Chapter 31-Phil's POV
Jamie seems a little stressed out. "Guys, we open in two weeks. Nothing is done yet! How are we going to be ready?"
"Jamie, calm down. The lighting cues are all set up, we have the correct gels on, and mics are all in working condition." Will's voice sounds small and tinny through Jamie's headset.
"Yeah, and the paint is almost dry in the Travel Song set, and all I have to do for props is finish some of the Travel Song puppets!" Saoirse's voice comes in next.
"But Makeup is still having all sorts of issues!" Jamie stresses.
"Actually, " Greta interjects. "I may have found some spirit gum that would probably work on keeping the prosthetics stuck to Shrek and Fiona." Greta's been helping out with makeup, but she and Jamie have been having a hard time getting the leads' noses and ear things to stick on.
"And I haven't even finished the Duloc Dancers' costumes. Or got their wigs!" Jamie says.
"It's okay!" I reassure her. "You've only got two costumes to finish, and the wigs are being shipped to us as we speak. They should be here before we even start full dress rehearsals. "
She sighs. "It'll be fine." I promise. "Everything will be done by tech week."
"Hell week," Jamie murmurs and I privately agree.
"Yeah, he's not showing it, but I think Vanderbilt is freaking out too." Dan tells me as we walk to the bus. "Mostly everything's sorted out, but I think he's quite worried that we won't have all of the dances for Duloc ready by opening night."
"Nah, you guys look good. Besides, no one in the audience will even know. " I pause. "You're a pretty good dancer you know. "
Dan laughs. "I'm sorry, but have you seen me dance? I've run into the same set piece six times in the last week! Look at this!" He lifts his shirt up slightly so I can see a large, dark purple and green mark on his hip.
The bruise looks terrible, but my attention is drawn to the way his hipbone juts out slightly before disappearing into his jeans and the (very) visible waistband of his (Sonic the Hedgehog??) underwear.
"Right? Let me tell you, fake swamp is not a soft material to crash into."
"Anyway," he continues. "I was thinking, we haven't been on a date since we started going out. Or been on a date ever, actually."
"Unless you count awkward coffee and assuming that you were straight." I respond. "But yeah, I'd actually really like to go on a date with you. "
"Cool! I have an English paper due Monday, but I could do that Sunday. So maybe Saturday?"
"Works for me," I say as we board the bus. "Maybe a movie?"
"Yeah, that sounds good! I'll text you the deets."
"Maybe don't say deets."
"The 411. "
"The haps."
"Couldn't you just say, like, plan, or something?"
He pauses. "...planana."
He pronounces it like banana and I crack up. "Alright, fine. Text me the 'planana', and we'll go from there."
I meet Dan at the cinema at 5pm on Saturday. I open the door to the lobby and I'm hit with a blast of cold air. Dan is standing near the snack counter, his back to me. "Hey," I say, tapping him on the shoulder.
"Hi!" He grins, his face lighting up and his dimples making an appearance. "I was just going to get some food. You want anything?"
"Um, I'm still deciding." I say. I know exactly what I want, but I also don't want him to think he has to pay, so I'm just gonna wait a few minutes and buy it for myself.
"Hey, can you grab us some seats? It looks like it might be kinda crowded." I say to Dan.
"Yeah, sure." He answers. "Got any preference as to where we sit?"
"Um, not in the front, but also not in the way back. The middle, I guess?"
"Sounds good, see you in a few."
As soon as he leaves, I order my usual snack; popcorn and sourpatch kids. It sounds weird, but it's actually a super good combo.
I take my food into the theatre and look around for Dan. "Over here!" he calls in a stage whisper.
I sit down right as the coming attractions start. "Want any?" Dan asks me, holding out a box of Maltesers.
"I'm good, thanks. You?" I offer him the box of popcorn, which I've mixed with the sourpatch kids.
"You eat those....together?" He asks incredulously. "Phil, that's kinda weird. I think I need to break up with you. "
"Okay sure, but try it."
"Try it."
"Fine." He takes the offered popcorn and gummy combination and pops it in his mouth.
"Okay, that's actually pretty good. We're back together again."
"Good, now shush, the movies starting. "
Sometime during the beginning of the movie, Dan's hand found its way into mine, where it stayed till the end of the movie. Sometime during the middle of the movie, my head found its way onto Dan's shoulder, where it stayed until I got a crick in my neck. When I moved back into a normal sitting position, my neck cracked so loudly that the old lady behind us shushed me. Dan and I cracked up, and she shushed us again, only louder.
the show I was in is over and done with I'm crying
but now I have even less free time bc I have to work and work a second job as a costumer for like 40 kids welcome to hell welcome to hell its okay I actually lov it
anyway congrats to everyone who's off school now and if you're still in school it's ok u can do it buddy
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