Chapter 46: The final battle (Part 2)
Bethany dived towards the ground, avoiding the many attempts from the frost giants to knock her from the sky. Clint had been forced to climb the building across from the family that's had caused the chaos, shooting arrows at the enemies ice covered skin. Everyone else stayed stationed at their original station, trying to take down the giants.
Suddenly something dived from the sky, grabbed Bethany's arm and yanked her upwards, away from an ice spear that had been thrown her way. "Need to watch your back too Angel." A voice giggled. The brunette turned in the air and smiled at her blonde friend.
"Where did you go?"
"To get these!" Deanna's replied, throwing Beth one of the guns she had attached to her leg, along with its holster. Bethany clipped the holster on and raised an eyebrow in question when she pulled out the gun. "Spits fire and should melt the first giants." Deanna shrugged as she took her own gun.
With nods the two girls zipped towards the remaining frost giants, fire pistols in hand. "Let's see if they work!" Deanna called, aiming her own and pulling the trigger. Instantly a ball of fire shot from the end. Beth raised an eyebrow and help down the trigger of her gun, only to have a stream of fire shoot from the end.
"Let's take them out!" Bethany yelled, her wings flapping fast as she made her way towards a group of four giants. Deanna laughed, back flipped and followed her brunette friend. However as she dived towards the group she spotted a young figure just away from the fight, the figure was male.
Deanna landed just beside Bucky, what had discarded the flame thrower backpack, for it had ran out of fuel. "What's wrong?" The male asked, looking towards the blonde near him. Deanna didn't answer, she simply took a step towards the figure. All the frost giants had been taken care of, bits of ice scattered down the street.
"There's a kid!" Deanna sudden to yelled as she began running towards the child. However, Bucky grabbed her waist and pulled her back just as an ice spear went hurdling towards the child. Everyone gasped while Deanna and Bethany screamed for the young human, neither being aloud to save him.
Suddenly, Adrienne jumped in front of the child and took the impact of the spear. The length of ice imbedded itself into the young woman's chest, right into her heart. Bethany buried her head in Steve's chest, Deanna sobbed in Bucky's arms while the others all watched in horror at the scene unfolding before them.
"Adrienne!" Loki yelled, running towards his partner and child. The girls knees buckled under her and her breathing became laboured. "No, no, no." Loki murmured, pulling Adrienne onto his lap as she slowly began to fade away. Narfí also knelt down beside his mother, unsure of what to do.
"This wasn't meant to happen." Beth said as she watched her once friend die in the arms of a God. "We've already lost Jamelah, no one was supposed to die."
"Stay with me, please stay with me." Loki begged as Adrienne's breathing became almost non existent.
"Mother?" Narfí asked quietly. Looking away from his parents the young God watched as the frost giants portals began to close, non leaving and non going back. Without warning Narfí jumped to his feet and began running towards the closest portal, his legs carrying him towards it quickly.
"Narfí!" Loki yelled after his son.
"No!" Deanna exclaimed, pulling away from Bucky and running after the boy, trying to stop him from getting through the portal. Bethany also ran after the pair but for a different reason. The brunette caught up to her blonde friend and grabbed her wrist, stopping her from going any further.
"Leave him." Beth whispered as Deanna broke down, screaming after the innocent young boy. "He's nothing to do with us, I know he's only a child but we aren't responsible for him." Deanna collapsed to her knees and watched as Narfí disappeared just as the portal closed completely with a small flash of light.
As the light flashed Adrienne took her final breath, leaving Loki completely bewildered. In the space of two minuets he had lost his wife and his son, leaving him pretty much alone in the world. With a sigh Thor walked towards his brother, closely followed by Tony and Clint, non of them saying a word.
The archer and billionaire picked up the body of the young woman while Thor helped his brother to his feet. "We're all sorry." Thor whispered as he took Loki back to the jet that was waiting a few streets away. Everyone but Bethany, Deanna, Steve and Bucky followed after the two brothers.
The blonde Super Soldier grabbed Bethany by the arm and gently tugged her away, snapping her out of her trance at the same time. The taller female took a glance towards her friend who was still sitting still in the road, her body shaking as she sobbed over what she had just witnessed.
While Steve took Bethany back to the jet James simply sat next to Deanna and let her cry. He knew she would want to be alone while she mulled over what had happened but that was something he just couldn't do. The pair sat there for ten minuets, neither of them moving or speaking.
"We should get back to the jet." James finally spoke up, fifteen minutes after Deanna had broken down.
"I-I don't know." Deanna whispered. "I can't face Fury after what just happened."
"Then don't." Natasha voice joined in. The red head took a seat the other of Deanna, her gaze cast along the destroyed street. "We'll make a stop at the tower. Beth doesn't want to talk to the Director either, so we'll leave you at the tower. Tony's idea. J.A.R.V.I.S will keep an eye on you."
"We don't need watching." Deanna replied as James pulled her to her feet.
"The state of mind you're both in? Someone will need to keep an eye on you to make sure you don't do anything stupid." Natasha replied. "Don't worry, we'll make sure Fury knows the whole situation, including why you and Beth aren't there."
"Thank you"
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