The Beginning
I'm glad people are actually liking this story, also nothing that big happens this chapter next one is where shit hits the fan, but for now it's just Clem getting to know the kids.
Clementine's POV
Marlon showed me and AJ around the school before showing us to our room. It was nice, two bunk beds a dresser and a desk with a chair. He left us there so we can get situated and told us dinner would be ready soon.
Me and AJ checked around our room for a bit and ended up finding a box of art supplies. "Clem do you think I can draw, like Minnie's little brother?" He asked excitedly as he searched the box for drawing materials.
"Go for it Goofball, but try not to mention Minnie. Remember she doesn't want to let them know about her until she's ready." AJ frowned but soon started coloring on a paper.
"Why wouldn't they be happy to see her?" AJ asked as he dropped his color pencil and turned around in the desk chair to face me. "She's scared Goofball, she said she changed a lot because of Delta." He frowned again.
"But family wouldn't hurt family would they, she was their family once right?" "Unfortunately, not everyone puts family first." He seemed even more distraught by my statement, sighing before continuing his drawing.
He looked like he was about to say something but the door opening cut him off. The blonde girl from the train station stood in the doorway, a shocked and slightly hurt expression on her face. "Um sorry I didn't know Marlon put you guys in this room. I just need to grab something."
She made her way over to the closet we had found the art supplies in. "Where is the- Oh." She noticed the box on the desk and the color pencils in AJ's hand. "Um that's uh Tenn's sisters he wanted me to come get it for him." AJ looked at me for instruction.
"It's not ours AJ." He knew what I was telling him to do by the frown on his face. The girl spoke up. "You can finish your drawing I'm sure Tenn won't mind." "Thank you." AJ's smile came back full force as he thanked the girl and continued drawing.
"I'm Violet by the way." 'Oh Shit Minnie's ex.' "Clementine and that's AJ." We made our way to the bunks and sat across from each other as we waited for AJ to finish drawing. "Thank you, for the food back at the train station. I know how easy it would have been to just take it all."
"Don't thank me yet, my community wants you guys to serve at their camp. They also have a lot more guns and people than you so me and my girlfriend are gonna help you guys defend yourselves." Violet's eyes widened as I talked.
"Oh is your girlfriend going to stay with you guys here if we win?" 'God I feel so awkward talking about Minnie to Violet.' "Y-yeah that's the plan." "Then where is she?" "Oh um she was my escort down here to the school, but she isn't comfortable talking to new people so she's back at the community waiting for me."
'Is that believable?' Violet seemed to think so and nodded. Violet opened her mouth to say something else but quickly closed it and shook her head. Before I could ask AJ cut me off. "Clem look, It's a picture of us." He showed me excitedly waiting for my praise.
A giggle escaped my lips as I ruffled his hair. "It looks great Goofball." He was still smiling as he packed away the art supplies into the box. Once he was done he let Violet take the box. We said our goodbyes and watched her leave the room.
"Clem, can you promise me you'll give 'her' the drawing when you go see her tonight?" He asked obviously talking about Minerva. I nodded my head and folded the paper, placing it in my back pocket. "Do you wanna go look around maybe introduce ourselves to the other kids."
AJ nodded and put a neutral expression on his face as we left the room. We walked out to the courtyard to see some of the kids had left. AJ wanted to look around the admin building so that's where we went. Once we were inside we heard a noise I hadn't heard in a long time. 'A piano.' AJ's curiosity made him run ahead of me and follow the music.
I looked around the place first before following the music. "Ow!" 'Oh no.' A redhead girl came out of the room with the music. She glared at me and held her hand as she spoke. "You! You need to teach your boy some respect! He just bit me!" I sigh and look at her hand. "I'm sorry but you probably scared him." "A tap on the shoulder doesn't mean he can bite me!"
She stormed passed me and grumbled to herself. I sigh once more before going into the room. AJ was watching the boy from the trains station play the piano. He noticed me and got excited. "Clem look it's loud." I smiled and kneeled to his height before speaking.
