Chapter 18: Walking
Deanna's P.O.V
My arms wrapped tightly around the stuffed bear that was dressed like me. It was weird that me, Beth and Adrienne had a fan base but it was also nice to know that we were being recognised for a work with the famous Avengers. My action figure sat on the bedside table on my right.
"Good morning De." Bruce voice jolted me out of my thoughts. A smile spread across my lips as I watched the curly haired doctor check my vitals like every other day. It had been a month since I had woken up and my speech had gotten better, just not up to 'normal' standard.
"So me and some nurses have made a decision." Bruce stated once he had finished checking my vitals.
"Yeah?" I questioned.
"Yes and we've run it through Fury and he's agreed with it. Today, we start teaching you to walk again." Bruce explained. I felt my eyes lit up brightly and my smile widened. "And it will be a surprise for the rest of the team."
"Thank you!" I giggled, holding my arms out. Bruce chuckled and happily hugged me. When we pulled away he went to call a few nurses to make sure I didn't fall and hurt myself too much. Once everyone that was needed had came into my room I placed the bear down and straightened slightly.
"Okay, are you ready?" A nurse named Harper asked. She was my main nurse and she was nice woman. She was fairly young with chocolate brown hair that was always up in a bun with hazel eyes. Her only downfall was that if I refused to do something she'd become demanding, a bit like a teacher.
When I nodded Harper and another nurse who I didn't know very well carefully swung my legs over the edge of the bed. Pain tinged my abdomen slightly but I shook it off since it wasn't too bad. "Right if it starts to hurt too much tell us okay?" Bruce asked, causing me to nod once again.
Slowly I lowered my self over the edge of the bed until my bare feet hit the cold tiled floor. The coolness felt foreign to the skin on my feet but it was also comforting. "Where are" I paused and sucked in a breath "we going by" I paused again "the way."
"Well everyone is down the corridor in the games room and it's not that far away so we were thinking of helping you there." Bruce explained.
"Cool." I nodded, pushing myself to stand. My legs wobbled underneath me and my arms shot out to the sides to balance me. Harper and the other nurse went to jump forward it I waved them off. "Give me." Pause "a minuet." After a few seconds I held my hands out forward.
Bruce carefully took them in his and the two nurses stood either side of me. "Unfortunately we're going have to go like a baby walking for the first time." Harper explained to me. "So please don't get to upset with us."
"I've been stuck" I paused "in bed for" pause "a month" pause "I don't really" pause "have the right to be" pause "upset with you." They all nodded and Bruce gently tugged my arms forward slightly.
"One foot in front of the other okay sweetheart." The other nurse, who's named tag read Zoe, cooed. My head nodded as I looked down and slowly moved my right foot forward. The sense felt so strange and unnatural to me that I had to stop and remember what I was doing.
"Come on De." Bruce called softly. I took another step, and then another, and then a third. After four steps I stopped and swayed slightly.
"One minuet." I breathed, feeling short of breath. "Fuck." I breathed out. The three adults in the room chuckled at my language. After a couple of seconds I nodded to myself and took another few steps. Luckily I had pain medication before I started to I couldn't feel much pain.
It took us twenty minutes to reach the games room and I was exhausted. Bruce let go of my hands and entered, leaving me with the two nurses outside for a moment while I caught my breath again. "Well done Hun, you've done well." Harper smiled.
"Well I can't really" I paused and breathed in heavily "fell anything at the moment."
"You've done so well." Zoe also smiled, making me grin too. After a few minuets Bruce walked back out, nodded and took my hands in his once again. He began walking backwards into the room, slowly taking me with him. When we entered I heard the whole team gasp.
Bruce, Harper and Zoe lead me over to one of the sofas and carefully sat me down. "Shit that was" I paused and breathed in and out a few times "exhausting and long." Everyone chuckled and Beth dropped down beside me.
"Nice to see you up De." She beamed.
"Yeah good to have you moving again." Tony chuckled.
"Yeah we it isn't for long." Bruce said. "She'll need to go back on morphine and a drop again in a little while since she's still recovering. But I thought, and Fury agreed, that it would be nice to have her walking since she's been recovering well."
Everyone smiled at the doctor, including me. However yet again the happiness was broke when pain erupted from my torso. Before I could stop it a grain escaped my lips and I was picked up instantly. "Okay let's go." Clint said, carrying me back to the room I had only just escaped from.
Instantly I was hooked up to an IV line and morphine was injected into my system. Darkness flooded my vision and the pain disappeared. A smile however remained on my lips, I could walk again. No properly but I could walk and I could be happier. Things were really looking up for me and I'd be out of bed completely before I knew it.
Long one to make up for the days I haven't updated.
Deanna can finally get up! She needs to get up before anything else happens.
Anyway the next chapter will either be up later or tomorrow, depending on how my day goes.
How you enjoy reading! 😃
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