Chapter 33 - Phil's POV
Dan walks up to me looking slightly shaken. "So, Phil, I think Jamie knows about us."
"Really? Why?"
"Apparently she went to the cinema this weekend and she saw us in the theatre. Like holding hands and stuff." He looks kind of sheepish, almost embarrassed.
"Oh, okay."
"So you're not mad then?"
"No, of course not, why would I be mad?" He looks rather relived, and I tap him on the nose. "Silly."
"I dunno, I just thought maybe you didn't want anyone to know or something."
"No, I'm fine. I mean, if you're gonna tell someone I'd rather you let me know first and vice versa, but I don't mind if people know."
"Yeah, I like you."
He turns pink and looks down at his feet. "..i like you, too.."
"Actually though, I was thinking about seeing how you'd feel about telling Jamie. I mean, we might not be together at all if it wasn't for her."
"Yeah. She told me she thought you liked me and if she hadn't said that I wouldn't have held your hand at the Halloween party."
"Wow, I kind of feel like I should thank her."
"So then I'll tell her?" I make sure.
"Yeah, I'm sure she'll get a kick out of that."
"Hey, so remember that time like a few weeks ago?" I ask. Jamie and I are sitting across from each other at the sewing table. She's hemming the Duloc Dancers' skirts and I'm cutting off the excess fabric.
"Which one?" She asks around a mournful of pins.
"When you said Dan liked me."
"Oh yeah. Good times," she laughs.
"Well he and I are kind of going out now."
"PHIL what the fuck?!" She exclaims, spitting out the pins and stabbing them into the cloth dolls head she uses for a pincushion. "I knew it!! How long has this been going on? Were you guys dating at Halloween? Why didn't—shit shit shit Phil look what you made me do." She holds up the skirt she was working on. "The hems crooked. Now I have to resew it. But ohmygOd spill it what have I missed?"
"Not much," I admit. "He only asked me out last week. But um...we were holding hands at your Halloween party. "
"Oh, I already knew that one. I saw. It was cute."
"And, Jamie?"
"We're kind of keeping it like lowkey for now, not really telling people and stuff, so maybe if you could not say anything?"
"Oh of course! My lips are sealed!" She mimes zipping and locking her lips.
"But we wanted you to know since I wouldn't have held his hand if you hadn't said he liked me, and he wouldn't have asked me out if I hadn't held his hand. So thanks."
"Aww, Phil, I'm touched. I'm just glad my matchmaking skills could come in handy. Yet again, I might add. I've set up half the couples in the drama department. " She looks at the skirt she's sewing. "Listen, rehearsals almost over. Why don't you grab Dan and go out or something? I can finish up here."
"Are you sure?" I ask.
"Yeah, I don't have much left. Go have fun. Oh, and if you see Danny, can you tell him I need a ride home and he should meet me up here? Ta."
"Sure. Thanks, Jamie, see you later!" I call as I leave.
I grab Dan after rehearsal ends and we go for coffee. "So I told Jamie." I say as we sit down.
"Yeah? How'd she take it?" Dan asks, stirring his drink.
"She was really excited. She says were cute together."
"weare" Dan mumbles.
"What was that?" I ask.
"Nothing." He clears his throat. "Can you believe we open in just a few days?"
"'Not really," I answer. "It seems like it should still be months away. "
"Yeah." He nods. "But part of me feels like it can't get here soon enough."
I am sicker than I have been in a very long time my friendos
or at least I was
I'm on a shit ton of antibiotics now
but I had a fever of over 100 for like 4 days it sucked
anyways I wrote a lot during that
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