Vengence will be mine
Baccahus's POV
After dinner I walk to my room to plan my revenge. My room is basically your average high school guy's room, it's panted navy blue and the walls are covered in posters and drawings that my friend Loke drew, he's a super talented artist, even though he's super shy about, no one but our super close group knows it, my favorite picture he drew me is a panda drinking booze, he said something about it reminding him of me.
I collapse on my bed and pull out my phone and turn on Victorious by Panic! at the disco. About ten minutes later, right in the middle of Crazy=Genius also by PATD, genius hits me.
I'll sneak into Cana's room and steal something, damn I'm so smart and sexy as hell.
I wait till 10:38, I was gunna go at 10:30 but I started listening to music to past the time and yeah. I slowly and somewhat quietly, hay I forgot that that table was up here, walk up to the attic and to the open window, Cana's is also open, Yes! I cheer mentally and prepare to jump.
I jump and land on her window sill, slowly I climb into the room and look around. The space is the same as my attic but more like a bed room. I see Cana sleeping and walk over, she looks peaceful and happy and damn she is sexy.
I walk over to a large bill board covered in photos, most are of family or with a pretty girl with green hair. One picture show them holding signs that say Cana and Hisui, best friend for ever!
I keep looking around and walk over to the platform opposed to Cana's bed, on it are a violin on a stand and a DJ table,
"Swag!" I whisper loudly and then I hear a noise. Cana's awake I grab something that is made of cloth and run to the window.
Cana's POV
I wake up to a loud whisper and open my eyes to Baccahus standing in MY room by MY window holding..... MY CROP TOP!! THAT PERVERT!!!
He looks at me and smiles, that Bad Buned asshole stole my top and smiled about it!!
I jump out of bed and run at him, but he jumps out the window to the house next to my mine. Shit I realize that this means he's probably my neighbor.
I look out my window into the attic of my new enemy's house and see that he's closed the window and is running down stairs.
Damn him.
Baccahus's POV
Damn me, now everyone will call me a pervert and now I am kinda a pervert but I avenged my bun so I'm good.
Now for some sleep. I grab my phone from my window sill and turned on Atlas Genius and fall asleep.
Hi, gives hugs to everyone who is reading this. My question is...... What is your favorite of Erza's armor??? Mine are Lightning Empress Armor and Morning Star Armor!!
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