figure awoke shockingly quickly, sitting up. Rubbing one eye they started talking. "I don't know what broke this time but I'll fix it. Just give me one moment."
He quickly stretched himself out, very softly groaning as he did so, before opening his eyes and looking up at the stick figures surrounding him, freezing in place. "Oh... right, I'm not in my house anymore. Umm... sorry that I ate your food." His voice lowered in volume, a wavering edge to it. His apprehension was clear to every stick figure in the room.
"You couldn't have just stayed wherever you were and ate your own food?" Blue mumbled, crossing his arms in irritation. "Why are you so mad Blue? Purple said that he brought extra ingredients, he has enough to replace everything that was eaten." Green questioned.
Blue's eyes narrowed at the brown stick figure. "Not everything. I had a bowl full of nether wart on the table with everything else and now it's all gone! That was the only thing that can't be easily replaced!" Blue grumbled, turning away and walking to the other side of the table to start picking up the bowls. The brown stick figure flinched when Blue raised his voice, putting his head down. That's when the table cloth suddenly shifted and flipped back revealing two more stick figures, one of which was white while the other was navy blue.
"What in the internet is going on Brown?" The white stick figure, who they could now see was also hollow headed, asked, yawning. Everyone was surprised to see these stick figures, some of them rubbing their eyes in disbelief. "Two more of them? I would say let's make some food for them, but they ate the ingredients so they're probably full. Also, I doubt that Blue would make them anything when they ate all his nether wart." Green said, smirking to himself.
The navy blue stick figure tilted their head. "Nether wart? Is that what that red lumpy stuff was? Because Pure here was the one who ate it all, not any of us." She gestured to the white stick figure, who had reached into her pockets and pulled out the nether wart. "I didn't eat it. I saw Brown and Navy eyeballing it and grabbed it all before they could try some since this doesn't look healthy to eat." She said while tossing it to them, Blue diving forward to snatch it.
The table cloth started to shift again, revealing another stick figure. This one they couldn't tell what color they were because the table cloth was completely covering them as they seemed to be waking up. Pure was looking at each of them, eyes narrowed, as if suspicious. After a moment she blinked, her expression back to normal before turning to Brown.
"It's alright Brown. I can tell that they are all good stick figures. I think the blue one was just being grouchy." Pure placed a comforting hand on Brown's shoulder, and he finally looked up again and around at the other stick figures. He opened his mouth to speak when he was cut off before he could. "Ugh. Guys? I don't feel so good." Navy groaned, clutching her stomach.
Brown's stomach grumbled before he curled in on himself as well. "Is there a bathroom anywhere in this place?" Pure asked, a mix of concern and realization on her face. "Uh oh! Blue, put down a cauldron! Quickly!" Yellow demanded. Blue went through his inventory before placing down one of the cauldrons that he always keeps on hand. Before anyone could say anything both Brown and Navy darted to the cauldron and started to puke into it.
Pure went over and started to rub Brown's back in comfort, the stick figure under the table cloth finally coming out to do the same to Navy. Everyone winced in sympathy and surprise at Brown and Navy getting sick. Meanwhile, Purple was just staring at the pink stick figure, his eyes wide.
Navy backed away from the cauldron first and leaned against the pink stick figure, looking like a complete mess. Brown dry heaved a few times before sliding himself down to lie onto the floor. "Eating so much... so fast, wasn't a very good idea. Not after how long it's been... since I had a proper meal." Navy groaned, turning to look at Brown.
"I don't think I've ever eaten that much food at once before." Brown mumbled almost too quiet to hear. Getting to her feet, Pure moved over to the cauldron. "Let's get this out of here before it starts to smell." She said as she reached down to pick up the cauldron.
Red quickly stepped up and grabbed it first. "Here, let me take care of it. We don't want it to end up being put somewhere inconvenient." Picking up the cauldron he shuffled out of the room, and then the tab, as quickly as possible.
