𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟷
I walked down the cold streets just waiting and waiting to find that one pathetic life.
Until I stopped it. That pathetic low life of a creature.
It was on the conner trying to solicit the likings of men to pay it.
The thing was begging for it.
For the sweet release of death.
I started to walk up to it until I was only a feet or 2 away from it. I got a call from my boss.
I turned around and walked away into an alle way and anwser the phone.
" What do you want? I'm busy. "
" Get beck here now,"
" Do you know who you are talking to?"
" No, do you know who you are talking to get back here now, we have a job,"
" Fine,"
I hung up the phone and walked back to where I needed to be
He really likes killing my fun
I walked through the halls of the mansion for a few good minutes until I reached a pitch black door.
I opened the door and walked down the stairs until I reached the floor
I walked straight until I was met with a dull light
"Hey, I'm here now. What do you want ?"
"You took your sweet time," my boss said, not showing any emotion
" I was on the other side of the city. What do you think I was going to do teleport here with my magic wand ? No. " I walked past him and went to sit in my chair and put my legs up on the arms of the chair
My boss stared at me for a second before starting his debrief
" Okay, let's start this job requires one, maybe two of us to go under cover."
He walked over to a filing cabinet and pulled out folders, and started walking to each one of us, giving us all folders
" In the folder you have been given, it will tell you what your place is on this job. You can not change it as it is sorted into what is needed for this job. "
I look through the folder that was given to me
It was a hit on a local businessman with unethical dealing
He was ever so slowly taking over our drug trade as well as this he didn't seem to be a great husband to his young wife
I looked at my role
" You are kidding me, right ?" I questioned, throwing the folder on the table
" No, I'm not. You are doing this job. "
" The fuck I am I ain't going undercover I kill not hide that's my job description "
" I don't care " he said stareing into my soul
I took my legs off the arm of the chair and lended back into the chair
" good now do we all understand what we are doing" he said looking around
" Yes boss "
" every one get ready we'll head off in an hour dismiss "
Everyone got up and went to do what we needed to
As I was leaving the room the boss grabbed my arm
" look not mess this up just because you don't want to go under cover "
" that's not why I don't want to go under cover " I pulled my arm from his grip
" then why not ? " he questioned me
" because it wouldn't work you are sending me under cover to a fucking posh man's party that means the women are polite the men are proper and every one is dressed up "
" Yeah we already got you a dress and just don't talk as much simple "
I look at him still questioning his sanity
" one where the fuck did you find the time for that and two I have tattoos and a tallie on my arm if you don't remember " I looked at him
" don't worry we took that into a account " he walked off and I followed him
We walked into a room and he closed the door
He walked over to a wardrobe and pulled out a dress
I looked at the dress and looked back at him
" you really did think of every thing "
" Yes I did now get change and meet us in the basement got it "
" Yes boss "
He left the room and I started to get changed
" I wonder if I could put my knifes I this dress and not get stabbed or caught "
- 20 minutes later -
I finished getting dressed and put on a pair of sliver heels and started my journey to the basement
Once I got there I open the door to where we were supposed to meet to see I was the last one to get there
" you took your time "
" I don't know if you know that this dress is really fucking fragile I am not ripping this and you try put knifes in it and see how it goes as well let me tell you not a fun experience sweetheart " I groaned
" I'm not your sweetheart I'm your boss "
" same thing "
I walked over to a car and stood by it
" so we gonna kill a bitch or what ?"
We got in the cars and headed off
I got in the back seat with the boss
" Okay you know what you're doing " he questioned
" Yes Kuroo I know what I'm doing "
" Okay then tell me what you are doing "
He said crossing his arms and stared at me
" I go inside spent some time hovering around him and then go and talk to him and eventually lead him away from everyone making him think we are going to do the dirty and bam kill him "
" not what I planed but it will do make sure he brings you back to his house even if he tries to say no got it " he stated
" Yes boss "
" we're here hop you're ready " he said looking out the window to see the massion
" I'm always ready "
The car stopped, I got out the car and headed into the building
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