Chapter 1
Harry's POV
"Mate wake up! class is about to start!" Ron said "W-wha-t I said ''Harry class is about to start!!" Ron said to Harry again he heard what Ron said then he got up and changed really quick and ran to get his wand and his glasses off the night stand and came up to Ron. Me and Ron ran up quick we had potions for are first class we made it to the classroom door and we opened. "Why are you two late" Snape said in a rude tone "We had to do something"Ron said as an excuse"Okay I'll let you two off the hook if this happens next's time then detention" Snape said "okay" I said "go to your seats" Snape said rudely I went to get my seat which was next's to Draco Malfoy he gave me a glared then spoke "Ohh isn't it the famous Harry Potter" Malfoy said "shut up'' I whispered to him. "Today class were going to a make Love potion I'm going to pick your partners for you Blaise and Ron ,Hermione and Pansy and last of all Draco and Harry" Snape said. Me and Draco met I eyecontact. "I making potion not you!" Draco said "umm okay" I said I was really tired I didn't get that much sleep last night I got woke up by a dream it was not about Voldemort it was about my soulmate I saw there shadow and it look so familiar it look like Malfoy I was so confused I was sort of scared to tell Ron and Hermione I was thinking the would hate me. "Oi Potter" Draco said "W-what oh sorry I was thinking of some thing" I said "Anyway I was going to say to you the love potion is done do you want to try it?" Draco said "umm no thank you you can try it" I said "Okay" Draco said. He went to get a cup he got the cup and poured himself a cup and drink it. "How do you feel" I said "I love you Harry" Draco said "W-what" I said whiling blushing really hard "Aww are you blushing my love" Draco said. Did he call me his love "What did you just call me" I said "My love" Draco said in a lovey dovey voice. "I'm going to go!" I said "Awww why are you leaving me please don't go my love" Draco "Stop calling your love I'm getting annoyed from you calling me that" I said while being annoyed from being with him.
After class *I know I'm lazy as hell*
"Harry are you alright your blushing really hard " Hermione said "Yeah I'm fine. So how was Pansy. " I said "Pansy oh she was super sweet to me I think I have a crush on her and what if Ron get's mad at me" Hermione said worried "Don't worry Hermione I'll keep it a secret I'll tell you mine" I said "Sure! I'll keep it a secret from Ron" Hermione said "I-i like D-draco" I said I was scared to tell her "I knew it you like him!" Hermione said out loud god lord no one heard it.
Words: 535
Me: No one going to read this
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