Chapter 2 The Magic day
A few week's have passed since the Squads had returned and they were now wandering around the city of Springfeild. They were with Iris, Marry, and the Royal children and showed them around the City. As they were wandering around, the Royal children and Marry all noticed strange decorations being put up in the city streets. The decorations were in the shape of pumpkins, bats, and figures that were white and had three black patches on its face. The Royal children, and Marry were all confused at the strange looking decorations that were placed on shops, apartments, and lamp posts.
"Hey guys, what's with the strange looking decorations hanging around the place?" Cen asked, confused.
"Oh their the decorations for Halloween, Springfield puts them up every year for the holiday. There's also a scar festival that happens every Halloween. We come into the city to celebrate it every year after we're done trick or treating." Jake explained.
"Ohh! That sounds fun!" Marry exclaimed.
"It is! Hey! You all can come with us! And you all can even remain in your true forms." Josh explained.
"What?! How come? Won't they find out we're not human?" Oberon asked, confused.
"Na they won't, they'll just assume you all are just kids in costumes. However you all won't be able to use your magic." Erick explained.
"Yeah cause if you do then they'll find out you all are real." Jane stated.
"Alright, I can work with that. Besides all my magical abilities are my sword. Us Amazons are just ten times stronger than the average human woman." Freya explained.
"Well just retrain yourself and we're all good." Hannah said.
"I don't make any promises, after all if I get attacked it's my natural instinct to use my full strength. However, I'll try to restrain myself as much as I can." Freya explained.
The group nodded in unison, happy with Freya's words and they hoped she would stay true to them.
"Hey, guys! Sorry I'm late." Everyone heard someone say.
They looked and saw Daniel walking up to them with some bags in his arms. The bags seemed to have food and decorations in them.
"Hey bro, what's that you got there?" Hannah asked.
"Mom asked me to get some groceries while I'm out, and my friend from school, Zack, is throwing a Halloween party at his place tonight. He would've done it on the actual holiday itself, but he's gonna be out of town with his family. Something about relatives wanting his family to be there for trick or treating. So he's having it a week early, as he'll be leaving next week." Daniel explained.
"Ah alright, I hope you'll have fun there." Hannah said.
"Thanks little sis." Daniel said, he then looked up and saw the Royal children.
"Hey who are they?" Daniel asked while pointing at the Royal children.
"Oh them? They are the Royal Children, they came here with us after we saved theri kingdoms from being overtaken by the Shadows." Lila explained.
"They're also going to help us in our mission to restore Iris's kingdom and stop Lucifer's army from doing the same to earth." Jake explained.
"Really? Cool, nice to meet you all, I'm Daniel." Daniel said introducing himself.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Melody, I'm from the mermaid kingdom, Oberon he's a fairy, Cen a Centaur, Freya an Amazonion, and lastly Rowdy he's a troll. However Rowdy has no voice syndrome, or as you all call it mutism. So he speaks with sign language." Melody explained.
Rowdy then signed *Hello, nice to meet you. I hope we can become good friends.*
Daniel just looked at Rowdy confused as he had no clue on what he said as he doesn't know a thing about Sign language.
"Um... can someone translate what he said?" Daniel requested.
"I can, he said. "Hello, nice to meet you. I hope we can become good friends." Ed explained.
"Oh, alright, well it's nice to meet you too Rowdy. I hope we can become friends too." Daniel said.
Rowdy smiled at that, he then signed *Hey, I'm hungry. Can we grab a bite to eat?*
"He asked if we could get something to eat." Ed translated.
"Why not? I'm down to eat anytime." Josh said while smiling.
"Let's go grab some pizza, I'm craving some of that and some garlic knots." Hannah said.
The group all nodded and headed off to a nearby pizza shop to grab a bite to eat.
Meanwhile in the shadow realm, Lucifer was sitting on his throne waiting for John and Jack to tell him their grand plan. They had said it would help them all find a host for Craindre. While he was skeptical about it, he didn't have anyone else giving him a plan, so he'd decided to see what the two brothers had to say. He didn't have anything else aside from time to lose so he decided to just hear what they had to say. The two brothers soon entered the throne room through the big black wood door, with a red metal frame. They walked up to the bottom step of the stairs that led up to the royal family thrones and bowed down to Lucifer.
"Our king, it's so nice to see you awake after all this time. I assume you're strong enough to invade Earth Correct?" Jack asked.
"Not yet, I still need more time to rest and regain more of my strength." Lucifer explained.
"Aww that's sad." Jack said.
"Well your highness I'm sure you'll become as strong as you were again soon. But for now I believe we found a suitable host for Craindre." John explained.
"Oh and who is that? This better be good as I have more important things to do aside from listening to you two." Lucifer growled at the two brothers.
He was mostly growling at Jack, whom he was still angry at for offering to marry his daughter who was too young for him.
