Chapter 48 - Phil's POV
During the last class of the day, the air feels charged with something like electricity, as if everyone's excitement for winter break is something tangible. Immediately after the final bell, there's a rush towards the front doors of the school and then suddenly everyone's spilling out into the courtyard, chattering and laughing.
I locate Dan in the crowd and kiss him on the cheek. "Hey!"
"Hi," he grins and leans in for another kiss. "Whaddaya think, should we go for the last after school coffee of the year?"
"Definitely," I agree. The weather's cold enough that a warm coffee sounds perfect.
"It's odd thinking we're not going to be seeing each other everyday for a little bit," I say, as we're sitting in the coffee shop.
"Yeah, but honestly I'm glad for the school break," Dan says.
"Oh jeez, me too. I swear to god, if Reynolds assigns one more in-depth symbolism analysis...."
I hate to leave the warmth of the coffee shop, but my phone buzzes with my mom telling me to be home in time for dinner.
Dan and I stand in the snow outside, the air cold and biting at our faces. It's nice just to stand here with him, until the rattle of my bus pulls up by the curb. I kiss him goodbye before climbing the steps of the bus. "Love you! I'll see you later!"
"I love you, too! Call me!" He waves.
I make a call me gesture and wave back as the bus leaves.
When I walk into my house and set my bag down, there's an odd feeling in the air. Yes, I have homework, but I don't have to immediately sit down and do it. I have two weeks of nothing in particular, and holy crap, it feels good.
Of course, three days later I'm already bored out of my skull feeling, as if there's nothing to do, when my phone rings.
"Bonjour, ma petite cherie," a thick, possibly French-ish accent answers.
"Jamie? Are you trying to be French?"
"But of course! Why do you zink I have zis outrageous accent, you silly king?!" Her accent becomes more comical and exaggerated.
"Monty Python, dude, get with the times! Anyway, I'm bored so, do you wanna go do something today?" Her voice is back to normal now.
"Yeah, sure, what do you have in mind?"
"I dunno, I hadn't thought it through this far. " She pauses. "Let's go build snowmen in that park that Dan likes. Call him and see if he wants to come with."
"Okay. When?"
"We'll pick you up at your place in 40 minutes, give or take."
"Um, I don't think winking works if you say—" but she's already hung up the phone. I dial Dan's number and it rings twice before he picks up.
"Hey, I was just thinking about you!"
"Aww, hi!" I can feel myself blushing.
"What's up?"
"Jamie just called, used a really extreme French accent, and invited us to go build snowmen in the park where we had that picnic on closing night."
"Ooh I'm in. I haven't done anything for the past 2 days except lie around eating crisps."
"Cool, she said they'd be by in about 40 minutes. Which reminds me; I think she and Danny are back together, cos she said we as in her and someone else."
"No, Danny and Ethan are at dance camp until the 23rd, so it's not him."
"Then who?"
"I don't know," he answers. "I guess we're gonna find out."
This chapter is shit.
I am also shit.
sorry about that.
also my update schedule is now going to be shit as well.
sorry about that too.
I dunno what I'm doing m8s. like I know what's gonna happen but I don't know how to get there and also I don't know how to write anything that's vaguely sexy so sorry in advance.
anyway happy holidays and hopefully I'll start writing again since I haven't written in like a month
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