The Talk
I love this picture so much it cracks me up to see Vi reacting to Minnie flirting with Clem
Clementine's POV
After checking in with Ruby on Brody's condition, Ruby said she should be fine just needed to rest, Me and Marlon parted ways as I went to talk to Minnie. Once I got down stairs though I soon realized both her and Violet were gone. 'Guess that talk couldn't be avoided any longer.'
I was worried about how Violet would react and how Minnie would respond to it. I wasn't all that worried about my girlfriend being alone with her ex though, not after the conversation in the shack earlier. Still I was nervous to see the outcome but ignored my doubts by talking to AJ, Tenn, and Louis.
After a while they still hadn't come back making me anxious. I decided to go to me and AJ's room to get some sleep, AJ came with me to do the same. I don't like sleeping all that much because of the nightmares. The best sleep I had gotten recently was when Minnie was holding me. I was tossing and turning with AJ's light snores in the background letting me know he had succumbed to unconsciousness.
After what must have been a couple of hours I was starting to drift off when I heard the door open. I was still a little on guard with all of tonight's events so my knife was in my hands before I even saw the intruder. "That's a funny way to greet your girlfriend." Minnie was standing by the door with a smug smirk as my knife was pointed at her.
"You scared me, I was ready to actually throw my knife at you." She just laughed before walking over to me and taking my knife before placing it on the bedside drawer. She took her jacket off and placed it next to my jacket and hat on the drawer.
She crawled into bed next to me and got comfortable. Me and her cuddled like we had the last time we layed together. Then she sighed and placed a kiss on my forehead. "So...I talked to Violet." She said making me look up to meet her eyes. Her eyes held a sadness once again making my heart clench. Raising my hand to her face, I watched her melt into the contact.
"She..." Noticing her hesitation I let the silence linger until she was ready to talk. She released a large sigh before she started talking agin. "She was um a bit upset, well a lot upset. But she said she was just happy I was alive, and that I was happy. I um left out the part about Sophie when we talked but she...she said that as long as me and you were happy she would be ok. I think she was lying though."
I just listened to her talke and rubbed a soothing circle on her back with my hand that wasn't on her face. Her sadness growing more and more as she talked. I pulled her closer to me and nuzzled my face into her shoulder, trying to provide the comfort she needed. She tightened her grip on me in response to my actions.
"I love you Clem." I almost didn't hear her, but when I did I pulled my head back to see her face. She was looking down so like I had at the shack I moved to catch her gaze. "Hey I love you too Minnie." She smiled wider than I had seen in a while and leaned down to kiss my lips.
Just like at the shack our kisses didn't stop for very long and when they did we would quickly rejoin our lips. Although this time nothing was going to interupt our kissing session. We did eventually pull away long enough for Minnie to speak.
"I'm not going to let anyone hurt you or AJ, not even Lilly." She had such a determined look in her eyes when she said it. I pulled her in for another kiss before answering. "And I won't let anyone hurt you or AJ, absolutely no one." She smiled her beautiful smile before she placed her chin on top of my head like she had the night before.
No one has ever brought so much joy to me with such simple gestures. She made ne feel so normal, yet so extraordinary at the same time it was amazing. I wanted to make her feel that way too, so I made up my mind. Tomorrow I would start the preparation for Lilly's attack and keep my promise to Minnie.
Soon her breathing evened out to let me know she was asleep. I turned my head slowly as to not wake her and placed my ear to her chest. I could hear her heartbeat that way and it lulled me to sleep fast and peacefully. Before I knew it I was aleep and dreaming of calm afternoons with Minnie and AJ in a world without walkers.
Just a chapter dedicated to fluffy girlfriends, more likely than you think in my stories. With all the shit that happened to them last chapter and Minnie's talk with Violet these two just needed a fluff chapter. Hope you liked it I know I did 🌈🌈👌👌
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