The New Crystal Gems
By: Gabe, Lindsay, and Caleb. Characters by Gabe, Lindsay, Michelle. Edited by Dylan
(Steven & Connie are walking to the temple when)
Steven: What's that noise?
Connie: I don’t know, should we check it out?
Steven: Yeah… maybe they need our help!
(Steven and Connie run to the temple to see the Crystal Gems fighting a gem)
Jade: You’re good but not good enough! (The Crystal Gems all dive for her but she jumps high into the air)
(Steven runs in and forms a bubble stopping the fight)
Steven: Guys, stop fighting!
Connie: What’s going on?
Amethyst: Way to ruin the fight!
Pearl: This is Jade, a Homeworld refugee looking for... a place to stay.
Steven : But why were you guys fighting?
Pearl: This is not free real estate, Steven! You can’t just let anyone in here without them proving that they can provide for themselves!
Steven: Why did you want to come here from Homeworld, Jade?
Jade: They were doing cruel testing to me and…. Nevermind. You won’t let me stay either way.
Steven: We need to know you before you stay here. It’s important to know your background.
Jade: Fine. I escaped from homeworld after they tried to slice me with another gem to make me more threatening. Good enough?
(Turning to the gems)
Steven: Can we at least give her a chance?
Pearl: I’m not sure, we don’t know her at all.
Garnet: I think we should let her stay. It’s the same situation we were all in, and I think she could bond with Peridot.
Amethyst: Yeah! What’s the worst that could happen?
Pearl: Fine, let's show you the temple
(The Crystal Gems walk into the temple to see a gem (Onyx) standing on the warp pad waiting for another gem (Aquamarine) to come.)
Jade: Dang it (muttering under her breath)
Garnet: Gems, weapons!
( The crystal gems activate their weapons)
(Jade sighs and activates her sword, flickering with an image of a dragon)
(The gem (Aquamarine) stares at Jade then takes Steven’s TV and runs to the warp pad)
Steven: NOOOO! A new Crying Breakfast Friends starts tonight!
(Amethyst goes into the bubble room but comes back out)
Amethyst: Hey they didn’t steal just the TV.
(The gems all come into the bubble room and stare at where Jasper’s gem used to be)
Connie: They took Jasper's gem!
Garnet: They didn’t only take that.
(Garnet pointed up to the empty space)
Pearl: Oh no!
Amethyst: Welp, that's not good
Pearl: NOT GOOD!?
Steven: Whats wrong?
Pearl: OBSIDIAN! (takes deep breaths, is sweaty)
Steven: Who?
Garnet: That’s not important now, what's important is
that we get the gem back.
Steven: and my TV!
Connie: Let’s go to the barn, Peridot and Lapis might know about them!
(They run to the barn, where Peridot is lying on the ground crying)
Steven: What happened?
Lapis: They took Pumpkin...
Steven: We have to get our stuff back!
Connie: They didn’t look like you guys
Jade: That's because they are homeworld gems!
(They all look at Jade)
Jade: I’ll explain later
Peridot:Those no good, useless CLODS!!!
Jade: HEY!
(they all look at her again)
Steven: You sound like... they’re your friends?
(Jade starts to sweat)
Jade: Fine, I traveled to homeworld with them, they wanted to leave homeworld so they came with me, their names are Aquamarine and Onyx.
Garnet: That doesn't matter right now
Pearl: What matters is that we need to get our stuff back.
Connie: If their homeworld gems then that means they would be-
Steven: At the homeworld warp pads!
( The gems all go to the homeworld warp pads)
Aquamarine: Don’t worry Onyx, we are almost done!
(Onyx spots the crystal gems and taps Aquamarines shoulder)
Aquamarine: What I just told you that I’m almost finished!?
(Aquamarines eyes spot the gems)
Aquamarine: Dang it, nothing can be easy, can it!
Garnet: Give us back Jasper!
Pearl: And Obsidian!
Lapis/Peridot: and Pumpkin!
Steven: And My TV, and Cookie cat!!!
(Aquamarine see’s Jade’s angry eyes and start to feel sympathy)
Aquamarine: Fine, have it
Onyx: Wait what?!
(Steven takes the bag)
Connie: Why did you need that stuff anyways?
(Aquamarines angry expression starts to lighten)
Aquamarine: I’ll show you!
(Aquamarine tappes the homeworld pad and it turns white, a few seconds later it was healed)
Steven: Wait, you have healing powers!?
Aquamarine: Of course, did you think Rose Quartz was the only one who could heal, did you?
Pearl: (mutters) Rose... Aquamarine... hmmmm...
(All the gems step on the pad and it beams it to a weird junkyard area)
Lapis: What is this place?
Amethyst: I don’t know but I feel at home here! (She snuggles into some cans)
Jade: This is the Rebel Lands, we don't know why but it is a hotspot for rebel landings.
Aquamarine: We needed that stuff to make our place seem like... home.
(Steven looks at Garnet with “can we keep them?” look)
Pearl: No.
Garnet: Fine…
Pearl: Garnet!
Garnet: Sorry, I can't say no to that face.
Steven: Why don't you just stay with us?
Jade: Yeah! Join the Crystal Gems!
Aquamarine: Wait really?! What do you think Onyx?
(Onyx slightly nods his head )
Aquamarine: Sure!
(The gems go back to the temple until it gets dark
Steven wakes up from his bed and sees Aquamarine and Onyx laying on the stairs)
Steven: Um, why aren't you guys in your gem rooms?
Aquamarine: We aren’t crystal gems, we don’t have rooms Steven: Then where’s Jade?
Onyx: She’s … outside …
(Steven walks outside to see Jade fixing a homeworld orb)
Steven: Jade?
Jade: Oh, hi Steven, what are you doing out here?
Steven: I was just trying to find out what you are doing out here.
Jade: Well I figured out that Rose Quartz is the leader of the Crystal Gems, so I figured she could heal Serpentine, where is she?
Steven: Serpentine?
(Aquamarine comes out)
Aquamarine: Serpentine is a gem that is joined to her, they are like Ruby and Sapphire but with less of the… well let's just say they are siblings
Steven: I mean what's wrong with him?
(Jade looks at him with worried eyes)
Jade: He is corrupted
Aquamarine: And we need to get to him now
(Aquamarine lifts his hands and it starts to glow, he slaps the homeworld orb and it glows blue)
Aquamarine: Come on in, its fine!
( Jade, Steven,Aquamarine, and Onyx go into the blue homeworld orb and it flies into the sky 2X as fast, they land in a swampy land with lots of rotting trees)
Steven: Where are we?
Jade: This is the Shattered Lands, ( Jade is trembling)
Jade: During the gem war millions of gems were shattered here and thousands of crystal gems were shattered here as well
Steven: Where's Serpentine?
( Jade points to a cave, they go into the cave and see thousands of gems shoved into the walls)
Jade: Serpentine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(A strange creature crawls out of the shadows, the gem’s lower torso is a snake and scaly roots)
Serpentine: What? I'm healing here!
( Jade laughs a little under her breath)
Jade: I'm going to get Rose-Quartz to heal you, just you wait!
Steven: Umm Jade...
Jade: Yes?
Steven: You won't get Rose-Quartz
Jade: Why not. ( She narrows her eyes)
Steven: Because… I'm Rose-Quartz
Serpentine: Right… And I’m Yellow Diamond!
Steven: No really, Rose-Quartz is my mom, she turned into me.
Jade: Well why didn’t you tell me, we need you to heal Serpentine!
(Steven walks to the pulsing and oozing gem with a sense of purpose, he licks his hand and slaps it on him, Serpentine’s corrupted body starts to glow pink, a few seconds later the area is just moss)
Serpentine: Woah, you are Rose Quartz!
Jade: Rose, do you remember me, do you remember me Master!?!
Steven: Um… I don’t have any of her memories
Jade: Oh…
(Serpentine walks over to Steven and puts out his hand)
Serpentine: I’m Serpentine, good to make your acquaintance.
Jade: Well let's introduce the Crystal gems to my family.
Serpentine: Them? Jade that may not be a good idea...
