Chapter 18-Phil's POV
The week goes by quickly, and pretty soon it's Friday, and time for another drama meeting.
I somehow continued my flirting streak through the last few days, but I haven't seen much of Dan today. He's seemed distracted, ignoring everyone on the bus by keeping his earbuds in, and he even skipped maths!
I catch up to him on the way to art.
"Hey, you okay?" I ask. He looks rather pale.
"Not really." He replies. "Auditions are in less than 5 hours and I still can't hit the last note of Freak Flag!"
"Oh wow, I forgot about auditions."
"Forgot?!" He asks, turning pale and looking absolutely astounded. "But-but
do you have anything prepared?"
"No. But I think I'd rather work backstage anyway." I answer, hoping he's not going to have an aneurism or something.
"Oh that's right. Costumes and makeup , yes?" He calms down some, a bit of the colour returning to his face. "I'll have Jamie come early and you can talk to her; she's usually in charge of that stuff." He pulls out his phone and sends her a quick text just as Miss Harmon calls for class to begin.
We get to the auditorium right at 3 o'clock, 15 minutes before the meeting officially starts.
Jamie is sitting on the edge of the stage with Danny. They're deep in conversation, heads are close together, and they don't notice us until Dan breaks in "Sorry to break up the party, but Phil here needs your costuming expertise, Jamie!"
"Ooh!" she hops off the stage. "Not even the second meeting and I already have an underling? Perfect!"
She walks toward us, digging in her shoulder bag. "Here," she says, handing me a few pages of some...form, it looks like? "Fill these out while we wait for everyone else and then I'll do a whole group thing once I have all of you."
She gets back onstage, grabbing her backpack and waterbottle before disappearing behind the heavy stage curtains.
Danny winks at us before following her, and I glance at Dan, unsure what to make of...well...any of this.
"Don't worry." Dan reassured me. "She's always like this. The forms help her keep organised or else she'd forget half of her group even exist and yell at them for trespassing in 'her domain'. Which is mainly the costume shop and the makeup table."
"Oh wow. Um. Okay." I begin filling out the form, which is mainly just a standard 'name, contact info, etc.' kind of thing. Before long, the rest of the kids start filing through the doors and Mr. Vanderbilt calls the meeting to order.
Everyone's separated into two groups; those who are auditioning, and those who are working backstage. Dan and I are on opposite sides of the room, and he gives me a quick wave before my group leaves into the wings.
"Hi guys! If you don't remember, I'm Jamie, and I am head of the tech crew." Jamie says, standing in front of us. She motions to two people in the front, and they get up next to her.
"This is Will," she says. "They are in charge of the real tech-y stuff, like lighting and sound. Those of you who want to do that can follow them and get a bit of a tour around." She motions towards the tech booth near the back of the theatre.
"This is Saoirse," she says, motioning towards a short girl with curly brown hair. "She takes charge of sets and backdrops, so you can go with her if you're interested in that."
Another section of kids break off and join Saoirse, who leads them off somewhere into the left wing. Watching them leave, I realise that Saoirse reminds me of Sarah from our old art classes.
"Alright! If you are still here this means you are helping with costumes and makeup! This is Jessika, who heads up costumes and sewing when I can't, and this is Greta, who's in charge of makeup when I can't do that either." Jamie motions to two girls standing next to her, a chubby, very pretty girl with dark hair and a tall, grinning girl who's hair's a mess of dark brown, pink, and purple.
Jamie claps her hands together before reaching into her shoulder bag and producing more forms. "Please fill these out now and hand them back to me."
When all the papers are returned she surveys the group. "How many of you can sew well? Or know someone who can sew well and is willing to help us?"
Maybe a quarter of the kids raise their hands.
"Great. Are any of you colourblind?"
No one raises their hand this time.
"Even better. Let's get started, my children; to the Costume Shop!" With this closing remark, she points to a side door and motions for us to follow her through.
Happy belated phanniversary guys!!! And also happy Halloween (or belated Halloween if I post this later)!!! Tell me about your costumes I wanna hear everything 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃
also: my theatres show just finished opening weekend I am dying
also also: go listen to hello by adele. by the time I post this it will have been out for a while probably but right now it's new and it's so good and it makes me cry
and emperors new clothes by p!atd I love it
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