New heros
Aimee's POV
I woke up to my alarm beeping, I turned it off and got out of bed. I got dressed and ate some toast. Y/N came down later and grabbed an apple, we got in the car and Landon drove us to school. I got out the car to see an old man being mugged. I put my guitar down.
"Y/N, see if the man is okay. I'll get the mugger," I yelled to my sister.
I ran after the mugger, luckily I'm pretty fast. I caught up to him soon and tackled him. The mugger got up and began to punch at me, I dodged them. I kicked him where the sun don't shine and grabbed the stolen food. I ran to where Y/N was. The man seemed alright, no cuts or bruises.
"Thank you miss..." He began to say.
"Y/n, and the one who got your stuff back was my older sister Aimee." Y/N smiled.
He smiled, "thank you, you two young lady's are so kind."
Y/N passed him his cane and I gave him his groceries. We walked off and I grabbed my guitar.
"Aimee, I saw what you did back there," a familiar voice called out from the behind.
I turned to see the boy I loved, Luka. I smiled and he did too. I saw Marinette staring and muttering something to herself. Like she knew something and I didn't, but I didn't know what. I ignored it and walked with Luka into school. As we were walking I saw a poster that caught my eye. I walked up to it an studied it.
"What is it?" Luka asked walking up to me.
"Looks like a talent show, wanna enter with me, or do you wanna enter as rivals?" I turned to face him.
"Actually I'm a judge, there's a spare seat if you wanna join?" He chuckled nervously.
"Yeah, sure, sounds like fun. I get to see others talents, who knows maybe one will steal my heart, oh wait, impossible, it's already been stolen." I laughed.
"By who?" He asked.
"My crush silly," I playfully punched him in the arm.
"Oh look it's the 'famous' girl," Chloe mocked.
"Chloe go away, you need to grow up," Luka said angrily.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Luka this doesn't involve you."
"Yes it does," he snapped.
I just silently watched, I didn't know what to do.
"It's not like she's worth anything," Chloe laughed.
"She is worth more than you, I know that for a fact," Luka blurted.
"Aimee we need to talk in private," Chloe grabbed my wrist and took me to the girls bathroom, Luka just stood there helpless.
Chloe let me go and I stood there with my arms crossed waiting for her to say something.
"Now we can talk, you worthless piece of garbage," she rolled her eyes.
"What made you so sour, and I'm not a worthless piece of garbage!" I retaliated.
"Yes you are, your not worth anything, no one cares about you. Just go die," Chloe laughed.
I stood there, did she really just tell me to die? She walked away laughing, a single tear rolled down my cheek. Juleka, Rose, Marinette and Alya walked in to put their books away. They saw me and raced to my side.
"Aimee, what wrong?" Rose asked.
"Chloe," I mumbled.
"What did she do?" Marinette asked.
"I don't want to talk about it," I mumbled.
"Girl, you need to spill all the deets, how else are we supposed to help you?" Alya asked.
"Can I just talk to Luka?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'll take you to him," Juleka smiled.
She led me out the room and took me to Luka, he was waiting for me at the poster we were at before. He saw me and his smile dropped, he raced up to me and asked what was wrong. I told him the same thing I told the girls, nothing. He didn't believe me and kept bugging me about it. I didn't tell him.
"Aimee, please something's off. Tell me what Chloe said," Luka whined.
"No," I mumbled.
"Fine," Luka ran off towards Chloe.
He spoke to her and she laughed, Luka looked shocked. He turned around and came running back to me, before I said anything he embraced me in a hug. I hugged back blushing.
"Chloe told me what she said, she also told me that she wants me to die," Luka whispered.
"Don't die, you're worth it and I-I care about you," I smiled up at him.
"You don't die either, because I-I care about you too," He replied.
We both blushed and walked off together, we went to Marinette and that for lunch.
I was in the girls locker room putting some books away. I noticed a small black box decorated with red. I had never seen it before, but since it was in my locker it must be for me. I opened it to be blinded by a bright light. A small creature appeared, I freaked out and trapped it in a cardboard box.
"Please don't freak out, I am your kwami," the creature called out.
"What is a kwami?" I asked.
"A kwami is what gives people super powers," the thing replied, it is silver. It looks similar to a wolf.
"Y-you can give me powers?" I stammered.
"Yes, in the box there is a bracelet. Wear it, it is your miraculous. My name is Luna, to become a hero you must call out, Luna let's shine. When your in hero form call out Silver Moon, it is your special ability, you can only use it once. Your ability allows you to be super silent and to control gravity. Once it is used you have five minutes before you detransform, also to de transform call out sun up."Luna explained.
"That's so cool," I explained.
Aimee's POV
I told the group that I was going to the bathroom, I walked off and opened my pic case, it contained all my special guitar pics. There was a strange black box in the case, I never put it there. I opened it having to shield my eyes from the blinding light.
"Hello my name is North, I am your kwami," a white being said with black spots.
"Hi, what is a kwami?" I asked.
"A kwami grants its owner superpowers, I am the snow leopard kwami. You miraculous is in the box, wear the ring. To transform shout North let's pounce, to use your special ability shout snow charm. Snow charm allows you to freeze time for thirty seconds, you can only use it once. When you have used it you have five minutes before you de transform, to de transform shout North back down. Your identity must remain a secret, no one can know that you are a super hero."North explained.
"Okay, are there any others?" I asked.
Yes, Ladybug, and Chat Noir. Ladybug has the power to capture Akumas, you do too but it will turn everything into a snowy abyss, ladybug can reverse it though." North explained the rest to me.
I spent a while deciding on what I was going to be called. I couldn't think of anything.
Another chapter finished, tell me what you want Aimee's hero name to be. Your hero name will be H/N because it's the readers choice. Also if you want a character in the story comment...
Sexuality(are they Bi e.g)-
Hair colour-
Eye colour-
Good or bad-
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