Jade: We have Rose Quartz!
Serpentine: But...
Jade: I have my reasons.
Serpentine: Fine if you say so. But I’m not coming I’ll look for Xiuhcoatl.
Connie: Me too.
Jade: Ok. Be careful you two
(They go back to warp pad area)
Jade: Aquamarine can you fix this pad?
(Points to a pad in the corner)
Aquamarine: Sure!
(Aquamarine fixes the pad)
Jade: Come on guys!
(Everyone gets on the pad)
Amethyst: Woah, What is this place?
Jade: Did you guys think you were the only ones who resisted Homeworld?
Pearl: YES!
Serpentine: Well you’re wrong.
Jade: Welcome to the HQ of the Homeworld Rogues!
Black Opal: Jade? Ugh... Why did YOU bring THEM?
Jade: Ugh... Hi, Black Opal.
(They try and move into the Fortress)
Black Opal: Oh No you DON’T!!!
Steven: (in whiney tone) Why?
Black Opal: You’re not worthy to be in the presence of Iridium.
Onyx: Mmm?
Garnet: Who’s she?
(Shows a picture of Iridium)
(Onyx blushes slightly)
Black Opal: If you wish to go any farther. PROVE YOURSELVES!!!!!
(Onyx gets right in front of Black Opal)
Onyx: Look lady, You have no idea where I’ve been... what I’ve seen... what I’ve done. If you want us to prove ourselves. Get 100 of your best warrior's. NOW.
Black Opal: (snickers) You don’t expect to take them all out, do you?
Onyx: You wait and see
( the 100 warriors arrive)
Onyx: This’ll be some fun.(cracks his knuckles)
(2 mins later... 99 gems lying on the ground)
Onyx: (slashes the last one with his Scythe) and... 100 done (Onyx falls to the ground 5 seconds later extremely worn out)
Aquamarine: Onyx, you know that you aren't as strong by yourself!
Black Opal: (Dumbfounded) WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Onyx: Y’know you should really train them better
(Everyone walks by a dumbfounded Black Opal)
Onyx: The emotion in this place is... Unsure and Unsettled.
(Everyone looks at Onyx)
Onyx: What?
Steven: You said... Emotion
Onyx: Yeah. Why?
Steven: You don’t “sense” or “feel” emotion.
Onyx: Oh! Really? I thought everyone could feel emotion.
Garnet: Do you know why they feel this way?
Jade: ...
Onyx: I’ll ask around.
(Onyx asks a few gems)
Pearl: Well?
Onyx: (with a troubled look on his face) They said their leader, Iridium’s gem is cracked. They said it has been for awhile... but they have no one to help.
Steven: We all know I can help!
(Everyone in the fortress looks at Steven)
Random Gem: This way...
(They enter the throne room and see a bubbled gem above the throne)
Random Gem: There she is.
Jade: She has been bubbled for a few months now
Steven: Let’s heal this gem!
(Black Opal un-bubbles Iridium, Steven walks up to the gem and licks his hand, he touches the gem it glows then it heals then starts reforming)
Iridium: I AM BACK!!!!
Onyx: You’re back, Iridium!!
Iridium: Uh... Hi. Where’s Turquoise?!
Black Opal: She disappeared after we found you poofed and your gem cracked.
Iridium: That’s because she did it!!!!
All: GASP!
Black Opal: Well.. thanks for helping us with Iridium, we can get rid of Turquoise.
Aquamarine: Well looks like I’m staying here!
Steven: Why?
Aquamarine: Well I feel more at home here, are you coming… Jade?
Steven: Why do you need Jade to come with you
Aquamarine: I made a deal with Serpentine when his gem got cracked I promised him that I would protect his sister Jade: I still have to do this
(He looks at the members of the Homeworld Rogues, he walks to Iridium and whispers something in her ear)
(Onyx seems to get a little jealous and starts blushing)
Aquamarine: Ok guys I’m coming
Black Opal: Wait before you go do you know this gem
(Shows a bubbled gem)
(Onyx looks like he just got shot)
Steven: Onyx what’s wrong?
Onyx: WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Black Opal: Eep! So you know her?
Black Opal: Well she’s ours now.
Onyx: (growls) Let her go...
Black Opal: You expect me to let our prisoner go?
Onyx: Then I will duel you for her. Winner takes all.
Black Opal: Deal
Iridium: (In a soft voice) Onyx, no...
Onyx: But first where is Iridium?
(Random gem takes him to Iridium then leaves)
Onyx: Look, I... I don’t want to do this... If I don’t come back please see if you can release me.
Iridium: I’ll try my best. But Black Opal is very stubborn and very strong.
Onyx: I beat your best 100 warriors
Iridium: You beat her before?!?!
Onyx: No. Why?
Iridium: Onyx, She’s our strongest warrior!
Onyx: Well ain’t that the cherry on top...
Iridium: Go! Before they think chickened out!
Onyx: Ok.
Black Opal: Well, looks like our “Crystal Champion” has decided to come out of his shell.
Onyx: (starts levitating on a chunk of rock) You are about to have a buttkicking hard enough you’ll never sit again
Black Opal: (mock fear) Ooh, I’m so scared
(Onyx who looks really angry lunges at Black Opal with his scythe drawn only to clash with a sword)
Black Opal: Oooh feisty!
Onyx: Grrrrr...
(They pull apart then clash again Onyx pulls back then starts to pull up rocks and start to shoot them at Black Opal who uses them to jump off to get closer to Onyx. Who backs up dodging her attacks)
Onyx: Face it! I’m too skilled!
Onyx: Then, I’ll be the last face you’ll see for while!
Black Opal: NEVER!
Onyx: GRAAHHHHHH! (He uses stones to get really close to Black Opal)
Black Opal: Oh now the snail comes out of it’s she-
(Black Opal gets slashed in half by his greatsword)
Onyx: What about me?
Crowd: Wow! Incredible! How?
(Shows in the background a green gem watching from afar)
Onyx: Who is your champion now?!?
Crowd: ONYX!
Onyx: HEY YOU! Release my sister!
Random Gem: Yes sir.
(Un-bubbles Sodalite she then reforms)
Sodalite: Guh-asp!
Onyx: Sody!!!
Sodalite: Ony!!!
(They hug)
Onyx: Where have you been?!?!?!
Sodalite: (breathless and rambling) Well after we got split up, I found a ship and got off it then flew around until I came here they were yelling something then someone plowed through me and the rest was a blur and now I am here.
Onyx: Now that we’re together let’s go back to Serpentine.
Sodalite: Who’s he?
Onyx: You’ll see.
(Changes scene to Shattered lands)
Serpentine: So...
Connie: My name’s Connie.
Serpentine: So Connie why did you stay with me?
Connie: I thought how terrible it must feel to lose a pet.
Serpentine: Oh! Well I guess you could call him that...
Connie: What’s his name anyway?
Serpentine: Xiuhcoatl.
Connie: Xiuhcoatl? What kind of name is that?
Serpentine: It means “fire serpent”
Connie: Ok... so what is he?
Serpentine: A dragon.
Connie: WHAT?!
Serpentine: What? You never seen a dragon?
Connie: NO!
Serpentine: Well they’re fairly common on this planet if you look in the right places.
Connie: They’re only myths! How is that possible?
Serpentine: Here see for yourself. (yells) XIUHCOATL!!!
(A huge black thing descends from the sky and land in front of them and is wagging his tail)
Serpentine: Yes, I know I’m healed.
Connie: Why do you think he is thinking that?
Serpentine: He is thinking that.
Connie: How do you know that?
Serpentine: I can hear the thoughts of reptiles.
Connie: Oh what’s he thinking now?
Serpentine: HEY! Language! He’s says who are you?
Connie: Hi, I’m Connie I mean no harm.
Serpentine: You know what, let’s go back to the warp pad.
Connie: Ok.
(They fly back to the warp pad and arrive just as the others teleport there)
Steven: Oh he- WOW!!!
Serpentine: Hey guys!
Jade: It looks like you found him
Serpentine: Yep. You wanna let them play?
