Chapter 26: Hello!
Adrienne's P.O.V
The team of eight whipped around to face me and Loki who were standing at the other end of the street. Every pair of eyes widened and hands curled tighter around their weapons. "Hello!" I chirped, waving my hand high. My voice echoed around the empty street, breaking the silence.
"Oh come on!" Ironman whined.
"Superheroes don't get days off Stark." The Hawk murmured, loading an arrow and holding up in bow.
"Are you really going to try and hurt us with that?" Loki questioned from my side, looking unconvinced at the arrow. Each one of them held up their weapons, ready to fight.
"Adrienne don't make us do this." Angel said, her hands shaking slightly. "You're our friend."
"I was you friend!" I spat "Until you chose them lot over me!"
"They were training." The Captain yelled, a good distance still between us all.
"So was I!" I growled "But nobody saw my potential!"
"We all did Lady Horton but the maidens were to busy learning themselves." Thor tried to reason.
"Oh save it brother, you know that wasn't the case. All you all do, all everyone does is shoves others into their shadows. You did it to me when we were children, I remember being hidden in your shadow!" Loki exclaimed, his hands turning a pale blue colour.
"That's not the case and you know it!" Angel yelled.
"You shoved me into your shadow Angel, for that I will never forgive you." I seethed, my eyes narrowing.
"They did nothing of the sort, you were the one who turned on us!" Black Widow defended "They couldn't push you into a shadow when there wasn't a shadow for you to be pushed into."
"They were supposed to be my friends, but instead cared more for you rather than me!" I cried.
"You've got it all wrong." Mockingbird called softly, her eyes holding all the anger in her body. "Ronnie, we never cared for them more than you. You have to remember they were training us, keeping us safe. They were doing the same for you too."
"Ah the Mockingbird finally decided to speak, what happened? Injury got your tongue?" Loki mocked, making us both laugh loudly. The blonde girls eyes narrowed dangerously but her mouth stayed firmly closed once more.
"You lot are boring, did you know that?" I asked before holding my arms out, palms out straight. An icy gust flew from the centre of my hand, flinging the team back like rag dolls, all but the Hulk who roared in protest. With a quick wrist flick from Loki's pale blue hands the Hulk was in cased in thick ice.
The rest of the team stumbled to their feet as me and Loki created several clones of ourselves, concealing the real us away from any direct attacks. The plan was to keep the clones up until they all fell tired, that way we could take them prisoners and keep them from saving the world.
Killing them directly we had both agreed would put a bad public image on them too quickly, where as we'd prefer to humiliate them. We watched as the team of now seven fought at first effortlessly. However after a while they all began to grow tired and weak, barely able to stand straight.
Satisfied the clones disappeared and me and Loki took it in turned to attack the falling heroes. Captain America and Ironman were harder to completely take down but after a few punches and kicks they fell down, to weak to move out of harms way. This caused an easy knock out.
The Hawk and Spider were down after a few hits to the head from Loki sceptre. "This is too easy!" I complained as I kicked Angel's hands from holding her up, causing her to collapse.
"I agree." Loki nodded as he kicked Thor in the face, sending him tumbling to the ground and hitting his head hard. The only person left was Mockingbird, who was the furthest away from the group. Me and Loki exchange looks before making our way to the kneeling blonde.
She looked up, fear in her eyes. "Please, please don't." She begged in a whisper, gasping to catch her breath. Shaking my head at her I pulled a gun from the waist band on my trousers. Her eyes widened and her hands wrapped themselves around her torso, where she was shot before.
"It's over Mockingbird." I cooed, taking the safely off the gun. I pulled the trigger and a 'Bang' echoed around the street.
Cliffhanger! I'm so evil aren't I?
Question for the chapter:
You could have any weapon of the Avengers (includes Loki's sceptre and the hammer), what weapon would you pick and why?
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