"Have these stick figures been here the whole time? I didn't notice." The pink stick figure asked, tilting her head before smiling up at them. "Well, hi. My name is Pink. And what are... um... why is he staring at me?" She was looking at Purple, who's eyes had been locked on Pink from the moment that she had come out from under the table cloth. Pink's smile had disappeared the moment that she had noticed him.
Purple rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly feeling awkward for staring. "Sorry, it's just... you look exactly like my mom." Pink blinked up at him before smiling much brighter than before, starting to get up before remembering at the last moment that Navy was still leaning against her. "Oh! I see. That will be kind of confusing for everyone when we're in the same room. Will I have to wear a bow or something to tell us apart, or are there enough little differences to tell us apart?" Pink asked.
The entire time Green was gesturing at Pink to stop talking, wincing at what she was saying. "No, she isn't here. She... she passed away." Purple answered, his voice getting quieter as he continued on. The smile on Pink's face quickly disappeared, replaced with a frown, her eyes shining with sympathy. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I just- I didn't..." She stuttered, putting her head into her hands.
Everyone was just glancing between Pink and Purple, a stunned silence falling over them. Green was the only one with an expression other than surprise on his face. Instead sympathy was what was reflected on his face. Nobody except for Green had known about Purple's late mother and it showed.
After a moment Purple walked up and placed a hand on Pink's shoulder. "It's alright Pink. I know that you didn't mean anything by it." His voice was soft and a little dull, his eyes showing a mix of sympathy and pain. Red was standing in the doorway, silent. He had heard everything and was just standing there, not knowing how to process this.
Before anyone could say or do anything the door outside of the screen creaked open. "Alan's here. Why don't we go to the Adobe Animate tab so that we can talk to him. Let him know that we have some unexpected guests." Second suggested, already leaving the tab, most of the color crew followed soon after, with only Blue and Purple staying where they are. Pure looked outside of the screen, watching as Alan walked up to the computer before turning to her friends.
"Can you two get up, or would you rather stay here while me and Pink do the talking?" Pure asked Brown and Navy. Navy shook her head. "I vote that we both stay here. I don't feel like talking to someone who might as well be a god when I'm sure that both of us need a few minutes to recover." Navy explained, adjusting herself to just lay down on the floor instead of leaning against Pink.
Pink got up and quickly tossed the table cloth over Brown and Navy before starting to follow the color crew. "Let's go Pure. They'll be fine. We can try to make them some soup or something later. You said yourself that figuring out a human takes priority if they show up." Pink pointed out. Without waiting another second, Pure followed Pink after the color crew.
As they jumped into the tab the orange hollow headed stick figure was grabbing some of the drawing tools and turned the background into a light gray color. "There. Nobody is gray so we can all see each other." He said, tossing the tools back in place before placing his hands on his hips. Right at that moment the human, who's name seemed to be Alan, sat down at the desk.
After a moment the cursor moved into the tab before starting to type. Who are these stick figures? You've told me about Purple, but what about the other two that I see here? You've never mentioned them before. Second was about to speak when Pure beat him to it. "We came here to find shelter. Some stick figures do not like us and we had to go into a computer to hide. Also, there are two more of us, not that it matters to you."
What surprised everyone was that Pure also had the ability to speak to Alan, although her tone started to become cold as she spoke to him. Two more? Well, you're welcome to stay here for as long as you need if you have nowhere else to go. There's more than enough room for all of you here. Just try not to destroy the computer.
Pure scoffed at that. "And if we did destroy anything, even if it was by accident, what would you do?" Her expression was cold, as was her tone. But those two things couldn't be conveyed to Alan. There's not a lot on the computer that's important that doesn't have a backup somewhere else anymore. It would be a pain to put things back together though. Especially since I use my computer for work.
"That's not what I asked. I asked what you would do if anything was destroyed? Would you try to beat us? Delete us? Lock us up somewhere?" Pure huffed out, glaring daggers at the cursor. Alan paused for a moment before answering. I wouldn't do any of that. I would just drag you to this tab so that we could talk. Why would you think that I would do any of those things that you mentioned?