Jade: Sure
(Jade draws her sword)
Jade: (Says 私はCoaxcohを召喚する pronounced: Watashi wa Coaxcoh o shōkan suru. “I summon Coaxcoh” in Japanese a dragon appears from her sword)
Connie: There’s two?!
Serpentine: Yeah we’re brother and sister so...
Garnet: Ok, now that we’ve regrouped let's go back to the temple
Jade: Aww... They’re just getting started.
Garnet: Sorry, but we want to go back to the temple.
(The Crystal Gems run to the temple and see Peridot, Lapis, and Pumpkin on the couch looking at the pictures from when they were the Crystal Gems)
Amethyst: We’re home!
Connie: I’m heading home see you guys later!
Steven: I’d like to talk more, but I need to empty the bag of stuff that Aquamarine took.
Aquamarine: Heh...heh
(Steven walks to the bubble room and opens his bag, he looks in the bag and sees Jasper’s and Obsidian’s gems gone)
Steven: What the-
(A helmet hits Steven in the head and knocks him out)
Mysterious Gem1: Good but that’s enough, we don’t want Rose-Quartz dead now do we…
Mysterious Gem2: Fine
(Mysterious gem2 stands up and shows her corrupted claw right arm)
(Mysterious gem1 and 2 walk into the light revealing themselves to be Jasper and an unknown gem)
Garnet: Steven?
Mystery gem: (in Stevens voice) I’m fine!
Pearl: Okay. But hurry up.
Jasper: Heh heh heh. They are so gullible.
Amethyst: (peeks out the door) Hey hurr- GASP!!!!!
JASPER!! OBSIDIAN! (forms whip and grabs Steven)
Obsidian: Move you oaf!
Jasper: Okay, okay!
(Obsidian and Jasper Run out of the bubble room)
(Pearl shoots at them with her spear)
(Obsidian deflects the blast with his hand)
Obsidian: You think that you can stop me?!?
Steven: He deflected the blast!
Aquamarine: It’s because he is a legendary gem!
Jade: We need to go now!
Garnet: There is a homeworld pad on the temple hand!
(The gems try to climb up the temple when Jasper and Obsidian try and come after them but Jasper keeps stumbling and knocking into Obsidian because she is half corrupted and the gems escape to the forge)
Sodalite: Who were they?
Peridot: I don’t know who that other gem was but that big yellow clod is Jasper.
Jade: Pearl was that who I thought it was?
Pearl: If your talking about Obsidian then... yes.
Onyx: I thought he was only a legend... a myth.
Aquamarine: Well, as we can all see he is not a myth.
Garnet: Well let’s get training.
Amethyst: Oh ho ho ho I know where we’re going
Steven: Oh no that place brings back bad memories...
Pearl: Oh... Bismuth. (Starts to cry and looks away)
Garnet: Sorry Steven we have no other choices the barn is too obvious.
Steven: Alright... actually I have something to show you...
(They enter the forge)
Connie: Wow I never knew that it was this exquisitely hidden
Steven: Check this out!
(Uses the anvil elevator to show the training dummy room)
All(but Steven): Wow!
Steven: And watch this
(pulls lever to create the stone practice dummies)
Onyx: Cool. Now let’s get training.
Sodalite: Why do we have to fight them can’t we be friends?
(Everyone looks at her)
Amethyst: They just tried to kill us.
Sodalite: Well maybe they’re just lonely.
Onyx: Sis just imagine that they’re trying hurt me.
Sodalite:(In a very angry tone) Trying... to... hurt you?
Onyx: Yeah. Now pretend those things are them
Sodalite: Nyaaaaaaa!!!!
(Fights with great fury and grace)
Serpentine: Wow... I think I’m in love.
Sodalite: Huh?
Serpentine: (blushes) Nothing.
Onyx: (whispers to Serpentine) I know what you said.
Serpentine: (mumbling)
Onyx: (whispers) We’ll talk later
Serpentine: Where are the rooms?
Amethyst: There aren’t any.
Serpentine: Then where’s our privacy?
Pearl: You make a good point we should hollow out this place more and make rooms.
Onyx: Good idea me and Serpentine will get started
Serpentine: (sweating) Sure we will need to bunk together until we can make more rooms. Me and Onyx, Aquamarine and Jade, Sodalite and Steven, Lapis and Peridot, and Garnet Amethyst , And Pearl.
Steven: Ok, that will work.
(Onyx and Serpentine walk away)
Onyx: So you like my sister...
Serpentine: What not to like about her? She’s cheerful, graceful yet fierce.
Onyx: Yeah, she’s pretty amazing we’ve been through a lot. So... I guess I can let you two be together...
Onyx: It’s fine.
(Onyx starts digging with his scythe)
Serpentine:I should find Xiuhcoatl he would make this much easier.
Onyx: Ok
(Serpentine goes out and calls for Xiuhcoatl)
(Xiuhcoatl lands in front of Serpentine)
Serpentine: Hi buddy, me and Onyx are mining out rooms for the gang and we need your help... Ok! Great!
(They go in the forge)
Onyx: Oh! Your back!
Serpentine: Yeah, he’ll help and guard the entrance to the forge so if and when they can get here he’ll hold them off if they try and gain entrance until we’re ready to fight.
Onyx: Cool, now let’s get digging.
(A few hours of training and digging later...)
Connie: I’m hungry.
Steven: Oh no we don’t have food!!!
Onyx: Well it’s dark out it maybe dark at the temple so I could go... I am like pitch black so they won’t see me.
(Onyx leaves and goes to the temple and sees Obsidian and Jasper pacing around)
Jasper: (Stops) What was that?
Obsidian: It isn’t anything.
(Jasper looks at Onyx then goes back to pacing)
Onyx: Phew...
(Onyx jumps up onto the top of the hill and runs to the city and walks into a store)
Ranaldo: You’re sure up late...
Onyx: I. need. food.
Ranaldo: Ok, here you go.
Onyx: Thanks.
(Onyx runs to The Big Donut)
Onyx: Dang it. Closed. Thank God I have a key...
(Onyx draws his scythe and obliterates the door)
Onyx: This should last a few days.
Ranaldo: Whoa! Rock man... I better blog this...
(Onyx runs back to the warp pad and teleports back to the forge.)
Xiuhcoatl: Rooooooar!
Onyx: Guys, It’s just me!
Serpentine: Hey.
Onyx: I got Steven and Connie enough food for at least 3 days
Serpentine: Good, because they’ve been complaining for the past hour
Onyx: Sooo? Good timing?
Serpentine: Yes.
(They go into the forge)
Steven: Yes FOOD!!!!
Connie: Let’s eat!
Amethyst: Yeah!
Onyx: Not you Amethyst.
Amethyst: Awwwwww... Why not?
Onyx: Because you don’t NEED it.
Connie: It’ll be gone in the next day if you’re allowed to eat.
Amethyst: Awwwww...
Garnet: No.
Pearl: (snickers) Shut down by the G!
Amethyst: Hey!
Pearl: Well it is humorous.
Steven: Let’s eat!
(Steven and Connie start eating)
Onyx: Hah... when this blows over I’m not sure WHAT I’m gonna do... probably join the Homeworld Rogues...
Serpentine: Yeah... I’ll probably follow Sodalite...
Jade: Y’know we could be a squad in the Rogues!
Sodalite: I don’t know…
Aquamarine: Well wherever Jade goes I'm going to!
Aquamarine: Do you have any kind of healing powers?
Sodalite: Well... yes.
Aquamarine: Whoa I'm not alone in the healing field
Serpentine: Yeah! You two could be the medics!
Onyx: Yeah! We can be frontline fighters!
Jade: I wonder who is a better medic, probably Aquamarine.
Crystal gems: yea probably
Lapis: Me and Peridot are going to our rooms.
Peridot: Yes, we’re gonna start making ourselves at home!
Pumpkin: Rarf!
(Peridot and Lapis go into a hole in the wall)
Steven: Ahhhhh... I’m full!
Connie: Me too.
Onyx: We should get some rest.
Garnet: Good idea.
(Steven wakes up to see Aquamarine walking back and forth)
Steven: What's wrong Aquamarine?
