The Appointment
(Guy Cuss' PoV)
Hello people, the name is Guy Cuss. Yeah I know, what a wacky dumb name. Don't blame you for thinking that. After all, I think the same exact thing you do. Anyway, I think that's enough talking about the name I have.
I'm currently waiting in the waiting room for my appointment. No, I'm not talking about a doctor's appointment. Nah uh, not the dentist either. It's a test everyone has to take now in days . . . The Reincarnation Test.
By taking the test, special type of doctors will be able to tell of you're an reincarnation or not. Honestly, I hope I'm not. There are very few people in this world who actually genuinely like them. You'll be sure by hate groups & people will do anything to see you dead. People would pretty much see you as someone insignificant which is kinda sad as you think about it.
"Guy Cuss?" The receptionist called.
I took a deep breath & stood up. It was time to get this over with. Hopefully this would be negative. Lately negative things were for the better. Like for Covid 19, for cancer & all that jazz. Thankfully I'll be able to find out today.
(An hour later . . . )
"The results are now in. You are positive of reincarnation. "
Oh my duke. I can't, I just can't. I think I'm going to feel sick. I feel dizzy. Everything is going black . . .
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