Pure stared through the screen at Alan, eyes narrowed, looking him over. After a moment she relaxed, turning back to the cursor. "I've seen plenty of instances of abusive creators. Creators who either have no idea that we are actually alive, or just treat us as their playthings or slaves. My own creator poked me around a bit try to test to see if I was really alive. She didn't know that I was alive, but instead of messing with me she kept prodding to see if I was really alive or just a piece of AI. When she realized that I was alive she made Pink so that I wouldn't get lonely."
This made Alan pause. His guilt of what he did to his stick figures before coming back to him. Have you ever seen one of these creators before? Pure paused to think for a moment, placing a hand on her chin in thought. "I don't believe that I have. My creator did mention before that she had met an abusive creator before. She said that he caused his sticks to suffer so much that one day one of them took their own life as a means to escape. They were the first stick figures that I helped once I figured out how to leave the computer. I never saw their creator though. Or the creator of any stick figure who had been abused by their creator." Her expression turned grim, her head down at the memory of those poor stick figures.
Second and his friends gasped in shock. We should tell Blue and Purple about this later. We don't ever want to end up in someone else's computer for too long. Not now that we know this. He thought, horrified at what Pure had told them. You said that your creator made you and this pink stick figure, but what about the other two? Who created them? Pure glanced at Pink, hesitant, before turning back to the cursor.
"Nobody created them. They were both born like normal stick figures. We actually only met them earlier this week. The plan was to help them get back on their feet, and then help them get better lives in the internet. But neither of them has anywhere to go. We were actually chased all the way here by some bad stick figures. I don't know who they are, but they are after us. I'm not sure if they want Brown or Navy, but they are using technology that I might not be able to deal with without help. It was safer to hide out in a random computer than to go to the computer that we live in." Pure explained.
This made everyone pause. So Pure and Pink were both made by a creator, but Brown and Navy were born the same way that Purple was. Now that I think about it, how did they even get into the computer in the first place without any kind of technology to help them? Second thought. Alan seemed to have the same thought. How did you even get into my computer in the first place? As far as I know there's only one way in, and it doesn't seem possible for you to have gone that far without any tools to help you.
"I did use a tool. But not the kind of tool that you're thinking of." Pure replied, a smirk appearing on her face. Before anyone could ask she decided to just show them. With a flick of her wrist her power made itself known, and she allowed it to spread all over the laptop in the blink of an eye.
Everyone jumped back in shock. Nobody had guessed that Pure would have powers, given the fact that she was only just now using them. This was actually the third time that any of them had seen a stick figure with powers. That was concerning. Pure paid no mind to everyone's surprise, continuing on. "My full name is The Pure One, and I am one of the top four strongest types of stick figures. You don't have to worry about me destroying anything or hurting anyone. I would never do that. The only reason why I questioned you is because this computer reeks of violence, and either that meant that you all love fighting or it meant an abusive creator." With a snap of her fingers her power disappeared from everything.
Everyone just stood there in complete silence, stunned by what they had just seen and heard. It was at that moment that Pink decided to speak up. "You know, Pure is probably the definition of a vigilante. She doesn't care about the rules if they are going to cause innocent stick figures to get hurt. Actually, if she followed the rules then Navy and Brown would both be dead right now. She does what is right, not what the rules tell her to do." Everyone relaxed at this, except for Alan, who couldn't understand what Pink was saying. Quickly, Second translated what she had just said.
Pure's attention had been drawn back to the stick fight tab, so she didn't seem to hear what Pink had just said, or Second translating it to Alan. "We should probably find somewhere proper to sleep. All four of us are exhausted and I doubt that sleeping on the floor again would be a good idea. Do you have a place where we can get some sleep?" Pure asked, trying, and failing, to stifle a yawn.
Second glanced at his friends, exchanging a glance with each of them before turning back to Pure. "We have a spare room that you and the others can sleep in. We just have to get a couple of beds for you so it will take a minute. Why don't you both wait with Brown and Navy while we get each of you a bed?" Second suggested.
