Thomas woke up.
The sun shed soft shadows around the room and made everything look light yellow.
Thomas looked down and saw Newt's head resting on his chest.
They had slept together.
Newt was so beautiful. His soft blonde hair seemed to be darker now and his beautiful hands. Thomas touched one of them lightly, hoping that he wouldn't wake him up.
Then he noticed something.
It was all very quiet.
Thomas didn't know what time it was but he couldn't hear mum. She was usually downstairs and making breakfast when Thomas woke up on the weekends. But now...
Newt moved and Thomas saw how he slowly opened his eyes.
,,Good morning." Newt said dizzily.
,,You sound so attractive with your morning British accent."
Newt chuckled softly. ,,Thank you."
Thomas kissed him on the pate. ,,I love you."
Newt smiled. ,,I love you too."
They laid in the silence for a few seconds before Thomas said,
,,We should get up."
Newt nodded. ,,Yeah, we should."
,,Okay." Thomas said and threw the blanked off himself and sat up.
Thomas turned around and saw that he accidentally had thrown the blanket on Newt.
,,Sorry." He laughed.
,,You..." Newt started but didn't finish his sentence.
Thomas laughed and started looking for clothes to put on.
* * *
,,Umm...Hello?" Thomas said when he walked downstairs. ,,Mum? Chuck?" His brother had gone out with his friends last night and who knows when he had come back. Maybe he had stayed at someone's place? Or did he go somewhere with mum because Thomas didn't see neither of them at home.
Then he heard a knock on the door.
Could it be mum? Or Chuck? Or both?
Thomas went quickly to the door and opened it.
And quickly smashed it back close again.
,,What happened?" Newt asked. He stood on the stairs and looked concerned.
,,There's...are people outside."
,,Who are they? Let them in."
Thomas shook his head. ,,No, I think I can't."
,,Because those people are Teresa and Gally."
Newt's eyes widened and he came quickly down to Thomas.
,,Open it." He said.
Thomas sighed and did like he asked.
It was still a shock for Newt to see those two morons on the door.
,,What do you want?" He asked, forcing his face to be serious.
Gally and Teresa looked at each other and then Gally said,
,,We wanted to apologize."
Newt felt how Thomas next to him wanted to burst out laughing but somehow succeeded to hold himself back.
,,You two? And apologize? Is this a joke?" Thomas asked.
Teresa shook her head. ,,No. After your two kissed at the formal yesterday, we understood that we were wrong. It was so evil what we did to you. You are very brave and don't deserve that."
It was a shock to hear these words from Teresa's mouth. Was she serious? Or was it a trick like the whole 'theatre school act' thing?
,,I don't believe you." Thomas said right away. ,,And I don't want to see you anymore. Goodbye." He said and wanted to close the door but was stopped by Newt.
Thomas looked at him surprisedly. ,,What?"
,,Please, wait."
Newt's eyes stared at Thomas and the brunette gave up.
,,How can we be sure that you won't bully us anymore? That you will be kind and friendly?" Newt asked.
,,You can't. But we will." Gally said and Newt saw from his eyes that he really meant it.
,,Yes." Teresa was sincere too.
,,Okay." Newt said. ,,But if you do something, we will tell Thomas' mum and she isn't kind when it comes to bullying. Understand?"
Both of them nodded.
,,Good. Then, I guess we'll see you at school on Monday."
,,Yep." Gally said and Teresa seemed to be way happier than before.
They waved to each other and Newt closed the door.
,,You know...I'm mad at you." Thomas said.
Newt was frightened. ,,Tommy-"
,,But I can't because you're too beautiful and lovable." He kissed Newt softly and the blonde smiled.
Then the door opened and mum stepped in.
,,Mum!" Thomas said and hugged her too. ,,Where were you?"
,,Fixing one thing." Melissa said and put a backpack on the floor.
,,My things!" Newt said and kneeled down to the bag and opened it. ,,Tha...Wait, where did you get them?" Newt stood back up and both boys looked at Melissa questioningly. She had a sly look on her face on what Thomas had to ask what had she done.
,,I went to Newt's parents, you told me where they live yesterday and...told them that it's not right how they treat Newt. And they didn't even care where is he now so I told them the truth about everything. Including your kiss and your life here. And guess what they said?"
Thomas saw pain in Newt's eyes. Obviously it was hard to hear that your foster parents didn't care about you but still...they were your parents.
,,What?" Thomas asked.
,,They said that if he is happy here, he can stay here and be my ward. Of course there're many paper work to do before it's official but I hope that it's worth it." She looked at Newt. ,,Is that okay?"
,,I can live here?" Newt asked, eyes widened.
Melissa nodded.
Newt started crying in happiness and hugged her. ,,Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Thomas smiled. He was happy because Newt was happy. And this was incredible! His mum was just the best. He couldn't wait until Chuck could hear that!
,,Come here." Thomas said and hugged Newt and Melissa.
,,I love you both so much."
,,I love you too, Thomas, no matter who you love. But Newt is an angel to love." Mum said.
Newt laughed and Thomas felt how he blushed.
,,Yes, he is. And you're too."
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