Chapter One
Chapter One
Cheeky Lad
Christine’s POV
I sort of wish my mother was joking about the whole thing, but sadly, she wasn’t. We were currently at baggage claim, in London. Why my mother did chose here, out of all places. At least we could have stayed in America.
But, I did look up Homes Chapel on Google, and found out nothing really important happens. In my opinion it looked like a town where old people moved to when they retired. So, I expected a town that was peaceful, and quiet, but filled with a lot of geeks.
As I saw the last of our many bags come down on the conveyor belt, I beat my mom to it. I grabbed the handle, and in one swift motion I pulled it off, and next to us. Apparently, my mother already had a car bought for her here, and we just had to find it in the parking garage. Great.
As we left the airport, we headed straight for the garage. I was wheeling two suitcases, and I held my backpack, which was my carryon item. My mother was currently wheeling the cart filled with four suitcases, all of them filled with clothes, or precious items.
I hoped the house was furnished, because I wasn’t sleeping in a hotel by choice. If anything I’d sleep outside. I’ve never liked hotels, because you can’t tell what happened in your bed before you. It was just disgusting, even though I knew that they cleaned the rooms.
I smiled as my mother found the car, by pressing buttons on the keys, so it made a beeping noise to let us know where it was. It turns out the car was just a simple minivan, even though I had no clue why, since it was only us two. But, I didn’t care enough to even question it.
We both loaded the suitcases into the trunk. After some pushing and shoving everything fit but my carryon, but that was expected. I knew I was carrying my backpack from the start. As we both walked towards our seats, there was a comfortable silence. I didn’t except the fact that we moved, but I couldn’t change it.
I opened the passenger’s door, and slid in, quite gracefully. Usually I go into cars in a very awkward way, without the one smooth motion. After my mother got into the car, we were off.
I sighed, as I stood into the new house. Nothing special, but it did have furniture. But, we would still need to go shopping for paint, and other pieces. Her work didn’t supply everything. One of those everything’s was food.
So, the plan was for me to start to unpack, and my mother go shopping for new clothes, and food. I swear, my mom was always shopping when she had a reason to.
I was already unpacked, and slightly unsure of what to do now. I could go outside, which looked like the winning option at the moment. Or, I could go on my lap top, and see what’s new on Twitter. But, I didn’t really want to read how great things were back home, so outside had won.
I hadn’t changed from what I wore on the airplane. Gray joggers, and a pink M&M t-shirt. I also had on my black TOMS because of how comfy they were. I only had four pairs of TOMS, black, navy blue, silver sparkly, and red. They were nothing special, really.
I ran down the curiously steep steps, and into the family room. The house didn’t even come with a TV! And, her work was surprisingly rich, no way. I walked out of the back door, and into our small backyard. It wasn’t small, I guess, but it did have a pool, making it seem smaller than it really was.
But, there seemed to be enough room for a trampoline, I had always wanted one but without enough room. Maybe I could convince my mother. I knew she wouldn’t by it though, so I would need to find a job around here.
I slowly exited the back yard so I was now on the side walk. There was a lot of noise coming from our neighbors, and it sounded suspiciously like boys. Maybe they wouldn’t notice me? Hopefully not, I just wanted to go exploring.
I laughed as I saw a flag to someone’s house across the street. It said ‘Step on the Lawn and You Die’ with a little pitchfork on it. I wondered if the person only put it up as a joke or not, but there seemed to be a lovely garden.
“What’s that?” I heard one of the boys exclaim in a British accent, causing the noise to die down. I froze in my tracks, wanting to know if they had heard me.
“Is that a girl?” Another asked. I wanted to just sprint away, but maybe confronting them before leaving would suit me better.
“Aha! This street isn’t filled with old people after all! C’mon Harry!” I heard another say, and I frowned, at least four. Maybe I should have just run?
Suddenly I was met with five boys, with massive grins on their face. One stood in the middle, and looked slightly pleased with himself. He had gorgeous green eyes, I’m not going to lie, and curly brown hair. It looked like this was his house.
“Oh! So you’re the new neighbor. Thank god.” He said, his voice husky, deep and a bit slow.
“Why does it matter?” I asked him, a bit confused.
“Well, this street was filled with old people, and Harry.” One of them spoke, his accent slightly different.
“Well, I’m going to go exploring…” I muttered, and started to turn.
“Wait!” Another one said, his accent different altogether, Irish. “There’s nothing interesting around here.”
“I’m Harry Styles!” The curly haired one said.
“I’m Louis “the Tommo” Tomlinson, pleasure to meet you love.” Louis said, he was looked the oldest just by looks. He was more buff, and just seemed it. His blue eyes were sparkling, like a little kid’s would as he bounced up and down on his toes.
“I’m Liam. Liam Payne, and this is Niall Horan!” The one with shorter, brown hair that was tousled, said. He looked the calmest out of all of them. And the blonde one was Niall. So Niall was Irish, interesting. But, the way he stood behind Liam was so adorable. Like, Liam was going to protect him from me.
“Zayn Malik.” The last one said, a bit mysteriously. He had his black hair, had a quiff, and he was studying with his gorgeous brown eyes.
“I guess I’m Christine…” I muttered, not keen on giving to much information to them.
“Christine what?” Asked Zayn, but I shook my head.
“Classified info, my friend.” I said, with a small smirk.
“You starting school, here?” Liam asked genuinely interested.
“Yes, Senior year.” I said a bit glumly. I really, really missed my friends, and I haven’t been gone that long.
Harry seemed to perk up at this. “Well, Christine, you’re in luck! Niall, Liam and I are on our last year, too!”
“Zayn and I are just to cool for you kids.” Louis added, a bit cockily.
“Sure, you are Lou, sure.” Niall said, with a small chuckle.
“Yeah, seriously, you’re the child.” Liam added to Niall’s comment, with a small wink at me.
“Okay, well, I’m still going exploring, I really don’t care how boring it is. I want to know where I live, okay?” I said, but without waiting for an answer I turned around, and began to walk off.
From what I heard school started in a few days, so technically it was still summer vacation. I was smart enough to know Summer was different then the actual school season. The three boys probably wouldn’t speak to me, when we got into school.
“She’s fit…” I heard Harry’s voice say from behind me. I wanted to say something back, just so they would know that I heard. I racked my brain for something, and decided on probably the lamest thing I could think of.
Don’t judge me, though, I barely had any time to think at all. I turned around and stopped moving, to find that they were all staring at me curiously, now.
“So, you’re the flirt?” I accused, and questioned at the same time. But, I really didn’t want to hear how he replied, so being the coward I am I ran off and towards the direction I thought was the town square.
I passed a few shops, before I started slowing down. I didn’t actually want to hit the shopping center or anything like that, I just wanted to maybe find the high school I was going too. It might help on the Wednesday that we started school. But, it was Saturday, I had plenty of time to go through the whole town.
A/N: Eh, this chapter is more of a filler, but I had to introduce the boys somehow, right? C;
I know, I know, the school is different in the UK then America. But, I don’t have time to learn how it works, because I barely understand mine! xD So, I’m using the same school system we use in the USA, to make it a lot easier.
The boys aren’t famous. And since Zayn and Louis are over eighteen they aren’t in high school. But, tomorrow my time, and today Liam’s time he is nineteen! Yay!
But, he didn’t make the cut off (poor thing), and so he is now attending le highschool!
Oh, could you do me a favor? Tap that fan button like it’s Lou’s bum!
I know you want to!
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