Pure glanced over at Pink, who also looked tired, before turning back to Second and nodding. "Alright, we probably shouldn't leave Brown alone for too long anyways." Pure then spun on her heel and began to walk back to the stick fight tab, Pink following close behind her.
The color gang followed her just a moment later, since they had to go into that same tab anyways. Second paused for a moment to grab the pencil, which he would need to draw the beds, before continuing to follow everyone. Alan, who had only come to the computer to check up on things, decided to leave. These new stick figures seemed wary of humans, so it would probably be for the best if he stayed away for now.
Pure was the first to get back into the stick fight tab and as soon as she was in the doorway she stopped, just staring into the room. As the others caught up they noticed exactly why she stopped. Blue and Purple had turned the whole room into their own personal kitchen and had made a couple of bowls of ramen. Navy and Brown were actually sharing a single bowl.
"Why are you two sharing a bowl? We have enough food to make ramen for everyone, not just what little there is here." Red asked, tilting his head in confusion. Brown quickly finished chewing before answering. "If we eat any more than what we share from this bowl then it will make us sick. Our stomachs won't be able to handle any more food than this. Not after how long we both have gone without having a proper meal."
Everyone felt a stab of sympathy at that, it being reflected on their faces. Everyone except for Pink and Pure, who both already knew about Navy and Brown's past. They both knew that this was the most tame part of each of their pasts, and the fact that they were eating a proper meal now made them both feel warm inside.
"We made two more bowls for Pink and Pure just in case they are still hungry. Although with the amount that they ate I kinda doubt it." Blue said, gesturing to the other two bowls that were still steaming. Pink and Pure both immediately went straight to the bowls, Pink running while Pure calmly walked over.
Blue paused his cooking for a moment to pass them some chopsticks before they both dug into the food. Pink quickly took her first bite before proceeding to practically inhale the rest of the ramen. Pure took a moment to figure out how to properly hold the chopsticks before taking her first bite. After she swallowed her first bite she just froze in place and got this look on her face. As if she had never tasted anything so amazing before in her entire life. After a moment, Pure tried to follow Pink's example and inhale the ramen, but she was slowed down by the fact that she wasn't getting a good grip with the chopsticks.
"I figured that you two would like it. Navy had the same look on her face as Pure did and Brown said that he was eating something that actually tasted good for the first time in his life." Blue chuckled, watching as the stick figures ate their food. Second, without a word, walked past everyone through the double doors that lead to the bedrooms, Yellow and Red both following him.
"Where are they going?" Navy asked, confusion written on her expression as she took another bite. "They are going to get a bed for each of you set up so that you can sleep somewhere other than the floor." Green answered, sitting down to wait for his serving of ramen. Purple quickly joined him just as Blue finished making the ramen and placed a bowl for each stick figure who didn't already have a bowl.
"Nobody eat my bowl, I'm going to make some dessert to go with this. I'm gonna make donuts this time." Blue quickly changed the set up to make the donuts and immediately got to work on them. Pink finished her ramen right then and Pure had tossed the chopsticks aside and was now using her powers to levitate pieces of her food into her mouth.
Now Purple was staring at her in shock, the ramen temporarily forgotten. "Hold on... you have powers Pure?" Purple asked, stunned. Blue turned away from the donuts to see that Pure was, in fact, using some kind of power to levitate pieces of her meal. Blue quickly forgot about the donuts.
"Yeah, she does. We were surprised by it too. Focus on the food guys. You're gonna burn the donuts Blue." Green said, already feeling as though Pure's powers were normal. Blue quickly turned back to the donuts, just barely taking the first batch out before they were overcooked. Purple went back to the ramen, taking his first bite and immediately falling in love with the food, sucking it down as quickly as he could.