"Well there's this girl at the Rainbow Squads school who hates the Red Squad. We believe that she'll be a perfect host for Craindre." Jack explained.
"Oh? And who is this girl?" Lucifer asked as Jack's words caught his attention like a fish on a hook.
"Her name is Clare and she apparently loved the Green squad. Unfortunately he broke her itty bitty little heart, as he was dating the Red squad." John explained Mocking Clare's broken heart.
"Hmm, I see, humans like that are often the most easily manipulated." Lucifer stated.
He then went into deep thought and rubbed his chin a bit as he started thinking. He then looked down to the two brothers and said, "Alright you boys work on having that girl become their host."
The two brothers smiled at this and they left the throne room. Once they left the room, they went to the lab where Craindre was kept in. They soon arrived at a black door with red letters that read "Science lab, unless you want to be a test subject, KNOCK!" Jack laughed at the warning. Then without a care about his safety or health, he wrapped his red strings around the door and ripped it off its hinges.
The scientist who was working in the lab screamed when the door was suddenly gone from its frame. When he looked to see who had ripped the door out, he groaned to see the two brothers.
"What in the world do you two want?! Can't you see I'm busy right now! And didn't you two meatheads read the sign?" The Scientist asked, making his annoyance very clear.
"We did and we don't care, we just came here to collect Craindre. We've found a human who'd be a suitable host for them so we're here to collect them." John explained.
"Oh well, I would let you two have them, but I'm making some adjustments to them. So I can't give them to you right now, however they will be finished on Halloween. So once that day comes, you can take them and merge them with the human you speak of." The scientist explained.
Jack and John hummed for a bit, before nodding their heads, as they were curious to see what the adjustments are. They both hoped that it meant they would be stronger than they already are, as the stronger they are the better they'll be against the Rainbow Squads.
"Alright, but they better be ready by then! If they aren't hehe... I hope you don't mind if I add you to my collection of puppets!" Jack explained.
"Um... Y-Yes sirs!" The scientist stammered out fearfully.
He didn't know what Jack meant by it, but the tone in his voice said that he wouldn't enjoy it. While Jack on the other hand would have a wondrous time with whatever it was. The two brothers smiled and nodded at the scientist, they then left the lab, and Jack used his strings to put the door back in place. Unfortunately the door then fell down again on the floor, and the scientist groaned at this. He called up some shadow shifters to fix up the door, so he could finish up his work.
"So Jack, what should we do in the meantime?" John asked as the two walked around the castle.
"Hmm... Oh I know! Why don't we just go and torment the Rainbow Squads? I've been meaning to put some of my puppets into work lately. It can also allow me to get some DNA from the other Squads. So far I just have Reds hair, so getting the other Squads DNA will be quite the enjoyment." Jack explained.
"Wonderful idea brother! Let's go then, they won't be out for long so might as well give them a good scare! After all it is that time of year and what better time to scare and torment than in a spooky month!" John declared with a bit of sadistic being present in his tone.
Jack smiled at his brother's words and the tone he spoke in, it brought him so much seductive joy. The two brothers then left the kingdom and went to earth to torment the Rainbow Squads, along with anyone else who would be with them. Meanwhile on earth the Squads were in Eds mansion, they were out in the backyard, which was decorated with orange, yellow, and brown leaves.
They were trying their best to help Daniel to get levitation down, as they had some time before he had to go to his friend's party. However Daniel was getting more and more frustrated about his lack of progress. When he tried to use levitation on an apple it only moved half an inch before his magic stopped.
"Ugh! Why can't I get it! It's supposed to be easy! But I can't even move an apple!" Daniel shouted angrily.
"Hey bro! You'll get it down!" Hannah reassured trying her best to calm her brother down.
"I don't know! I've been working like this for weeks and I haven't gotten past half an inch to move an apple." Daniel explained.
"Even so, you'll get the hang of it! Even if you're gonna have to do this the hard way, you can still do it! After all, no one ever said that learning it this way isn't impossible." Amara explained also trying to boost up Daniels confidence.
Daniel smiled a little at that, but still wished that he could get the whole thing down. He also wished he could still tell his parents about it, he felt like they could give him some more encouragement. However because of the spell the Amulets casted after he found out about the secret, he couldn't say a word. So he just went with what he could do with his sister and her friends. He also hoped that Iris, the Royal children, and the Animal Guides could get it down.
Daniel then felt a tap on his shoulder, he looked and saw Rowdy standing next to him. Rowdy had a notebook and pen in his hands, where he'd write down what he wanted to say. Catherine had given them to him so Ed wouldn't have to translate for him all the time. Sense Ed was the only one who knew sign language and a paper and pen would be more convenient for him.
Rowdy then wrote down, "I believe in you Dan, I struggled with magic myself. So I get where you're coming from, but don't worry it's not impossible, just keep trying. My grandpa always says, "you'll become more successful the more times you fail and learn."