Aquamarine: Oh, Steven, I was just thinking about stuff.
Steven: Like what?
Aquamarine: Well lots of stuff, like what happened to my family, where I came from-
Steven: Wait you had a family and a home?!
Aquamarine: Sure did, care for a story?
Steven: You bet I am!
(They flash back to a lab in homeworld)
Unknown gem: Ok A,B,and E are almost complete, O and O2 are so close to being done
Unknown gem: Ah, O is done with the healing.
(a tube opens and shows a black gem walk out)
Mystery gem :Thank you professor
Professor: Any time obsidian, A,B,E, and O2 are almost done
Obsidian: Good I will enjoy shattering them myself!
(Obsidian opens a door and leaves)
(Three tubes open and three gems walk out)
Professor: Good code name: diamond is complete
Gem A: code name : diamond?
Professor: Yes, each of you are ⅓ the strength of a diamond so each of you will be their guard, A you take- oh sorry not A, where are my manners, Aquamarine, you will be the guard of Blue Diamond,
E- Emerald you will be Yellow Diamond’s, so B- sorry Beryl, you will be White Diamond’s.
(the gems leave and go to the diamonds that they were assigned, a few days later an alarm sounds signaling that the crystal gems are approaching)
Voice of Blue Diamond: Aquamarine finish them off.
Voice of Yellow Diamond: Emerald leave me and fight for once!
Voice of White Diamond: Beryl go now!
(the Code Name: Diamond leave and try to fight the crystal gems only to be defeated by one particular gem, Rose Quartz)
(Aquamarine wakes up in a cave with only Rose Quartz there)
Rose Quartz : Can I ask a question, do you like being bossed around by the Diamonds, do you find beauty here on homeworld?
Aquamarine: No one ever asked me a question like that…
Rose Quartz: Well I'm asking now.
Aquamarine: Well I guess not…
Rose Quartz: Then why do you put up with them, why don't you join the Crystal Gems and stop the tyranny of the Diamonds!
Aquamarine: Well… no
Rose Quartz: huh!?
Aquamarine: I will help you defeat the diamonds but I won't join your group, I can heal them and support them.
(At that point Rose Quartz and Aquamarine figured out that they were not so different than they thought, after the battle that the crystal gems lost but survived, the Diamonds figured out about the betrayal of Aquamarine so he couldn't go to the Diamond’s and he was hunted by the Amythest that guard homeworld , eventually Beryl and Emerald were captured so he had no one to go to, soon he met Onyx and Jade, and managed to escape)
Aquamarine: Thanks for helping us Jade, that was pretty cool.
(Aquamarine kind of blushed)
Jade: Well we can’t go back, homeworld would be looking to shatter us.
(Aquamarine stands up and stares at Jade)
Aquamarine: Well, I promise to protect you for as long as I live!
(Jade starts to blush)
Jade: You’re just saying that.
Aquamarine: No I mean it.
(Aquamarine and Jade start looking at each other)
Onyx: Well I feel awkward.
(Onyx broke the silence)
(Back to Steven and Aquamarine)
Aquamarine: So that's how I made it here.
Steven: Ooooh.
Aquamarine: What?
Steven: You like her! (He said with a smug smile)
Aquamarine: N-no I don’t!
(Jade walks in)
Jade: What are you guys talking about?
Steven: Aquamarine likes you!
( Aquamarine blushes and punches Steven)
Aquamarine: No I don't!
( it becomes morning and every comes out to talk )
Aquamarine: Guys come in!
Onyx: What is it?
Aquamarine: I found a way to defeat Jasper and Obsidian and take back the temple.
Sodalite: Really? How?!
Aquamarine: Ok listen to this.
( Aquamarine tells them all the plan )
Garnet: We need 2 more people at least for the play to work.
Aquamarine: Yes, and I know where they are.
Steven: Where- you don't mean!
Aquamarine: Yep!
Steven: E and B!
Pearl: E and a B?
(Steven whispered the story to them)
Jade: That was awhile ago, where are they?
Aquamarine: Emerald is in the Homeworld Rogue’s base and Beryl is on Homeworld.
Pearl: You don't mean.
Steven: We’re going back to Homeworld?
Aquamarine: Yea but Beryl, the one at Homeworld, might be shattered so I can heal her no problem.
Steven: Wait you can heal shattered gems?
(Jade puts her hand on his shoulder)
Jade: Yea he can heal almost everything and is a tough one to beat.
Aquamarine: I still remember when I poofed a full Amythest army in just a quarter of an hour! Good times…
Onyx: Hey Aquamarine, when we're at the Homeworld Rogue’s base you whispered something to Iridium, what was it?
Aquamarine: Well, I just said long time no see, I helped her and the Homeworld Rogue’s in a battle a long time ago
Garnet: Then why waste time, we have a temple to take back.
(The gems go onto a warp pad that leads to the base of the Homeworld Rogues)
Black Opal: Ah why are you guys still here!
Aquamarine: Don’t worry guys I got this
(Aquamarine walks and whispered to Black Opal, a few seconds later she starts blushing)
Black Opal: Ok this way
(The gems walk into the base, as soon as they walk in Aquamarine runs in and talks to Iridium, he then walks back soon after)
Aquamarine: Well, the plan is going smoothly so far, Black Opal and Iridium are going to help, and Emerald will help too.
(A green gem walks into the main room, Aquamarine and the green gem both run at each other and high five)
Aquamarine: Emerald, it's been so long!
Emerald: I know! I thought you were gone for good!
Aquamarine: Guys this is Emerald!
Emerald: Hey guys!
Steven: Oh hello E!
( Emerald jumps at the sound of that letter )
Emerald: How did you know about that?!
( Steven points to Aquamarine )
Emerald: Oh, Aqua can I talk to you in private.
Aquamarine: Oh sure, Eme.
( Aquamarine and Emerald walk over to a corner in the room )
Emerald: You know I can’t completely forgive you for what you did.
Aquamarine: Yea, I know, I disobeyed my Diamond and I still lost on the side I was on.
Emerald: Because of you I couldn't stay with my diamond and I was put into a prison for your crimes!
Aquamarine: I’m sorry, I never would of done this if I knew the consequence.
Emerald: Ok... but why did you come here?
Aquamarine: I need your help to take back the temple, Jasper and legendary gem Obsidian took it over, we need you and Beryl to help.
Emerald: (mumbles something inaudible) … I’m in.
( Aquamarine and Emerald walk back to the gems)
Aquamarine: He’s in..
Emerald: Let’s get Beryl.
Pearl: Well maybe we should wait till later, I'm not sure if we should go to Homeworld now.
Steven: Aww... why not?
Amethyst: Yea why not?!
Pearl: Well they don’t like us and want us shattered, What do you think Garnet?
Garnet: Better time than ever.
Aquamarine: Well then it's settled, let's go to Homeworld.
Emerald: How will we get there without getting caught?
Aquamarine: We can shape shift into homeworld looking gems.
Steven: What about me?
Pearl: I don’t know how to get you there without getting caught.
Garnet: I do…
Steven: How?
Garnet: We can make you look like a corrupted gem, you can use the cat fingers you used before and make them all over your body, when we get back Lapis can spray you and you will turn back to normal you.
Steven: Yea that could work!
Amethyst: Well how are we going to get to Homeworld in the first place, aren't the Homeworld pads busted?
Aquamarine: Well I can obviously fix the pad with my healing powers.
Steven: I can’t believe that I'm going back to Homeworld...
Garnet: Well let's get going.
( the gems go onto the forge warp pad and go to the Homeworld pads, Aquamarine fixed the Homeworld pad that leads to the main Homeworld pad and they go)
Emerald: Well one thing’s for sure, we are going to be in for a ride.
Peal: I can’t believe we are doing this!
Emerald: Let’s go
(The gems split up. Aquamarine, Emerald, Jade, Onyx, Serpentine, & Sodalite. Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. Lapis, Steven, and Peridot.)
