Chapter 44: The enemy returns
Deanna's P.O.V
The next morning everyone was up early and good thing too. When the our suits and weapons arrived Fury repeated his words from yesterday, threatening that if we weren't ready we wouldn't be going. His words circled my head as I pulled my hair into a ponytail.
My suit was already on and my mask still in the living room with everyone else. The combat boots I owned were tied up tight as I made my way back to the living room where everyone else was. They were preparing their weapons while Cap and Beth spoke strategy.
Walking over to Clint I caught the quiver he threw at me before beginning to load it with arrows. As I did so someone came to stand next to me, causing my head to snap up. James stood watching me work, my hands automatically slotting arrows into their casing.
Before I could ask what he wanted the brunette male began to speak. "Why do you hate me?" The sudden and abrupt question caused the few arrows I was holding to fall from my hand and clatter to the floor. Placing my hands on the table and leaning forward slightly I sighed.
"I don't hate you." I replied, shuffling my feet slightly.
"Well you act like you do." He huffed.
"No, me and you just don't see eye to eye, like Steve and I don't." I argued back, standing up straighter to face him. "Not only that but you don't understand my sense of humour or the 21st century." James glared at me for a moment before relaxing and picking up my dropped arrows.
"So we cool?" He asked, handing me the small sharp spheres.
"We're cool." I agreed. "I guess I should apologise now about my behaviour to you."
"No don't bother." James shook his head. "We didn't see eye to eye on the matters." Rolling my eyes I continued with what I was doing while the brunette began to walk away from me, a small smirk on his face.
"Hey James!" I called, standing up. As he turned around I yelled "Catch!" Before throwing one of my broken arrow heads towards him. Instantly his metal arm flew up and caught the tip before it hit his eye. Grinning I saluted and turned back to my bow. "Nice catch Soldier."
Four hours later we were back in England and ready to finish what was started three years ago. As we stepped off the jet we looked up and down the empty street. "So how do we get their attention?" Tony asked, referring to Adrienne and Loki.
"Our presence alone should be enough." I murmured. "They knew where we were last night so they know where we are now surely."
"Just be careful." Steve said, whipping his head from side to side as laughter began to echo down the streets.
"Who you telling to be careful Captain?" A female voice asked. Steve didn't reply as Loki and Adrienne appeared just down the street from us, hovering in the sky just off the ground. Narrowing my eyes I drew my bow and notched an arrow, ready to end it all now.
However before any of us could take a shot the pair raised their hands, muttering something under their breaths. Seconds later several lights appeared dotted up and down the street, before turning into portals. As we waited the ground began to shake, almost like heavy foot steps were hitting the concert under us.
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