chapter 2
Marks POV.
I've been walking for days I feel and I finally come up to another house but I just walk passed it cause it was scary and gave me chills, as I walk passed it I feel someone looking at me I turn around and I see a strange looking man standing there staring at me then slowly walking towards me I start to walk fast and after a while I stop, when I turn around the man is gone so I turn back about to continue to run but the man is in front of me I freak out and fall to the floor when I hit the ground I feel a sharp pain run through my body and after that I pass out and don't remember anything.
After a few hours I wake up in a dimly lit room I try moving but I can't I look down and see straps on my wrists I try pulling them off but I can't get them off so I decide to call out to see if anyone was there that could hear me and maybe even help me get free.
"Hello anyone out there, if there is can you help me"
I hear snickering then a deep raspy voice
"No one can help you"the man says with a deep voice
After that the lights are turned on and I'm blinded by the light after my eyes adjust to it I start to get nervous because the man looks scary I studder.
"Why am I here c-can you please let me go"
"I can't let you go because you're the son of my arch nemesis and I want to see the fucker suffer in pain for everything he's done"
"Then what do I have to do with your issues with my father"
"Because your father owes me something and what's more fun than taking away something he loves the most then his only son"
I laugh at that and the man gives me a confused look
"My father doesn't give a damn about me you could kill me and he wouldn't care he would just sit back and laugh then give you a high five"
The man looks even more confused now
"And why doesn't he care about you"
"He says I'm a piece of shit and a waste of space and I'll never make it in this world and the only thing I'm good for is a good fuck"
Then man grins
"Huh now that doesn't seem so worthless to me sounds like a good reason to be alive"
The man walks closer to me with a knife and holds it up to my neck
"You hurt me you'll be no better than him"
The man laughs
"Oh but I am better than him and I will always be better"
With that the man rips my shirt off and pants and starts slicing my chest and legs with the knife I clench my teeth due to the pain the man stops and throws the knife to the ground and it slides to the door after cutting the tape and zip ties he pulls my boxers off and un buckles his pants without a warning he shoves himself inside me I wince in pain and groan I hold back all the tears and moans he goes faster pounding into me harder hitting my prostate
"come on let those sweet noises out for me"
I can't hold back anymore and I let out low moans and little cries of pain which makes him pound into me even harder than before
"Good boy, if you keep making those kind of noises I won't make it hurt so much , i'll make it feel better"
I let out moans and I can feel myself get close to my climax
"I'm g.... gonna c... cum"
He goes faster and I can't hold it anymore and I explode and I can feel him cum inside me and we both let out moans
"Huh I guess your father was right you are a great fuck"
I stay quiet and he pulls out and pushes me to the ground and kicks me I groan and block my stomach after what felt like forever he finally leaves closing the door behind him and locking it.
I grab the knife that he through and Start cutting my arms leaving deep cuts after I'm done I watch the blood run down my arms and I pass out from blood lose.
the next day the man comes in while I'm sitting on the ground and kicks me I grab the knife and stab him with it but it only makes him more mad he takes it an throws it across the room to the door and it slides under neath it he starts kicking and punching me even more after a few hours he walk out leaving me covered in my own blood I stay there crying until I fell asleep.
(The next day)
I wake up hearing ppl fighting then I hear gunshots I start freaking out and start having a panic attack I find my boxers that the man had pulled off me and put them on they were the only piece of clothing still intact I curl into a ball when I hear more gun fire go off then the door opens and I see a man I've never seen before he walks closer to me and I back up he stops and starts talking
"I'm not gonna hurt, I don't know what Robert did to you but I promise I won't hurt you and you have a right to not believe me but I'm here to help you"
I nod my head and go to get up but pain shoots through my body probably from what happened last night the man extends his hand and with a shaky hand I grab it once I'm up he gives me a concerned look I look away but the second I do he grabs my face gently
"What did he do to you "
"N... nothing I.... I'm fine "
"You're not fine, please tell me what he did"
He sounds kinda stern but I don't say anything not wanting to tell him what happened after not saying something for a long time he finally talks.
"It's ok you won't have to worry about him anymore"
I can only nod but why was this man being so nice to me no one is this nice to me ever and he doesn't even know me
"My names Frank, what's yours"
"M... Mark"I manage to stutter out
" Ok...well let's go I'll protect you I promise "
I nod and start walking with him
"W..... Why are you h.... helping me you don't even know me"
"I saved you bc I know what Robert would've done to you if no one saved you"
"How come police didn't come and save me" I questioned
"Bc I am a cop I've been looking for Robert and now that i found him he'll be in prison for the rest of his life and he's gonna suffer just like he made everyone else suffer. And also I..... thought maybe I could find someone"
I look at him shocked why would he want me a useless being that's a waste of space
"You're not useless and you're not a waste of space"
Did he read my mind
"No you're saying it out loud"
I look away embarrassed
"Oh sorry"
"You should take a nap you look pretty tired and beat up ill wake you up when we get to the house"
I nod my head and cover my arm so he can't see it and fall asleep
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