After reading what Rowdy had written, he felt a little better about it all. He turned to the apple again, and felt Rowdy rubbing his back gently and giving him some encouragement. Even if Rowdy couldn't speak Daniel knew that it was his way of giving him support.
Daniel then tried to use levitation again, and this time the apple was surrounded in a red magical glow. It then floated up and Daniel moved his hand towards himself, and the apple floated to him. Once it was close enough Daniel grabbed it, and smiled at this.
"Yes! I did it! Thanks guys! And thanks Rowdy!" Daniel exclaimed happily.
"Yes! Great job bro! You finally did it!" Hannah cheered, proud of her brother.
Everyone else all cheered for him, and Rowdy hugged Daniel. When he did Daniel felt his face heat up at this and his heart leaped a little.
'W-Why am I feeling like this?! Why is my face heating up?! And why is my heart racing?!' Daniel asked himself in his head.
"KIDS! I know this is a good time! But you all need to get to the city square now!" Catherine called out in a panic.
"What?! How come!? What's going on?!" Josh asked, confused.
"Yeah what's going on in the city square, hardly anything crazy happens there. Unless the festivals the city has are going on." Lila explained.
"Well those two brothers you all told me about are there! And they have some strange living puppets attacking people who are there. So far no one's been hurt, but I feel like you all should get there effective immediately before it comes to that!" Catherine explained rapidly.
The Squads and Royal children nodded and they headed out for the City square. However Daniel wanted to come along, but Hannah objected towards her brother coming along.
"Daniel, you haven't seen what those brothers are capable of! We can take them on, but you? I'm sorry to say this but you can't!" Hannah explained.
"What?! But I-'' Daniel was saying but was stopped by his sister.
"No buts! You've just gotten levitation down and that's it! A simple levitation spell isn't going to be enough to stop Jack and John!" Hannah explained sternly.
She then left with the rest of the Squads, however Daniel didn't want to let his sister and her friends all fight those two wackos on her own. He decided to follow her and help out if the fight called for it, as he wanted to help out with his own magic as much as possible.
Soon the Rainbow Squads all arrived at the city square, thanks to the help of Iris teleporting all of them. However, teleporting so many people at once, as she also teleported the royal children, took a lot out of her. So when they arrived Iris collapsed to the cold concrete sidewalk from exhaustion.
"Oh no! Iris are you Ok?!" Jenny asked worriedly.
"I-I'm fine, j-just teleporting that many people at once took a lot out of me. I just need to rest for a bit, you all go and get Jack and John out of here before they cause any more problems." Iris explained.
The Squads and Royal children nodded and they ran to the area where Jack and John were while Iris sat on the sidewalk and rested. When they saw Jack and John the two brothers were laughing like maniacs while they destroyed some parts of the square. The fountain was half broken with water pouring out of the broken parts. Some parts of the square's meadow and flowers were ripped out of the ground. Trees were lying on their sides and the roads had holes that looked like a man sized nettle punctured them like fabric.
The two brothers looked over and when they saw both the Squads and the Royal children they smiled evilly.
"Why hello there, I was wondering when you all would show up! After all, it wouldn't be a show if the stars didn't show up!" Jack exclaimed seductively.
"What show? If you call destruction of property a show then you're mistaken!" Ed explained angrily.
"Yeah! After all that's only fun in a video game where something doesn't matter!" Jake explained.
"Oh well, I'm sure you all will enjoy this show." John declared.
"Yes, after all, you all get the pleasure to watch my PUPPET SHOW!AHAHAHAH!" Jack cackled out.
Then red strings surrounded the entire group, and the strings merged together. They then took the form of puppets. The puppets were all emotionless and had no features and were standing in a creepy way.
"Oh dear god! I hate puppets!" Josh exclaimed as the puppets stood there.
Jack laughed at the comment and then commanded his puppets to start dancing. They obeyed the orders and they all started ballet dancing in a creepy way. The slow movement and creaking of the puppets wood was beyond creepy.
"Alright I'm done. Let's transform and kick their buts into next year." Jane stated as she was done with the puppets.
The Squads nodded and shouted "Rainbow Power Action!" and they transformed into their Rainbow Squad forms. After they transformed they summoned their weapons and they got into a fighting position. When Jack and John saw this they both smiled and decided to spice up the puppets. Jack then snapped his fingers and the puppets all took the form of the Rainbow Squads.
"Alright, that's even more creepy." Oberon stated.
"And my mom wonders why I hate puppets." Cen stated.
"Psh I wonder why my younger sister likes to play with them." Freya said.
"Whatever! Let's take them down!" Erick exclaimed.