Aquamarine: Okay, This’ll be quick, my group will go get Beryl
Garnet: We will look to see if we can find any information to defeat the diamonds and homeworld
( The groups split up )
Emerald: So Aqua, where do you think she would be
Aquamarine: well two thoughts, she could be in the prison... or in the White Diamond throne room so either way it will be hard to get her
Emerald: which one should we check first
Aquamarine: well we could check the prison because it is easier to get in and out of, but there is a 60% chance that she would be in the White Diamond throne room
Serpentine: Maybe we should go to the prison first, they might have information there or gem prisoners who can help us
Aquamarine: I'm not so sure but ok
(The Gems go to the entrance of the prison but Aquamarine stops at the door)
Onyx: Aquamarine whats wrong? Are you not coming
Aquamarine: Yeah I’m coming, it’s just… this prison used to be the laboratory where we were made
Emerald: (looking at some corrupted Rubys)Oh, I thought they would've shattered them by now
Jade: what are you talking about
Aquamarine: Well we weren’t the first corrupted gems who ever tried to be healed, some of them worked out and some didn’t, the ones that didn’t tried to attack their healer causing them to end up in prison, but we were the first and only corrupted that were completely healed, so there are other Emeralds, Aquamarines, and Obsidians. And we can’t let them out
Jade: Oh…
Sodalite: Ok guys lets go!
( The gems walk in the prison to see a bunch of messed up gem experiments in their cells)
Obsidian experiment: Help me I'm a normal gem that was forced in this cage,you have to help me!
Emerald: Just ignore them
( The gems stop at a corner because about 9 or 10 amethyst guards are walking down the halls)
Aquamarine: I got this!
( Aquamarine runs out and summons a katana and attacks the soldiers)
Amethysts 1-10: Urffff...
Onyx: Great job dude you really rocked it.
Sodalite: OMG ONYX SRSLY?!?!?!
Jade: sssshhh... don’t be so loud we don’t get captured do we?
Sodalite: Sorry...
Obsidian experiment : (crying) Please (sob) help me…
Emerald: I got a plan, in homeworld Emeralds can be classified as royalty so I can ask the Amethyst’s to see if they are keeping Beryl in a prison cell.
Sodalite: Can we come back for him? (puppy eyes)
Onyx: ... Well... I guess?
Sodalite: We’ll come back...
Obsidian experiment: (sniffle) Thank you...
Onyx: You guys go on I’ll catch up.
Aquamarine: ‘Kay
(They walk off)
Onyx: We’re gonna bust you out so don’t try anything stupid... or... heh heh... (Pointed rocks start levitating) YOU’LL WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN...
Obsidian experiment: ... ok... just please... hurry...
(Onyx walks to the others)
Onyx: So... Steven you ready?
Steven: Yep...
Emerald: If we have one slip up we’re gonna have to fight our way out... or not come out at all...
Aquamarine: As you all know Homeworld DOES NOT take traitors very well...
Jade: Let’s just get this over with
(Steven turns to the cat monster thing and Homeworld Amethysts run and capture steven )
Aquamarine: Ok while steven is in the prison we can sneak into the diamond throne room
Onyx: Then we “kidnap” Beryl
Emerald: Yes. That’s assuming everything goes as planned...
Sodalite: I’m sure we’ll all be fine.
Emerald: Ok... NOW!
(they run by while the guards aren’t looking)
Emerald: Now the hard part getting Beryl
Onyx: And if things go south then... well you saw what happened to Black Opal...
Aquamarine: Yeah... don’t make him angry...
Sodalite: You should have seen him when the gem lab people were experimenting his powers and... yeesh.
Onyx: Yeah... they were all poofed and bubbled by the end of the week. Then we started to prepare to escape then just after I finished my great sword... we were captured.
Jade: and that’s where I come in with a similar story but that’s for a different time like when we’re not trying to I guess “steal” Aquamarines sister.
Serpentine: Yeah, not a good time it’s sorta lengthy...
Emerald: Ok... get ready... get set... go go go!
(they slip a bag over Beryl)
Amethyst guard: HEY!!!
Onyx: Crud... uhhh... Emerald?
Emerald: Yeah?
Onyx: I think we’ve been spotted.
Aquamarine: Awwww COME ON!!!
Onyx: Sodalite. Run.
Aquamarine: Jade take Beryl and run.
Jade: No. I’m gonna stay and fight.
Aquamarine: But-
Jade: NO!
Sodalite: I’m going to find Steven and Peridot. So... Onyx stay safe.
Onyx: Oh you know I will.
(Sodalite runs off)
Emerald: Well... it’s been nice knowing you guys...
Onyx: NO! We WILL get out of this alive.
(We cut to Peridot, Lapis, and Steven)
Peridot: Okay coast’s clear
(Lapis sprays Steven and he becomes human again)
Steven: Thank you! Now let’s agree to never do that again
(They hear footsteps running their way)
Steven: Hide!
(They hide behind a column)
Sodalite: Uhhh... Guys? It’s me, Sodalite
(They come out from behind the column)
Steven: Phew... We thought you were a Homeworld gem!
Lapis: Where are the others?
(Sodalite fiddles with her hair)
Sodalite: Oh yeah... Well they’re sorta fending off a few hundred thousand troops... so, uh, let’s go?
Peridot: Do we have Beryl?
(Sodalite shows the bag with Beryl inside)
Lapis: Good, but shouldn’t we help them?
Peridot: First we get Beryl to the pad.
Steven: Good idea. (We cut back to the others)
Onyx: Uhhh... Guys? This maybe a bad time but, don’t let them hit me with their weapons, or there’ll only be 3 of you guys for about... 2 days?
Onyx: Ummm... Yeah?
Jade: Stop arguing and keep fighting!
Onyx: Sorry... I’ve got an idea!
(He walks backwards and raises his arm. Huge stone spikes erupt from the ground and attack the Amethyst guards)
Onyx: That seemed to do the trick!
(Stone steps levitate off the ground)
Onyx: Bye bye!
(The group uses the steps to escape)
Aquamarine: Onyx, that was cool!
Emerald: Yeah that was great and all, but we should really get going!
Onyx: I’ll cover our exit!
(Onyx causes the ceiling behind them to collapse)
Jade: Well, I guess that works.
(They run to the pad)
Onyx: Sorry we were late! We absolutely stoned them!
Sodalite: Onyx!
Onyx: What’s with the stony face? Am I right?
Sodalite: Onyx...
Onyx: Alright alright I’ll stop but you have to admit I was really rocking it.
Amethyst: Welp that was boring...
Pearl: Amethyst it was what we could do to help.
Garnet: Let’s get out of here before we all get captured.
Sodalite: Wait! That Obsidian! Onyx you promised!
Onyx: (turning away now with a serious face) Not everyone can be saved...
Sodalite: (with stricken look on her face) Onyx you-!
Onyx: Sodalite, we can't save him!
(She releases a tear and looks away. They teleport away. They return to the Forge and get into the main room and put Beryl down)
Beryl: Ok you’ve had me in this thing for awhile let me out!
Aquamarine: Sorry!
(Aquamarine opens the bag)
Beryl: Finally! Now who are you peo-
(Beryl looks like she just saw a ghost and starts sweating)
Beryl: A-Aquamarine... Em-Emerald...
Aquamarine: C’mere
(The three hug)
Emerald: So... will you help us?
Beryl: With what?
Steven: Getting the temple back from Jasper and Obsidian!
Beryl: Obsidian? Great... I’ll help you. Whose Jasper?
Amethyst: (In a grouchy voice) She's an ugly gem who’s more stuck up then Peridot.
(Steven interjects before Peridot can respond)
Steven: Let’s take back the temple!!!
Everyone: YEAH!!!
(They go back to Beach City)
Emerald: Ok... this is a precision operation if you screw up it could end killing us all.
Pearl: These CLODS are gonna wish they never reformed!
Peridot: That’s my thing!
Onyx: Let’s just go.
(They go to the temple and is missing)
Steven: Where’s Onyx?
Aquamarine: Guys, they’re still here!
Garnet: Ok Pearl, Amethyst, synchronize!
(Garnet,Pearl, and Amethyst fuse into Alexandrite)
Steven: Alexandrite!
