Chapter 1
AN: so this is kinda like from the idea of 'My sisters the new master of hell' it's like the same world but different people different story kinda thing sooo yea.
Chapter 1
??? POV
I was walking from the store back home after my mother had ordered me to buy groceries, when all of a sudden the loud sound of a car horn flooded my ears, I realized I was on the street and a small red car was heading right for me at lightning speed. The cars headlights flashing blinding me. I'm not sure exactly what happened after that. I remember the world around me when pitch black and my body began to feel cold against something hard and cold on my back, despite being cold I felt something warm touch my hand, arms and my head. Whatever the warm sensation was it was moving and covering more of my body, after that I blacked out. I woke up in a hospital I was in a white shirt and I was just sitting in a waiting area chair, I stood up and approached the lady at the front desk.
" Hey miss could you tell me how I got here?" I question but she continued to mess with papers and ignore me. I decided to snap in her face to see if she noticed but she didn't.
'What the hell?' I thought walking away and approaching an old woman in a wheel chair with a little boy at her side. The boy appeared about 5. Once again I allowed my voice to escape my throat in a question.
" hello Miss can you see me?" I asked but again she didn't notice. I began to panic a little an idea was coming to me, an explanation but I didn't want to believe it. I then looked down at the boy as I was starting to grab my head at the insanity, and noticed the boy point to me.
" Grandma.... Why is that boy grabbing his head? Is he in pain?" The sound of the boys voice was soft, quiet and high pitched, as he spoke he tugged on the sleeve of his grandma's sweater.
" What boy my child?" Croaked the old hag, but the boy continued to point at me.
"That boy right in front of you." He answered, I was beginning to become a little confused how could the boy see me but no one else, then it hit me. I had heard that young kids could see spirits and ghost. I was almost sure that I was a ghost I just needed to see one thing to confirm it. I began to walk up the stairs when a ringing of a flatline heart monitor just rang in my ears loudly as if I was right next to it. In the middle of walking up the stairs the scene around me changed as I was by a hospital bed. In the hospital bed laid me, or my body anyways. My body had hoses and wires attached to it all over. I was in pretty bad shape a bandage was wrapped around my head and arms, my leg was in a cast held up by a rope like thing from the wall. I was dying that flat line was my heart monitor, I looked away at the horror, but when I looked back I noticed a figure in black approaching my body he had no legs just black smoke seeping out of the bottom of his cloak and he certainly didn't have a face it was just a hood covering were his face should be. As the figure approached the doctors seemed to become more frantic at trying to bring my body back, I charged at the figure without even thinking and grabbed onto him. Both me and the figure went flying through the window of the hospital, though since we weren't human anymore it didn't shatter. on the fall down the creature held tightly onto me and opened its mouth wide, when it did i felt my existence being sucked up, my existence fading. I figured since he was erasing my existence he must me the grim reaper. As I thought about the beast a memory flashed in my mind, a memory of my childhood I saw the same creature over my i'll mother, after that she was officially dead. returning to reality I grabbed ahold of the windowsill of a hospital window and kicked the beast off of me. losing its grip on me the beast fall to the ground, the fall had no effect on his, which I guess is obvious since he's not living. I figured if he recovered so easily from the fall the same would apply to me, though my humanity still feared death by falling, reluctantly I let go of the ledge and watched as the ground came closer. When I hit the ground I felt no pain, proving my theory correct. After raising to my feet I followed after the grim reaper, it seemingly being frantic to escape.
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