Chapter 5: First fight
3rd Persons P.O.V
Bethany ran down the many corridors of 'her' base, her feet taking her towards the North side. One her way there she was met by Steve and Tony, both of them moving at high speeds in order to stop the flow of Agents streaming into the base. One last corner and the trio were meet with twenty HYDRA Agents.
Instantly all hell broke loose; gun fire, repulser beams and shields all flew back and forth, trying to catch the opposite side out. While the Captain and Mr Stark fought off the first line of HYDRA Agents Bethany made her way slowly and quietly made her way behind them all.
Once there the brunette reached forward and pulled one male away from the group, slamming him into the wall as she did so. Before he could recover she took his left arm and snapped it, causing him to let go of the gun and howl in pain. With a roll of her eyes Angel pulled her gun from her holster and pulled the trigger.
The man fell to the floor with a single bullet wound in his temple, but that didn't faze the young woman. Instead, Bethany grabbed another Agent and yanked them away from the group, tripping them up in the process, kicking the gun from their hands and down the corridor.
The female Agent tried to get back into her feet once more, only to be kicked harshly in the ribs by Angel. The HYDRA Agent gasped a few times for air but didn't recover quick enough to avoid another kick to her rib cage and then a final blow to the head that knocked her out completely.
After watching the Agent collapse completely Bethany pulled out both of her guns and began shoot Agents from behind, each time hitting the backs of their heads. A few minuets later all twenty HYDRA Agents either lay dead or unconscious at the feet of the three team members.
Stepping over all the bodies Bethany made her way over to the two males with a straight, emotionless face. Steve sighed in relief at the sight of the brunette still alive and well while a tiny flipped up his mask and grinned. "That went well." He chuckled lightly.
Meanwhile Deanna stood face to face with the two Agents trying to get to her office, her bow held high in front of her. The pair of HYDRA Agents also held up their weapons, neither of them fazed by the small blonde in front of them. "Who might you be?" One of them asked with a smirk crossing his features.
"Yeah little girl, who might you be?" The second copied, causing Deanna to hold back an eye roll and keep a straight face. Without a word the blonde released the arrow and struck the left males shoulder, causing him to cry out in agony and drop his weapon to the floor.
The male on the right prepared to shoot but was too slow compared to the small female before him. Deanna kicked her leg out, effectively sending the gun flying from his hand and smashing up against the wall. The weaponless male stared wide eyed at the girl, fear enclosing around his body.
With a tut Deanna spun on her left foot and send another kick towards the man. However, he managed to catch her foot in mid air and twist in painfully. Concealing her pain Deanna jumped completely off the floor and spun in the opposite direction to the way her leg was being twisted.
The force of the blondes spin caused the man to let go once more, dropping Deanna to the floor. Quickly Deanna jumped back to her feet and jumped up, grabbing the rafters just above her and swing towards the man. As she let go the small blonde landed on the males shoulder, her legs wrapped around his neck.
Without even a hint of remorse or emotion Deanna threw herself backwards, dragging the man down with her. As they fell Deanna head a crack from his neck, his breathing stopped almost instantly. Scrambling up form the floor Deanna pulled out an arrow from her quiver and notched it to her bow.
The man she had hit before still stood leaning up against the wall not to far form her, his bleeding shoulder clutched tightly by his right hand. Deanna released the arrow and struck the mans chest, causing him to collapse lifelessly to the floor, both wounds now bleeding.
"Unit one and two, status report!" Bethany's voice asked through the ear pieces after the noise of battle went quiet.
"All HYDRA Agents dead and all our Agents alive and well ma'am!" Agent Cole replied.
"Unit three and four!" Angel asked.
"All enemies Agents dead, all our Agents alive and well!" Agent Samson replied.
"Unit five, Black Widow, Thor. Status report." The brunette questioned.
"We've had the same results as everyone else Angel." Natasha replied. "Hawkeye, what about you?"
"I'm good." The older archer answered. "Mockingbird?"
"Two down, they were trying to get to our office." Deanna replied. "But I'm okay. What about you Angel, Captain, Ironman?"
"All down, all alive." Steve answered.
"J.A.R.V.I.S?" Tony questioned his none bodied butler. "How's everything looking?" The British voice didn't reply. "J.A.R.V.I.S?" Deanna made her way to the office, listening as the billionaire tried to get hold of his AI. Once in there the young woman gasped.
"Shit! Guys someone got into the office and ransacked it all, they've disconnected all the wires connecting J.A.R.V.I.S. to the building." Deanna quickly relayed.
"Okay stay there and make sure no one comes back." Bethany ordered. "I want all Agents on the clean up operation. Thor stay near the South side door, Ironman I want to stay at the North side door. Hawkeye, make your way to the West side door and Black Widow you have the East side door, no one gets in or out. Captain, Dr Banner and Miss Donald to the office."
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