(Onyx is watching from afar)
Aquamarine: Steven, you, me, and Sodalite will try to go around healing us, Jade will be here supporting us
Emerald: Ok guys let's follow the plan that Aquamarine gave us!
( The gems start splitting up )
Obsidian: You think just you 12? Can defeat me?
Iridium: Nope but with us we can
( Black Opal and Iridium jump down from the top of the temple and manage to get really close to Obsidian and Jasper and land a hit on Jasper before they could react)
Jasper: How did she just do that?!
Iridium: Easy, you guys are just really slow
(Onyx from afar: Iridium? Why are you here?)
Iridium: Remember the plan Aquamarine?
Aquamarine: Yeah! Let’s do this!
Black Opal: And now you have to go on a date with me after this!
Aquamarine: … I just said I will get you a donut!
Black Opal: Too late to change that!
Aquamarine: … (mumbles) Darn...
( Jade blushes a little )
Jade: Guys let's just fight ok? No need to talk about stuff in the middle of a fight!
Aquamarine: You’re right!
(The gems split up and start rushing at Obsidian)
Jasper: Ummmm... Obsidian, Codename: Dia-
Obsidian: WHERE?! HOW?!
( Jasper points to Aquamarine, Emerald, and Beryl)
( Obsidian summons his shining black greatsword)
Jasper: Haha, they won’t know what hit them!
(Obsidian rushes towards Emerald and aims his sword at him, Serpentine jumps in the way and gets stabbed by Obsidian)
Sodalite: Serpentine! NO!
Serpentine: D-don’t worry, I-I’ll be f-fine
( Serpentine poofs )
Sodalite: S-Serpentine
(Sodalite runs over crying, she picks up his gem)
Sodalite: I’m sorry…
( Sodalite looks at Obsidian as if she is looking for the most painful way to shatter his. She wipes her eyes)
Sodalite: YOU have just destroyed one of the only people I have ever loved and now you’re going to pay!
(Jasper runs to Obsidian’s side)
Jasper: I will take down this scrub, Obsidian you can take down the gems that really matter.
Sodalite: Oh you just dug you own grave...
( Sodalite summons her kunai and chain and begins to rapidly attack Jasper. Jasper attempts to dodge)
Jasper: When did these gems start getting so fast?!
(A big hand picks up Jasper)
Jasper: Hey what’s the big idea-
( Jasper looks up to see that she is being held by Alexandrite)
Jasper: (mumbles) It’s fusion, always fusion.
Sodalite: Now to finish the fight...
(Sodalite throws her kunai on chain at Jasper, who gets wrapped in the chain. Sodalite then precedes to swing her around and repeatedly slamming her on the ground then stabs Jasper with the kunai, poofing her)
Sodalite: And now to make sure you don’t come back...
(Sodalite is about to shatter Jasper when Steven stops her)
Steven: Sodalite! Think! Would Serpentine have wanted that?
Sodalite: ... no...
(Sodalite turns away from Jasper’s gem as Steven bubbles her)
Steven: Now, the others might need our help...
(They go around helping the others)
Alexandrite: Why is Obsidian so hard to poof?
Aquamarine: Well he is sorta the strongest gem ever made so...
Jade: So this is basically a suicide mission?
Emerald: Pretty much yeah.
Iridium: Fabulous.
Black Opal: Can't wait. If I poof, it's your guy's fault.
Jade: (mumbles) I can't wait for that.
Black Opal: Huh? What did you say?
Jade: Nothing.
(They run at Obsidian, who is blocking and dodging their every attack)
Aquamarine: There is a way we can get out of here. Through the warp pads.
Emerald: We can't give up now!
Jade: Face it Emerald, it's a lost cause.
(Alexandrite’s form starts to shift)
Alexandrite:Stick together guys!
(Alexandrite splits back to Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl)
Aquamarine: Guys we don’t have much time we got to go now!
( The gems run into the temple when Obsidian jumps from the beach to the porch of the temple and stabs Emerald)
Beryl & Aquamarine: Emerald!!!
Emerald: It's ok, go without me!
( Just as he said that he poofs, before Obsidian could slash it in half, Aquamarine blocks Obsidians sword with his katana and Beryl takes Emeralds gem, Obsidian tries to slice Beryl but a strong stream of water pushes Obsidian back )
Lapis: Peridot and I can hold him off, you guys find a safe place to heal (she shoots more water at the same time, Peridot sends a metal rod hurling at Obsidian. The rest of the gems go to the sky arena to rest )
Steven: Ok I will heal the poofed gems, you guys prepare to attack!
( 5 seconds after Steven said that the warp pad activates and Obsidian walks out holding Lapis and Peridots gems )
Obsidian: Did you really think those half baked gems could beat me! You really are stupid!
( Obsidian throws the two gems off the sky arena )
Steven: that's it!
( all the gems activate their weapons )
Obsidian: Oh I'm sooo scared!
(Amethyst hurls herself at Obsidian and with ease, Obsidian slices Amethyst in half causing her to poof)
Steven: Amethyst!
Garnet: Pearl!!!
Pearl: Right!
(Garnet and Pearl fuse into Sardonyx)
Obsidian: Oh you want to destroy me? Is that what Rose would want!
( Sardonix hesitates, giving Obsidian a chance to escape )
Sodalite: I got this!
( Sodalite runs at Obsidian without noticing that Obsidian has a plan to poof her)
Black Opal: Sodalite wait!
( Black Opal runs after Sodalite, Sodalite throws her chained kunai at Obsidian but he grabs it and pulls her closer to him, but before he could slash his sword and poof Sodalite, Black Opal pushes Sodalite out of the way taking the hit, she instantly poofs )
Sodalite: …!
Obsidian: too easy!
(Obsidian slashes at Sodalite and she poofs)
Onyx: Sody!
(Onyx jumps in the air and shoots at Obsidian, he blocks the attacks and makes his hand facing him, 5 seconds later a black tree comes out of the ground and traps Onyx)
Onyx: Ungh!
(Onyx goes limp as if he was paralysed)
Aquamarine: Onyx!
Steven: I got him, you buy us some time
Aquamarine: Got it!
(Aquamarine runs to Obsidian, as he runs, Jade joins him, the both of them summon their Weapons and try to cross slash Obsidian, they both miss)
Obsidian: You both think you could defeat me?!
( Obsidian slashes at Jade but Aquamarine jumps in and blocks the blade with his sword, but Aquamarines sword breaks)
(Obsidian lifts his hand and a Black tree comes and Traps Aquamarine, He instantly goes limp. The black tree that trapped him crushes him, and he soon poofs)
Obsidian: Do you see how pointless this is?!
(Sardonyx appears behind Obsidian and slams her hammer into his side, propelling him away. He lands with an oof)
Obsidian:(Standing up)Ugh… (Looking at Sardonyx) You still can't poof me!
Sardonyx: [laughs] This will be more of a performance than I thought!
Obsidian: Yeah… no thanks.
(Obsidian traps Sardonyx in the tree that was trapping Aquamarine)
Obsidian: Still fun?
Sardonyx: Not as much, but I'll make due with the situations.
(She unfuses, but remains trapped)
Pearl: Sorry Garnet.
Garnet: It’s fine Pearl, I would have unfused too.
(Pearl blushes)
Steven: Obsidian, stop this now! We can be friends!
Obsidian: Look, I’m not going to fall into your trap Rose, so give up.
(Steven looks around at the gems fighting. He sweats.)
Steven: Uh, um…!
(Obsidian laughs. Steven sighs.)
Steven: Obsidian, let them go. If you do, we will leave you.
Garnet: Steven, don’t do this!
Steven: Trust me guys.
Obsidian: You are real stupid Rose, but I’ll let them go.
(The tree disintegrates)
Pearl: STEVEN!
(Steven looks away. He walks out, and the others hesitate before putting their weapons away and following him.)
Obsidian: Hey Rose, keep the City, and make sure that they learn to FEAR me.
(Obsidian laughs continuously)
Steven: I'm so sorry…
(We watch them run away into the city, and into Onion’s woods. They stop)
Steven: There we go…
(He sets down the poofed gems, allowing them to reform. Aquamarine reforms)
Aquamarine: (On knees) I'm going to get that…
(He looks up at the gems)
Aquamarine: Sorry, he was too strong.
