Pepe's arc
Lord paul bloop moop coop saw very much sin in the world he created. People were worshipping minion memes, and had become cancerous 12 year olds.
Paul bloop moop coop knew that he had to cleanse the world of thus sin.
So he scent a message to Pepe. A carpenter who build dank ships out of mtn dew cans.
Paul bloop moop coop spoke to Pepe.
"In one week time Pepe. I will cause a flood of mtn. Dew and wash all of the cancerout twelve year olds from dis world.
U must build a ship, and take two of each meme on the boat with u, to continue the world after da flood." He said.
Pepe had been smoking weed everyday so he thought he was going crazy.
But Paul bloop moop coop had spoken to him. And he must carry out Paul bloop moop coop's wish.
For the whole week Pepe build his dank ship out of mtn dew cans.
He gathered up two of each meme, shoving them into his dank boat. And then finally the day came.
A huge flood of mtn dew came, flooding the lands.
For 420 days pepe sailed, but still no sign of land.
He sent a salt goat to find some form of land.
Several days passed, and still no sign of the dank goat.
But then, he arrived. With a dorito in his mouth.
"REJOICE U SCRUBS!!!" Pepe cried. "4 WE HAS FOUND LAND!!!"
As soon as they landed, the flood subsided.
Pepe started a weed farm to commemorate.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Cool story bro!
Must comment.
Very follow.
Much vote.
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