Chapter 22-Phil's POV
"What?!" I'm not sure I heard her right.
"Dan likes you too."
"Did he tell you? How do you even know?"
She smirks. "I've been friends with him for 3 years and my favourite hobbies are reading people and being nosy."
"So then he didn't tell you? And what do you mean 'reading people?"
"He didn't tell me, but he doesn't have to. I can tell. Besides, he wouldn't even tell Chris and Pj, and they're his bestest friends in the whole wide world."
Jamie pauses. "And as for reading people? Depending on who here you ask, I'm psychic, or magic, or I can read minds, or (my personal favourite) I'm a witch of some sort."
"Tell anyone this and I will push you down the stairs of the costume shop, because I have an image to protect, but it's all a parlor trick. I study people's expressions and body language. Most people aren't aware of most of what they do, so when I can accurately pinpoint whatever their emotion is, it seems like I'm reading their mind or something."
She takes a step back and looks me up and down. "You're not sure whether or not to believe me. You don't really think someone can do that, and you're worried I'm pranking you and toying with your emotions by telling you about Dan. You've been hurt before and you don't want a repeat."
I stare at her incredulously. "How do you know all that? And the bit in my past, too?"
She grins. "I crossed my arms and you immediately crossed yours, which shows that you were interested and invested in the conversation. But you had your head cocked and one eyebrow raised and your weight was rocked onto your back leg, which are all classic signs of disbelief. When I told you about Dan, you were excited, but then it was like the light left your eyes and you quickly became guarded, as if you didn't want to believe me or get attached."
My eyes widen. "Oh my god, you're amazing!"
She mocks a bow before sitting on a box of props. "You're gonna have to make the first move, Phil. He's never told me, but I think something happened to him because he was gay and so now he's kind of freaked out about asking boys out."
I sink down next to her. "I can't make the first move. Too many things could go wrong."
"You know, I really doubt that. I'm sure he likes you and I am almost never wrong. And on the tiniest chance that he doesn't feel the same way, he's gay, so it's not like you'll get beat up for asking him out. "
"I guess....."
"You're coming to my Halloween party, right?"
"What?" I ask, startled by the seemingly abrupt subject change. "Um, yeah, I–"
"Good." She smiles. "As I said, I'm nosy and I love sticking my head into other people's business, especially relationships. And Halloween is a magical night, Phil. Anything could happen."
She hoists her pile of costumes onto her shoulder. "Now come on, we gotta get these sorted and fitted by the end of the week. "
We finish sorting the costumes fairly quickly and we agree to get everyone fitted tomorrow, so Jamie lets us go early. I find a good spot in the wings where I can watch the stage and I settle down with my book.
The FairyTale Characters finish their number and Dan comes over.
"Hey," he says. "I think we're gonna run the next scene, but then I'm done. D'you wanna grab some food or something when we're finished?"
"Yeah, sure, if you want." I look at him as if I'm seeing him for the first time. There's no way he could like me....right? I blink, as if I could try to read his mind, but of course it doesn't work.
"Great! I'll come find you when it's over?"
"Kay." My mind starts to freak out at the idea and I turn back to my book before he sees how red I've turned. As soon as he leaves I go find Jamie.
She's standing in the hallway, across from Danny. As I walk closer I can hear them whispering.
"-exactly why I freaked out last year. When I say se-Hi, Phil."
"Hi. I'm not interrupting, am I?"
"No." Jamie answers. "Everything okay?"
"Um..." I don't answer right away and she catches my almost subconscious glance at Danny.
"Oh, he's okay. I already told him I think you and Dan should be together."
He smiles at me. "Don't worry; I won't tell."
Jamie side-eyes him and purses her lips a bit. "Yeah, Danny's great with secrets. When they're not his anyway."
"Jeez. Anyways, what's up, Phil?"
He said with a sigh.
"Um, well, it's not really anything but I'm just kind of freaked out by the idea that Dan could like me. Which he might not."
"Oh, he does." Danny and Jamie said in unison.
"Just take it slow. You have his number, right? Text him. Go get coffee. Go see a movie and hold his hand in the dark theatre where no one can see. Ask him out. Kiss him in the costume shop or something. Boom. Done." Danny moves his foot slightly so that it lines up with Jamie's.
Jamie's gone slightly pink. "Be yourself, as cliche as it sounds. He already likes you for that."
"Thanks, guys. Hey, Dan and I were gonna grab some coffee, d'you wanna come?"
"Nah. We wouldn't wanna thirdwheel you guys." Danny says.
"Plus, we have some unfinished costuming to do." Jamie adds.
"Alright. Thanks for all the advice."
I kind of sneak up behind Dan. "Hey," I say, tapping him on the shoulder.
He startles a bit, but a small smile spreads across his lips. "Hi."
"We still on for coffee?"
"Yeah!" He smiles at me and I smile back. I ask him to hold on a sec so I can grab my bags, then I return to Jamie and Danny.
"You gonna make a move?" Danny asks.
"No. Maybe. Probably not. I'm not sure."
Jamie laughs. "Here, give me your number. I wanna know what happens. I'm nosy and I'm also gonna take credit for setting you up."
I smile, then hand her my phone so she can put in her number. "Okay, I'll see you guys later!"
They both grin, and Jamie winks, and Danny gives me a thumbs up.
Happy Valentine's Day guys! also happy galentines day amirite?
Ah yes Valentine's Day. One of the few days of the year when I actually have a reason to be bitter :')
anyway this is ur guys' valentines present. this chapter where like nothing fucking happens at all. gr8. u guys were going to get this cute romantic valentines worthy chapter but my update schedules fucked up rn so u get this instead enjoy lmao ily
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