Pearl: If we want to beat Obsidian, we're going to have to do this smartly. Steven?
Steven: I have a plan-
(Sodalite reforms with Jade)
Jade:(huffing) When I get my hands on that gem, well, better not say it in front of Steven.
Sodalite: I'm so sorry Onyx!
Onyx: You tried your best. You did well for that.
(Sodalite looks at Serpentine’s gem)
Sodalite: Will he be back soon?
Jade: I-
(She looks at Onyx. He shakes his head)
Jade: He'll be here soon!
Sodalite: (beaming like a puppy) Great!
Steven: Anyways, here's the plan. Pearl?
Pearl: Yes?
Steven: I want you and Amethyst to fuse and make Opal. Then you and Black Opal will attack Obsidian and try to weaken him. Everyone else but Onyx will distract him. Then Onyx will deliver the final blow.
Onyx: (putting fists together and rocks start levitating) Got it!
Garnet: What about me?
Steven: I want you to tell the people of Beach City to evacuate, and help out with it.
Garnet: Ok.
Steven: We'll strike tomorrow, and be prepared for a huge battle!
Onyx: Alright!
(Amethyst’s gem glows)
Amethyst: Ok. 2 questions. 1 where are we? 2 what happened?
Onyx: We’re in the forest and we lost. We are currently trying to get as much of the group together as we can before tomorrow. Because tomorrow we attack. Again.
Amethyst: So what do I do?
Steven: You and Pearl fuse into Opal and shoot at Obsidian along with Black Opal.
Iridium: The rest of us distract him and Onyx deals the final blow, how is up to him.
Onyx: (Looking down) The most painful way possible...
(Beryl and Emeralds gems start glowing)
Emerald: Well did we win?
Aquamarine: No…
(The process continues until only Serpentine remains)
Sodalite: Everyone else has reformed but him...
(She looks at Jade)
Sodalite: He will reform soon, right?
Jade: (sweating) Soon enough, soon enough!
(Sodalite picks up Serpentine’s gem and looks angry)
Steven: Alright, let's get back to the Forge!
(They walk off, and we cut to them in the main part of the Forge)
Onyx: Hmmm... Let me see here...
(Onyx is picking up tools and looking at materials)
Onyx: I know what you guys are about to say “But Onyx do you even know how to use those tools much less how to make those of us who don’t have weapons one” my answer will be: How do ya think I made this?
(Onyx draws his greatsword)
Iridium: Umm... We weren’t but... sure you can!
Peridot: I was thinking something like a ticonda, whatever that is.
Lapis: I was thinking a of a katana like Aquamarines.
Onyx: (Writing it down) Ticonda... katana... got it!
Iridium: Hmmm... looks like someone will be busy.
Onyx: (Looking at her) You got that right.
Iridium: You need some help?
Onyx: No. You prepare for the fight work on your dodging, I don’t want you getting hurt.
Iridium: Why’s that?
Onyx: (blushes) Er... no reason.
Iridium: (Walking away) Mmm hmm...
Onyx: (Muttering) Smooth move... stupid stupid!
Steven:(looking smugly) Looks like somebody’s in looove.
Onyx: Er... No?
Aquamarine: No? Dude we’re the only ones here.
Onyx: Fine... yes I like her.
Aquamarine: I’d like to make a confession too. I like Jade.
Steven: Don’t worry. (He pretends to zip his lips)
Onyx: Yeah, your secret is safe with us.
Aquamarine: And yours with me.
Onyx: Ok. I seriously need to get to work.
Aquamarine: K dude.
(Steven walk off and Onyx gets to making weapons)
Onyx: Ok now let’s get our diagram...
(Onyx starts drawing and we cut to the others)
Sodalite: I’m going to my room.
(She runs off with Serpentine’s gem)
Aquamarine: How long will he take, she’s really mad, yet worried.
Jade: Well... he could be hours... or days... or even months or years...
Aquamarine: Oh jeez, let’s hope he reforms soon...
Iridium: So are we gonna use the dummies for training or are we gonna spar? Cuz Onyx asked me to work on my dodging he didn’t say why though...
Steven: Ummm... maybe because he... thinks you can improve that!
Aquamarine: (Sweating) Yep that sounds like Onyx always saying you can dodge better!
Jade: Makes sense, he can dodge pretty well.
Pearl: I think we should spar and if you get hit, you’re out.
Black Opal: So it’s like we are actually fighting him, good idea!
(Some time later)
Steven: I’m gonna see how our weapons are coming on.
(Steven walks off we cut to Onyx)
Steven: Hey Onyx!
Onyx: Oh, Hey Steven!
Steven: I was wondering how Lapis and Peridot’s weapons are coming along.
Onyx: Great! I even had enough time to make something else... Behold!
(He pulls out a spiked shield with a crescent moon on it)
Steven: Let me guess... it’s for Iridium.
Onyx: (Blushes) How did you know?
Steven: You do want her to stay safe so...
Onyx: Hmm... you wanna see Lapis’ and Peridot’s weapons?
Steven: Yes please!
Onyx: Come over here.
(Onyx and Steven walk over to a table with 2 swords on it)
Steven: Wow! You made those in a few hours?!
Onyx: Well... I didn’t do it alone I guess?
(Stone hands start levitating)
Steven: Wow! Multitasking to the extreme!
Onyx: They made the blades and spikes while I worked on the shield, sheaths, and handles.
Steven: Well, is there any more surprises I should know about?
Onyx: Yeah, watch this.
(He picks up the katana and pulls a knife out of the handle)
Steven: Cool! Anything else?
Onyx: He he he, watch this.
(He closes his eyes and the weapons levitate)
Steven: Wow! How do you do that?
Onyx: There are small stones in the each of the weapons.
Steven: Clever.
Onyx: Even mine. Also, the shield has sharp edges.
Steven: You thought of everything.
Onyx: Yes I did.
Steven: Well, we should probably get the weapons to the others.
Onyx: Yeah, we probably should.
(They walk to the others)
Steven: Hey guys! Weapons are ready!
Onyx: Peridot... your ticonda. Lapis... your katana. And... Iridium... I made you a spiked shield.
Iridium: Why did you make me this?
Onyx: Eh... I had extra time and... I was bored.
Aquamarine: (muttering) Riiight...
(From Sodalite's room)
Serpentine: Ok ok. I know I’m back
(Jade sits at the entrance)
Jade: See, I told you he’d be back soon!
Serpentine: What now?
Jade: Never mind, never mind.
(She walks out and Sodalite jump-hugs Serpentine)
Sodalite: I was worried for a second that, that… That you wouldn't be back soon.
Serpentine: I was a too for a bit. But look, I'm back now!
(Sodalite looks around)
Sodalite: Can I, um, tell you something?
Serpentine: Sure, anything!
Sodalite: I um… I like you…
(She blushes and gets bashful as Serpentine blushes)
Sodalite: It's it's fine if you don't-
Serpentine: Sodalite, I like you too.
(Sodalite gets the happiest grin put to animation as they embrace in a way only Sodalite can)
Onyx: *Sigh* They grow up so fast...
Serpentine: Ugh... so from where we are I can tell we lost.
Onyx: Well we are fully regrouped so we can launch the attack as soon as we need to... now that Lapis and Peridot have PROPER weapons we will have even better functionality... if anyone can take this dude down. It’s us so... let’s go.
(The group strikes a heroic pose)
(We cut to the temple)
Obsidian: Hm? Ha. Ha ha. Ahahahahahaha. You really think that you can beat me? After your last defeat I’d think you’re stupid to try again…
Onyx: Black Opal, Pearl, Amethyst, now!
(They nod. Black Opal pulls out her Crossbow, and Pearl and Amethyst fuse. Opal pulls out her bow)
Onyx: Fire!
(They nod and launch arrows into Obsidian)
Obsidian: I'll get you for that-
(Steven's Shield hits his face)
Steven: Gems! Let's help them!
Obsidian: So that's your game Rose…
(The Opals fire at him non-stop.