"AJ that girl said you bit her, did you?" He looked down at the ground, silent. "AJ?" I repeated in my stern mother tone. He sighed before nodding, "No more biting, ok?" He nodded again and looked back up at me. I smiled at him to let him know he wasn't in trouble anymore.
A cough was heard from the piano boy. He smiled at us before he spoke. "I kept your kid busy for you." AJ pouted. "My names AJ." "Alright I kept AJ busy for you." "Thanks, sorry if he gave you any trouble." He smiled and began to play a tune on his piano before speaking over it.
"Nope, I had it better than Ruby because of my alluring music. I'm Louis by the way." 'Ah Minerva talked about him.' "Clementine." Me and AJ listened for a while before speaking again. "Do you know any others?" Louis looked back at us. "Yeah but your armed." I raised an eyebrow in confusion. Then he started singing.
"Oh god." AJ seemed to like the song though. Louis showed AJ how to play a couple of notes AJ seemed happy, it was good to see him act like a kid. I hope it lasts, for his and Minnie's sake. We were interrupted by Marlon barging in. "Sorry to interrupt but we got a heard blocking the hunting party from coming in. I know you just got here but mind lending a hand?"
I nodded and turned to AJ. "Still got your gun?" He nodded pulling it out to show me. "I need to clean it soon." I hummed in acknowledgment. The Louis spoke. "Um is that a good idea, that thing is as big as him." "He's a better shot then you." I sent a smirk his way as he faked a hurt expression.
"Alright do you I guess." "We will." With that me and AJ followed Marlon to the entrance gate, Louis made his way there with the same chair leg he had at the train station. Violet complained about the amount of walkers as we walked out of the gate. I made AJ hang back to watch my back.
He seemed disappointed but obeyed. I took down a few and seemed to impress Louis. He showed me a few tricks with the traps they had set up around. Not long after I noticed a walker sneak up on a guy from the hunting party. I helped him out but once I had killed it another walker grabbed me from behind.
Before I could push it off something else did. I saw a dog bite the walker's head, effectively killing it before turning to me and growling. I saw Sam for a moment and froze with my knife in hand, I didn't see Marlon approach the dog. "Good girl. Shh hey it's ok girl. I see you and Rosie are making friends." I stopped shaking a bit before talking.
"Had a bad experience with a dog once." As I said that my scar tingled a bit. "Well Rosie can help you get over it. She's as cuddly as they come, when she's not mauling walkers that is." I took a deep breathe to calm myself before I heard a voice behind me.
"That walker came out of nowhere." It was the guy I saved. Marlon told us to get inside quickly. Rosie ran off as we walked back to the school. Louis joined me on the walk back, Violet walking next to him as well. He was grading our performances in walker killing.
"B plus Vi, you've done better." "Fuck off." She flipped him the bird and he faked a hurt expression. "B minus then. Now Clem here that was a solid A, A plus even." 'I don't think they've ever lived outside walls if they are that impressed.' "You kicked ass Violet A plus." She smiled. "I know." "You're both delusional." Louis commented.
We went back to the school and a guy started cooking. Marlon approached us to talk but he placed his hand on AJ's shoulder startling him. AJ attacked, landing a hit right in his crotch before running away after realizing it was Marlon. "Ff...grr..." "Shit I'm sorry Marlon he just-he has a thing, don't approach him from behind."
"He needs to get that under control, he can't expect to eat at the table with us if he keeps that up." "I'll talk to him." AJ was easy to find, he was by the gate watching a crow peck at a dead walker. "What's it doing?" He asked obviously trying to change the subject.
"It's scavenging." "Scavenging." He repeated the word slowly like he always does when he learns something new. "It's gross." "Yeah it is...AJ?" He seemed really upset. "I didn't mean to do it, I didn't know it was Marvin." "Marlon." "That's what I said."
Despite my anger at his actions I smiled and used the gentle tone Lee used to use with me when I was upset. "It's ok Goofball, but you need to let him know that. You need to apologize." He nodded but still looked unsure.