The others all agreed and they started fighting. Each of them used their magic to take out a puppet, unfortunately each puppet they destroyed Jack used his strings to form another one. While they were fighting, John sneaked up on each squad and swiped a bit of their hair. He did this so fast that no one noticed, then again they were too busy dealing with the creepy puppets to notice him. As the fight was going on a car stopped on the side road outside of the square. One of the doors opened and out came Daniel, who looked visibly queasy.
"Ugh! Maybe I should've listened to Cathrien and taken a different car!" Daniel said as he hunched over with his hand on his stomach.
"Hey kid, you said you needed to get here fast and this is the fastest car in the world." The driver stated.
"Ugh, Yeah thanks, well I gotta go now! Thanks for the lift!" Daniel blurted out, as he recovered from the motion sickness.
He then ran to the Square and saw the fight that was going on. Daniel was about to run up and join the fight, but he fell to the ground again as he felt dizzy again.
"Oh dear god! I feel sick!" Daniel exclaimed as he tried to collect himself.
"AHH! LET ME GO YOU CLOWN CREEP!" A familiar voice to Daniel screamed.
He looked up and was horrified to see Jack had Hannah in his arms.
"HEHE You know even if your "His" ancestor, you did come out as quite an eye catcher~" Jack said seductively.
Hannah wicked away at both Jack's disgusting words and his bad breath.
"UGh! Ever hear of mouthwash or mints you freak!" Hannah screamed angrily as she struggled to get out of Jack's grip.
"Aww such a feisty little one! Well I like that in a girl, especially if they're a young girl~" Jack stated as he brushed a finger under Hannah's chin.
"HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE! SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND!" Jake screamed as he tried to attack Jack in a rage.
However a puppet then attacked Jake and pinned him to the ground, other puppets joined in. Unfortunately the others were all too preoccupied with the multitude of puppets to help out their friend. Jack laughed evilly, then made Hannah face him.
"You know I wonder how your lips feel?" Jack asked.
Hannah felt disgusted by this question, she didn't even know how old Jack was, but he was clearly too old for her.
They looked and saw Daniel running up to Jack with a look of pure anger written all over his face. Jack tried to use his strings on Daniel to stop him. However his hair glowed red and a red ax appeared in his hand, which he used to slice through the strings. Jack, shocked by this, he didn't notice that Daniel jumped up to him and when he did he saw Daniel had his ax raised in the air. Jack screamed and before he could react Daniel had used his weapon to cut Jack's arm clean off.
This caused him to lose grip on Hannah, as that was the arm he was holding her with. When Daniel and Hannah fell to the ground, they looked and saw Jack's severed arm sitting on the ground. The two screamed and Hannah threw the arm away. The others all looked in the direction of the screaming and when they saw what happened they screamed too.
"AHH! HIS ARM IS GONE!" Lila shrieked.
"OH MY-" Josh screamed before throwing up.
When John looked he saw what happened to his brother, but did not panic as he knew that the injury would heal. The group then looked up at Jack and saw that instead of blood, a black tar like goo was pouring out of the wound. It was the same kind of stuff that was coming out of his arm when Freya burned him with her sword. Then the black goods started hardening and taking shape. Soon it took the shape of Jack's old arm, and he moved it like before.
He then smiled again and said "I love to stay longer but my brother and I have work to take care of, Bye for now Rainbow Squads!"
Then he teleported away, along with his puppets and brother, leaving the squads and Royal children all shocked.
"Um you dudes saw that right?" Erick asked.
"Yeah and that was freaky." Jake stated.
"But that Jack guy is so gross." Jane commented disgusted by his actions towards her friend.
"I'll say, thankfully he wasn't able to do anything." Hanna said as she got up.
"Yeah, I wasn't going to allow him to hurt you sis." Daniel said as he went up to his little sister.
"Thanks, even if I'm upset that you didn't listen to me, I'm happy that you saved me." Hannah explained.
"And I'm impressed with what you did!" Iris exclaimed. The group looked and saw Iris running up to them with a bright look on her face.
"Hey Iris, I'm impressed too, I didn't know I could do that." Daniel commented as he looked at the magical Ax he inadvertently summoned.
"I can't believe you could myself, I didn't know that some humans could still form their weapons with magic after all this time." Iris said.
"Well I hope I can train with it!" Daniel exclaimed with an excited glow in his eyes.
Meanwhile on a street corner a figure had seen the whole thing, and was in shock by what they saw. The Squads then transformed back and the figure was shocked to see his daughter in the mix.
"Hannah, Daniel?! Oh my god! I didn't think you two would-" The man said as he hid behind the corner.
The figure was Hannah and Daniel's father Charles, who was horrified by what he had seen.
"I-I didn't think my past would come back like this, Oh dad I wish you were here. I wanted my children to have a normal childhood on earth." Charles said as he ran back home with the bags of groceries he went out to get in his hands. He hoped that when his children and wife got home he'd be able to act normal despite the information he had just learned.
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