The other gems distract Obsidian from them)
Aquamarine: Emerald, Beryl, I have an idea! Let's fuse!
Beryl: Okay!
Emerald: I don't know…
(They walk over to Emerald. He sighs and they all take hands and form Tanzanite)
Tanzanite: Alright!
Obsidian: Hah! You really think that fusing will make you stronger? I will shatter you all just like they did with that Black weakling on Homeworld!
(Onyx and Black Opal look like they just lost everyone they loved)
Onyx: YoU... DoN’t... DaRe... SiNk ThAt LoW! YOU SICK EXCUSE FOR A GEM!!!!
(Onyx charges at him in a blink and tries to slam his greatsword into Obsidian’s skull. Obsidian blocks the strike and kicks him about 1o,00 feet away, about 1 mile)
Tanzanite: Onyx!
(Tanzanite takes onyx place and activates his sword on chain, Obsidian blocks the attack but the wind from the attack pushes him back)
Obsidian: Tch… When did I strike a nerve!?
(Onyx glares at him. Steven runs up)
Steven: Onyx, don't forget the mission!
Onyx: I haven't, I'm just changing it, for some sweet revenge!
(Onyx runs after Obsidian and gets hit with Black Opal’s arrow)
Steven: Onyx!
(Onyx rolls back his form flickering)
Onyx: I'm fine Steven…
Steven: You have to stick with the Mission, I know you're angry but-
Sodalite: Steven, you don't understand. Obsidian is mocking his very Creator! She created him, me, and somewhat Black Opal, you can't understand…
(Steven looks at Onyx, then Obsidian)
Steven: I do understand, it's like if someone mocked my Mother, Rose…
(Onyx looks down. He gets up and helps distract Obsidian by pelting him with stones)
Steven: That's better…
(He turns and runs off to help the others)
Tanzanite: Steven, can to help me? I need you to get on my shoulder.
Steven: Okay, what do you need?
Tanzanite: I will pick you up, and you'll be able to tell everyone what they need, and can see everything.
Steven:(Nods) Got it!
(Tanzanite picks him up and puts him on her/their shoulder. He looks around)
Steven: Sodalite! Help Serpentine over there!
(She looks up at him and nods. She runs over to Serpentine and helps him distract Obsidian)
Obsidian: You think you can defeat me, the legendary Obsidian! Ha! I'd like to see you try!
(Obsidian slashes his Great sword at Sodalite but Serpentine’s gem glows, and he reaches out and grabs the great sword and throws it )
Obsidian : You little twerp! No matter, I can still destroy you!
(Obsidian picks up Serpentine and throws him off the shaky arena, right when he does that Onyx strikes his Great Sword at Obsidian on the side of his neck, and the gem cracks)
Obsidian: You think that is going to stop me!
(Obsidian puts his hand on the gem and a black light comes from it. He falls to the floor and Onyx tries to finish it, but at lightning fast speed, he manages to jump past Onyx)
Iridium: Onyx, look out!
(Onyx turns as Iridium hits Obsidian in the face with her shield)
Onyx: Thanks Iridium!
Iridium: No time for thanks, (She turns to the Opals and yells) Fire on him now!
Black Opal: Yes mam’!
(They both put him under hailfire from their arrows)
Obsidian: Why is it so hard to poof one of you?
Onyx: Because we have plan this time.
(Start of Song)
Obsidian: You'll never stop me now, there's nothing you can do! There no escaping now, you're all doomed! You can never beat me for I am stronger than you. I'm the strongest being on this planet! And you're through-o!
(Steven walks over, after getting off Tanzanite)
Steven: Don’t think that now, you can always change! Why don't you, join us for a change! You’ll see life here is great, and life here is cool! So what do you say, just take my hand. Come with me, it's a nice day!
(Obsidian tries to trap Steven with a tree, Steven dodges, and as Obsidian sings, he attacks with the trees)
Obsidian:Nice offer Rose, but I can't do that! For you see, you are a lesser being. I can't mingle with you! So step aside, make way for me, and prepare to die!
(Steven stops singing, and stands up)
Steven:Well, you had a chance, and you chose the wrong gems to tangle with, because…
(Steven starts singing)
Steven: We,
(Pearl and Amethyst unfuse, and all of them meet up next to Steven)
All Crystal Gems: Are the Crystal Gems! And we’ll always save the day! And if you think we can’t we’ll always find a way! That’s why the people. Of. this. World. Believe in…
(Garnet runs up and punches Obsidian)
Garnet: Garnet!
(Amethyst wraps him up)
Amethyst: Amethyst!
(Pearl blasts him with her spear lasers)
Pearl: And Pearl!
(Steven throws his shield like Captain America)
Steven: And Steven!
(Obsidian brushes it all off)
Obsidian: I see you have an army, but what does that mean? I’ll still beat you even if you think you’re king. Just give it up Rose, the end is nigh! Just give up and die!
(Onyx walks up to Obsidian looking down)
Onyx:You may think it's over, and it seems true, but…
(Onyx looks up with passion)
(The Homeworld gems all meet up at Onyx, just like with the Crystal Gems, and get ready to fight)
HWR gems:Are the Homeworld Gems! And we'll help you save the day! And if you think we can't, we'll do it anyway! That's why the gems on this Earth, believe in-
(Obsidian slashes at Onyx, Onyx dodges and slices at him)
(Sodalite throws out her Kunai on Chain, and wraps up Obsidian, and looks over to Serpentine)
(Serpentine nods at Sodalite, and runs over to her, and summons his glaive. He hits Obsidian while he's down)
Serpentine: Serpentine!
(Aquamarine also takes advantage of this, and pulls out his katana. He slices at Obsidian)
(Jade pulls out her sword and summons her dragon)
(Onyx is about to be hit by Obsidian’s sword, but Iridium runs in to block it)
(Beryl uses her ball on chain to pummel Obsidian)
(Emerald throws his knife into Obsidian, where it sticks)
(Black Opal shoots Obsidian with her crossbow while he’s pulling the knife out of himself)
Black Opal:And Black Opal!
(Obsidian releases a never before seen shockwave sending them all back)
Obsidian:I guess you all forgot, just who I am! I'm the strongest ever known! Taking me down, is no easy feat! You lost once, so just take a seat.
(To the tune of ‘We are the Crystal Gems)
For I, Am Obsidian, the strongest gem alive! And if you don't believe me, say goodbye! That's why the gems on Home World, fear me, Obsidian the great gem-slayer!
(He traps the Crystal Gems in a tree)
Steven:Onyx, hurry up!
Onyx: Working on it!
(Onyx destroys the tree with a rock spire)
Onyx: Okay... So, let me try something with those fallen hands...
(A fallen temple hand levitates, and grabs Obsidian)
Steven: What do you plan to do?
Sodalite: If I know Onyx, he’s in a bad mood about what Obsidian said earlier, so probably something extremely painful.
(You hear screaming)
Sodalite: Yep there it is. Honestly, I’m surprised at least one building hasn’t been destroyed yet.
Steven: Huh?
(Obsidian screams as he is catapulted into the air
Sodalite looks sort of sad and she starts giving a summary of her life before she found the Homeworld Rogues)
Sodalite: Well... he didn’t take getting experimented on very well so... he got revenge you can see the remains of the lab and the bubbled gems... they’re still there.
Steven: Wow... well then I may pay a visit
Sodalite: You... don’t want to go there
(You hear the sound of a gem poofing everyone looks as we see Onyx catching Obsidian’s gem on a rock shoot)
Onyx: There, poofed and bubbled.
Steven: Good job Onyx!
Onyx: Thanks Steven. I’m putting him somewhere only we know where he is. Hint: Where Serpentine’s dragon is guarding, where we practiced.
Peridot: Well what are you guys gonna do now?
(Onyx, Serpentine, and Sodalite look at each other)
Onyx: We’re gonna make our own team!
Sodalite: Yeah! Our base will be the forge. If you don’t mind?
Garnet: We hardly use it, so sure.
Serpentine: If any other of you guys with a gem lab background you can join. If you ever need us, just contact us.
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