"They don't like me Clem." "Then we show them why they should. C'mon lets go meet some the other kids then you can apologize to Marlon, Ok?" He smiled and took my hand as we made our way to the couch two boys were sitting at. We introduced ourselves and found out their names were Mitch and Willy.
After that we met Omar, the chef, and talked to Louis. Then we apologized to Ruby, who accepted it and AJ talked to her a bit. Then we talked to Aasim and learned he wrote a log of sorts about the day. We left and found Violet and Minnie's little brother. They told us they were paying respects to Minnie and Sophie.
I felt horrible and I could tell AJ felt it too when he looked up at me. He asked if he could pay his respects so he did. I found out from Violet that they thought the twins had died from walkers outside the safe zone. I could feel a pit forming in my stomach as I heard them grieve over my girlfriend.
We soon left to apologize to Marlon he forgave AJ instantly and asked him to teach him his technique. We were introduced to Brody, who seemed to take a liking to AJ. 'She seems nice.'
Before we could talk more Louis called out that the food was done. Everyone gathered by the fire as Omar handed us bowls of soup. Once we had our food we walked to the tables and sat down. Me and AJ sat at a table with Marlon, Louis, and Ruby.
AJ was eating fast and upset Ruby. "AJ slow down bud, you'll choke." He looked at me for a second before slowing down just a bit. Ruby was upset by this and left the table. We soon finished and Louis gave the last of his soup to AJ before he got everyone's attention.
"Violet it's time." She seemed to understand and made her way over to our table. I notice Louis pull a deck of cards from his jacket and present them proudly. Brody seemed annoyed by the tone she had when she called goodnight as she left for the dorms.
"What's the game tonight Lou?" "War a game played by man and beast alike." "Never played." Violet slipped into the seat next to Marlon and spoke. "It's easy everyone gets a deck of cards and then we all draw." Louis took over the explanation. "Highest card gets to ask clem a question."
I sent him a pointed look. "What I want to get to know you, we all do." "And what if I win." "Then you can ask us a question. Fair?" I nodded before realizing something. "What about AJ?" "What about him, I'm sure you can take your eyes off him for one card game. Look he's even made a friend."
AJ was watching Tenn color and talking to him. "You guys could probably use a break from each other." Marlon was right. "Yeah this is his first time being around anybody his age before. It's good to see him act like a kid again, he always acts more like an adult than a kid."
I turned back to the table and we started playing the game. Violet won. "Yay me." I watched her hesitate with the question and got a little scared on what it was. "So...about AJ where are his parents? You don't seem related, I know you called him your son but..."
"His dad was killed by an asshole." "And his mom?" "Long story. Sad story." She nodded and we went to the next round, I won. "Hey I won." "Hey you did, ask away." I thought for a bit before asking. "Worst injury ever witnessed?" They all listed theirs before mine.
"Saw a guy get his head beaten in with a crowbar until there was no skin left." "Ouch." "He was an asshole." We continued and Louis won. He also hesitated to ask, "Um you mentioned a girlfriend at the gate, tell us about her?" I felt my face heat up just a bit.
"Well um what do you want to know?" "What's she like, how did you two meet, you know the juicy gossip." My blush cane back in full force as I looked down to avoid their gazes. "We uh didn't have the best meeting, she was taking care of me after the group found me and I had just woken up. I um interrogated her, held her at knife point." I looked up to see their reactions and they kept looking at me expectantly.
"She was my assigned 'mentor' and we roomed together. It was awkward after the whole knife incident but um we ended up getting to know each other more and we just clicked I guess." Louis made a gesture for me to keep going.
"We had a heart to heart and she kissed me, we've been together since. Although it hasn't been long since then I've gotten attached pretty quickly and AJ really likes her too so..." Louis had a grin on his face as he clapped his hands together.
"What a cute little love story." I glared at him but felt my cheeks heat up a bit, even more when I heard Marlon and Violet chuckle. "Ugh next round already." I said flipping a new card down. This made them laugh harder, my blush growing.
The card game goes on as continued in the game sorry it's so long and nothing BIG happens but I promise next chapter is where shit hits the fan. 🌈🌈👌👌
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