First Day
Cana's POV
Man, this is one big office! As I walk to the big desk in the center of the room, I noticed a lot of random stuff like a frinking ice cream machine, an ICE CREAM MACHINE!!!
" You must be FTH's new students, huh?"
" Errrr... Yeah, that's me." I laugh nervously,
" Calm down Cana, I'm Master Makarov and we are very happy to....." He was cut off by the door slamming open, I spun around to see Erza dragging a kid into the room, he had black hair that was put in a bun and was wearing a purple shirt with the name of one of my fav bands on it, Fort Minor, also he is kinda good looking.
" BACCAHUS WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THIS TIME?!?" The master yelled, I kinda feel bad for this kid.
" Nothing......." The boy said and smirks at the same time, I guess his name is Baccahus, what a weird name. I bit my lip, " Uhh do you still need me Master Makarov??" They all turn to me,
" Oh please call me Gramps." I nod and he points to a piece paper on his desk " Here's your schedule." I pick it up and am about to walk out when he says " Oh and Erza,"
" Will you please show our new student around?"
" Sure."
And with that me and Erza turn to the door and leave.
Erza's POV
Well this might be interesting, this Cana girl seems rather nice and might make a good friend.
As we walk out of the office, we see to girls walk by, one of the them has blonde hair and brown eyes and is wearing shorts and and a pink tank top, the other girl is short, has blue hair and has a orange pair of overalls with a white crop top underneath, both girls have big books in their hands. The girls turn and look at us and both grin,
" Erza!!! Who's this???" The blonde yells,
" Hi I'm Levy. What's your name?" Says the blue, " TELL US ERZA!!!" They both yell.
Inwardly I laugh at their craziness but I try to keep a straight face, I fail. I burst out laughing like crazy.
Cana's POV
Erza is laughing like Romeo after four king size bags M&Ms (btw don't own M&M just love them), yes that's happen before.
After 30 more seconds Erza stops, look a bit bashful,
" Sorry 'bout that," she said, and then introduces me to the two girls,
" Okie Cana this Levy," she point to the blue " and this is Lucy." The blonde this time "And both of you the is Cana, FTH newest student and Cana these are two of my best friends."
I smile because I think I'll like these girls,
" Hi it's nice to meet you guys,"
"Aww thanks, I think you'll fit in well with our friends." Says the Levy,
"Yeah, oh hay what's your first class?" Lucy asks gesturing at the piece of paper in my hands. I look at the paper,
" Language Arts."
"Cool me and Lucy have it too!" Erza grins "Too bad Levy doesn't."
"You know I don't really care,I got Lis, Yuki and Gajeel." Levy says and then seeing my confused look, "Some of our other friends, you'll meet them at lunch." I nod and just then the bell rings.
"Crap, we got to run, we only got five minutes!" Levy yells as she runs down a long hallway, me and Lucy follow Erza down a hallway going the opposite direction.
Baccahus's POV
Man, being stuck in here sucks. I'm blocking out Gramps droning but thinking about that hot chick that was in here earlier, I guess she's now my new neighbor. Suddenly I hear Gramps telling me I can go and giving me a slip with my detention time on it.
I walk out into the hall and see my friends Gajeel and Loke waiting for me, Loke's a big player like me but Gajeel started dating a little bookworm last year and since their still together, I guess his days of being a player are over.
We bump fists and walk to our classes, I have Language Arts, so I jog down the hallway, I know I have two minutes to get there. Two minutes later I'm there and guess who sits next to me now, the hot girl from before, I slide into my desk about five seconds before Professor Goldmine walks in, he's one of my favorite teachers 'cause he's pretty low key and sometimes lets us listen to music.
"What's up class, today we have a small quiz but first we have a new student, Cana would you tell us a bit about you?" He starts off, I turn to look at Cana, she looks a bit nervous but starts to talk,
"Hi my names Cana and I use to go to Fiore High School and I like music." Well I wonder what music she likes.
"Ok class, this is a very small quiz and after you are done you can take out electronics but it must be quiet."
Time skip after Baccahus takes his test so about 20 minutes.
I finish the quiz and walk to Pro. Goldmine, he nods and I hand the quiz to him and walk back to my desk. I pull out my phone and put in my headphones and tune out to Artist in the ambulance by Thrice. I listen to music till the end of class
Hay, hay its Panther or Lilly, whatever floats your boat. Ok I have question for you,
If you had an exceed, what color would it be and what is its name and personality???
Mine would be called Candy, be light light blue and be kinda like Pantherlilly but love candy and use an axe and bit more grumpy.
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