Pure quickly finished her ramen now that chopsticks weren't holding her back and Brown and Navy both stopped eating. "Does anyone want the rest of this? Neither of us can finish it." Navy asked. Before anyone could say or do anything the bowl was levitated over to where Pink and Pure were sitting before both of them started eating again. Pink with chopsticks and Pure with levitation.
"So, do you have any plans of going back to your computer? Not saying that you aren't welcome to stay here, just curious." Green asked. Pure quickly swallowed her bite of food before answering. "We most likely will, but I have a feeling that we won't be able to go back there in a while. I will check in on our creator in a day or two, so for now we'll just be staying here."
Brown yawned, which caused Navy, Pink and Pure to yawn. All four of them looked exhausted. They must have had one crazy day to be exhausted in the middle of the day. Brown was barely able to keep his eyes open and Navy was starting to fidget with the end of the table cloth. Pink and Pure didn't seem as tired, but that was probably because they were polishing off what was left of the ramen that Navy and Brown couldn't finish.
Blue had just finished making all of the donuts and he was going to offer some to at least Pure and Pink, but it was starting to look like they wanted sleep at this moment more than this tasty. He placed the plates of donuts on the table anyways and both Pure and Pink, having just finished the bowl, grabbed a single donut and lazily ate it.
At that moment the doors opened and Red poked his head out. "We're just about done with setting up the beds. Can the four of you come with us so that we can figure out where you want them in the room?" Red asked. Brown and Navy both immediately got to their feet, a little slow from how tired they were, and headed over to follow Red. Pure and Pink both finished their donuts before doing the same.
They were all kind of surprised to see that there was a hallway continuing on to show that this tab was much bigger than it seemed. This was an area that only someone inside of the computer would ever get to see, and it was bigger than anything Pure had seen inside of one tab.
At the end of the hallway was what looked to be two sets of stairs on either side of the hallway, one going up and another going down. Red led them to a door that was closest to the stairs, which was also the only open door, and went in. Stepping inside the room was pretty big. There were four beds, two against the wall to the left and two against the wall to the right. All four beds had four pillows and a blanket, with a couple more blankets folded nicely next to each bed. The room was pretty bare otherwise, but it was big enough where if two people chose to live in this room then there would be enough space for both of them without getting in each other's way.
They could actually see that Second was actually using a pencil from Adobe Animate to also draw them each a nightstand, while Yellow pushed each one next to the beds. "This is just what we have done so far. Do you want the beds somewhere else? It won't take long to move them." Red asked, Second and Yellow looking up at them right as the last nightstand was put in its place.
Not a single one of them said a word. They all just walked to a random bed and got under the covers, too exhausted at this point to even think about how they would want the room to look. "So, I guess everything is fine as is?" Yellow asked, tilting his head.
"I think I speak for all of us when I say that we don't really care right now. None of us slept at all last night and we didn't get much sleep the night before. Just wake us up tomorrow for breakfast." Pure explained, yawning as she did. Navy and Brown were both already out cold and Pink's eyes were drifting shut. Pure didn't even wait for a response, she just put her head down and she was out like a light, and so was Pink.
Second and Yellow exchanged glances before quickly, and quietly, leaving the room. With nothing else to do they turned to go back to the others to just eat their lunch. "They must have been running from something bad if they weren't able to get a good night's sleep for that long. Do you think that we should be worried?" Yellow asked, his voice low to avoid waking Pure and the others.
Second shook his head. "If they had noticed them coming into the computer then they would have already come in after them. Or they would if they have the power to do that. Besides, Pure said that she might not be able to handle it. She never said that she knew that she couldn't. She's probably just being overly cautious for the sake of her friends." He pointed out.
Red suddenly stopped in his tracks, realization washing over him. Second and Yellow both turned to look at Red. "What is it Red? Are you that worried about who was chasing them?" Second asked, a bit concerned. Red shook his head. "I just realized. We never introduced ourselves to them." They all stood there in complete silence for a moment, thinking. After realizing that Red was right they both facepalmed, groaning. How in the world did they manage to forget to introduce themselves?
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