Time ship to LUNCH!!!
Cana's POV
Finally lunch, don't get me wrong, I love FTH but now I get to meet friends of Erza, Lucy and Levy!
I walk with Lucy 'cause we have the same before lunch. We walk in and my mouth drops to the ground, it's that big and its smells so good in here, kinda like stawberry cake.
Lucy and me walk to the lunch line and pick up lunch. I get Mac and cheese, a apple, OJ and am deciding over a chocolate cookie or a fruit tart when a voice stops me,
"So, what's a sexy girl like you doing with nerds like them?" I spin around to see the boy from the office, then he sits next to me in Language Arts, I mean seriously, next thing I'll find out that we're neighbors!
"Uhh, what did you just say about my friends?" I feel really ticked that he called my new friends nerds,
"I said that you should ditch them and sit with me and my friends instead of those losers that you are going to sit with." I feel Lucy tense up beside me and that makes me even more angry at this annoy jerk, I pick up a parfait and look at him,
"Hmm, let me think...NO!" And with that I dump the parfait on his stupid bun.
"Enjoy." Lucy looks at me with wide eyes and we walk away smiling, I can see the whole cafeteria look at me as I walk away and as I walk away I look back and smile seeing the face Bun boy is pulling.
Lucy and I sit down at Erza and Levy's table,
"Good job." A girl with short white hair wearing shorts and a tee shirt says,
"You go girl!" Says another girl with short white hair in a blue jeans and a white tank top,
"Juvia likes her." A long wavy blue haired girl said smiling, she is wearing blue cut offs shorts with lace on the edges and a lacy tank top and the coolest blue sunglasses.
I sit down with Lucy next the girl with long blue hair,
"Okie girls, this is Cana and since she just dumped yogurt on Baccahus's head, she is now one of my best friends," Erza says standing up, I grin hearing her call me a best friend, "Cana, this is Lisanna," she said pointing to the first white haired girl, she waves happily, " and that Aries," pointing a girl with hot pink curly hair, she's wearing a pale pink mini skirt and a fluffy sleeveless hoodie and has a wrench behind her ear, "Hi Cana!" She says quietly, I smile and look back at Erza,
"This is Yukino, she an Lisanna are cousins," she nods at the other white haired girl, who grins at me, "and that's Juvia!" The girl with long blue hair smiles.
I take a bite of the Mac and cheese and damn it's good, then I ask "So why do y'all hate Baccahus?"
Silence greet my question, then Lisanna speaks up, "'s complicated but anyone who sits at that table is basically the enemy," she gestures at a big table near the center of the room,
"Except for Gajeel, Mira and Laxus." Levy pipes up "Well duh, of since little Gajeel is your boyfriend." Says Lisanna causing the whole table including Levy and Cana to laugh.
"But most of those kids are jerks and players," Yukino starts, I give her a please explain look,
"Okie, look over there," I look at the three boys she points at, Baccahus and two others, one has purple hair and is wearing black jeans with purple suspenders, a dark purple shirt and a vest, and the other also has black jeans and is wearing a orange shirt and a green parka.
"So what about them?" I ask,
"Well Baccahus along with his brother Bickslow,"
"The one with suspenders." Lisanna points out,
"Yeah and Loke, the idiot in the parka, are the school's biggest players."Finished Aries.
We eat quietly for about a minute, when while mentally slapping myself in the face, I ask "So why do you hate all other people at that table?"
"Because an idiot call Natsu broke Lucy's heart awhile back and cause most of those people are jerks to us!" Burst out Juvia, and with that I learn about all the rude thing people at that table have done.
Baccahus's POV
I have given up trying to get the yogurt out of my hair and am just letting my girlfriend Minerva baby me,
"Oh babe, I can't believe that,that little....."
"Oh you gotta admit that was kinda funny!" Laughs my friend Gray who is currently sitting, eating with out his shirt on,
"Yea, dude." Giggles Natsu, who is wearing black basketball shorts and a red tee shirt and white scarf,
"Guys.." I groan as Jallal punches me in the shoulder, before starting to make out with his girlfriend, Ultear again, he's in black jeans and a blue hoodie, his weird birthmark barely visible under his blue bangs.
"Ha, you can't win with this Baccahus!" Says Gajeel, he took a dare in 8th grade and now has like 20 piercing, his mom and dad freaked and he was like grounded for the whole summer, and had to help his mom at her restaurant, witch is just outside of the school campus and makes amazing food.
The bell rings and we all throw away our trash and go, all the while I'm planning revenge.
Ohhhh.... wonder what's his revenge is going to be!!
Ok, my question is... Drumroll please
What, if you had to have a fairy tail girlfriend/boyfriend, who would it be (choose more then one if you want!)
Mine would be:
•Sting or Rouge
So now turn, who is it????
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